Interchange Conference Transcript e:\DIWE5NET\CLASSES\KWong03\CHAT\Coffee [Message #1 06:13:36 PM, Monday, October 27, 2003] Karen Wong: Prompt: What is the issue, and where do you stand on this issue and why? Prepare to defend your opinion! [Message #2 09:34:23 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] ANTIGONE3 : I BELIEVE BOTH MY BROTHERS SHOULD BE BURIED AND HAVE A HONORABLE BURIALS. THEY ARE DEAD AND BOTH THEIR SOULS SHOULD REST IN PEACE. CREON BURIED MY BROTHER ETEOCLES WITH HONORS, BUT REFUSES TO BURY MY OTHER BROTHER POLYNEICES. NOT ONLY DOES HE NOT WANT TO BURY HIM, BUT HE IS LEAVING HIM OUT IN THE OPEN FOR THE BIRDS TO EAT HIS FLESH. HE BELIEVES HE BETREAYED THE KINGDOM AND HE SHOLD BE PUNISHED EVEN AFTER DEATH. I DONT AGREE WITH BUT I STAND ALONE IN THIS ISSUE, IVE TOLD MY SISTER ABOUT MY PLAN TO DO SOMETHING TO SIMBOLIZE MY BROTHERS DEATH. BUT SHE DOESNT AGREE WITH MY OPINION, SHE BELIEVES WE SHOULD FOLLOW CREON'S AUTHORITY BECAUSE HIS IS OUR KING. BUT I MUST DO SOMETHING ABOUT MY BROTHER EVEN IF I HAVE TO BREAK CREON'S LAW. I COULD NEVER LIVE WITH MYSELF IF I LEFT MY OWN BROTHER BODY OUT IN THE OPEN LIKE THAT. I DONT CARE IF I DIE I MUST TRY TO BURY MY BROTHER. IN MY EYES MY BROTHER'S HONOR AND THE LOVE THAT I HAVE FOR HIM IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN CREON'S LAW. [Message #3 09:34:41 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Maliana: The issue is conformity to the laws of the land or follow one's own heart. Antigone followed her own heart even though it would mean death if she was caught. On the other hand, Creon is trying to maintain his status as king by setting the example of what will happen to those that go against his laws. He had to uphold the law that has been set by those before him. Antigone is able to live with herself and is at peace with the punishment of death. Ismene is awaken to the integrity of Antigone's action and joins her. I am with Antigone and her sister. I agree with their stand and their logic. She didn't believe that the laws set up by Creon was of God. She saw the falicity of it. [Message #4 09:34:45 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Creon2 : How someone can be so disobedient to the orders of the one in charge. She who thinks she can do anything she pleases will be found and punished for her actions. She knew Polyneices was a traitor to our society. He killed Eteocles, who fought for his country. Eteocles is the one to have full honor! Antigone has gone against my orders that Polyneices should be left alone to rot. He deserves his fate, for he did an unjustifiable action against his native land. Ismene now pleads guilty of disobeying my orders as Antigone did. They have lost their minds! [Message #5 09:35:42 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Ismene : When my sister told me that she was going to see that our brother had a proper burial, i taught that she was crazy. I knew that this was going to be a bad idea because of the circumstances that involve going against Creon's orders. At first i though that there could be another way out but i figured that Antigone was just going to do what she thought was right. At this point after talking to Antigone, I am torn between helping her give my brother a honorary burial or just letting her do it all by herself. If I helped her out in burying our brother, i know i would put myself in an uneasy situation with Creon and possibly risk death. However if i don't help Antigone out, i will forever live with this guilt in my life and never let it go. This decision is not only important to make soon, but it just that i have do the right thing for myself and my family. [Message #6 09:40:26 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] antigone 2: Being Antigone, It's hard to know that my brothers are dead. I have to be strong and brave in order to bury my brother Polyneices even when the king said not to do it. I loved my brothers so both deserve to be buried. I tried to burry Polyneices without witnesses but it was impossible. Sentry caught me and I know that my sister will be also in trouble, but she will escape because she doesn't have to do anything with this. I am the one who had the idea and I am the one who buried him. The punishment will be only for me, but I don't care because I want my brother to be buried. If I die, I want it to be for this reason. There is no such law for God and I believe that my brother, being a human being, doesn't matter what action he took, he deserves to be buried. King won't understand this because he is man with no feelings. [Message #7 09:40:48 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] ANTIGONE3 : IF CREON WAS IN THE SAME SITUATION AS ANTIGONE, AND WAS BRAVE ENOUGH TO FOLLOW HIS HEART, HE WOULD DO THE SAME THING. HE IS A LEADER AND BELIEVES HE HAS THE NEED TO PUT AN EXAMPLE TO HIS PEOPLE, BECAUSE HE THINKS HE THAT IS THE WAY TO MANTAIN ORDER. HIS NEED FOR AUTHORITY MAKE HIM OBLIVIOUS TO PEOPLE'S FEELINGS [Message #8 09:42:02 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Creon 1: How dare they defy me. I will give them the maximum punishment. I have to carry this punishment through to teach everyone in this land a lesson if they go against my orders. [Message #9 09:42:14 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Antigone (1): The issue is about Polyneices death and Creon won't let Antigone to bury her brother. I defy King Creon to bury my beloved brother and for that I shall be punish. My brother died of honor in the war and he shall be buried with military honor burial. Because I won't listen to King Creon and I shall die for burying my brother. He provided burial for my other brother Eteocles, why won't he honor my brother, Polyneices. King Creon is not GOD, he doesn't have the right to judge who should and shouldn't be buried with honor. Polyneices is my brother and I will honor his death by burying him even at cost of my own life. I did not ask Ismene to join me and she is not innocent in this matter. I think this is not fair if I have one brother to be buried and another is to be left in the field, it has to be equal decision that they both are supposed to be buried with honor. [Message #10 09:42:29 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] antigone 2: I can't believe i am in trouble just because I buried my brother!!!!! [Message #11 09:42:34 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Ismene : we can defy you any time we want! [Message #12 Ismene : 09:43:20 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] you are a WEAK ruler and a hypocrite. [Message #13 09:43:20 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Creon 1: Well you will suffer my wrath then. I will have you killed. [Message #14 Ismene : NO YOU WONT. 09:44:02 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] [Message #15 09:44:11 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] ANTIGONE3 : BEFORE YOUR LAWS CREON, THERE ARE ALSO LAWS OF GOD. GOD WOULD NEVER ALLOW THIS. I MUST FOLLOW MY HEART, YOU ARE UNSENSITIVE AND HAVE NO FEELING. [Message #16 09:44:13 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] antigone 2: I am the one who buried my brother my sister doesn't have to do anything with this [Message #17 09:44:23 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Creon 1: Ismene, you will suffer a slow agonizing death for what you just said. [Message #18 09:44:33 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Ismene : I AM WITH YOU ANTIGONE. [Message #19 09:44:42 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Creon2 : I am the ruler that keeps everything loyal. You must be punished and removed from society to keep the loyalty strong. [Message #20 09:45:01 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Ismene : YOU CANT DO ANYTHING TO US YOU COWARD. [Message #21 Ismene : YEA NOW WHAT? 09:45:30 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] [Message #22 09:45:33 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] ANTIGONE3 : LOYAL?, DO YOU THINK I WOULD BE LOYAL IF I LEFT MY BROTHER TO THE BIRDS! [Message #23 09:45:43 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Creon2 : Only you would think that! Watch me! [Message #24 09:46:12 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Creon 1: If I was a coward I would not be carrying through your punishment. the guillotine on you. [Message #25 09:46:25 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Ismene : THIS I KNOW FOR A FACT. I DONT SEE YOU DOING ANYTHING. I will use [Message #26 09:46:48 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Ismene : GO AHEAD. FEEL PRIDE IN MURDERING TWO INNOCENT WOMEN. [Message #27 09:47:42 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] antigone 2: Why do you think that death will be the only way that you can get rid of us...don't you think that there will be other people who will do the same thing and betray you and there will be a moment where you will be alone and absolutely nobody will follow you SILLY RULES because God is first than anything!!!!!!!!!!! [Message #28 09:47:52 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Creon2 : Your type bring corruption and madness. You must be silenced. [Message #29 09:47:57 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Antigone (1): YEA....GO AHEAD...KILL US NOW.. [Message #30 Ismene : THATS RIGHT. 09:48:00 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] [Message #31 09:48:18 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Ismene : HE CANT CUZ HE IS A WUSS!CHICKEN CHICKEN CHICKEN!!! [Message #33 09:48:45 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] antigone 2: he is not strong enough [Message #34 09:48:55 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Antigone (1): yea...U CHICKENHEAD...!!!! [Message #35 09:48:56 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] ANTIGONE3 : YOUR CONSCIENCE WILL GET TO YOU CREON, JUST LIKE IT DID TO ME. GOD WORKS IN MISTERIOUS WAYS, I KNOW YOU BELIEVE YOU HAVE THE NEED TO MANTAIN ORDER, BUT YOU MUST THINK FIRST HOW CRUEL YOUR LAWS ARE! [Message #36 09:49:09 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Creon 1: YOUR BROTHER DEFIED THE LAW SO HE DID NOT DESERVE A PROPER BURIAL YOU NUT! [Message #37 09:49:24 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Ismene : OH YEA I FORGOT HES NOT STRONG ENOUGH TO BE KING. BLAH BLAH BLAH CREON! [Message #39 09:49:53 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Creon2 : Those who disobey will find their fate too! Look at yourselves. disgrace! [Message #40 Creon 1: 09:50:15 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] What a ISMENE I AM GOING TO ENJOY WATCHING YOU DIE! [Message #41 09:50:17 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Ismene : YOUR A DISGARCE TO OUR PEOPLE AND OUR COUNTRY. [Message #42 09:50:50 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Ismene : NO WE WILL WATCH YOU DIE SONNER THAN YOU THINK. SUCKA! [Message #43 09:50:57 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Creon 1: AND YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO MY LAW. [Message #44 09:51:35 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Creon2 : Who's brother killed their own blood. How can you say that is right? defend that behavior? And you [Message #45 09:51:52 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Ismene : SO ARE YOU HUH ANTIGONE? [Message #46 09:51:55 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Creon 1: IF ANYONE ELSE WANTS TO DEFY ME, I WILL KILL YOU ALL, YOU HEAR ME. [Message #47 09:52:29 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Ismene : NO WE DONT CUZ WE DONT CARE FOR YOU AND YOUR STUPID RULES. [Message #48 09:52:29 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] ANTIGONE3 : WHAT KIND A LEADER ARE YOU CREON?, YOU WANT TO BRING PAIN TO YOUR OWN PEOPLE. IT IS NOT ONLY US THAT THINK YOU ARE BEING UNRESONABLE. MAYBE THERE ARE OTHER MOTIVES BEHIND BY BROTHER UNCRUEL PUNISHMENT. WHAT HAS HE DONE TO YOU TO DESERVE HIS FATE???!! [Message #49 09:52:53 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] antigone 2: But if we die, we know that we buried our brother already and there is no way back...WHAT IT'S DONE, IT'S DONE.... [Message #50 09:53:04 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Ismene : NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YUP YUP! [Message #52 09:54:24 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Creon 1: I AM A STRONG LEADER AND I MUST EXAMPLIFY STRENGTH. [Message #53 09:54:35 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Creon2 : How can you defend you brother who left to kill your own family? murderer! [Message #54 09:54:57 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] He's a Ismene : EASY BY NOT LISTENING TO YOU. [Message #55 09:55:05 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Antigone (1): Creon, you are not GOD...that is why your judgement is wrong. GOD look at every person as equal and it doesn't matter what they do. That is why GOD is GOD....You are nothing compared to GOD....what now, PUNK!!! [Message #56 09:55:40 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Creon 1: WE WOULD NOT HAVE ANY KIND OF ORDER IF I LET CRIMALS OFF. I MUST SET EXAMPLES. [Message #57 09:56:05 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] antigone 2: are just you can see we disobey you....and there will be more people who will too.....there will be a moment that death won't be your only'll see that! [Message #58 09:56:22 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Ismene : WAHT EXAMPLES? BY KILLING YOUR OWN FAMILY? [Message #59 09:56:24 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Creon2 : But when you kill someone, GOD does not forgive you! [Message #60 09:56:32 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] ANTIGONE3 : MY BROTHER IS DEAD HE HAS NO WAY TO DEFEND HIS MOTIVES, WHATEVER PROBLEMS MY TWO BROTHERS HAD HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU. ALL YOU WANT IS TO SHOW PEOPLE YOU ARE A STRONG LEADER, BUT EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT WHAT YOUR DOING IS WRONG AND NOT STRONG AT ALL [Message #61 09:57:11 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Ismene : THATS RIGHT. WHAT NOW? [Message #62 09:58:01 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Antigone (1): GOD forgives everybody....GOD knows that mankind is not perfect...that is one reason why GOD is so forgiving. [Message #63 09:58:13 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] ANTIGONE3 : LET CRIMINALS OFF!, HE IS DEAD NOW, WHAT ARE YOUR REAL MOTIVES CREON?! [Message #64 09:58:34 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Ismene : MAN CREON IS THE WEAKEST RULER EVER. I COULD BE BETTER AND SO CAN MY SISTER IF WE WERE ABLE TO. [Message #65 09:58:45 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Creon2 : There will be silence when your head is removed. All you are is a disobedient, annoying woman! You have no power to say what you do. It will be clear after your death that you were wrong. [Message #66 09:58:52 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Creon 1: WHAT KIND OF A COUNTRY WOULD WE HAVE IF WE DIDN'T HAVE STANDARDS CALLED LAWS. REGULATIONS HAVE TO BE CARRIED OUT TO MAINTAIN ORDER YOU FOOLS! [Message #67 09:59:05 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Creon2 : Why is there heaven and hell? [Message #68 09:59:28 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Ismene : YOUR FACE IS ANNOYING CREON! [Message #69 09:59:45 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Creon2 : A loyal, obeying country! [Message #70 09:59:48 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Ismene : FOR YOU CREON HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Message #71 09:59:52 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Creon 1: I DON'T BELIEVE IN HEAVEN OR HELL. [Message #72 09:59:58 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Creon2 : Thank you! Your's is too! [Message #73 Ismene : I DO. 09:59:59 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] [Message #74 10:00:06 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] antigone 2: My sister and I will do to heaven and you to HELL becasue of your bad actions.....killing people!!!!!!!!!!!! [Message #75 10:00:10 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Antigone (1): Waa....Waa...stop cryin' Creon... [Message #76 Ismene : YEA YOU WUSS. 10:00:25 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] [Message #77 10:00:40 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Creon 1: HEAVEN AND HELL ARE BOTH RIGHT HERE ON EARTH! [Message #78 10:00:49 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Ismene : CREONS A PUSS. CREONS A PUSS. [Message #79 Creon2 : 10:01:12 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] You will soon find your fate. Peace will be when you both are gone. [Message #80 10:01:14 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Creon 1: AND YOU'RE AN IDIOT ISMENE. [Message #81 10:01:55 AM, Wednesday, October 29, 2003] Creon 1: YOU, LIKE YOUR SISTER, HAVE LOST YOUR MIND!