HU188-H2 Film Appreciation - Mohawk Valley Community College

Mohawk Valley Community College
Utica/Rome, New York
Course Outline
HU188 Film Appreciation
C-2, P-2, Cr-3
Course Description:
This course examines the development of film as a medium of artistic expression. Topics
include cinematic vocabulary, camera techniques, editing, sound, auteur theory, and
personalities. Feature films are analyzed during the laboratory component.
Student Learning Outcomes:
Upon the successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
 Recognize film as a medium of artistic expression.
 Identify major cinematic elements (plot, genre, camera technique, editing, design,
sound, acting, and motifs)
 Analyze the role of major cinematic elements in a movie’s impact.
 Access the nature of film’s impact on popular culture.
 Categorize a film historically and culturally
 Apply the basic tenets of film criticism.
Major Topics:
 Cinematic vocabulary
 Camera techniques
 Editing
 Sound
 Auteur theory
 Personalities
May 2013