Ai sigg - Fondazione Giorgio Cini

Ugo e Olga Levi
Venice, 27-28 June 2014
International Conference
Towards a Network of European Archives
of Twentieth-Century Music
Musicians’ Correspondence and Interaction between Archives
The Cini Foundation and the Levi Foundation are jointly holding a major
international conference on twentieth-century music archives. The
speakers represent fifteen institutions from ten different countries
On 27 and 28 June 2014, the heads of fifteen major European archives and libraries
housing twentieth-century collections and publishers of recent correspondences – from a total
of ten different countries – will gather in Venice to survey archive and publishing methods
concerning musicians’ correspondences as well as to envisage joint projects. Entitled Towards a
Network of European Archives of Twentieth-Century Music. Musicians’ Correspondence and Interaction
between Archives, the conference has been organised by the Giorgio Cini Foundation Institute
for Music and the Ugo and Olga Levi Foundation for Music Studies, in collaboration with
the Luigi Nono Archive Foundation, the Department of History, the Cultural Heritage and
Local Region at the University of Cagliari and the University of Calgary (Canada).
“Twentieth-century art music has received a considerable impetus from the consolidation of the
historically-informed approach to music texts and the greater public access to documentation
produced by twentieth-century composers." – explains event scientific coordinator – "The idea
of bringing together European archives of twentieth-century music to create a network for part
of our work has arisen and taken hold, as happened in the recent past, from increasingly
frequent and urgent convictions and issues in the archive, library-economics and museum
sector. In handling the music documentary heritage of the twentieth and twenty-first century,
the consolidated and most advanced practices share the same scientific principles and general
objectives, thanks to the diffusion of archive, library-economics and scientific models; this has
been possible and takes place even regardless of synergy between conservation organisations.”
The conference will kick off at 9 am on 27 June in the Gianni Milner Library of the Ugo
and Olga Levi Foundation, when the session entitled “Preserving, Describing, Making
Accessible and Promoting Composers’ Correspondences” will explore the state of the art.
The morning session at the Giorgio Cini Foundation on 28 June (9.30 am) – “Publishing
Composers’ Letters” – will consist of three case studies illustrating the relationship between
research and accessibility in sources for publishers of correspondences. In the afternoon,
Fondazione Ugo e Olga Levi | San Marco 2893 | 30124 Venezia | tel. +39 041 786777 | fax +39 041 786751 | |
Fondazione Giorgio Cini | Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore | 30124 Venezia | tel. +39 041 2710220 | fax +39 041 2710220 | |
Ugo e Olga Levi
discussion will shed light on the present and future of the interaction between archives.
Participants will thus consider how to meet the needs of increasingly less compartmentalised
research and how to spread to the enlarged Europe good practices for the safeguard and use of
music documentation produced from the late nineteenth century on; priorities and joint
prospects will also be highlighted.
Twenty papers will be given by representatives of fifteen institutions from ten different
countries, including:
Austria (Vienna): Arnold Schönberg Center; Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst
Canada: University of Calgary
Croatia: Muzička Akademija, Zagreb
France: Bibliothèque nationale de France (Département de la Musique) and CNRS, Paris
Germany: Akademie der Künste, Berlin; Internationales Musikinstitut, Darmstadt; Staatliche
Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst, Stuttgart
Hungary: Bartok Archives of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest
Italy: Fondazione Isabella Scelsi, Rome; Archivio Storico Ricordi, Milan
Poland: University of Warsaw Library
Switzerland: Paul Sacher Stiftung, Basle
United Kingdom: British Library, London
The official conference language is English.
Coordinator: Paolo Dal Molin (University of Cagliari)
For further information: Fondazione Giorgio Cini. Istituto per la Musica. +39 041 27 10 220,,
Fondazione Ugo e Olga Levi per gli studi musicali. +39 041 786777,,
Press Information
Elena Casadoro
m 334 8602488
Francesca Fungher
m 349 3411211
Fondazione Ugo e Olga Levi | San Marco 2893 | 30124 Venezia | tel. +39 041 786777 | fax +39 041 786751 | |
Fondazione Giorgio Cini | Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore | 30124 Venezia | tel. +39 041 2710220 | fax +39 041 2710220 | |