PR-Scholarships-2015 - Fondazione Giorgio Cini

Venice, Island of San Giorgio Maggiore
26 November 2014
The Fondazione Cini to award 24
scholarships totalling over 100,000 euros for
research and advanced education
The calls for applications are now online ( and the first deadlines are
the end of January 2015. Two new scholarships have been set up: one for research
at the Glass Study Centre and another, named after Olivo Andreazza, for the
offspring of Italian emigrants
For the year 2015, the Fondazione Giorgio Cini has announced 6 calls for
scholarship applications, including two new ones, for a total of 24
scholarships. Intended for Italian and foreign scholars, researchers and artists,
the scholarships amount to a total of over 100,000 euros and are earmarked for
research activity and advance education in disciplines that are closely connected to
the Fondazione Cini’s main activities over the past sixty years: art, music, Italian
culture, literature and drama. The complete announcements for applications with
the respective deadlines (most of the applications must be in by 31 January 2015)
can be consulted on the foundation’s website:
There are two new scholarships for 2015. As part of the Stanze del Vetro (“Rooms
for Glass”) project and thanks to the contribution of Pentagram Stiftung, a
residential scholarship worth 12,500 euros has been set up to be used in studying
glassmaking in Venice in the 20th century. It is intended for PhD or postdoctorate Italian and foreign scholars who wish to spend six months doing
research at the Glass Study Centre in the Institute of Art History from April to
December 2015. Deadline: 31 January 2015. The second new scholarship is the
Olivo and Vilma Andreazza Scholarship for children and grandchildren of
Italian emigrants. With this six-month residential scholarship worth 12,500
euros, the Fondazione Cini wishes to offer the opportunity to second- and thirdgeneration Italians, i.e. children or grandchildren of Italians who emigrated for
work purposes, to come to Italy and spend a period of time doing research at the
Vittore Branca International Center for the Study of Italian Culture. The
scholarship is named after Olivo Andreazza, an Italian emigrant who left a
donation to the Fondazione Cini in his will because of his admiration for the
institution as a centre of knowledge and culture. Deadline: 31 January 2015.
As well as these two new scholarships, there are annual calls for applications for
scholarships that have been awarded now for several years:
9 residential scholarships for interdisciplinary projects at the Vittore
Branca Center
With the invaluable support of the Mistral Foundation, the Fondazione Giorgio
Cini offers scholarships lasting three to six month months to Italian and foreign
scholars interested in studying Italian culture – especially the culture of the
Veneto – in an interdisciplinary approach in one of the following fields: art
history, literature, music, drama, antique books, history of Venice and
comparative civilisations and spiritualities. Deadline: 31 January 2015.
3 scholarships for projects concerning the Benno Geiger Archive and other
literary archives in the Fondazione Giorgio Cini
As part of the initiatives associated with the Benno Geiger Poetry Translation Prize, the
Foundation awards three one-month residential scholarships for projects on the
Benno Geiger Archive and other literary archives kept in the Cini libraries.
Deadline: 30 June 2015.
6 scholarships for the Bîrûn Ottoman Music Workshops
From 13 to 18 April 2015 the fourth edition of Bîrûn will be held. This series of
advanced workshops on Ottoman classical music, directed by Kudsi Erguner, is
addressed to professional or semi-professional musicians. The Fondazione Cini is
offering six scholarships for: male voice, ney (flute), ‘ûd (short-necked lute), tanbûr
(long-necked lute), kanûn (plucked box zither), kemençe (bowed box-shaped lute)
or yayli tanbûr (bowed long-necked lute) and percussions – def or bender (frame
drums), zarb (goblet drum) and kudûm (drums). Deadline: 15 January 2015.
Scholarships for the Egida Sartori and Laura Alvini Early Music Seminars
The Fondazione Cini is offering scholarships to take part in the forthcoming early
music seminar devoted to the secular works of Matteo da Perugia (fl. 1400-1425)
and directed by Pedro Memelsdorff. The scholarships are for professional or
semi-professional ensembles specialised in the late mediaeval repertoire. One or
two scholarships will be available for vocal-instrumental trios. Deadline: 1
February 2015.
2 Patricia H. Labalme Grants
The Fondazione Giorgio Cini and the Renaissance Society of America (RSA) have
set up two grants worth 3,000 US dollars, named after Patricia H. Labalme, for
young American scholars interested in spending a month at the Vittore Branca
Center pursuing Renaissance studies. Deadline: 1 December 2014.
Press information:
Elena Casadoro
Fondazione Giorgio Cini
tel. 041 2710280