
Files tab
In 1 = filename of first input file
Hdg 1 = first file header line, type in what you want as a csv list, press ‘Read Header’ to read the first line
from the file, or press ‘Default Header’ to fill in the program’s default header line for the selected file type.
Radio Buttons:
CSV = read file as a csv file, column order:
1. date
2. time
3. any number of elements after that
DAT = sagometer dat file, column order:
1. junk
2. year
3. julian day of year
4. time
5. any number of elements after that
DTCR = dtcr formatted file, column order:
1. junk
2. junk
3. junk
4. date
5. junk
6. time
7. junk
8. junk
9. Ambient Temperature
10. All following data is ignored
DTCR(Long) = dtcr formatted file, column order:
1. junk
2. junk
3. junk
4. date
5. junk
6. time
7. any number of elements after that
Out = output file name for Merge/Bin operation, temporary file name for Append operation.
Hdg Out = the output file header line as created from the Hdg 1 and Hdg 2 inputs
Bins = the bin file name for Merge/Bin operation, if blank no binning is done.
Filters Tab
Act = check to turn on filter
Col = select column of output file to be used for filtering with the up/down buttons
Heading = the name of the column in Col
Min = enter the minimum value to pass the filter
Max = enter the maximum value to pass the filter
Time Tolerance = for merge/bin operations this is the number of minutes difference allowed when
matching up input lines from two files. This should be ½ of the smallest time interval.
Start Date, End Date = Only process data between these two dates for Merge/Bin operations, leave these
both blank to ignore the date.
Start Time, End Time = Only process data between these times. Start Time must be before End Time. Use
24 hour format with or without a colon.
Select records NOT… = inverts the test for time. Use this if you want a period like 1800-0600, for this you
would enter 0600 in Start Time, 1800 in End Time, and check the box to reject that time period.
Elem_Name = for DTCR files this selects which lines are used. For DTCR(Long) files this selects which
lines are used when the selected column name is less than the given Value.
Switch on column name = the column to be used as a switch. Select by using the up/down buttons.
Value = the switch value
Alt Elem_Name = the element name to use when the selected column is greater than or equal to Value.
Bins Tab
Act = check to enable that bin line
Col = output column to be binned, select with up/down buttons
Heading = name of output column selected
Min = min value of first bin
Max = max value of last bin
Count = number of bins
Note, values <Min go in the first bin, values >Max go in the last bin. Exclude values above and below the
bin limits by setting a filter for that column to reject out of range values.
Execute Tab
Progress lines show progress in reading and writing files.
Messages box shows errors generated during the operation
Merge/Bin: Merge and/or bin the input files.
Merge records in file ‘In 1’ with records in file ‘In 2’, apply filters and bin the data if a bin output file is
supplied. In 2 file is optional so you can filter and bin data from a single file.
Append Files: Sort and append files.
"In 1" file is the file that gets appended to, a backup of the file before starting the append process is saved
in "filename.ext.bak". This backup is overwritten each time the process is started.
"In 2" input is used as the filespec for the files to be appended. It should be the full path and a wildcard
spec to identify the files to be appended to the "In 1" file. It should be something like:
E:\Misc projects\dtcr\mergefilter\appenddata\cr*.csv
File naming is not important. All files fitting the wildcard spec will be appended. Duplicated date/time
samples(within 1 minute) will be ignored.
"Hdg 1" input line is only used for filter names, the written file has no heading.
"Hdg 2" input line should be left blank
"Time Tolerance" is ignored, other filters should work.
"Progress" counters reset as each new file is being appended.
"Out" file is used as a temp file during the append process. It is deleted after it is copied to the "In 1"
filename after the process completes.
Command line
mergefilter -ini "s:\path to file\inifile.ini" -append
-ini or /ini must be followed by path to ini file, path must be in quotes if it contains spaces
-append or /append starts append process after loading ini file and closes program when done
-merge or /merge starts merge process after loading ini file and closes program when done