Draft Modeling Protocol Emissions and Air Quality Modeling for SEMAP Contract # S-2010-04-01 Prepared by: Georgia Institute of Technology University of North Carolina Colorado State University Prepared for: Souteastern States Air Resource Managers, Inc. 526 Forest Parkway, Suite F Forest Park, GA 30297-6140 February 17, 2011 Project Manager: Associate Manager: Talat Odman Zac Adelman School of Civil & Environmental Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology 311 Ferst Drive, Atlanta, GA 30332-0512 odman@gatech.edu Phone: 404-894-2783 Fax: 404-894-8266 Center for Environmental Modeling University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill 137 E. Franklin St., Chapel Hill, NC 27599 zac@unc.edu Phone: 919-966-2206 SEMAP Modeling Protocol Page Left Intentionally Blank SEMAP Modeling Protocol Table of Contents Section 1: Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 1-1 Section 2: Project Overview .............................................................................................................. 2-1 2.1 Management Structure .................................................................................................................. 2-1 2.2 Communication Procedures .......................................................................................................... 2-4 2.3 Participating Organizations .......................................................................................................... 2-4 2.4 Project Schedule ........................................................................................................................... 2-5 2.5 Conceptual Description ................................................................................................................ 2-8 Section 3: Models and Model Inputs ................................................................................................. 3-1 3.1 Meteorology, Emissions and Air Quality Models ........................................................................ 3-1 3.2 Modeling Domains ..................................................................................................................... 3-13 3.3 Episode Selection........................................................................................................................ 3-16 3.4 Input Databases........................................................................................................................... 3-16 3.5 Quality Assurance and Error Correction Protocol ...................................................................... 3-26 Section 4: Technical Approach .......................................................................................................... 4-1 4.1 Simulation Identification .............................................................................................................. 4-1 4.2 General Modeling Procedures ...................................................................................................... 4-1 4.3 Initial Base Case Simulation ......................................................................................................... 4-5 4.4 Diagnostic Model Sensitivities ..................................................................................................... 4-8 4.5 Final Base Case Simulation ........................................................................................................ 4-12 4.6 Typical Base Case Simulation .................................................................................................... 4-12 4.7 Future OTB and Emissions Control Scenarios ........................................................................... 4-13 4.8 Emissions Sensitivities ............................................................................................................... 4-13 4.9 Interactive Database Tool ........................................................................................................... 4-14 Section 5: Air Quality Model Evaluation Protocol ............................................................................ 5-1 5.1 Ambient Air Quality Data ............................................................................................................ 5-1 5.2 Evaluation Tools ........................................................................................................................... 5-4 5.3 Evaluation Procedures .................................................................................................................. 5-5 Section 6: Supplemental Analyses ..................................................................................................... 6-1 6.1 Future Attainment Demonstration Analysis Protocol ................................................................... 6-1 Section 7: Data Backup and Archival Protocol.................................................................................. 7-1 7.1 Georgia Tech ................................................................................................................................ 7-1 7.2 UNC .............................................................................................................................................. 7-1 Section 8: Computer Resources ......................................................................................................... 8-1 8.1 Georgia Tech Computing Resources ............................................................................................ 8-1 8.2 UNC Computing Resources ......................................................................................................... 8-2 Section 9: Project Team Roles and Responsibilities .......................................................................... 9-1 Section 10: Documentation ................................................................................................................ 10-1 Appendix A. SEMAP Emissions QA Worksheets ................................................................................ A-1 Appendix B. SMOKE Emissions QA Checklist and Log for Warnings and Notes .............................. B-1 Appendix C. References ........................................................................................................................ C-1 i SEMAP Modeling Protocol List of Tables Table 2-1. Project schedule ........................................................................................................................ 2-5 Table 3-1. Projection parameters for the CMAQ and CAMx modeling domains ................................... 3-14 Table 3-2. SEMAP WRF and CMAQ Vertical Layer Configurations .................................................... 3-15 Table 3-3. Emissions processing sectors for the SEMAP project ............................................................ 3-19 Table 3-4. 2007 Actual inventory data..................................................................................................... 3-22 Table 3-5. 2007 Typical inventory data ................................................................................................... 3-23 Table 3-6. 2017 OTB inventory data ....................................................................................................... 3-23 Table 3-7. 2017 OTW inventory data ...................................................................................................... 3-24 Table 3-8. 2020 OTB inventory data ....................................................................................................... 3-25 Table 3-9. 2020 OTW inventory data ...................................................................................................... 3-25 Table 4-1. CMAQ and CAMx configuration options ................................................................................ 4-6 Table 5-1. Surface Air Quality Data available for model performance evaluation and input to receptor models for the Southeast ............................................................................................................................ 5-3 Table A-1. Configuration settings worksheet for SMOKEv2.7b .............................................................. A-2 Table A-2. Inventory file recording worksheet for SMOKEv2.7b (sample entry shown in gray) ........... A-7 Table A-3. Ancillary input file recording worksheet for SMOKEv2.7b (sample entry shown in gray) ... A-8 Table A-4. Binary meteorology input and SMOKE output file recording worksheet for SMOKEv2.7b (sample entries shown in gray) ................................................................................................................. A-9 Table A-5. Emissions simulation tracking worksheet (sample entries shown in gray) ......................... A-10 List of Figures Figure 2-1. SEMAP project organization chart.......................................................................................... 2-3 Figure 3-1. SMOKE modeling system ....................................................................................................... 3-5 Figure 3-2. SEMAP 36-km (grey) and 12-km (white) modeling domains .............................................. 3-14 Figure 3-3. Regional Planning Organization map.................................................................................... 3-18 Figure 4-1. Modeled (red solid line) and observed (blue dots) 24-hr average organic carbon concentrations (gm-3) at South DeKalb, GA from May 1st to July 15th, 2009. ...................................... 4-11 Figure 6-1. Location of various PM2.5 monitors in the U.S. for SMAT..................................................... 6-2 ii SEMAP Modeling Protocol List of Acronyms AIRS AMET AOD AQM BC BEIS3 CAMx CB05 CEM CEMPD CENRAP CIRA CoST CMAS CMAQ CTM DDM DVC DVF EC EGU EMF EMS EMP FAQS FB FE GIS GIT HAP IC IDT I/O API IMPROVE JFSP MAQSIP MAT MCIP MEGAN MSA NAAQS NASA NATA NCDAQ Atmospheric Infrared Sounder Atmospheric Model Evaluation Tool Aerosol Optical Depth Air Quality Model Boundary Conditions Biogenic Emission Inventory System, version 3 Comprehensive Air quality Model with extension Carbon Bond—Version 2005 Continuous Emissions Monitor Center for Environmental Modeling for Policy Development Central Regional Air Planning (association) Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere Control Strategy Tool Community Modeling and Analysis System Community Multiscale Air Quality Chemistry-Transport Model Decoupled Direct Method Current Year Design Value Future Year Design Value Elemental Carbon Electrical Generating Unit Emissions Modeling Framework Emissions Modeling System Emissions Modeling Platform Fall-line Air Quality Study Fractional Bias Fractional Error Geographic Information System Georgia Institute of Technology Hazardous Air Pollutant Initial Conditions Interactive Database Tool Input/Output Applications Programming Interface Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visibility Environments Joint Fire Science Program Multiscale Air Quality Simulation Platform Modeled Attainment Test Meteorology-Chemistry Interface Processor Model of Emissions and Gases from Nature Metropolitan Statistical Area National Ambient Air Quality Standards National Aeronautics and Space Administration National-scale Air Toxics Assessment North Carolina Division of Air Quality iii SEMAP Modeling Protocol NEI netCDF NIF NMIM NMOC OAQPS OC ORD ORL OSAT OTAQ PAMS PAVE PM PPTM PSAT QA QAPP QMP QC RDBMS RFP RHR ROSES RPO RRF SAMI SANDWICH SDBMS SEARCH SEMAP SERDP SIP SLAMS STN TAWG UNC VIEWS VISTAS WRAP WRF National Emissions Inventory network Common Data Form National Inventory Format National Mobile Inventory Model Non-Methane Organic Compounds Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards Organic Carbon Office of Research and Development One-Record-per-Line Ozone Source Apportionment Technology Office of Transportation and Air Quality Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations Package for Analysis and Visualization of Environmental Data Particulate Matter Particle and Precursor Tagging Methodology PM Source Apportionment Technology Quality Assurance Quality Assurance Project Plan Quality Management Program Quality Control Relational Database Management System Request for Proposal Regional Haze Rule Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences Regional Planning Organization Relative Reduction Factor Southern Appalachian Mountains Initiative Sulfates, Adjusted Nitrates, Derived Water, Inferred Carbonaceous Mass and estimated aerosol acidity (H+) Spatial Database Management System Southeastern Aerosol Research and Characterization Study Southeastern Modeling Analysis and Planning Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program State Implementation Plan State and Local Air Monitoring Stations Speciated Trends Network Technical Analysis Work Group University of North Carolina Visibility Information Exchange Web System Visibility Improvement State and Tribal Association of the Southeast Western Regional Air Partnership Weather Research and Forecasting model iv SEMAP Modeling Protocol Section 1: Introduction In 2009, SESARM initiated a new Southeastern Modeling, Analysis and Planning (SEMAP) project to produce technical analyses to aid member states, in the development of SIPs for O3 and PM2.5, and in the demonstration of reasonable progress for the RHR, required under the Clean Air Act Amendments. Specifically, since the precursor emissions and some of the atmospheric chemical processes are interlinked in the way one can control the chemical formation and transport for fine particles, ozone and regional haze, an integrated assessment using a oneatmosphere modeling approach is needed to address the air pollution problems in the SESARM states. It is anticipated that this analysis will help the SESARM state agencies to protect human health as well as the environment from the impacts of air pollutants. To address the air quality and emissions modeling needs of the SEMAP project, Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech), the University of North Carolina Institute for the Environment (UNC) and the Colorado State University Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CSU) formed a team. A contract (Contract # S-2010-04-01) was signed on April 13, 2010 between SESARM and Georgia Tech, the lead organization of the team. Dr. Talat Odman from Georgia Tech is the project principal investigator. Mr. Zac Adelman from UNC and Mr. Shawn McClure from CSU are co-investigators. They are joined by a large number of investigators and staff from all three institutions to perform the tasks of this project. The objective of the SEMAP project is to provide data and technical support to the SESARM members in the development of state implementation plans (SIPs) for O3 and PM2.5, and in the demonstration of reasonable progress for the regional haze rule (RHR). The Project Team will pursue this objective through the collection and preparation of meteorology and emissions data, the development and analysis of air quality modeling simulations, and the distribution and documentation of all modeling results. The SEMAP project team will meet this objective using a modeling system configuration chosen in collaboration with SESARM. The following modeling systems will be used to accomplish the goals of the SEMAP project: Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model – meteorological model Meteorology-Chemistry Interface Processor (MCIP) – prepare Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model data for emissions and air quality modeling Sparse Matrix Operator Kernel Emissions (SMOKE) System – convert emissions inventories into formats for air quality modeling MOtor Vehicle Emissions System (MOVES) – on-road mobile source emissions model Biogenic Emissions Inventory System (BEIS) – biogenic emissions model Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model – Eulerian air quality model Comprehensive Air Quality Model with eXtensions (CAMx) – Eulerian air quality model This document presents the modeling protocol for the SEMAP project. Its intent is to detail the data collection, modeling approaches, and quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) processes that will be used in the project. Following from U.S. EPA guidance documents on air quality GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 1-1 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol modeling and analysis (EPA, 2007; EPA, 1999; EPA, 1991), this protocol is a comprehensive approach to the acquisition, production, assessment, archival, and documentation of all data used for the SEMAP project. After presenting the modeling periods and domains this protocol details the modeling systems that will be used during the SEMAP project, how the input databases will be compiled. Protocols for model performance evaluation, future attainment demonstration, quality assurance and error correction, and data backup and archival are then followed by descriptions of the computer resources and the project team. The project schedule is then followed by a description of the documentation that will be produced for the project. This document concludes with two appendices of emissions QA/QC worksheets that will be used during the SEMAP project. GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 1-2 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol Section 2: Project Overview 2.1 Management Structure The SEMAP tasks present a large and complex work effort with significant data throughput and an aggressive schedule of deliverables. To maintain coordinated workflow, meet the project milestones, and ensure adherence to the project Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP), a tiered management structure is proposed that focuses on the primary data elements of the project. The project Principal Investigator (PI), Dr. Talat Odman, has the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that the Project Team properly works toward the project goals and objectives. The project Quality Assurance (QA) Manager, Dr. Adel Hanna, is independent of the PI and will act with the Co-Investigators, Shawn McClure and Zac Adelman, to ensure that the work and deliverables produced during this project meet all requirements of the QAPP. Ms. Jeanne Eichinger, as the Documentation and Deliverables Manager, will serve as an intermediary between the project CoInvestigators and the data managers to ensure that all deliverables are generated on time and in accordance with the project QA/QC requirements. Dr. Sarav Arunachalam, Ms. Uma Shankar, Dr. Aijun Xiu, and Mr. Zac Adelman will serve as the Air Quality Data, Observational Data, Meteorology Data, and Emissions Data Managers, respectively; as data managers they will supervise the acquisition, storage, generation, transfer, and documentation of all project data relevant to their data elements. Figure 2-1 summarizes the project organizational structure and the communication lines for all key project staff. In general, the flow of information and communication for the project will be downward, initiated at SESARM and going through the project PI, Dr. Odman. The CoInvestigators will be responsible for managing the work at their organizations and enforcing the QA/QC requirements at the individual level. The project QA Manager will oversee and audit the QA/QC process for the entire Project Team. The data mangers will be responsible for performing and documenting QA/QC on individual data elements in accordance with the QAPP. The Documentation and Deliverables Manager will ensure proper record keeping of all QA/QC processes and that all products delivered as part of the SEMAP project meet the requirements of the QAPP. Note the central role played by the Documentation and Deliverables Manager as the coordinator between the technical staff/data managers and the project investigators/QA manager. The QA Manager is responsible for the development, assessment, implementation, and approval of the Quality Management Program (QMP). In the event that the QA Manager believes the project activities do not meet program QA/QC policies or requirements, he may recommend, following consultation with the project PI and the SESARM Project Coordinator, suspension of projects and request corrective actions. Remedies and actions will be identified to ensure that project activities meet QA/QC policies. Mr. John Hornback, SESARM Contract Officer will oversee all activity on the contract, and supervise managerial aspects of the project. He will help facilitate communications among State/local agencies, the Georgia Tech/UNC/CSU project team, and the SESARM Project Coordinator. GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 2-1 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol Mr. Ron Methier, SESARM Project Coordinator will work with the SESARM Contract Officer and State/local Agency Coordinators to define the air quality and emissions modeling activities needed to support regional haze modeling and planning activities. He will be the responsible official for this project overseeing the overall project and budget, as well as tasking Georgia Tech with work required to complete this project. He will communicate project needs to Georgia Tech's project coordinator. GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 2-2 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol Figure 2-1. SEMAP project organization chart GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 2-3 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol 2.2 Communication Procedures The components of the SEMAP project are implemented using a task structure and approach that can very effectively complete the work. Each task/subtask is measured and documented for QC, and corrective action will be taken immediately if a problem is found. Prior to delivery to SESARM and other interested parties, all outputs from the SEMAP project tasks will be assessed against the objectives stated in the project work plan to ensure that the work has been completed and quality assured. If SESARM requests that the work products are to be distributed to specific parties, a usability assessment will be completed to ensure that the products are commensurate with their needs. It is necessary to have feedback at all steps in the workflow to provide specific QC at the task level, assessment of the program objectives, and determination of usability to assure that the air quality modeling needs of the states, tribes, and stakeholders in the SESARM region (henceforth referred to as SESARM members) are being fulfilled. Each task in the work plan will have appropriate entries for objectives, subtasks, and deliverables. The formal review and reporting is the project PI’s responsibility. The QA Manager is responsible for verifying that all tasks are appropriately documented and reported, and will report any discrepancies to the PI along with recommendations for correction. The project PI will note the QA Manager’s recommendations in the monthly report to SESARM along with the corrective actions taken. A monthly report containing the following elements for each of the 16 tasks in the SEMAP project will be distributed by the 15th of each month to the SESARM Project Coordinator: 2.3 Work completed the previous month Expected work during the next month Difficulties encountered and corrective actions taken Actions awaiting SESARM authorization Status of project deliverables Participating Organizations The following organizations are participating in the SEMAP project: Southeastern States Air Resource Managers, Inc. (SESARM) – SEMAP project sponsor and technical advisor The Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) – SEMAP project lead contractor, air quality modeling and analysis, project management The University of North Carolina (UNC) – emissions and meteorology data preparation, air quality modeling and analysis The Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA) – web-based data display, distribution, and analysis GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 2-4 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol 2.4 Project Schedule The original project schedule can be found in Section 2.2 of the Project Work Plan. Since then, the schedule of deliverables has been revised. Those revisions are reflected in the schedule of deliverables below. Table 2-1. Project schedule Projected completion date Deliverable Task 1: Project Management Draft project work plan to SESARM 4/28/2010 Draft QAPP to SESARM 4/27/2010 Revised/final QAPP incorporating reviewers comments 6/11/2010 Revised/final project work plan 6/11/2010 Participation on conference calls with the SEMAP Project Coordinator, TAWG, and other contractors (monthly) Ongoing function Prompt responses to questions raised by SESARM and other contractors (as needed) Ongoing function Monthly project reports summarizing work performed on each task, progress on deliverables, and expected progress during the next month (monthly) Ongoing function Participation in up to two project meetings TBD Task 2: Modeling Protocol Initial version of the emissions and air quality modeling protocol 6/13/2010 Wiki version of the reviewed protocol accessible through project website 2/21/2011 Task 3: Data Acquisition/Dataset Preparation for Modeling and Evaluation MCIP outputs for SMOKE and CMAQ models 7/16/2010 Observational datasets in formats that are suitable for the model evaluation software and receptor models to be used in Task 10 7/16/2010 CMAQ-ready ICs/BCs generated from the GEOS-Chem model 8/13/2010 SMOKE-ready 2007 SEMAP emission inventories and ancillary data 2/18/2011 SMOKE-ready future-year SEMAP emission inventories and ancillary data 4/15/2011 SMOKE-ready inventory data for the non-SEMAP regions, including Canada and Mexico, to use for the 2007 modeling 2/18/2011 SMOKE-ready inventories for the non-SEMAP regions to use for the future-year modeling 4/15/2011 Latest BELD and MEGAN land use and emissions factor data gridded to the SEMAP modeling domains 2/18/2011 MCIP outputs for SMOKE and CMAQ models 1/14/2011 GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 2-5 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol Photolysis rate inputs for CAMx model 3/4/2011 WRFCAMx outputs for CAMx model 3/4/2011 Gridded satellite data for column NO2 and HCHO from OMI and extinction AOD from MODIS and OMI for selected periods 2/18/2011 Task 4: Conceptual Description Draft interim report prepared according to EPA guidance and submitted to the SEMAP TAWG 2/4/2011 Revised/final interim report incorporating reviewers’ comments 3/4/2011 Task 5: 36-km/12-km Emissions/AQ Annual Actual Base-Year Simulations Emissions and air quality model results on the SEMAP 36-km and 12-km modeling grids for the following simulations: Initial “2007 Actual” SMOKE and CMAQ 5/6/2011 Final “2007 Actual” SMOKE and CMAQ 9/2/2011 Final “2007 Actual” SMOKE and CAMx 9/2/2011 Task 6: Model Configuration Diagnostic Sensitivity Modeling CMAQ-ready emissions with 34 vertical layers 4/15/2011 Evaluation of the CMAQ predictions and comparison to the model performance between the 19- and 34-layer simulations 5/27/2011 CMAQ-ready emissions with biogenic CO, NO, and VOC estimates calculated with MEGAN 4/22/2011 Evaluation of the MEGAN and BEIS CMAQ predictions and recommendations on which model to use to estimate biogenic emissions for the SEMAP project 6/3/2011 Diagnosis of vertical mixing/mixing height problems through analysis of long-range plume transport 6/10/2011 Comparison of the new SOA mechanism by Baek (2009) to the standard CMAQ mechanism and evaluation with OC data 6/17/2011 Comparison of ACM cloud with RADM cloud and evaluation with wet deposition data 6/24/2011 Final recommendation on model configuration, with supporting evidence 7/1/2011 Task 7: Emissions and Air Quality Benchmark Simulations Document summarizing the technical transfer protocol and all model utilities and scripts used by the project team for the modeling tasks 12/2/2011 Task 8: 36-km/12-km Annual Typical/Future-Year Emissions AQ Modeling Emissions and air quality model results on the SEMAP 36-km and 12-km modeling grids for the following simulations: “2007 Typical” SMOKE, CMAQ, and CAMx “2017 OTB” SMOKE, CMAQ, and CAMx GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 2-6 9/2/2011 12/2/2011 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol “2020 OTB” SMOKE, CMAQ, and CAMx 12/2/2011 “2017 Control” SMOKE, CMAQ, and CAMx 3/2/2012 “2020 Control” SMOKE, CMAQ, and CAMx 3/2/2012 Task 9: Emission Sensitivity Modeling Annual CAMx PSAT simulation on the SEMAP 36-km modeling grid with analysis products posted on the project website 11/4/2011 Emissions sensitivities for daily and annual PM2.5 obtained from the brute force CMAQ simulations on the 36-km grid, processed in a similar way to VISTAS 11/4/2011 Emissions sensitivities for 8-hour maximum ozone obtained from the DDM method on the 12-km grid, processed at selected SEMAP sites Emissions sensitivities for 8-hour maximum ozone obtained from the brute force method on the 12-km grid, processed at selected SEMAP sites 11/18/2011 12/2/2011 Task 10: Model Performance Evaluation All standard analyses specified in RFP Attachment A for (a) ozone and precursors; (b) fine PM, coarse PM, and constituent mass concentrations; and (c) regional haze metrics 9/30/2011 Diagnostic interpretation of ozone performance regarding the impact of NOx- and VOC-limited regimes on the model performance using “photochemical day” analysis 9/30/2011 Interpretation of the modeled AOD vs. those reported from OMI and MODIS, using complementary analyses of model performance at the surface 9/30/2011 Task 11: Future Year Model Projections Relative Reduction Factors and Future-Year Design Values for O3, PM2.5, and reasonable rate of progress for regional haze goals at all monitored locations, MATS inputs and outputs, and UAA for O3 and PM2.5, from CAMx and CMAQ model outputs for 2017 and 2020 future-year scenarios 3/16/2012 Task 12: Interactive Database Tool Analyze and understand SEMAP data and metadata 3/18/2011 Enhance and extend VIEWS/TSS database 5/20/2011 Develop import routines and procedures 6/17/2011 Test and refine the import system 8/12/2011 Develop Interactive Database Tool(s) (IDT) by leveraging existing ones 8/12/2011 Test and refine the IDT(s) Ongoing function Collaborate with UNC to import and integrate modeling and emissions data Ongoing function Task 13: Receptor Modeling Apply CMB and PMF to speciated PM2.5 data from 20 locations, and compare results to each other and to related studies; prepare displays of daily source contributions using CMB and PMF, as well as seasonal and annual averages, along with GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 2-7 9/30/2011 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol uncertainties as provided by both techniques Apply the chosen CMB approach to up to 20 locations (depending upon data availability) to provide estimates of source contributions to ozone increases and how those contributions vary with ozone level and time of year 12/2/2011 Task 14: Development of Technical Web Site Create FTP site for organizing and disseminating data products 8/31/2010 Develop technical website by leveraging existing resources 5/20/2011 Integrate IDT(s) with technical website 3/25/2011 Package IDT(s) and technical website for delivery to SESARM 5/6/2011 Collaborate with SESARM to transfer and configure finished system 5/20/2011 Test and refine website and FTP site Ongoing function Reliable methods for transferring data between modeling contractors and SEMAP members (as needed) Ongoing function Archive of all SEMAP modeling input and output data (as needed) Ongoing function Task 15: Other Tasks as Assigned (Deliverables will be determined when tasks are assigned) TBD Task 16: Reporting Interim task reports documenting each major task milestone (as needed) 2.5 Ongoing function Draft final project report 3/30/2012 One hard copy of final project report, and PDF version posted on project website 5/25/2012 Conceptual Description A qualitatively description of the ozone, PM2.5, and regional haze problem in the SEMAP region was prepared. This description was derived from the air quality data provided by the SEMAP states, the answers by the states to the questions in Chapter 11 of EPA’s Guidance for preparation of conceptual descriptions and relevant results of recent modeling efforts in the SEMAP region. A summary of this conceptual description is included here. Statewide average ozone design values trend downward for all SEMAP states after the peaks in 1999 and 2000. This trend is most likely due to the reductions in ozone precursor emissions. The ozone trends of urban, suburban and rural sites are generally very similar with a few exceptions. On the other hand, geographic grouping of the sites as coastal, inland and mountain showed that ozone values at coastal sites of Georgia and South Carolina and inland sites of Virginia have not been decreasing as rapidly as at other sites. In the last decade, annual PM2.5 has been decreasing in all SEMAP states. A slight increase has been observed between 2005 and 2007 but this is most likely due to the influence of adverse GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 2-8 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol weather conditions during those years. Except in Florida where annual PM2.5 at rural sites have been decreasing at a much slower pace, the trends among urban and rural sites are very similar. The downward trend is more noticeable at the mountain sites of Georgia than inland or coastal sites of the state and the coastal sites of Virginia experience a slower decrease than inland and mountain sites of the same state. The statewide average 24-hr PM2.5 has also been decreasing in all SEMAP states during the last decade. However, unlike the trends in annual PM2.5, there are significant differences between the rates of decrease at urban and rural sites. The rural sites experience a slower decrease rate in Florida, Kentucky, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia. In Mississippi and North Carolina, on the other hand, the rate of decrease of the 24-hr PM2.5 design values is faster at rural sites compared to urban sites. The 24-hr PM2.5 at coastal sites has been decreasing at a much slower rate compared to inland and mountain sites, and has been actually increasing at one coastal location in North Carolina. Both local and regional factors play a role in the SEMAP region’s 8-hour ozone nonattainment problem. As emissions are being reduced in individual SEMAP states, regional factors become increasingly more important. The concentrations of ozone and its precursors are also high at higher elevation sites and aloft based on a limited number of observations aloft. In general, violations of the 8-hour ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard occur at several monitoring sites throughout nonattainment areas. While the exceedances are frequent in some states (e.g., AL, TN, VA) they are less frequent (e.g., KY, MS) or rare in other states (e.g., FL, SC, NC, WV), especially in recent years. There are some characteristic spatial patterns associated with the exceedances such as grouping in the downwind vicinity of metropolitan areas. Typically, violations do not occur because of mesoscale wind patterns as high temperatures and low winds are the most general accompanying meteorological patterns, except in locations like Birmingham AL, Hampton Roads VA, Ohio and Kanawha River Valleys in WV. There have been significant reductions in NOx emissions in or near the 8-hour ozone nonattainment areas, except in MS and TN, as well as some VOC reductions, as a result of many controls on both industry and motor vehicles and some plant shutdowns. The most notable reductions in EGU emissions came after the NOx SIP Call and other regulations such as North Carolina’s Clean Smokestacks Act. As a result of these emission reductions, the ozone design values in all s SEMAP states have been trending downward. The biggest decreases were observed at some inner city monitors. The coastal areas of the region have decreased the least over the last 5 years. The trends of the precursor concentrations are mostly unknown but VOC concentrations have been trending downward at a few speciation sites where they are measured with no apparent changes in VOC profiles. The results of past modeling studies in the region suggest that there is both a local and a regional component to ozone, each playing a role in nonattainment. Reducing NOx emissions is much more effective than VOC reduction at reducing ozone. In general, biogenic VOC reductions are more beneficial than anthropogenic VOC reductions. High temperature, light winds and clear skies are the most common meteorological conditions coinciding with 8-hour ozone exceedances. In coastal regions, the position of pressure ridges matter because they determine how far inland the see breeze can penetrate and break up the ozone buildup. GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 2-9 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol The annual PM2.5 nonattainment in the SEMAP region is caused both by local and regional factors. While regional factors are believed to play a bigger role in general, sometimes local factors such as wood burning can lead to exceedances. The relative importance of primary and secondary components of PM2.5 is not known for sure. Measurements at a limited number of sites suggest that sulfates and nitrates, both secondary, are significant while primary components such as soils are small. Sulfates and organics are the most prevalent component of measured PM2.5. Sulfate concentrations are similar between urban and rural areas while organic and elemental carbon concentrations are generally higher in urban areas. This suggests that sulfate is widely distributed throughout the region while urban areas see additional incremental PM2.5 loadings from local emissions sources. The measured PM2.5 components roughly agree with the mix of emissions surrounding the monitoring site. For example, metals are high in Birmingham AL. There are also large gradients of primary PM2.5 around monitors near urban centers, industrial areas, and rail yards. There are some indications that SO2 emissions limit the formation of secondary sulfate formation. Violations at monitors located in valleys and surrounded by mountains are believed to be caused by mesoscale wind patterns. Economically driven plant shutdowns, consent decrees, and SO2 and NOx controls significantly reduced PM and precursor emissions. The downward trend in PM2.5 levels are believed to be tied directly to these emission reductions. Regional SO2 emission reductions are believed to play the biggest role in this decrease. The decrease in design values is observed throughout the SEMAP region with no apparent spatial patterns. Recent modeling studied by VISTAS and ASIP suggested that, in general, regional SO2 sources and local primary PM2.5 sources contribute to the PM2.5 problem. Ammonium sulfate is the predominant contributor to PM2.5. The models predict that regional SO2 emission reductions along with local elemental and organic carbon emission reductions will have the greatest benefits. In general light winds associated with high pressure centered overtop lead to high PM2.5 concentrations. During the warm season, PM2.5 increases with moisture. PM2.5 concentrations are also higher ahead of approaching cold fronts. During the cold season, strong nocturnal inversions often lead to high PM2.5 concentrations. Especially in summer, high PM2.5 concentrations often correspond with high ozone concentrations. Ammonium sulfate is the major contributor to visibility impairment followed by nitrates and organic carbon. Visibility, good or poor, appears to track well among nearby class I areas of the SEMAP region. There is a clear distinction between coastal and mountainous Class I areas. Poor visibility generally occurs at stagnant high pressure conditions when it is hot and humid. Poor visibility generally coincides with high observed concentrations of ammonium sulfate and sometimes organic carbon. The meteorological conditions leading to good visibility are cool temperatures, low humidity, cold frontal passage and high wind speeds. On good visibility days ammonium sulfate is still the largest constituent of particulate matter. Recently, Visibility Improvement States and Tribal Association on the Southeast (VISTAS), the regional planning organization for the SEMAP region, supported regional scale modeling and assessment of the regional haze problem. VISTAS projected responses to emissions reductions expected by the year 2018 under existing federal and state regulations for the southeastern United States. This analysis determined that ammonium sulfate, predominantly from sulfur dioxide emissions from electric generating utilities and industrial sources, contributed 60 to 70% to the visibility impairment on the 20% haziest days; particulate organic matter, predominantly from biogenic emissions and biomass burning, was the second largest contributor (Brewer and GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 2-10 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol Moore, 2009). As for controls, sulfur dioxide emission reductions are projected to result in nearly one-to-one regional sulfate reductions; oxides of nitrogen emission reductions have minimal impact on nitrate concentrations and haze. One modeling study supported by VISTAS estimated PM and visibility at Class I areas of Southeastern U.S. in the year 2018 (Odman et al, 2007). According to the 2018 on-the-way scenario, which included the Clean Air Interstate Rule, no Class I area in the region is expected to experience visibility degradation on 20% best visibility days. However, SO2 controls and increasing ammonia emissions may increase nitrate levels at a number of sites. Additional controls may be necessary for reasonable progress towards the goal of achieving natural visibility conditions on 20% worst visibility days by the year 2064. In the same study, using 2018 emission projections as the base case, various emission reduction options were simulated to evaluate each option in terms of visibility improvement on 20% worst visibility days and degradation, if any, on 20% best visibility days. Domain-wide SO2 reductions showed the largest benefits at the majority of Class I areas on worst 20% visibility days followed by NOx reductions at mountain sites and PC reductions at other sites. NH3 reductions were somewhat effective at coastal sites but not at mountain sites and VOC reductions were ineffective. None of the reductions made visibility worse than current conditions at any Class I area. When more detailed analysis of the SO2 reductions was conducted, it was found that reductions in elevated SO2 emissions were significantly more effective than ground-level SO2 reductions. Of these elevated SO2 sources, coal-fired power plants generally had the largest effect on visibility. When the coal-fired power plants of the region were broken down by state visibility at each Class I area was affected at a different level by emissions from different states. In general, the largest impacts could be attributed to the closest states however the contributions of distant states were often significant. When the non-EGU emissions were broken down by state, the contribution from distant sources became more obvious. This result points to the regional nature of the haze problem and the need for regional control strategies. Another VISTAS modeling study estimated the responses and sensitivities (responses normalized by emissions reduced) of O3, PM2.5, and Bext (calculated from PM2.5 components) to SO2, NOx, NH3, VOC, and PC emissions in the Southeastern US for the year 2009 (Odman et al., 2009). The analysis of the modeling results focused on areas of concern (AOC) and Class I areas in the VISTAS region. The findings of this study are as follows. The sensitivity of O3 to VOC emissions is 2-3 orders of magnitude smaller than the sensitivities to elevated and ground-level NOx; therefore, VOC controls would be much less effective than NOx controls for reducing O3 levels in Southeastern US. Although sensitivities to ground-level NOx emissions from AOC are larger, state-wide reductions of elevated NOx emissions by the same ratio (30%) are generally more effective in reducing summertime O3. Reducing one state’s ground-level NOx emissions generally produces the largest effect in that state. Elevated NOx reductions have a less localized and more regional effect. Responses are larger in southern VISTAS states where O3 forming potentials are greater. It is possible to achieve as much as 3.5 to 5 ppb decreases in 2009 O3 levels by reducing ground-level or elevated NOx emissions by 30% throughout the VISTAS region. In the VISTAS states, sensitivity of PM2.5 is generally largest to PC emissions (sensitivity to ground-level sources in AOCs being larger than elevated sources statewide), followed by SO2 emissions (sensitivity to non-EGU being larger than EGU emissions), and NOx emissions GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 2-11 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol (sensitivity to ground-level being larger than elevated sources). There are several exceptions to this rule depending on the season of the year, magnitude of emissions from different source categories in each state, and the proximity of the sources to the sampling sites. The sensitivities provide a means of comparing the controls of different pollutants on a per-unit-mass basis but, ultimately, the amounts of controllable emissions determine the achievable PM2.5 reductions. Since PC emissions are limited but there are ample SO2 emissions that can be controlled, responses to 30% SO2 reductions are generally larger than responses to 30% PC reductions. In this respect, SO2 reductions are ultimately more “beneficial” in summer. As much as 1.12 g/m3 decrease in 2009 PM2.5 levels can be achieved by reducing EGU SO2 emissions by 30% throughout the VISTAS region. The benefits generally decrease from north to south and from west to east. The second most beneficial summertime strategy in the region is the reduction of non-EGU SO2 emissions, followed by ground-level and elevated PC controls, respectively. The impacts of PC reductions are highly localized; as much as 0.69 g/m3 decrease in PM2.5 levels can be expected. The impacts of elevated and ground-level NOx controls are generally smaller. In winter, ground-level PC controls are generally more beneficial than EGU SO2 controls. PM2.5 levels can be decreased by as much as 1.61 g m-3 by reducing the ground-level PC emissions by 30%. The maximum response to 30% EGU SO2 reductions is a PM2.5 decrease of 0.32 g/m3. Colder temperatures in northern VISTAS states limit secondary sulfate formation and the potential benefits of SO2 emissions reductions. It is possible to achieve greater impacts in some states by reducing elevated NOx emissions than by reducing EGU SO2 emissions (however note that the uncertainties in sensitivities to NOx are larger than those to SO2). When PM2.5 responses are normalized by total emissions reductions over the VISTAS region, sensitivity to NH3 emissions ranks second after sensitivity to ground-level PC in winter and is larger than sensitivities to ground and elevated NOx emissions in summer. In the Southeastern US, NO3NH4 levels are generally limited by the availability of NH3, so controlling NH3 emissions can be a more effective strategy for PM2.5 reduction than controlling NOx emissions. Wintertime PM2.5 levels can be reduced by as much as 0.75 g/m3 on average in VISTAS states by reducing NH3 emissions from those states by 30%. VOC controls would have no significant impact on PM2.5 levels in this region. At the mountain Class I areas, which have their worst visibility days in summer, the greatest visibility benefits would likely be from EGU SO2 reductions within the VISTAS states. At the costal Class I areas, which generally have their worst visibility days in winter, controlling NH3 emissions would be more beneficial for reducing NO3NH4 contributions to visibility impairment than controlling NOx emissions from either ground-level or elevated sources. This is consistent with Odman et al. (2007), which suggests NH3 control can be a very effective strategy for reducing regional haze in winter. Controlling anthropogenic VOC emissions or PC emissions from elevated or ground-level sources would have little if any visibility benefits at Class I areas of the Southeastern US. GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 2-12 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol Section 3: Models and Model Inputs 3.1 Meteorology, Emissions and Air Quality Models This section describes the modeling systems that will be used in the modeling and analysis of the air quality data for the SEMAP project. We have selected the following modeling systems because they present the best combination of scientific and computational formulations to satisfy the requirements of the SEMAP project. The air quality, meteorological, and emissions models selected for this project follow the recommendation in the EPA Modeling Guidance (i.e., Guidance on the Use of Models and Other Analyses for Demonstrating Attainment of Air Quality Goals for Ozone, PM2.5, and Regional Haze) and Appendix W to Part 51 of 40 Code of Federal Regulations: Guideline on Air Quality Models. 3.1.1 WRF Description The WRF v. 3.1.1 mesoscale meteorology model is a fully compressible, nonhydrostatic model with an Eulerian mass dynamical core (Skamarock et al. 2008). Two dynamical cores are available: the Advanced Research WRF (ARW) core, developed and supported by NCAR, and the Nonhydrostatic Mesoscale Model (NMM) core, whose development is centered at NCEP’s Environmental Modeling Center (EMC) and support is provided by NCAR’s Development Testbed Center (DTC). The WRF-NMM is designed to be a real-time forecast model so physics schemes are preset. SEMAP chose WRF-ARW (hereinafter WRF) because it includes multiple physics options for turbulence/diffusion, radiation (long and shortwave), land surface, surface layer, planetary boundary layer, cumulus, and microphysics. The major physics options used are: microphysics – Morrison(option 10); cumulus – Kain-Fritsch(1); PBL – ACM2/PleimXiu(7); surface layer – Pleim-Xiu(7); surface – Pleim-Xiu(7); longwave and shortwave radiation – RRTMG(4). Vertical velocity damping was used to help prevent excessive vertical motion which may cause the model to crash. Per US EPA, 6th order diffusion was used to prevent gridscale artifacts when using the Pleim-Xiu PBL Scheme. Additional details can be found in “Protocol for WRF Meteorological Modeling in Support of Regional SIP Air Quality Modeling in the SEMAP” (SEMAP, 2011). WRF was selected for use in upcoming SIP air quality modeling by a consensus of several RPOs because the model is: Generally considered the most technically advanced public-domain prognostic model available for operational use in preparing inputs to urban- and regional- scale photochemical air quality models. Suitable for a broad spectrum of applications across scales ranging from meters to thousands of kilometers. Flexible and efficient computationally, while offering the advances in physics, numerics, and data assimilation contributed by the research community. GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 3-1 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol In addition, EPA expects that air quality modelers will also shift from MM5 to WRF (http://www.epa.gov/scram001/metmodel.htm ). The computational domain for the WRF annual simulation consists of a coarse and fine grid nested domains. The coarse domain consists of a Lambert conic conformal projection with specifications used in previous regional modeling studies, which is centered at 40° N and 97° W with true latitudes of 33 and 45° N. The coarse grid structure consists of an array of 165 cells in the east-west direction and 129 cells in the north-south direction with a grid spacing of 36 kilometers (km). This domain was designed to maximize the usage of the Eta analysis region. A nested domain is implemented to resolve finer scale meteorological features. The nested domain grid structure is a 250 by 250 array of grid cells with a grid spacing of 12 km. This domain begins at node (66, 18) of the course domain. The nested domain shares the northern, eastern, and southern boundaries of the EPA 12 km Eastern domain and western boundary of the Iowa/LADCO 12 km domain. This 35-layer vertical structure was designed to provide increased resolution in the PBL and near the tropopause. The second level is placed at ~20 meters so that the midpoint of the grid cells in the vertical direction is located at 10 meters and corresponds to the standard National Weather Service (NWS) anemometer height. This avoids the use of a surface layer parameterization to vertically interpolate horizontal wind components to the standard NWS observational height. The top of the model is fixed at 50 millibars (mb). The geographic data for the outer domain was at 10 m resolution and for the inner nest was 2 m resolution. The North American Mesoscale (NAM) model fields with 40 km horizontal resolution, 27 vertical levels, and 3-hour intervals were used for initial and boundary conditions. The map projection was Lambert conformal conic projection with the first true latitude of 33° N and second true latitude of 45°N with 97°W as the longitude parallel to the conic axis. The model was reinitialized after each segment of 5.5 days (132 hours). The first 12-hour period is for the model spin-up (i.e., the first 12 hours of data were discarded in the application of the datasets). 3.1.2 MCIP Description The Meteorology-Chemistry Interface Processor (MCIP) (Otte and Pleim, 2010) is the software program linking the meteorological model and the air quality model. It takes MM5/WRF outputs and processes them into CMAQ ready data sets. MCIP is designed to maintain dynamic consistency between the meteorological model and the chemical transport model as much as possible. MCIP reads in meteorological model outputs in their native formats and then transforms horizontal (CMAQ domains is smaller than MM5/WRF domains) and vertical coordinates (vertical collapsing) according to the user’s definition. Gridding parameters are defined accordingly. MCIP not only pass through all the necessary meteorological variables but also derive variables needed by CMAQ, such as Jacobian and contravariant vertical velocity. Certain additional atmospheric fields such as cloud information are diagnosed in MCIP. Final products from MCIP are the meteorological variables in IO/API format required by the CMAQ modeling system. GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 3-2 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol We will use the latest version of MCIP (Version 3.6, release on March 2010) to process the provided WRF model outputs to prepare meteorological fields for CMAQ simulations. The horizontal and vertical coordinates are defined according to SESARM’s guidance. Limitations In WRF model, users have the option to add or reduce output variables through the Registry system (Skamarock et al., 2008), but MCIP code need to be modified to ingest these changes. Also when new physics packages added into WRF model, MCIP needs to be changed as well to reflect the new schemes. Nevertheless, these limitations should not affect this project. Input Requirements MCIP needs WRF model outputs in netcdf format. Also it requires WRF model outputs these variables specific for CMAQ model: fractional land use (LANDUSEF), leaf area index (LAI), Monin-Obukhov length (RMOL), aerodynamic resistance (RA), stomatal resistance (RS), and vegetative fraction (VEGF_PX). These variables are in the WRF Registry and need to be output. Availability: MCIP is freely available for download from http://www.cmascenter.org 3.1.3 WRFCAMx Description The WRFCAMx program generates CAMx meteorological input files from WRF (ARW core) hourly output files. A single WRFCAMx run provides meteorological fields for a single CAMx grid, whether defined as a CAMx master coarse grid, or a nested grid. The program generates the files for any duration (from a single hour to several days). For a single day, 25 hours of meteorology must be present (midnight through midnight, inclusive) as these fields represent hourly instantaneous conditions and CAMx internally time interpolates these fields to each model time step. Precipitation fields are not time-interpolated, but rather time-accumulated, so cloud/precipitation files contain one less hour than other met files (e.g., 24 hours of cloud/precipitation vs. 25 hours other met). The CAMx physical height layer structure (meters AGL) is defined from the geopotential heights at each of WRF's "eta" levels, and thus varies in space and time. Vertical averaging of WRF layers to a coarser CAMx layer structure is allowed. Variables in each WRF layer are mass-weighted to each bulk CAMx layer. Several options are available to derive Kv (diffusivity) fields from WRF output. If TKE is available, Kv can be derived from this; otherwise, other options diagnose Kv from wind, temperature, and PBL parameters. WRFCAMx outputs can be converted into a format viewable in PAVE using the METPAVE utility. The development of photolysis rate inputs for CAMx is crucial for the photochemical mechanisms. The AHOMAP program (version 3) prepares albedo/haze/ozone column input files for CAMx, and must be run prior to running the Total Ultraviolet (TUV) radiative transfer model as it defines the albedo, haze, and ozone column intervals based on input data. A CAMx-ready landuse file (from WRFCAMx) and total integrated ozone column (TOMS) data files (available at http://jwocky.gsfc.nasa.gov/) must be supplied as input. The program assumes a constant haze turbidity value for the entire grid. It should be noted that gaps in day-specific TOMS data at low GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 3-3 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol latitudes, and high latitudes during winter, may result in zero ozone column values over portions of the modeling grid. These gaps result from the inability of polar-orbiting satellite platforms to cover the entire globe on a daily basis. Seasonal-average TOMS input files (no data gaps) may be used instead; alternatively, AHOMAP provides an option to fill these day-specific gaps with an average determined from valid data processed for the extraction domain. Additionally, the Total Ultraviolet (TUV) radiative transfer program (version 4.0.1) develops photolysis rate inputs for all CAMx CB4, CB05, and SAPRC99 photochemical mechanisms via a deltaEddington radiative transfer model. TUV originates from UCAR (http://cprm.acd.ucar.edu/Models/TUV/). The program uses the albedo, ozone column, and haze turbidity intervals defined in AHOMAP to generate a look-up table of photolysis rates to be used in CAMx. The table defines photolysis rates for several CB05 photolytic reactions over a range of solar zenith angles, altitudes, ozone column, surface UV albedo, and haze turbidity. CAMx internally adjusts the photolysis rates for cloud cover according to the cloud inputs provided to CAMx (from WRFCAMx). We will use the latest WRFCAMx (version 2.2), AHOMAP program (version 3), and TUV program (version 4) to process the provided WRF outputs to CAMx ready meteorological fields. The horizontal and vertical structures will be defined by SESARM. Input Requirements WRFCAMx reads in WRF outputs in netcdf format. In addition to the WRF outputs, the AHOMAP and TUV programs need TOMS data from NASA web site (http://jwocky.gsfc.nasa.gov). The sequence of running these programs should be: WRFCAMx, AHOMAP, and TUV. Availability: All programs and utilities described above can be downloaded at http://www.camx.com/down/support.php. TOMS data can be obtained from http://jwocky.gsfc.nasa.gov 3.1.4 SMOKE Description The Sparse Matrix Operator Kernel Emissions (SMOKE) modeling system is a set of programs that is used by the U.S. EPA, Regional Planning Organizations (RPOs), and State environmental agencies to prepare emissions inventory data for input to an air quality model such as CAMx. SMOKE converts annual or daily estimates of emissions at the state or county level to hourly emissions fluxes on a uniform spatial grid that are formatted for input to an air quality model. SMOKE integrates annual county-level emissions inventories with source-based temporal, spatial, and chemical allocation profiles to create hourly emissions fluxes on a predefined model grid. For elevated sources that require allocation of the emissions to the vertical model layers, SMOKE integrates meteorology data to derive dynamic vertical profiles. In addition to its capacity to simulate emissions from stationary area, stationary point, and on-road mobile sectors, SMOKE is also instrumented with the Biogenic Emissions Inventory System, version 3 (BEIS3) for estimating biogenic emissions fluxes (U.S. EPA, 2004) and the both MOBILE6 and the Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES) 2010 model for estimating on-road mobile GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 3-4 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol emissions fluxes from county-level vehicle activity data. SMOKE can additionally be used to calculate future-year emissions estimates, if the user provides data about how the emissions will change in the future (Figure 3-1). Figure 3-1. SMOKE modeling system SMOKE uses C-Shell scripts as user interfaces to set configuration options and call executables. SMOKE is designed with flexible QA capabilities to generate standard and custom reports for checking the emissions modeling process. After modeling all of the emissions source categories individually, SMOKE creates two files per day for input into CMAQ or CAMx: (1) an elevated point source file for large stationary sources, and (2) a merged gridded source file of low-level point, mobile, non-road, area, and biogenic emissions. The efficient processing of SMOKE makes it an appropriate choice for handling the large processing needs of regional and seasonal emissions processing, as described in more detail by Houyoux et al. (1996, 2000). We will use the latest version of SMOKE (version 2.6 released on October 2009) for the SEMAP modeling. Additional technical details about this version of SMOKE are available from CMAS website (CMAS, 2010). Limitations SMOKE is a software tool and not a set of data files; therefore, SMOKE relies on user-provided data files for emission inventories and factors to apply to those emissions. The factors assign the annual inventory data to the hours, grid cells, and model species and can be adjusted by the user in a way that is the most appropriate for the inventory sources included in the air quality GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 3-5 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol modeling domain. In addition SMOKE requires meteorology data in the Input/Output Application Programmers Interface (I/O API) format to process meteorology-dependent emissions sectors. The temporal and spatial extents of the SMOKE modeling periods are dictated by the input meteorology. SMOKE can neither interpolate between different grid resolutions nor project/backcast to dates that are not covered in the input meteorology. SMOKE has strict requirements for the nature and formats of the inventory data that it can use. Input Requirements SMOKE primarily uses two types of input file formats: ASCII files and I/O API files. Input files are files that are read by at least one core SMOKE program, but are not written by a core program. SMOKE uses strict rules that define the format and content of the input files. These rules are explicitly laid out in the SMOKE Users Manual (CMAS, 2010). All data input to SMOKE must be either formatted to one of the prescribed input file types or converted to an intermediate form, such as a gridded I/O API inventory file, before it can be input to SMOKE. In general SMOKE requires an emissions inventory, temporal allocation, spatial allocation, and chemical allocation data to prepare emissions estimates for an air quality model. For some source categories, such as on-road mobile and stationary point sources, SMOKE also requires meteorology data to calculate emissions. SMOKE calculates biogenic emissions estimates with gridded land use, vegetative emissions factors, and meteorology data. Further details about the SMOKE input requirements are available at CMAS website. We will use the latest version of BEIS (version 3.14 released on October, 2008 as a part of SMOKE model) for the SESARM modeling. Additional technical details about this version of BEIS are available from CMAS website (CMAS, 2010). Availability: SMOKE is freely available for download from http://www.smoke-model.org 3.1.5 BEIS Descriptions The Biogenic Emissions Inventory System (BEIS) model was developed to estimate emissions of VOCs from biological activity from land-based vegetative species and nitric oxide emissions from microbial activity in certain soil types. BEIS version 3 (BEIS3) was deployed within the SMOKE modeling system and included support for coupling with predicted hourly meteorology data. BEIS3 uses land use data projected to an air quality modeling grid to compute normalized gridded biogenic emissions for different land use categories. The normalized emissions are adjusted for temporal variability using gridded, hourly meteorology data and speciated using precomputed VOC profiles for different photochemical mechanisms. BEIS outputs air quality model-ready hourly, gridded biogenic emissions files. The primary inputs to BEIS3 are: Spatially and temporally resolved meteorological data including temperatures, solar radiation and surface pressures. GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 3-6 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol Species-specific leaf area indices (LAI) Spatially resolved, species-specific vegetation categories Species-specific biogenic emissions factors for NO and VOCs Chemical speciation profiles to chemically allocate biogenic VOC emissions to species recognized by the chemistry mechanism in the desired air quality model. Overall, BEIS3 uses spatially and temporally resolved meteorology data to estimate hourly emissions factors of NO and VOCs using species-specific LAI for each land use type. The user can assign the units for the output emissions as gram-moles per hour or gram- moles per second. The output is in I/O API format and can be input into both CMAQ and CAMx modeling systems. To support CAMx model, SMOKE needs to use an utility program (CMAQ2CAMx) that converts the BEIS3 I/O API output files into a binary format recognized by the CAMx. Availability: BEIS3 is freely available for download as part of the SMOKE distribution from http://www.smoke-model.org 3.1.6 MEGAN The model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature (MEGAN) has been developed to estimate biogenic emissions of reactive gases and aerosols needed for both regional air quality models and global chemistry transport models (Guenther et al., 2006). MEGAN uses an approach similar to previous terrestrial biogenic emission models, like BEIS3 and the Global Biogenic Emissions Investigation System (GLOBEIS) (Guenther et al., 1999) but is easier to update, use, and expand to other compounds. MEGAN is designed to be continually updated as understanding of chemical emissions from plants expands, and further, to be useable by both research scientists and regulatory air quality modelers. One of the biggest changes in MEGAN as compared to the BEIS family of models is in its treatment of plant species area coverage. In the BEIS family of models, plant species are mostly treated explicitly (e.g., California live oak, corn row crop, loblolly pine) where in MEGAN plants are grouped by the following six plant functional types (PFTs): 1) broadleaf trees, 2) fine leaf evergreen trees, 3) fine leaf deciduous trees, 4) shrubs, 5) grass, and non-vascular plants and other ground cover and 6) crops. The MEGAN biogenic emissions estimates are based on data prepared by Guenther et al. (2006): Emission factors available for six PFTs; Soil wilting point data; PFT area coverages; Leaf area index (LAI) for vegetated surfaces. These data sets are currently available for much of the planet in ARC/Grid format and are gridded on a scale of 30 seconds by 30 seconds (approximately 1,000 meters by 1,000 meters). GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 3-7 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol The MEGAN chemical speciation processing step for VOCs is similar to BEIS3. MEGAN estimates emission factors from biogenic activities for fifty- seven chemicals (e.g., isoprene, ethanol, α-cedrene) using a speciation profile file that supports the speciation of the chemicals from biogenic activities into the species recognized by the CB-IV, CB05 and SAPRC chemical mechanisms. We will use a GIS to convert version 2.1 of the MEGAN emission factors and plant functional types and version 2.0 of the MEGAN leaf area index data to the SEMAP grids and combine these with the SEMAP meteorology data to estimate biogenic emissions for the summer and winter sensitivity periods. Availability: MEGAN can be downloaded at http://bai.acd.ucar.edu/Megan/index.shtml 3.1.7 MOVES In December 2009, a new version of MOVES was released: the Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator 2010 model (MOVES2010) (OTAQ, 2009). MOVES is the next generation of mobile source emissions model developed by U.S. EPA. In the modeling process, the user specifies vehicle types, time periods, geographical areas, pollutants, vehicle operating characteristics, and road types to be modeled. The model then performs a series of calculations, which have been carefully developed to accurately reflect vehicle operating processes (such as cold start or extended idle) and provide estimates of bulk emissions or emission rates. An important feature of MOVES2010 is that it allows users to choose between (1) the Inventory calculation type, which provides emission rates in terms of total quantity of emissions for a given time, and (2) the Emission Rate calculation type, which gives emission rates in terms of grams/mile or grams/vehicle/hour. For large-scale emissions modeling such as that needed for regional and national-scale air quality modeling projects, it is desirable to use the Emission Rate calculation type, which populates emission rate lookup tables that can then be applied to many times and places, thus reducing the total number of MOVES runs required. The approach for running MOVES for SMOKE relies on the concept of reference counties. These are counties that are used during the creation and use of emission factors to represent a set of counties called a “county group.” All counties in a county group share the same fuel parameters, fleet age distribution, and inspection/maintenance (I/M) programs. The use of modeling emission factors for one reference county to represent an entire county group avoids unnecessary duplicative MOVES runs. Each reference county is modeled at a range of speeds and temperatures to produce emission rate lookup tables (grams/mile or grams/vehicle/hour, depending on emission process). This approach allows any county with unique distributions of vehicle miles traveled (VMT), vehicle population, roadway speed, and grid cell temperatures to be modeled in SMOKE without having to rerun MOVES. In addition to the emission factor tables for the reference counties, SMOKE requires other input data in order to use the MOVES-based emission factor tables; these additional data include county- and SCC-specific VMT and vehicle population, average speed by roadway type, and gridded temperature. Finally, some inputs used to create the MOVES emission factor tables, such as the mapping of counties to their reference counties, are also used as input to SMOKE. GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 3-8 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol The outputs (emissions estimates) from MOVES can be used as inputs to larger emissions modeling systems that model many different types of emissions and provide results that are used in performing air quality modeling. In SMOKE version 2.7b, the new feature has been developed to facilitate the process of using MOVES to create emissions estimates appropriate for air quality modeling. Additional technical details of how to process SMOKE-MOVES integration approach will be available from CMAS website (CMAS, 2010). Availability: MOVES-SMOKE tool is currently not available for distribution, but will be released with SMOKE at http://www.smoke-model.org. 3.1.8 CMAQ Modeling System The Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) modeling system (Byun and Ching, 1999; Byun and Schere, 2006) has been under development for over a decade by the U.S. EPA and other members of the community, and has been the primary model used in several regulatory applications both by the U.S. EPA and local/state/regional agencies for air quality management. CMAQ includes treatment of ozone, particulate matter, visibility, acid deposition and several air toxics to study air pollution in a ‘one atmosphere’ mode at multiscales from local to regional to intercontinental. The treatment of aerosols in CMAQ and the initial evaluation is described by Binkowski et al (2003) and Mebust et al (2003). CMAQ has been evaluated extensively for several applications both within the U.S. and outside the U.S. (Hanna and Benjey, 2006). CMAQ consists of a core Chemistry Transport Model (CCTM), and a suite of preprocessors that prepare various other inputs for the model. These include the a) Meteorology-Chemistry Interface Preprocessor (MCIP), b) Initial Conditions Preprocessor (ICON), c) Boundary Conditions Preprocessor, and d) Photolysis Rates Preprocessor (JPROC). Emissions are prepared using SMOKE discussed above. The very first release of CMAQ came out in 1998. Starting in 2001 with the release of CMAQ v4.1, EPA has released several versions of CMAQ via the CMAS Center at UNC, with incremental updates and bug fixes along the way. For the SEMAP project, we will use the latest version of CMAQ (v4.7.1) expected to be released by the CMAS Center during June 2010. The changes and new features of this release are given below. Foley et al (2010) describe the results from incremental testing of the various enhancements made in CMAQ v4.7. Features of CMAQ V4.7.1 Aqueous chemistry o Mass conservation improvements o Imposed one second minimum timestep for remainder of the cloud lifetime after 100 "iterations" in the solver o Force mass balance for the last timestep in the cloud by limiting oxidized amount to mass available o Implemented steady state assumption for OH o Only allow sulfur oxidation to control the aqueous chemistry solver timestep (previously, reactions of OH, GLY, MGLY, and Hg for multipollutant model also controlled the timestep) Advection o Added additional divergence-based constraint on advection timestep GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 3-9 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol o Vertical advection now represented with PPM to limit numerical diffusion Model time step determination o Fixed a potential advection time step error reported by Talat Odman The sum of the advection steps for a given layer time step might not equal the output time step duration in some extreme cases Ensured that the advection steps sum up to the synchronization ste Horizontal diffusion o Fixed a potential error reported by Talat Odman o Concentration data may not be correctly initialized if multiple sub-cycle time steps are required o Fix to initialize concentrations with values calculated in the previous sub-time step Emissions o Bug fix in EMIS_DEFN.F to include point source layer 1 NH3 emissions o Bug fix to calculate soil NO "pulse" emissions in BEIS o Remove excessive logging of cases where ambient air temperature exceeds 315.0 Kelvin. When this occurs, the values are just slightly over 315 Multipollutant model updates o Bug fix to facilitate in-line emissions option o Mercury Dicarboxylic acid reduction mechanism applied to aqueous phase oxidized mercury species Cl oxidation pathway based on Donohoue et al 2005 J. Phys. Chem. A 109(34) o Lowered CB05 mechanism unit yields for acrolein from 1,3-Butadiene tracer reactions to be consistent with laboratory measurements Possible parallel processing problem o Processor 0 creates the NetCDF, I/O-API file header when opening new output files o On some parallel platforms, message-passing latency causes other processors to not have imminent access to the file header, resulting in a "hung" execution or a crash. o Fixed by deferring the other processor's access until later in the computation Photolysis o JPROC/phot_table and phot_sat options Expanded lookup tables to facilitate applications across the globe and vertical extent to 20km Updated temperature adjustments for absorption cross sections and quantum yields Revised algorithm that processes TOMS datasets for OMI data format o In-line option Asymmetry factor calculation updated using values from Mie theory integrated over log normal particle distribution; added special treatment for large particles in asymmetry factor algorithm to avoid numerical instabilities Instrumented Models GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 3-10 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol o DDM-3D o Sulfur Tracking o Primary Carbon Apportionment Known Issues in CMAQ version 4.7.1 When using the inline option for biogenic emissions, only one hour output timesteps are supported DDM-3D is currently only operational with the "eddy" vertical diffusion module (DDM for the acm2 or acm2_inline modules may be available in the next release) Availability: CMAQ is freely available for download from http://www.cmaq-model.org 3.1.9 CAMx The Comprehensive Air quality Model with extensions (CAMx) is also an Eulerian photochemical dispersion model that includes an integrated “one-atmosphere” assessment of gaseous and particulate air pollution (ozone, PM2.5, PM10, air toxics, mercury) over many scales ranging from sub-urban to continental (Morris et al, 2003a). The CAMx model and the associated pre- and post-processors are also in the public domain, and developed and supported by Environ, Inc. In addition to the PM treatment available in this release that is used by most regulatory applications, CAMx also has an alternate sectional treatment of PM that is used for several research applications (Morris et al, 2003b). The CAMx model will be used to supplement the CMAQ modeling and help provide a weight-of-evidence model attainment demonstration. The CAMx extensions include: a) Ozone Source Apportionment Technology (OSAT) b) Particulate Source Apportionment Technology (PSAT) (Yarwood et al, 2004) c) Decoupled Direct Method (DDM) and Higher Order Decoupled Direct Method (HDDM) for ozone (Dunker et al, 2002) d) Process Analyses (PA) and e) Reactive Tracer (RTRAC) Source Apportionment (Morris et al, 2003c) Overview of Version 5.20 V5.20 provides two updates and several modifications and bug fixes from the previous release (v5.10). The new capabilities in CAMx include the linkage of PM chemistry to the SAPRC99 gas-phase mechanism, and the addition of mineral nitrate. While there are important chemistry changes for v5.20, there are no changes to other input file formats from versions 4.3 through 5.1. There are no changes to core model output file formats from versions 4.4 through 5.1, and no changes to Probing Tool outputs from version 5.1. Since v5.0, CAMx is capable of distributed multi-processing using MPI. To use MPI one must have the MPICH or MPICH2 utility installed on the system. Guidance for running MPI is provided in the README file located in the source code directory, and in the CAMx User's Guide. GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 3-11 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol Features of Version 5.20 PM chemistry has been linked to the SAPRC99 gas-phase mechanism (mechanism 5). CAMx now determines the uptake of nitrate by calcium in fine mineral (crustal) dust particles. Calcium in soil dust particles reacts with nitric acid to form calcium nitrate. Since the current ISORROPIA implementation in CAMx does not consider mineral cations other than sodium, nitrate uptake by calcium in soil dust is calculated external to ISORROPIA. CAMx outputs total particulate nitrate, i.e., the sum of particle nitrate determined by ISORROPIA and calcium nitrate. Numerous modifications were made to improve the vertical transport solution. o The vertical velocity diagnostic algorithm and associated vertical advection solver were altered to improve the vertical transport solution. The vertical solver changed from an upstream-donor scheme to a centered scheme in space (continues to be backwards-Euler implicit in time). The top boundary condition was changed to a "zero-gradient" approach, alleviating the need for a top boundary condition input file. o The manner in which the "super-stepping" driving time step is calculated has been modified to improve coupling between the horizontal and vertical advection algorithms. o The order of X and Y advection is now constant. o Nested grid boundary winds are no longer set from their parents. All CB and SAPRC gas-phase chemistry mechanisms were improved by removing the "NxOy" species and adding explicit species for NO3 and N2O5. Oxidation of SOA precursors was added to PiG chemistry. The wet deposition routine was improved to more correctly track accumulated gas-phase mass within falling precipitation through a grid column. The gas scavenging rate into precipitation was simplified. Fixed several bugs in the OMP section of the PiG chemistry module. Fixed a bug in the OMP section of the core chemistry driver that affected the chemical apportionment of ozone production in OSAT. Improved the accumulation of mass summary fluxes within several OMP sections of the model. Fixed bugs in the application of OMP for RTCMC. Changed some data structures that caused large applications of source apportionment (OSAT/PSAT) to crash with segmentation faults. Implemented a major update to source apportionment timing tracers. Fixed bug in reading boundary conditions for purposes of calculating the OH reactivity of OSAT boundary tracers. Fixed error in routine that updates boundary condition DDM sensitivities while advancing the timestep. Converted large data structures used in calculating kOH reactivity for OSAT/PSAT from static to dynamically allocated. Fixed bug in reading the boundary conditions for RTRAC. Improved memory management of temporary arrays that are used for message passing in MPI. Availability: CAMx is freely available for download from http://www.camx.com GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 3-12 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol 3.1.10 MATS The Modeled Attainment Test Software (MATS) is a tool made available by the U.S. EPA to perform the modeled attainment tests for ozone and fine particulate matter as discussed in the U.S. EPA guidance for demonstrating attainment of the NAAQS for ozone and PM2.5. (U.S. EPA, 2007). While the attainment test for ozone is relatively straight forward, the test for PM2.5 is slightly more complicated. MATS includes the Speciated Modeled Attainment Test (SMAT) for PM2.5 by taking speciated components of PM2.5 from CMAQ for each of the base and future years and computes species specific relative reduction factors and uses them in conjunction with ambient data from FRM, STN and IMPROVE monitors to compute future year design values. MATS thus applies modeling data in a relative sense rather than an absolute sense to investigate air quality changes between two scenarios. The various calculations with MATS using the Sulfate, Adjusted Nitrate, Derived Water, Inferred Carbonaceous material balance approach (SANDWICH) are described in Frank (2006). SMAT has been used in a number of EPA policy relevant studies, such as regulatory impact analyses performed to support the Clear Skies, the former Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR), and Low Sulfur Diesel Rule, and for modeling performed by the various Regional Planning Organizations including the Visibility Improvement State and Tribal Association of the Southeast (VISTAS). Furthermore, the EPA requires states to apply SMAT in their SIP in conjunction with air quality modeling to demonstrate attainment of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for criteria air pollutants, including PM2.5, as part of the Clean Air Act (U.S. EPA, 2007). SMAT results are available as point estimates and spatial estimates. Point estimates are calculated at CMAQ grid cells containing Federal Reference Method (FRM) monitoring sites while spatial estimates are calculated at each grid cell in the CMAQ domain. MATS is needed because of its previous use in policy relevant work and is considered best practice by the EPA, its ability to produce speciated PM2.5 fields, and its combination of ambient data and modeling results. The publicly available version V2.2.1 can perform attainment tests for ozone, annual PM2.5, and visibility. As part of a group of beta testers, UNC has access to a beta version of MATS (V2.2.3) that can perform attainment test for daily average PM2.5 as well, but is being worked on for a few bug fixes. The installer package from EPA includes all ambient datasets that are necessary for performing the attainment tests. MATS is a PC-based software, and takes CMAQ model outputs that are post-processed in an ASCII format suitable for MATS. Availability: MATS is freely available for download from: http://www.epa.gov/ttn/scram/modelingapps_mats.htm 3.2 Modeling Domains This section describes the horizontal and vertical modeling domains that will be simulated for the SEMAP project. 3.2.1 Horizontal Domain The SEMAP modeling domain is on a Lambert Conformal Conic projection centered on 40°N and 97°W. A one-way nested 36-km grid resolution parent domain covering the continental United States will provide boundary conditions to a 12-km grid resolution domain covering the GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 3-13 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol Southeastern U.S. The projection and grid definition information for the two domains is given in Table 3-1, and Figure 3-2 shows the nested SEMAP modeling domains. Table 3-1. Projection parameters for the CMAQ and CAMx modeling domains Parameter Map Projection P-alpha P-beta P-gamma X-cent Y-cent X-orig Y-orig dx dy Columns Rows Layers 36-km domain 12-km domain Lambert Conformal Conic 33°N 45°N 97°W 97°W 40°N -2,736,000 m 108,000 m -2,088,000 m -1,620,000 m 36,000 m 12,000 m 36,000 m 12,000 m 148 168 112 177 24 Figure 3-2. SEMAP 36-km (grey) and 12-km (white) modeling domains GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 3-14 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol 3.2.2 Vertical Domain Table 3-2 is the vertical layer structures of the WRF and CMAQ/CAMx modeling domains. The initial configuration collapses 34 layers from the WRF results into 22 layers for the air quality modeling. Table 3-2. SEMAP WRF and CMAQ Vertical Layer Configurations WRF CMAQ Height Pressure Depth Level (m) (mb) (m) Sigma Height (m) Pressure (mb) Depth (m) 23 0 18663 50 5264 22 0.1056 13399 150 3775 21 0.2378 9624 276 2870 20 0.3895 6754 420 2150 19 0.5406 4604 564 1100 18 0.6323 3504 651 880 17 0.7133 2624 728 700 16 0.7828 1924 794 552 15 0.841 1372 849 228 14 0.8659 1144 873 200 13 0.8882 944 894 174 12 0.9079 770 913 150 11 0.9252 620 929 128 10 0.9401 492 943 108 Level Sigma 35 0 18663 50 2034 34 0.0332 16629 82 1715 33 0.0682 14914 115 1515 32 0.1056 13399 150 1375 31 0.1465 12024 189 1255 30 0.1907 10769 231 1145 29 0.2378 9624 276 1045 28 0.2871 8579 323 955 27 0.3379 7624 371 870 26 0.3895 6754 420 790 25 0.4409 5964 469 715 24 0.4915 5249 517 645 23 0.5406 4604 564 580 22 0.5876 4024 608 520 21 0.6323 3504 651 465 20 0.6742 3039 690 415 19 0.7133 2624 728 370 18 0.7494 2254 762 330 17 0.7828 1924 794 293 16 0.8133 1631 823 259 15 0.841 1372 849 228 14 0.8659 1144 873 200 13 0.8882 944 894 174 12 0.9079 770 913 150 11 0.9252 620 929 128 10 0.9401 492 943 108 GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 3-15 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol 9 0.9528 384 955 90 8 0.9635 294 965 74 7 0.9723 220 974 60 6 0.9796 160 981 48 5 0.9854 112 986 38 4 0.99 74 991 30 3 0.994 44 994 24 2 0.9974 20 998 20 0 1000 1 3.3 1 9 0.9528 384 955 90 8 0.9635 294 965 74 7 0.9723 220 974 60 6 0.9796 160 981 48 5 0.9854 112 986 38 4 0.99 74 991 30 3 0.994 44 994 24 2 0.9974 20 998 20 1 1 0 1000 Episode Selection This section describes the modeling periods that will be simulated for the SEMAP project. The base year modeling and analysis period for the SEMAP project is annual 2007. Calendar year 2007 was selected by the SEMAP states after careful consideration of (1) regional air quality measurements and trends, (2) meteorological conditions, (3) emission trends, and (4) available emission inventories. For additional details on the selection of CY2007, please refer to “Selection of CY2007 as Base Year for SEMAP Modeling Project” (GA DNR, 2011). As has been general practice in the air quality modeling community, in the interest of being able to complete the numerous simulations on time, we propose to model the year in 4 quarters as follows with a 2-week spin-up period for each quarter Quarter 1: 12/16/2006 to 3/31/2007 Quarter 2: 3/16/2007 to 6/30/2007 Quarter 3: 6/16/2007 to 9/30/2007 Quarter 4: 9/16/2007 to 12/31/2007 For each of the 4 quarters, we will exclude the first 2 weeks to avoid the effects of initial conditions, and include only the full 3 months for all analysis purposes. Although future year inventories will be simulated for the SEMAP project, the modeling periods are determined by the meteorology data used for the simulations, and these periods will not change across the SEMAP simulations. 3.4 Input Databases This section describes the input data that will be collected and processed to support the SEMAP project air quality modeling tasks. 3.4.1 Initial and Boundary Conditions This section describes how we will create the necessary initial and boundary conditions (IC/BCs) for the CMAQ 36-km domain from GEOS-Chem (Bey et al, 2001). Recently, GA EPD has GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 3-16 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol performed GEOS-Chem simulations for the year 2007, and once the model vertical resolution has been finalized, has agreed to extract CMAQ-ready IC/BCs for our use. UNC will review the GEOS-Chem based 36-km initial and boundary condition profiles generated for SEMAP and quality assure them. We will first run the I/OAPI utility m3stat on each day’s file to obtain summary statistics for each day, and plot them to visually verify the ranges of IC and BCs obtained from GEOS-Chem. In addition to the above, we will perform the following QA of the boundary conditions: Create timeseries plots (by hour and by day and by month for the entire year) of all chemical species for each of the model layers and for each of the 4 edges of the domain to verify the possible inflow conditions coming into the domain. Create a profile based ICON file and compare with the GEOS-Chem based ICON file to assess the effects of using initial conditions from a global model such as GEOS-Chem. Review satellite data for the year 2007, to specifically see if there are any dust storms that impacted the Southeastern U.S., and see if GEOS-Chem captured those events, and further verify if they are reflected in the CMAQ-ready IC/BCs. If we find any issues with the GEOS-Chem based IC/BCs, we will alert SESARM to these, and suggest alternate approaches to address them. 3.4.2 Emission Inventories and Ancillary Data General Approach The principal objective of the SEMAP emissions modeling tasks is to generate emissions inputs for simulating air quality in the SESARM region for multiple modeling scenarios. This objective will be fulfilled through the development of emissions modeling platforms (EMPs) that represent North American air pollutant emissions for the SEMAP modeling periods. An EMP is a collection of data and modeling tools needed to simulate emissions in support of air quality modeling studies. In addition to being useful for organizing emissions modeling tasks, EMPs provide a clean method for packaging and distributing all of the data and scripts needed to reproduce an emissions simulation. The following eight EMPs will be developed to produce annual emissions input files for CMAQ and CAMx: 1. 2007 Actual 2. 2007 Typical 3. 2017 OTB 4. 2017 OTW 5. 2020 OTB 6. 2020 OTW Each of these EMPs will include the following items: Emissions inventory data with coverage for the entire SEMAP 36-km modeling domain Land use data gridded to the SEMAP 36-km and 12-km modeling domains and formatted for input to both BEIS3.14 and MEGAN GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 3-17 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol Temporal, speciation, and spatial allocation data General SMOKE input data, such as SCC description and FIPS codes identification files SMOKE scripts and binary executables The data needed to build the EMPs for the SEMAP project will include a combination of new inventories and ancillary data for the SESARM region and existing datasets that are available from different federal, state, and private organizations. Since many of the emissions datasets outside of the SESARM region will not be available for the four modeling years identified for the SEMAP project (2007, 2017, 2020) and/or the development of these data are not on the same schedule as the SEMAP project, different approaches will be used to obtain the best available emissions data at the time the SEMAP emissions modeling tasks begin. Figure 3-3 shows a map of the regional planning organizations (RPOs) and will be used in the following sections to identify different regional sources of emissions data that will be collected for the SEMAP project modeling. Figure 3-3. Regional Planning Organization map 3.4.3 Emissions Processing Sectors We will refine the inventory categories from the standard four operational categories (area, mobile, point, biogenic) to more specific source sectors. Refinements to the inventory sectors provide flexibility in the design of emissions sensitivities, including source apportionment studies, and to the approaches for performing quality assurance on the emissions data. As the stationary-area-source emissions sector has traditionally been a catch-all for many types of sources, this is the inventory sector that will be refined the most. GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 3-18 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol The six sectors listed in the SEMAP RFP (EGU point, non-EGU point, area, non-road mobile, on-road mobile, and biogenic) provide the bare-minimum inventory categorization needed for optimizing the SMOKE configuration and probing model performance in CMAQ. We will develop a more detailed set of inventory categories to provide flexibility to the diagnostic modeling and the emissions sensitivity modeling tasks. Given the impact that wildfires had on Southeastern air quality in 2007 (http://alg.umbc.edu/usaq/archives/2007_05.html), there should at least be one explicit fire inventory category that is processed separately from the rest of the area and non-EGU point emissions for the initial CMAQ simulation. Additional inventory sectors can be determined through discussion with the SEMAP Project Coordinator and TAWG following analysis of the results from the initial Actual 2007 annual simulation. Table 3-3 lists the emissions processing sectors that will use for the initial Actual 2007 SEMAP simulation and includes the operational category applicable to the sector and the temporal processing approach (described in Section 5) applied to each sector. Table 3-3. Emissions processing sectors for the SEMAP project ID Processing Sector Operational Category ar arfire nusar nr nusnr US Non-point area sources US Fire area sources Canada/Mexico area sources US Off-road mobile sources Canada/Mexico off-road mobile sources On-road mobile sources Canada/Mexico on-road mobile sources Electricity generating unit point sources Non-electricity generating unit point sources Fire point sources Canada/Mexico point sources Commercial marine vessels Biogenic sources Area Area Area Area Area Temporal Approach MWSS Daily MWSS MWSS MWSS Mobile Area Hourly MWSS Point Hourly Point Daily Point Point Gridded area Biogenic Hourly MWSS Single day Hourly mb nusmb egupt negupt ptfire nuspt cmv bg 3.4.4 SEMAP Project Emissions Modeling Platforms This section describes the EMPs that will be developed for the different modeling scenarios under the SEMAP project. In general, only the inventory data will differ between the EMPs; the ancillary data, including the spatial, temporal, and chemical allocation data, and the modeling software will be constant. Upon receipt of all inventory data they will be formatted for input to SMOKE and summary reports will be generated for use during the QA/QC of the emissions processing. The SMOKE-ready inventories will be installed in directory locations on the UNC computers that are consistent with the simulations that will use the data. The SMOKE scripts, including the Assigns and run scripts, will be configured to process the inventories. The ancillary GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 3-19 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol emissions data will be installed in the appropriate locations in the SMOKE directory structure on the UNC computers and SMOKE will be configured to process these data. Because the available inventories from RPOs for the non-SEMAP regions of the modeling domain do not exactly match the SEMAP project modeling years, we will explore a few of options for populating the base and future year EMPs for the other regions of the modeling domain: Option 1 – For regions with emissions inventories that fall on both sides of a SEMAP modeling year, interpolate the existing inventories to the actual SEMAP year. For example, LADCO is distributing 2008, 2012, and 2018 inventories for the MWRPO states. We could develop a projection trajectory from these three years to develop 2017, and 2020 inventories for the MWRPO states. Option 2 – Use existing inventory data that match the SEMAP modeling periods as closely as possible. For example, the LADCO 2008 inventory could be used for 2007 and their 2018 inventory for 2017 and 2020. Option 3 – Keep the inventory data constant, using the most recent, best quality data. For inventories, such as the non-mobile WRAP data, which are only available for 2002 and 2018, applying a high quality alternative like the final version of the NEI 2005 to this part of the modeling domain may be the best option. We will contact the data providers for the non-SEMAP inventories to determine the best available data for each region. The approaches that will be used to compile and prepare the general emissions data are presented below followed by the approaches for preparing data specific to the different SEMAP modeling scenarios. General Emissions Data The general emissions data in the SEMAP EMPs include data that will not change between simulations. All of the non-inventory data, including the temporal, spatial, and chemical allocation data, will be held constant across all of the SEMAP simulations. The land use data used to compute biogenic emissions with BEIS and MEGAN will also remain constant across the SEMAP simulations. The U.S. EPA 2005 emissions modeling platform version 4 (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/emch/index.html#2005) (2005EMPv4) will be used as the starting point for the ancillary emissions data that will be used for the SEMAP project. In particular, the following data will be used directly from the 2005EMPv5: Chemical speciation profiles for the Carbon Bond 05 photochemical mechanism and the CMAQ and CAMx aerosol mechanisms Temporal profiles by state, county, and source classification code Cross referencing files for associating speciation, temporal, and spatial allocation data to inventory sources Stack defaults for elevated point sources Federal Implementation Standards (FIPS) codes (i.e., country/state/county codes) definitions SCC definitions Pollutant definitions GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 3-20 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol Temporally allocating annual, daily, or hourly emissions inventories in SMOKE involves combining a temporal cross-reference file and a temporal profiles file. Temporal cross-reference files associate monthly, weekly, and diurnal temporal profile codes with specific inventory sources, through a combination of a FIPS (country/state/county) code, an SCC, and sometimes for point sources, facility and unit identification codes. Temporal profiles files contain coded monthly, weekly, and diurnal profiles in terms of a percentage of emissions allocated to each temporal unit (e.g., percentage of emissions per month, weekday, or hour). As a starting point for the temporal allocation data for the SEMAP simulations, we will use files from the 2005EMPv5. Based on guidance from the developers of the SEMAP inventory files and analysis of these inventories by UNC, we may update the temporal profiles and assignments for some source categories. Chemical speciation follows a similar approach of using profiles and cross-reference data to split inventory pollutants to the emissions species required by CMAQ and CAMx. These data will also be taken directly from the 2005EMPv5 and updates will be made as needed to accommodate new sources or guidance provided with the SEMAP project inventories. SMOKE uses spatial surrogates and SCC cross-reference files to allocate county-level emissions inventories to model grid cells. Geographic information system (GIS)-calculated fractional land use values define the percentage of a grid cell that is covered by standard sets of land use categories. For example, spatial surrogates can define a grid cell as being 50% urban, 10% forest, and 40% agricultural. In addition to land use categories, demographic or industrial units, such as population or commercial area, can also define spatial surrogates. Similar to the temporal and chemical allocation data, an accompanying spatial cross-reference file associates the spatial surrogates (indexed with a numeric code) to SCCs in the inventory. Spatial allocation with surrogates is applicable only to area and mobile sources. Point sources are located in the model grid cells by SMOKE based on the latitude-longitude coordinates of each source. Biogenic emissions are estimated based on gridded land use information that is mapped to the model grid using geographic information system (GIS). Spatial surrogates for allocating area and mobile source inventories to the SEMAP project modeling grids will be developed using the best available North American GIS Shapefile data. The U.S. EPA Shapefile database version 2004 (http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/emch/spatial/newsurrogate.html) will be used as the starting point for the SEMAP project surrogates. None of the census-based surrogates, such as housing, residential heating, and population, will be updated since 2010 census data will not be available during the time frame of this project. To represent the significant changes in population density patterns in the SESARM region between 2000 and 2007, we have explored the availability of updated population data for 2007. The projected population data available from the U.S. Census are based on an extrapolation of Census data collected in 1990 and 2000. The projected data are only accurate if the population change trajectory observed from 1990 to 2000 continued into the 2000’s. As extrapolated data, the projected population data don’t consider the impacts of actual GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 3-21 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol economic trends on population changes. Despite these issues with the projected data, since the 2010 U.S. Census data will not be available in time for this project, we will use the extrapolated 2007 population data as it presents the best alternative to actual 2007 census tract population information. Updates will be made to the surrogates calculated from land use/land cover and rail/roadway data using geospatial data that have been updated since the release of the EPA 2004 Shapefiles. National Land Cover Database (NLCD) information from the year 2006 are available to characterize the location of forest, agricultural, urban, water, and other land use/land cover data that are relevant to emissions. The NLCD is a very high-resolution (30-m) land cover database for North America that will result in a significant improvement over the land use/land coverbased surrogates in the EPA 2004 Shapefile database. All of the land area, water area, and land use classification surrogates will be updated to 2006 levels for the SEMAP project. The Census Bureau TIGER data for 2007 will be used to create surrogates for road, rail, and waterways for the SEMAP project. Biogenic emissions will be calculated using the best available land use and emissions factors data for BEIS and MEGAN. The BELD3 land use tiles and BEIS3.14 emissions factors will be used to compute biogenic emissions for the SEMAP project modeling. The BELD3 tiles will be projected and regridded to the SEMAP modeling domains using the Spatial Allocator. For the biogenic emissions sensitivity simulation, MEGAN gridded input files (plant functional types 2.1, leaf area index 2.0, emissions factors 2.1) will be projected to the SEMAP modeling domains using a GIS. Meteorology data processed through MCIP as part of this project will be used in the calculation of all biogenic emissions. The biogenic emissions will be held constant through all of the SEMAP project simulations. 2007 Actual Table 3-4 shows the inventory configuration that will be used for the 2007 Actual SEMAP project SMOKE simulations. These inventories represent the best available information for this simulation year that we anticipate being available at the beginning of this simulation. This table will be update if new inventory data become available prior to beginning the simulation. Table 3-4. 2007 Actual inventory data Region SESARM MANE-VU Inventory Year 2007 2007 CENRAP 2005 MWRPO WRAP 2007 2002 typical Fires 2007 GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 Description Actual 2007 inventory provided by SESARM Initial 2007 modeling will use the screening 2007 inventory developed for OTC modeling by NY DEC; final 2007 modeling will use the 2007 MARAMA inventory if available The NEI2005v4 will be used in the absence of an updated regional inventory Base C provided by LADCO WRAP planning 2002 inventory version C as recommended by Tom Moore 2007 SESARM inventory and 2007 Blue Sky inventory for the rest of the CONUS domain 3-22 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol Mexico Canada Offshore 1999 2010 2001,2002 Mexico NEI 1999v3 available from WRAP Canada NEI 2010 available from U.S. EPA 2001 offshore point inventory from the Gulf of Mexico; 2002 gridded 36-km commercial shipping lanes for the Pacific, Gulf, and Atlantic 2007 Typical Table 3-5 shows the inventory configuration that will be used for the 2007 Typical SEMAP project SMOKE simulations. These inventories represent the best available information for this simulation year that we anticipate being available at the beginning of this simulation. This table will be update if new inventory data become available prior to beginning the simulation. Table 3-5. 2007 Typical inventory data Region SESARM Inventory Year 2007 MANE-VU CENRAP 2007 2005 MWRPO WRAP 2007 2002 typical Fires 2007 Mexico Canada Offshore 1999 2010 2001,2002 Description Typical 2007 inventory provided by SESARM The NEI2005v4 will be used in the absence of an updated regional inventory Base C provided by LADCO WRAP planning 2002 inventory version C as recommended by Tom Moore 2007 SESARM inventory and 2007 Blue Sky inventory for the rest of the CONUS domain Mexico NEI 1999v3 available from WRAP Canada NEI 2010 available from U.S. EPA 2001 offshore point inventory from the Gulf of Mexico; 2002 gridded 36-km commercial shipping lanes for the Pacific, Gulf, and Atlantic 2017 OTB Table 3-6 shows the inventory configuration that will be used for the 2017 OTB SEMAP project SMOKE simulations. These inventories represent the best available information for this simulation year that we anticipate being available at the beginning of this simulation. This table will be update if new inventory data become available prior to beginning the simulation Table 3-6. 2017 OTB inventory data Region SESARM MANE-VU CENRAP GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 Inventory Year 2017 2017 2015 Description 2017 OTB inventory provided by SESARM The NEI2005v4 projected to 2015 will be used in the absence of an updated regional inventory 3-23 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol MWRPO 2017 WRAP 2018 Fires 2007 Mexico Canada Offshore 2018 2020 2001,2002 2007->2017 growth factors provided by LADCO WRAP preliminary reasonable progress PRP2018cmv inventory as recommended by Tom Moore 2007 SESARM inventory and 2007 Blue Sky inventory for the rest of the CONUS domain Mexico NEI 1999v3 available from WRAP Canada NEI 2010 available from U.S. EPA 2001 offshore point inventory from the Gulf of Mexico; 2002 gridded 36-km commercial shipping lanes for the Pacific, Gulf, and Atlantic 2017 OTW Table 3-7 shows the inventory configuration that will be used for the 2017 OTW SEMAP project SMOKE simulations. These inventories represent the best available information for this simulation year that we anticipate being available at the beginning of this simulation. This table will be update if new inventory data become available prior to beginning the simulation. Table 3-7. 2017 OTW inventory data Region SESARM MANE-VU CENRAP Inventory Year 2017 2017 2015 MWRPO 2017 WRAP 2018 Fires 2007 Mexico Canada Offshore 2018 2020 2001,2002 Description 2017 OTW inventory provided by SESARM The NEI2005v4 projected to 2015 will be used in the absence of an updated regional inventory 2007->2017 growth factors provided by LADCO WRAP preliminary reasonable progress PRP2018cmv inventory as recommended by Tom Moore 2007 SESARM inventory and 2007 Blue Sky inventory for the rest of the CONUS domain Mexico NEI 1999v3 available from WRAP Canada NEI 2010 available from U.S. EPA 2001 offshore point inventory from the Gulf of Mexico; 2002 gridded 36-km commercial shipping lanes for the Pacific, Gulf, and Atlantic 2020 OTB Table 3-8 shows the inventory configuration that will be used for the 2020 OTB SEMAP project SMOKE simulations. These inventories represent the best available information for this GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 3-24 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol simulation year that we anticipate being available at the beginning of this simulation. This table will be update if new inventory data become available prior to beginning the simulation. Table 3-8. 2020 OTB inventory data Region SESARM MANE-VU CENRAP Inventory Year 2020 2020 2020 MWRPO 2020 WRAP 2018 Fires 2007 Mexico Canada Offshore 2018 2020 2001,2002 Description 2020 OTB inventory provided by SESARM The NEI2005v4 projected to 2020 will be used in the absence of an updated regional inventory 2007->2020 growth factors provided by LADCO WRAP preliminary reasonable progress PRP2018cmv inventory as recommended by Tom Moore 2007 SESARM inventory and 2007 Blue Sky inventory for the rest of the CONUS domain Mexico NEI 1999v3 available from WRAP Canada NEI 2010 available from U.S. EPA 2001 offshore point inventory from the Gulf of Mexico; 2002 gridded 36-km commercial shipping lanes for the Pacific, Gulf, and Atlantic 2020 OTW Table 3-9 shows the inventory configuration that will be used for the 2020 OTW SEMAP project SMOKE simulations. These inventories represent the best available information for this simulation year that we anticipate being available at the beginning of this simulation. This table will be update if new inventory data become available prior to beginning the simulation. Table 3-9. 2020 OTW inventory data Region SESARM MANE-VU CENRAP Inventory Year 2020 2020 2020 MWRPO 2020 WRAP 2018 Fires 2007 Mexico 2018 GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 Description 2020 OTW inventory provided by SESARM The NEI2005v4 projected to 2020 will be used in the absence of an updated regional inventory 2007->2020 growth factors provided by LADCO WRAP preliminary reasonable progress PRP2018cmv inventory as recommended by Tom Moore 2007 SESARM inventory and 2007 Blue Sky inventory for the rest of the CONUS domain Mexico NEI 1999v3 available from WRAP 3-25 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol Canada Offshore 2020 2001,2002 Canada NEI 2010 available from U.S. EPA 2001 offshore point inventory from the Gulf of Mexico; 2002 gridded 36-km commercial shipping lanes for the Pacific, Gulf, and Atlantic 3.4.5 Landuse Data Different landuse data sets will be collected for the SEMAP project. The landuse data required for estimating biogenic emissions are described in Section 4.1. Landuse data needed for the air quality modeling will be provided by SESARM as part of the WRF meteorology data. The WRF model uses landuse data from NCAR and outputs them in the WRF output files. These landuse data will be processed by MCIP and WRFCAMx and used by CMAQ and CAMx for calculating dry deposition parameters. 3.4.6 Meteorology Data All meteorology data required for the emissions processing and air quality modeling will be provided by SESARM. All the necessary meteorological variables will be processed through MCIP and WRFCAMx along with the two programs (AHOMAP and TUV). The CMAQ and CAMx ready meteorology data will be use by SMOKE, CMAQ, and CAMx. 3.5 Quality Assurance and Error Correction Protocol 3.5.1 Quality assurance and Quality control Quality assurance in the context of emissions and air quality modeling refers to ensuring that the results of the simulations are of the highest quality possible with respect to the data. Quality control, on the other hand, refers to ensuring that the model simulations completed successfully and without errors. QA focuses on the quality of the data; QC focuses on the process of modeling, archiving, and documenting the data. Some analysis products, like emissions spatial plots and simulation web sites, are used for both QA and QC. Other products, such as documents of model settings are used for QC only. This section describes both the QA and QC products that we will use during the emissions and air quality modeling for the SEMAP project to ensure high quality model results and that the modeling software performed as we expected. Specific examples showing how to apply QA/QC concepts in the application of the modeling software provide a framework for guiding the QA process during the production of model-ready emissions and air quality model results. The QA/QC framework begins with the installation of the modeling software and concludes with compiling QA summaries and notes into a final report. The result of following the framework will be highly scrutinized data that were generated by well-documented QA procedures. All quality assurance and quality control procedures applied during the SEMAP project will adhere to the SEMAP quality assurance project plan (QAPP). GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 3-26 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol 3.5.2 Meteorology Data and Modeling Quality assurance and quality control for meteorological data processing are needed to ensure the meteorological inputs into air quality models are correct and consistent with what the meteorological model generated. This especially important when vertical collapsing is performed. We will compare the results from MCIP and WRFCAMx on full 34 WRF layers and the collapsed vertical layers, especially near the model top where potential problems arise (Emery et al. 2009). We will make certain all the necessary variables CMAQ needs are correctly output from the WRF model. We will generate runtime log files when we run MCIP and WRFCAMx programs to QA the variables in printouts and routinely ensure no error messages were generated by the programs. If errors were generated, we will diagnose the problems and address them. 3.5.3 Emissions Quality Assurance Adelman (2004) presented the first systematic QA/QC protocols for emissions modeling. The concepts presented there will provide the basis for the QA/QC procedures that we will use for the emissions processing for this project. QA Classifications This protocol’s quality assurance plan for emissions modeling focuses on the following four classifications of QA, to ensure that datasets are both of high quality and reproducible: (1) accuracy assurance and problem identification (termed “modeling QA”); (2) software and data tracking (“system QA”); (3) independent data review (“gatekeeping and outside review”); and (4) documentation. Described in detail and presented as actual QA procedures in Adelman (2004), these four areas cover all aspects of emissions modeling. Splitting the QA into different classifications is not an attempt to prioritize the QA effort; instead, it is a way of presenting the information that allows those performing QA to focus on each area individually as it arises in the modeling process. Modeling QA Modeling QA involves performing data quality checks, assuring simulation accuracy, and recognizing and identifying problems as they happen; it is the process of looking for glaring faults in the model input and output data (I/O) and determining whether the input data are producing the desired results. Scrutiny of the I/O using standard statistical analyses can reveal problems in the data and/or the model setup. Using a standard approach for analyzing emissions model I/O establishes reference points to use when scrutinizing the data. Seeking these indicators of correct model performance allows QA personnel to determine the accuracy of the simulations and whether faults in the data or model configuration exist. Several indicators of model performance are presented in Adelman (2004). System QA System QA addresses model installation and configuration issues, data accounting, and ensures that the modeling systems are producing results that are expected and can be reproduced in the future. Properly benchmarking a model and assuring that the installation is complete is the first step in the system QA process. Confirmation of configuration settings, compile options, and GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 3-27 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol other system-related parameters must occur and be documented prior to producing any model results. Archiving the model installation at set “freeze points” in the project is also required in order to keep accurate records of the modeling installation and run scripts. A key feature of system QA is facilitating the reproduction of model results in the future and the ability to revert back to a previous configuration or installation after the model has been revised or updated. In addition to thorough documentation, version control software is required for archiving model executables, run and configuration scripts, and important data files. Combining documentation of the modeling procedures with archives of the model installation and data files will ensure that the model installation and configuration are correct and that past simulations are sufficiently documented and archived to allow their reproduction. Gatekeeping and Outside Review Gatekeeping and outside review is the process of ensuring that the data entering and leaving the SMOKE modeling process meet a predetermined quality level. A gatekeeper screens model data before they pass from one major step of the modeling process to the next. In emissions QA, gatekeeping is applied to the emissions inventory and SMOKE input files on the front end of the modeling process, and to the SMOKE output files at the back end. A gatekeeper (or gatekeeping team) is responsible for performing a series of “sanity checks” on both the input and output data streams. Outside reviewers are emissions experts who are not part of the RMC modeling team. They periodically review the entire process—the emissions data, the modeling, and the QA steps taken—using their judgment as experts to decide what to review and how to review it. Documentation Documentation, a component that is common to all of the other three QA classifications, provides the record of the QA process. Establishing a detailed set of requirements for documenting every step in the QA process will ensure not only that the documentation is created as expected but that the processes recorded by the documentation are completed correctly. In addition to records or lists of completed QA steps, documentation refers to summaries and interpretations of emissions inventory reports and analyses. Covering the entire realm of the modeling process, QA documentation will include records of model configuration, details about data files, simulation records, and final report generation. Implementing the QA Framework With the QA classifications conceptually defined in the previous section, this section focuses on the specifics of how to implement them. Beginning with details about the modeling team requirements of the QA framework and the sources of the QA information, this section then presents specific step-by-step instructions on performing emissions QA. This section concludes with discussion about how and where to document the QA process. The Emissions QA Team The level of effort required to implement this QA framework requires a team consisting of a data gatekeeper(s), a production modeler(s), a QA manager, outside reviewers, and a project manager. Each member of the team contributes different perspectives on the data and modeling. GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 3-28 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol The gatekeeper (or gatekeeping team) is responsible for reviewing the SMOKE I/O data streams for correctness. Before new datasets are used in SMOKE modeling, or new SMOKE output emissions datasets are used in air quality modeling, they must be reviewed by the gatekeeper. For all SMOKE input and output files, the gatekeeper will ensure that the data are complete, are formatted correctly, and pass sanity checks. Checking completeness entails examining the files for the necessary data elements, spatial coverage, and temporal extent. Data formats will be confirmed using the SMOKE manual to check ASCII files and using PAVE and/or VERDI to check binary netCDF files, such as the meteorology inputs. Sanity checks look for glaring errors in the file contents and ensure that the data make sense in the context of how they will be used and relative to similar or reference datasets. Issues that arise during the gate keeping process will be reported to the project manager for resolution. UNC staff will serve as the gatekeepers for the SEMAP emissions data. The production modeler is responsible for receiving input data, maintaining the model run scripts, running the model per the work plan, producing default QA reports, delivering model output data, and assisting with compiling QA reports into summaries for documentation purposes. At least two people are needed in this role in all emissions modeling projects because of its broad scope; a single person cannot complete all of the production modeler functions. A lead modeler will oversee the entire modeling process, perform the majority of the SMOKE modeling, and receive and archive input and output data per the procedures. Secondary modelers will organize the SMOKE QA reports into emissions summaries for data QA and reporting, and will generate custom QA summaries and reports for troubleshooting any problems encountered during the modeling process. The QA manager enforces adherence to this QA protocol. Consistent with the protocol, the QA manager performs and documents all of the checks required for determining model accuracy and revealing errors. The QA manager also ensures that the software is configured correctly and that the data and model are being archived consistently and correctly. Overseeing the production modelers, the QA manager will verify that SMOKE is being applied correctly and that all QA summaries are consistent with the relevant input data. Leading the documentation efforts, the QA manager ensures that all the necessary QA summaries are generated and certified and that they are compiled into a final project report. Zac Adelman from UNC will serve as the QA manager for the SEMAP emissions modeling. Outside reviewers will be required to both systematically confirm and periodically audit the work of the emissions modeling team for consistency with the modeling data and adherence to the QA protocol. An outside perspective of the emissions modeling process will be used to subject the emissions modeling data and process to screening procedures for correctness. SESARM technical staff will serve as outside reviewers of the SEMAP emissions data. The final member of the modeling team is the project manager. The project manager is ultimately responsible for the quality of the final products of the modeling process. Providing technical assistance to the production modelers and clarifying any uncertainties about model input, configuration, and operation for the QA manager, the project manager will be able to address any questions in the modeling process. Working with the QA manager, the project manager approves the results of all QA procedures, and thoroughly scrutinizes the QA summaries for problems to determine whether the data are ready to be sent to the gatekeepers GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 3-29 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol and outside reviewers for final review before delivery to the air quality modelers. The project manager is responsible for keeping the project on schedule and within budget. For each of the QA classifications presented in Section (modeling QA, system QA, gatekeeping and outside review, and documentation), the following sections provide procedural information and describe the role of each member of the modeling team. These sections are preceded by an outline of the types of information and the components of the SMOKE modeling environment that are involved in the QA procedures. Information Required for Performing Quality Assurance Various sources of QA information are available from SMOKE. The nature of the information, how it is generated and where to obtain it, and what it will be used for are explained in Adelman (2004). The following data will be used in the SMOKE QA process. Log files SMOKE QA reports Run Scripts Assigns files Inventory summaries QA Documents Emission QA plots Modeling QA Modeling QA involves procedures for determining whether SMOKE is working correctly and producing expected results. These procedures must be completed with every new emissions inventory modeled with SMOKE, with new base-year simulations, new sensitivity simulations, reruns to correct errors in past simulations, and changes to the base SMOKE configuration. This section applies these components to a detailed set of procedures for checking SMOKE modeling. There are several indicators of model performance that must be reviewed to confirm that SMOKE is configured and applied correctly. In general these indicators will be used to confirm the following items: Confirming SMOKE configuration and input files Confirming that SMOKE executed without errors or unexpected warnings Checking the SMOKE ancillary inputs Emission modeling QA checks Confirming that SMOKE processed the emissions inventory correctly Compare the SMOKE QA reports and model-ready emissions for consistency The QA steps detailed in this section coincide with those in the SMOKE emissions QA checklist in Appendix B (Table B-1), and are to be performed by the production modelers. After the production modeler completes the entire checklist, it will be passed to the QA manager for verification. The QA manager will re-check all of the individual items in the checklist. GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 3-30 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol When all of the steps have been completed for a new inventory or sensitivity and the checklist is filled out in its entirety, the production modeler and QA manager must sign off on the checklist and deliver it to the project manager. As an important last step in the SMOKE QA procedure, the project manager validates the checklist using the accompanying documentation to determine whether the emission modeling results are ready to pass to the gatekeepers and outside reviewers. He/she then certifies the model-ready emissions as final, interim, or not ready for air quality modeling. The emissions may be deemed interim if resource availability (time, computing, funding) or scheduling requirements outweigh the severity of the emissions issues. The project manager will document the caveats in the interim emissions dataset and ensure that they are either resolved in a subsequent emissions modeling simulation and/or presented as caveats in the emissions data to air quality modelers. If the project manager deems that the emissions are not ready for air quality modeling, he/she will also document the problem(s) that lead to this determination and a solution will be worked out by the modeling team. After the problem is corrected, the emissions category that contained the problem will be subjected to the appropriate QA procedures and the model-ready emissions regenerated. Complete details of the model performance indicators are provided in Adelman (2004). System QA System QA refers to the accounting process for modeling software, tools, and data, beginning with installation or import onto the computing system of choice and completing with archival using an online version control system. Version control in the context of emissions modeling is the concept of enumerating every instance of a model configuration or data file and storing the configuration information and data with associated version numbers. All changes made to the model configuration or installation and updates made to the data are documented and tracked using the project website. The QA checklist in Appendix B (Table B-1) contains entries for system QA. Each of the major steps detailed in this section correspond to entries in the QA checklist. This protocol requires that all of the steps outlined in this section be completed and verified by the QA manager in the checklist in Table B-1. Gatekeeping and Outside Review The third major classification of QA is gatekeeping and outside review. As significant time, effort, and funding are involved in emissions modeling, air quality modeling, and the subsequent analysis of the results, it is very important to ensure that the data are correct before they enter the modeling and analysis process. To supplement the above QA procedures performed by the production modelers and the QA manager, perspectives from people outside of the modeling process are needed and must be part of the QA protocol. These external participants are the gatekeeper and the outside reviewers. We will make QA products available through the Web to facilitate review by the gatekeepers. The gatekeeper’s function is to review the SMOKE input and output data streams before they are used in modeling. A gatekeeper will be designated by the project manager of the emissions modeling team. The gatekeeper should be a person who GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 3-31 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol understands the data requirements and the operational aspects of SMOKE, has worked with the same or similar datasets as those entering and leaving the SMOKE modeling process, and a person involved in the modeling project and who knows the modeling domain and the nature of the inventory data. The gatekeeper will perform a high-level review of SMOKE inventory files for formatting errors and for data “sanity” (defined below). He or she will also review the CMAQ-ready SMOKE output files for correctness and completeness. While the gatekeeper focuses on the I/O data streams, outside reviewers are called upon to periodically review the entire process: the emissions data, the modeling, and the QA steps taken. Documentation Documentation is the fourth key component of the emissions modeling QA protocol; it encompasses all aspects of the QA process. From recording the results, progress, and key findings of the accuracy assurance and problem identification tasks to embodying the central issue of the software and data tracking tasks, documentation is important for ensuring the accuracy of the model results and providing tangible records of how they were obtained and how they can be reproduced. Three levels of documentation are required in this protocol: 1. The first level consists of worksheets for recording SMOKE configuration settings and details about the input and output data. These are working documents that change as the project evolves and new data become available. 2. The second level of documentation involves forms for recording the QA process; these are also working documents. Recording this information ensures that the primary QA goals are fulfilled. This second level of documentation records both the completion of procedures and the creation of documentation as defined by this protocol. 3. The last level of documentation is the generation of a final report. All of the information recorded in the previous two levels of documentation must be compiled into a final report at the end of a modeling project. These documentation levels are described in detail in Adelman (2004). 3.5.4 Air Quality Data and Modeling We will adopt rigorous QA procedures to verify the quality and accuracy of all model inputs and outputs that will be developed for the project. This will be mainly accomplished using statistical and graphical approaches. AQM Input Files IC/BC files: Once the IC/BC files are created, we will create graphical outputs – tile plots for initial conditions and time-series plots of boundary conditions for every model day for all 4 edges of the domain. We will also compute min and max for each hour for each edge of the domain and verify if these lie within reasonable bounds for the entire modeling period. A sample GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 3-32 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol time-series plot of boundary conditions is shown in Figure xx. We will archive all run logs from the processing of the data and screen them for any error messages. AQM Output Files We will use a rigorous naming convention (see Section 4.1) for distinguishing between all model scenarios and between the CAMx and CMAQ simulations. We will create individual directories for each model scenario, and retain unique scripts for each scenario, each month, each year, and never reuse any script for multiple scenarios. We will retain all runtime logs from the models and routinely parse them for any error/warning messages. We will flag runs/scenarios/days that have error messages and take appropriate action to address them. Once the model simulations are complete, we will use automated post-processing tools that UNC has used extensively in numerous projects to perform time aggregation (daily maxima, daily average, etc.), create tile plots, timeseries plots and standard min/max statistics for all species to QA them for reasonableness. We will create automated ways to parse these min/max values for each and every simulation and report anomalies to the AQM data manager for possible corrective action. All plots will be posted to the interactive project website for SEMAP and the QA manager will be informed for review. The model executable, run scripts and log directories will be periodically synchronized to the archival system at GIT and UNC (mass storage system) in near real-time. Thus, in case of disk failure, etc., we can easily reproduce these runs as necessary. The following general procedures will be used to QA all air quality modeling simulations completed for this project. Verification that correct configuration and science options are used in compiling and running each component of the modeling system, where these components include the meteorology pre-preprocessor, initial/boundary conditions processors, photolysis rate calculators, chemistry-transport model (CTM), and any other preprocessor used to prepare data for the CTM. Verification that correct input data sets are used when running each model. Evaluation of model results to verify that the output is reasonable and consistent with general expectations. Processing of ambient monitoring data for use in the model performance evaluation. Evaluation of the air quality model results against observations. Backup and archiving of critical model input and output data. GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 3-33 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol Section 4: Technical Approach 4.1 Simulation Identification We will use a naming scheme for the CMAQ and CAMx simulations to identify the versions of the input data, inventory year, and inventory version used in the simulation. The model used to generate the results with version number (i.e., CMAQ4.7.1) will be included in the output file names along with the julian date of the simulation. A three letter input data versioning prefix in the simulation identification (ID) will be used to track the version of the meteorology (digit 1), emissions (digit 2), and air quality data (digit 3). A two-digit number will then denote the inventory year used in the simulation. The last digit(s) will identify the version of the inventory, i.e. actual (A), typical (T), on the books (OTB), on the way (OTW). For example simulation ID adb07T can be interpreted as: Meteorology data/configuration version a Emissions data/configuration version d Air quality data/configuration version b 2007 typical (07T) inventory The justification for using different version IDs for the input data is based on our experience with similar modeling projects that required the ability to track numerous iterations of the input data used in the air quality modeling simulations. When one of the input streams to the air quality model changes, either through changes to the data or model configuration, the ID for that data will be incremented. The version IDs and simulation IDs will be documented and tracked on the SEMAP project website. 4.2 General Modeling Procedures This section describes the general procedures that we will use to process data during the SEMAP project. The modeling procedures described here will be used throughout all of the modeling applications in the SEMAP project. Alternative procedures that diverge from those documented in this section are described in the applicable task descriptions below. 4.2.1 Meteorology Data Preparation MCIP We will acquire the namelist and registry files and WRF outputs for the year 2007 from the SESARM meteorological modeling contractor. We will select two ten day periods from both summer and winter months to test the MCIP make certain the WRF model was run with all the physics options and outputted necessary variables needed for CMAQ simulations. While we run MCIP we will window out the CMAQ domain mentioned in Section 2 from the WRF domain which has been chosen by SESARM and the meteorological modeling team. We will also acquire the WRF modeling protocol and evaluation/analysis documentations and then carefully review the evaluations already done by the WRF modeling team and perform extra evaluation/analysis if needed. GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 4-1 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol We will have conference calls and emails with the metrological modeling team regarding the CMAQ vertical layers. According to EPA scientists, layer collapsing in the first 1km near the surface is not recommended. After the vertical layer structure is determined we will run MCIP for the two testing periods using vertical collapsing. Since the vertical collapsing has the potential to cause problems at the model top which can be propagate to lower model layers (Emery et al. 2009), we will compare the metrological variables from the original WRF outputs and the MCIP outputs to assure the quality of the met data going into SMOKE and CMAQ. After we are satisfied with the MCIP outputs for the test cases, we will perform MCIP processing with the year 2007 WRF output data. We will report our findings to SESARM and external sources. WRFCAMx We will test the WRFCAMx program with the same testing cases mentioned in 4.1. We will also examine the outputs after vertical collapsing and compare them to the original WRF outputs. We will also run the two programs (AHOMAP and TUV) to prepare photolysis rate inputs for CAMx model. After we make certain the results from WRFCAMx, AHOMAP, and TUV are satisfactory, we will process the whole year of 2007 WRF output data through these programs. 4.2.2 Emissions Data Preparation SMOKE UNC will conduct all emissions modeling for the SEMAP project using the SMOKE version 2.7beta (May 2010), which supports the processing of MOVES-based lookup tables. Before beginning operational SMOKE modeling to develop annual, multi-scale emissions for CMAQ and CAMx, UNC will build an emissions modeling infrastructure on UNC computers to support the SEMAP project. The sequential process of developing this infrastructure encompasses the installation of SMOKE on the UNC computers and creating the 2007 SEMAP emissions modeling platform. SMOKE installation requires that after the binary executables are copied to the system, that the program be benchmarked on the UNC computers before it is used for operational modeling. Benchmarking is the process of confirming that a model is installed on a new computing system correctly by comparing the results from a test simulation run on the new system against results from the same simulation that are distributed with the model. UNC will use the preliminary 2006 version A (Pre06a) RoMANS emissions modeling platform as the starting point for the development of all of the SEMAP emissions modeling (Adelman, 2007). The scripts and SMOKE configuration used for RoMANS Pre06a will be transferred directly to the UNC computing systems for the 2007, 2017 and 2020 SEMAP modeling. After SMOKE is benchmarked on the UNC computers, we will build an emissions modeling platform for developing emissions for the SEMAP project on UNC computing system. GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 4-2 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol MEGAN We will use a GIS to convert version 2.1 of the MEGAN emission factors and plant functional types and version 2.0 of the MEGAN leaf area index data to the SEMAP grids and combine these with the SEMAP meteorology data to estimate biogenic emissions for the summer and winter sensitivity periods. Blue Sky Framework The Blue Sky Framework (http://blueskyframework.org/) is a modeling system designed to provide estimates of wildfires and other large fire events using high-resolution satellite-based data and ground-based observations. We will use the Blue Sky Framework in conjunction with the Fire Emission Production Simulator (FEPS) to generate 2007 annual fire inventories for input to the SMOKE processing system. These fires data will be used to simulate fire emissions for the regions of the modeling domain outside of the area covered by the SEMAP fire inventories provided by SESARM. The Blue Sky Framework generates hourly fire and plume rise parameters that SMOKE can use to produce hourly, gridded, 3-D emissions for input to CMAQ and CAMx. Spatial Allocator The Spatial Allocator is an open-source GIS that we will use to prepare emissions and air quality input data. The Surrogate Tool component of the Spatial Allocator will be used to convert GIS Shapefiles to spatial surrogates for the SEMAP modeling domains. These spatial surrogates will be used to allocate the county-level inventory data to the 36-km and 12-km modeling grid cells. We will also use the Spatial Allocator to project the BELD tiles to the SEMAP modeling grids for input to BEIS3. Finally, we will use the Spatial Allocator to generate an ocean mask input file to CMAQ which is used to calculate surf zone and open ocean sea salt emissions. We will explore the options for calculating offline sea salt emissions to use in CAMx. 4.2.3 Air Quality Modeling CMAQ CMAQ version 4.7.1 will be used for conducting the SEMAP air quality modeling. As described above, meteorology and emissions inputs to CMAQ are prepared using MCIP and SMOKE, respectively. Initial and boundary conditions for the CMAQ 36-km domain are extracted from GEOS-Chem outputs. Here we will use CMAQ’s preprocessors ICON and BCON, respectively, to prepare initial and boundary conditions for the CMAQ 12-km domain. We will use JPROC to prepare the photolysis rates tables. Finally, the air quality modeling will be conducted using the CMAQ’s core Chemistry-Transport Model CCTM. CMAQ version 4.7.1 system will be installed on Georgia Tech’s computer system and will be benchmarked against release data. We choose ifort as the Fortran compiler for the system. Initial and Boundary Conditions We will use ICON and BCON of CMAQ version 4.7.1 to prepare initial and boundary conditions for the CMAQ 12-km domain. The input datasets to ICON and BCON will be the output fields of instantaneous concentrations from the corresponding CMAQ modeling of the 36-km domain. GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 4-3 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol Initial conditions will be prepared for the beginning hour of each simulation period and boundary conditions will be prepared for every hour during each simulation period. Run scripts, log files and all outputs will be archived and the generated initial and boundary conditions will be visualized using graphics tools for quality assurance. Photolysis Rates Photolysis rates tables will be prepared by using JPROC of CMAQ version 4.7.1. The same chemical mechanism to be used in CCTM (i.e. CB05 with Chlorine) will be used here to prepare photolysis rates tables for every day of each simulation period. These photolysis rates tables will be first reviewed and then used for both the 36- and 12-km CCTM modeling. Photolysis rates tables will be prepared only once for the entire SEMAP project. Run scripts, log files and photolysis rates tables will be archived for quality assurance. Chemistry-Transport Model We will use CCTM of CMAQ version 4.7.1 to conduct the air quality modeling. All the CMAQ ready inputs will be prepared as described previously and will be reviewed for quality control purposes. CCTM build-it script and run-together scripts will be developed for the SEMAP project. The CCTM configuration for the initial base case simulation will be determined by recommendation using all available information in the literature, consultation with EPA, and our own experiences and by approval of the SEMAP Project Coordinator and TAWG. The final CCTM configuration will be determined after the diagnostic model sensitivities tests and by the SEMAP approval. The source code of each set of CCTM configuration including those for the diagnostic tests will be kept for quality assurance. Run scripts, log files and most importantly the CCTM output files will also be archived. Quality review will be made during each CCTM simulation and after the simulation is finished. Log file will be first reviewed for checking if appropriate input files are used in the simulation and then checked for any suspicious total mass reporting. Simulated concentration fields from output files will be statistically analyzed using m3stat tool after the simulation finished and will be processed for necessary temporal averaging and species merging. The processed concentration fields will be visualized using PAVE and other graphic tools as a standard procedure for further quality assurance. CAMx Initial and Boundary Conditions We will use the initial and boundary condition files generated for CMAQ (from GEOS-Chem) and convert them using the CMAQ2CAMx utility to CAMx-ready files for the 36-km domain. We will then use the CAMx-based 36-km concentration files to create the ICON/BCON for the 12-km CAMx modeling applications. Run scripts, log files and all outputs will be archived and the generated initial and boundary conditions will be visualized using graphics tools for quality assurance. Other Inputs We will use the CAMx utility AHOMAP to generate additional inputs for CAMx, which include UV albedo, haze turbidity, and ozone column. While recent versions of CAMx can support the use of additional inputs such as snow cover, surface roughness, land-ocean mask, and drought GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 4-4 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol stress, ahomap does not support the creation of these since they are not essential. We will look into available data from the National Land Cover Database (NLCD) and WRF outputs to see if we can create these. Chemical Mechanism Unlike CMAQ which uses a specific chemical mechanism module during compilation, CAMx needs a chemical parameter file as an input to the run script. From the various options, we will use the mechanism file CAMx5.2.chemparam.6_CF, included with the distribution. This mechanism includes the Carbon Bond 2005 gas-phase chemical mechanism with PM treatment. Chemistry-Transport Model We will use CAMx V5.20 for conducting the SEMAP air quality modeling. As described above, meteorology and emissions inputs to CAMx are prepared using WRFCAMx and SMOKE, respectively. All other inputs such as IC, BC and photolysis rate files will be developed as discussed above. Finally, the air quality modeling will be conducted using CAMx V5.20. UNC has already installed and configured this model on the UNC computer cluster. We are in the process of performing comparative performance evaluation using OpenMP and MPI to obtain the best performance. We will benchmark the final configuration outputs against available test data provided by the developers before starting modeling for SEMAP. We will use the Intel Fortran Compiler ifort as the Fortran compiler for the system. 4.3 Initial Base Case Simulation The objective of this task is to develop an initial annual “Actual” 2007 base year air quality model simulation (herein referred to as Base2007) on the SEMAP 36-km and 12-km resolution modeling grids (Section 2). Many of the modeling approaches discussed in this section are applicable to the other modeling tasks in the project. The modeling approaches for tasks that differ from those presented in this section will be presented with the applicable task. We will divide the work on this task between Georgia Tech and UNC. UNC will conduct the modeling that prepare all inputs to CMAQ, including IC, BC, JPROC, MCIP and SMOKE modeling; Georgia Tech will conduct all CMAQ modeling. External drives will be used for data transfer between UNC and Georgia Tech. We will use SMOKE version 2.7beta with the SESARM “Actual” 2007 emissions inventory to prepare gridded emissions inputs, GEOS-CHEM to prepare BCs, and the latest versions of ICON, JPROC and MCIP to prepare the other inputs for CMAQ. Details of the input databases that will be compiled to prepare inputs to simulation Base2007 are provided in Section 4, including the compilation of inventories outside of the SESARM region. To select a specific configuration of CMAQ for the SEMAP project, we will start with the standard configuration of the CMAQ version 4.7.1 released by EPA through the CMAS Center at UNC. Features of this version were announced at the CMAS Conference in October 2009, which include updated SOA and cloud modules, support for biogenic sesquiterpene emissions, and a fully incorporated DDM module for both gas and aerosol phases. The initial Base2007 CMAQ simulations, which will be identified as CMAQ4.7.1.aaa07ACT will be performed using a configuration based on a literature review of the relevant air quality model sensitivity simulations including the latest evaluation articles on the most recent GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 4-5 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol developments in CMAQ (i.e. Foley et al (2009)) and through communication with the EPA Office of Research and Development (ORD) scientists who developed CMAQ. In consideration that CMAQ version 4.7.1, due to its recent release, will not have accompanying publications in the primary literature, we will use a combination of literature reviews of modeling studies that used previous CMAQ versions (i.e. Foley et al., 2009, Wilczak et al., 2009, Byun and Shere, 2006) and discussion with EPA ORD to determine the recommended optimal configuration for the SEMAP project. In general, the base model configuration specifications outlined in the SEMAP RFP will be used for the initial CMAQ simulation with the following modifications: As of version 4.7 the RADM cloud module is no longer an option in CMAQ. We will use the ACM cloud routine that includes extensions for the AERO5 heterogeneous chemistry mechanism. The module specified in the RFP, AERO4, has been replaced by AERO5 in CMAQ version 4.7. We will use the CMAQ AERO5 module for the SEMAP project. We will select a CMAQ configuration using all available information in the literature, consultation with EPA, and our own experiences to provide a recommendation to the SEMAP technical analysis working group (TAWG) along with the rationales used to recommend the configuration. After approval by the SEMAP Project Coordinator and TAWG, we will finalize the initial air quality model configuration and provide our insights on conducting the necessary diagnostic model configuration tests. After completing the CMAQ simulations we will wait for guidance from SESARM about how to proceed with the CAMx simulations. The CAMx simulation will use a model configuration and input data that are as close to the CMAQ simulation as possible. Table 12 shows the proposed configuration options for CMAQ and CAMx that will produce results that are normalized as much as possible. Table 4-1. CMAQ and CAMx configuration options Model Parameter Horizontal Advection CMAQ_v4.7.1 Yamartino (hyamo) Vertical Advection Yamartino (vyamo) Horizontal Diffusion Vertical Diffusion Multiscale Advanced Convective Method (ACM2) CB05 with Chlorine (cb05cl_ae5_aq) Euler Backward Iterative (ebi_cb05cl_ae5) CMAQ 5th Generation (aero5) ACM clouds with aero5 (cloud_acm_ae5) none Gas Chemistry Mechanism Gas Chemistry Solver Aerosol Mechanism Clouds/Aqueous Chemistry Plume in Grid CAMx_v5.20 Piecewise Parabolic Method (PPM) Piecewise Parabolic Method (PPM) Implicit Advanced Convective Method (ACM2) CB05 with Chlorine (Mechanism 6) Euler Backward Iterative (EBI) Two static modes (CF) Implicit none We will use the “Actual 2007” emissions modeling platform (EMP) with SMOKE version 2.7beta to prepare all of the emissions data for input to CMAQ. The inventory and ancillary emissions data used in the Actual 2007 EMP are detailed in Section 4. We will generate both the CMAQ and CAMx emissions directly with SMOKE. The CMAQ2CAMx utility will only be used to process certain inventory sectors and the GEOS-CHEM BCs for input to CAMx. Fire GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 4-6 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol inventories that are processed through SMOKE do not have the typical stack parameters needed to select the elevated versus low level sources needed to support CAMx. In the case of fire emissions, 3-d CMAQ-ready fire emissions files will be processed with the CMAQ2CAMx utility to split the 3-d CMAQ emissions into elevated and low level CAMx emissions files. The vertically split fire emissions will be merged with the rest of the CAMx-ready emissions files using SMOKE. For the rest of the emissions data, the conversion of the CMAQ emissions files to CAMx is an incremental change that happens during the SMOKE processing sequence. Minor speciation changes, output units, and file format conversions to produce CAMx-ready emissions will be handled by SMOKE for all but the fire inventories. We will also use the CMAQ2CAMx utility to convert the GEOS-CHEM BC data into the CAMx format. Because processing emissions for CAMx with SMOKE and using the CMAQ2CAMx utility is redundant, we are proposing only a small amount of work for the CMAQ2CAMx subtasks to support the conversion of the BCs and a few of the inventory sectors to CAMx format. The combination of SMOKE and CMAQ2CAMx will allow us to produce input data for both CMAQ and CAMx that are nearly identical. Because SMOKE-generated CAMx emissions and CMAQ2CAMx converted emissions are identical, we do not see the need for pursuing the full CMAQ2CAMxbased simulations requested in the RFP. Efficiencies in the emissions processing will be gained by minimizing the number of modelready emissions files required to represent the temporal variability of individual sources. For example, commercial marine emissions use flat temporal profiles across the months of the year and days of the week. Since this configuration results in uniform emissions for every day of the year, only a single day of processed emissions is required to represent this sector in an annual simulation. In addition to a single representative day for the entire year, there are several other temporal configurations for emissions, such as representative weeks (7 days/month), representative Monday-Weekday-Saturday-Sunday (MWSS) days (4 days/month), representative days per month (1 day/month), etc. The different temporal configurations used for simulated emissions for this project and referenced in Table 2 are described below. Single day – one representative day per year; applies to sources with flat monthly, weekly, and daily temporal profiles MWSS – Representative Monday, weekday, Saturday, Sunday per month; includes representing holidays as Sundays Daily – one emissions file per simulation day Hourly – hourly inventories or hourly-meteorology-based emissions We will conduct systematic and automated quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) in the emissions modeling process. The SMOKE QA sequence focuses on identifying errors in the input data or use of the input data, such as the incorrect assignment of temporal profiles. The SMOKE QC sequence focuses on ensuring that the emissions modeling process is well documented, reproducible, and did not insert errors into the modeling results. Details of the QA/QC procedures that we will use for the SEMAP project emissions processing are presented in Section 8.2. We will use the automated analysis approaches described in Section 6 “Air Quality Model Evaluation Protocol” to produce all of the evaluation products needed to diagnose model biases. The techniques that we will use to identify biases in the initial CMAQ and CAMx simulations GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 4-7 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol are detailed in Section 6. We will target these biases in the design of the sensitivity simulations that will be performed under SEMAP project Task 6 (Model Configuration Diagnostic Sensitivity Modeling). All model inputs, including BCs, meteorology, and emissions and model configuration options will be analyzed for their contribution to both model biases and errors. If we identify potential biases that result from the meteorology inputs, we will provide our analysis results to the SEMAP Project Coordinator to initiate dialogue with the SESARM meteorology contractor about how the meteorology could be improved. Biases and errors that appear to be resulting from the emissions and BCs will be addressed in the design of the sensitivity simulations conducted under the diagnostic modeling task. The Base2007 simulations will produce emissions and air quality model output on the SEMAP 36-km and 12-km modeling grids for CMAQ and CAMx that will be used for model performance evaluation and in the design of sensitivity simulations for diagnosing air quality model performance. 4.4 Diagnostic Model Sensitivities The objective of this task is to determine the final model configuration that will be used through the rest of this project, including the 2007 “actual” and “typical” simulations, and future year simulations as well as emissions sensitivity modeling. The necessary diagnostic tests will be decided according to prediction deficits revealed by the model performance evaluation on the initial annual “actual” 2007 base year simulation. All the tests to be conducted here will use the initial “actual” 2007 base year simulation as the base case and will be conducted for selected month-long periods during winter and summer times. This task may involve model modification as well as re-processing of emissions and meteorological inputs depending on specific sensitivity tests. Both Georgia Tech and UNC have tremendous experience with tests that require model development, meteorological modeling, and emissions processing capabilities. Our team has proven experience in testing and applying CMAQ in various configurations, developing new modules, and finding and fixing bugs in existing modules of CMAQ that we will use to recommend the most effective and absolutely necessary diagnostic tests. Following discussion with the SEMAP Project Coordinator, we will execute the carefully selected sensitivity tests. After thorough investigations on all the tests results, we will recommend a final optimized model configuration and/or input data improvements for the SEMAP 2007 final simulation and the rest simulations. The determination of the most necessary diagnostic tests will be based on our interpretation of the model performance after evaluation of the initial annual simulation results. We will conduct the following model configuration tests, if necessary, as suggested in the RFP and as based on our past experiences using CMAQ to simulation in the Southeast. 4.4.1 Number of Vertical Layers (19 vs. 34) More vertical layers in CMAQ lead to better resolution of emissions plumes and pollutant transport and can result in better predictions at the surface. The sacrifice of using more vertical layers is increased computational costs, both in terms of slower model speeds and a larger data storage burden. Therefore, CMAQ applications are typically run with less than 20 layers, with higher resolution (more layers) inside the mixed layer (0-3 km). While this type of configuration was believed to be working well for capturing most of the emission impacts on the ground level GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 4-8 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol concentrations, a recent SERDP project conducted by Georgia Tech to enhance the capability of simulating prescribed forest fires, has found that increasing the number of vertical layers can significantly improve the prediction of the air quality impacts of fire plumes. A recent modeling study at Georgia Tech comparing CMAQ results using 34 and 80 layers showed significant improvement going from 13 to 34 layers for the February 28, 2007 Atlanta smoke incidence. The May 21-22, 2007 period during Georgia-Florida wildfires is an ideal case to test vertical resolution, as well as fire emissions and vertical mixing. The fire plume, which southeasterly winds carried to northern Alabama on May 21, entered Georgia under westerly winds on May 22 and hit Atlanta. Our first modeling attempt using our 12-km forecasting grid was not successful due to limited vertical resolution (13 layers only). Of note, an attempt by Yang et al. (2009) focusing on Tallahassee, FL did not track the long-range transport either, although it used 20 vertical layers. We are currently re-simulating this event with 34 layers as part of the JFSP project. We expect to see improvement in the long-range transport of the wildfire plume due to increased vertical resolution. Team members Georgia Tech and UNC are experienced in applying CMAQ with different number of vertical layers (e.g. 9, 13, 19, 21, 34 and 80 vertical layers in various past and ongoing projects). It should be noted that switching between different numbers of vertical layers is limited by the layering in the original WRF or MM5 simulations. Supported by the layer configuration of the SEMAP project WRF data, we will conduct a test with an increased number of vertical layers 34 in CMAQ by reprocessing the meteorology through MCIP, reprocessing the elevated emissions sectors through SMOKE, and requesting reprocessed GEOS-Chem IC/BC data from the SEMAP Project Coordinator using the new layer configuration. We will focus our typical analyses of vertical layer sensitivities on the impacts of fire and power plant plumes on surface layer model performance. 4.4.2 MEGAN vs BEIS biogenic emissions MEGAN and BEIS are two biogenic emissions models that predict fluxes of the VOC pollutants that are critical to O3 and SOA formation in the atmosphere. MEGAN and BEIS use different datasets to characterize land use and also differ in the algorithms that they use to compute emissions. The biogenic emissions predictions from the two models are quite different and can cause significant difference in ozone and SOA predictions in both spatial patterns and magnitudes ((Sakulyanontvittaya, Duhl et al. 2008; Sakulyanontvittaya, Guenther et al. 2008)). The latest versions of both MEGAN and BEIS estimate monoterpene and sesquiterpene emissions, which are important precursors to SOA formation in the Southeast. In this sensitivity we will prepare the 30-second resolution ESRI GRID emission factor and landuse data to run MEGAN for the 36-km and 12-km SEMAP modeling grids. We will use a GIS to convert version 2.1 of the MEGAN emission factors and plant functional types and version 2.0 of the MEGAN leaf area index data to the SEMAP grids and combine these with the SEMAP meteorology data to estimate biogenic emissions for the summer and winter sensitivity periods. After merging the MEGAN emissions in with the anthropogenic and pyrogenic emissions using SMOKE they will be used to simulate air quality with CMAQ for the two sensitivity periods. Evaluation of the BEIS and MEGAN biogenic emissions will be conducted by comparing the CMAQ non-methane hydrocarbon (NMHC) predictions of biogenic species to ground-based GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 4-9 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol ambient monitoring data from the Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations (PAMS). We will also use the predicted formaldehyde (HCHO) from CMAQ to calculate tropospheric HCHO columns for comparison to remote sensed HCHO data from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) on the Aura satellite (Stavrakou, T., et al, 2009). Along with the standard model performance evaluation metrics for ozone and PM, we will use these additional metrics to determine which biogenic emissions model produces the most accurate estimates of biogenic VOC’s for the SEMAP project. Our analysis will also focus on differences in O3 and SOA predictions between the CMAQ simulations that used biogenic emissions estimated with BEIS and MEGAN. 4.4.3 Vertical Mixing/Mixing Heights Model parameters that describe vertical mixing, such as the vertical diffusivity coefficient and mixing height, are critical for accurately predicting surface pollutant concentrations in air quality models. Knowledge of the nocturnal planet boundary layer (PBL) and of the characteristic changes in PBL during the transition times at sunset and sunrise is limited. As a result, the vertical mixing parameters are poorly predicted in meteorology models during these periods. The inability of meteorology models to accurately simulate the nocturnal PBL is linked to poor nighttime air quality model performance ((Hogrefe, Rao et al. 2001; Hogrefe, Rao et al. 2001)). This weakens the accuracy of not only the 24-hr PM2.5 predictions but also the 8-hour ozone predictions. In this sensitivity we will diagnose potential vertical mixing and mixing height problems in the initial CMAQ run. For example, the May 21-22 period with its remarkable long-range transport of the Georgia-Florida wildfire plume will be scrutinized. We will analyze how diagnosed problems are impacting model performance. Depending on the nature of the identified problems, we will test a different model configuration, conduct further diagnostics, reiterate if necessary, and recommend the most appropriate configuration for the final CMAQ simulation. 4.4.4 Updated SOA formation It is well known that insufficient SOA formation mechanisms in CTMs contribute to underpredictions of organic carbon (OC) ((Eder, Kang et al. 2006; Tesche, Morris et al. 2006)). The modifications that EPA added to CMAQ version 4.7 to include SOA formation from sesquiterpene emissions and to consider aged SOA, among other modifications, had small impacts on SOA predictions ((Napelenok, Carlton et al. 2008; Bhave, Carlton et al. 2009)). Recent field and laboratory studies have provided new information on SOA formation that may be useful for enhancing CTM SOA mechanisms ((Jimenez, Canagaratna et al. 2009)). Georgia Tech recently developed a new SOA mechanism that includes all SOA formation pathways and also considers multi-generations of aged SOA ((Baek 2009) ). We have tested this new mechanism using 2007 forecast simulations and found improvements in 24-hr PM2.5 and OC predictions compared to the original forecasts that used default CMAQ SOA mechanism ((Hu, Baek et al. 2008)). We implemented this new SOA mechanism in our forecasting system for the Southeast starting in the 2009 O3 season. Figure 4-1 illustrates how the model performance in predicting 24-hr PM2.5 and OC concentration was significantly improved in the Atlanta, GA area in comparison to the forecasts for previous years ((Hu, Baek et al. 2009)). GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 4-10 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol Figure 4-1. Modeled (red solid line) and observed (blue dots) 24-hr average organic carbon concentrations (gm-3) at South DeKalb, GA from May 1st to July 15th, 2009. In this sensitivity we will conduct a full comparison of CMAQ SOA predictions using the SOA mechanism in CMAQv4.7.1 and SOA mechanism developed by Georgia Tech. We will use both the standard observational data as well as other observed information in the Southeast that we have access to, such as WSOC, molecular marker observations, and, if available, Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (AMS) and C14 data. 4.4.5 Updated cloud parameters Past applications of CMAQ in the Southeast, such as the VISTAS modeling, favored the RADM module over the ACM module. The recent updates to ACM in CMAQ warrant testing the impacts of the new features on model performance in the Southeast and comparison to the old RADM cloud module. We will apply the new ACM cloud module in the initial 2007 annual simulation and comparing the results to a sensitivity simulation with the RADM cloud module. Georgia Tech will execute the test simulations and, if necessary, will update the CMAQ RADM cloud module accordingly. The evaluation will focus on not only the wet deposition but also aerosol and related gaseous model species. In this sensitivity we will conduct the simulations for each selected diagnostic test, and as stated above use our expertise along with the standard model performance evaluation procedures described in section 6 “Air Quality Model Evaluation Protocol” to assess the different configuration choices. The performance evaluation, however, will emphasize specially on the individual subject in each test. Note that in the “Number of Vertical Layers (19 vs. 34)” test, we will re-process the IC, BC, meteorology and emissions inputs since the change of the vertical layers. In the “MEGAN vs BEIS biogenic emissions” test we will prepare the additional MEGAN biogenic emissions. And in the other three tests we will integrate corresponding modules or fixes into the standard CMAQ 4.7.1 codes. After finishing all of the tests, we will combine the assessment information to recommend a final model configuration to be used for the final annual 2007 and subsequent CMAQ simulations. GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 4-11 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol 4.5 Final Base Case Simulation The objective of this task is to develop a final annual “actual” 2007 base year air quality model simulation on 36-km and 12-km resolution modeling grids using the final recommendation on model configurations from the previous diagnostic modeling. After optimizing the model configuration and input data for the “Actual 2007” simulations using the sensitivity results from the previous task, we will produce final annual SMOKE, CMAQ and CAMx simulations of 2007 air quality. The selection of configuration options in CAMx will be based on the final recommendation on model configurations for CMAQ and will be discussed with SEMAP TAWG before application. After preparing the final “Actual 2007” emissions data and GEOS-CHEM BCs for both CMAQ and CAMx, we will run annual simulations with both models on the 36-km and 12-km SEMAP grids and prepare performance metrics for comparing the predictions from the simulations, as described in section 6 “Air Quality Model Evaluation Protocol”. All products will be posted to the project web site 4.6 Typical Base Case Simulation The objective of this task is to develop an annual “typical” 2007 base year air quality model simulation on 36-km and 12-km resolution modeling grids using the final recommendation on model configurations. The results from this task and future year simulations will provide air quality simulations in support of SIPs by SEMAP states. We will divide the modeling and analysis work on this task between Georgia Tech and UNC. Georgia Tech will serve as the overall task lead and perform the CMAQ modeling and UNC will conduct the SMOKE and CAMx modeling. The emissions modeling platforms (EMPs) for the typical year emissions data prepared by UNC will be combined with the actual 2007 meteorology and BCs used in the “Final Base Case Simulation” to simulate typical year air quality with CMAQ and CAMx. We will use the same final model configurations applied in the “Final Base Case Simulation” task for CMAQ and CAMx to perform the annual simulations for this task on both SEMAP modeling grids. The same SMOKE configuration, including the use of representative days to optimize the emissions processing tasks, will be applied to the typical year simulations. We will plan on producing daily emissions files for the meteorology-dependent and episodic emissions sectors, such as elevated point sources and fires. We don’t anticipate rerunning the biogenic emissions for this task. Similar to the previous task, we do not recommend using CMAQ2CAMx to produce separate emissions data for explicit CAMx simulations. We will use the same approach of using CMAQ2CAMx to process the fire emissions only, otherwise producing the non-pyrogenic CAMx emissions with SMOKE. The typical year simulations conducted here will take advantage of the SMOKE, CMAQ, and CAMx configurations developed under the “Diagnostic Model Sensitivities” task and applied in the “Final Base Case Simulation” task. We are able to offer cost savings for these simulations because they represent incremental changes to the modeling set up. By only requiring the replacement of certain emissions sectors, the production of the typical year simulations relative to the actual year simulation require less resources to complete, an important consideration given the large number of model runs requested for this Task. GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 4-12 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol All analysis products outlined in section 6 “Air Quality Model Evaluation Protocol” will be produced for the simulations conducted here and posted to the project web site. 4.7 Future OTB and Emissions Control Scenarios The objective of this task is to develop annual future year air quality model simulations on 36km and 12-km resolution modeling grids using the final configuration used in the base year modeling using both CAMx and CMAQ modeling systems. The results from this task will provide air quality simulations in support of the development of O3 and PM2.5 SIPs by SEMAP states. We will perform the following model simulations for this task. “2017 OTB” SMOKE, CMAQ, and CAMx “2017 Control” SMOKE, CMAQ, and CAMx “2020 OTB” SMOKE, CMAQ, and CAMx “2020 Control” SMOKE, CMAQ, and CAMx We will divide the modeling and analysis work for this task between Georgia Tech and UNC. Georgia Tech will serve as the overall task lead and perform the CMAQ modeling and UNC will conduct the SMOKE and CAMx modeling. The emissions modeling platforms (EMPs) for the future year emissions data prepared by UNC will be combined with the actual 2007 meteorology used in the “Final Base Case Simulation” to simulate future year air quality with CMAQ and CAMx. We will use the same final model configurations applied in the “Final Base Case Simulation” task for CMAQ and CAMx to perform the annual simulations for this task on both SEMAP modeling grids. The same SMOKE configuration, including the use of representative days to optimize the emissions processing tasks, will be applied to the future year simulations. We will plan on producing daily emissions files for the meteorology-dependent and episodic emissions sectors, such as elevated point sources and fires. We don’t anticipate rerunning the biogenic emissions for this task. All of the EMPs used for the future year simulations are detailed in Section 4.1. The emission inventory contractor will keep track of the emission reductions, control factors and efficiencies that will be applied in the emissions modeling for controls that are applied either through on-thebooks federal and state controls and any new state controls and the shutdowns of emission sources. Similar to the base year modeling, we do not recommend using CMAQ2CAMx to produce separate emissions data for explicit CAMx simulations for the various future year scenarios. We will use the same approach of using CMAQ2CAMx to process the fire emissions only, otherwise producing the non-pyrogenic CAMx emissions with SMOKE. 4.8 Emissions Sensitivities To provide useful information in determining the most effective control strategies for specific non-attainment areas, a series of emission sensitivities will be performed. A CAMx PSAT simulation will be performed using 20 categories, selected from a combination of source regions and emissions sectors, to generate results for an annual simulation on the 36-km SEMAP modeling grid. The PSAT categories will be selected based on discussions with the SEMAP Project Coordinator. In addition, five brute force CMAQ simulations of emissions sensitivities GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 4-13 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol for daily and annual PM2.5 using the 36-km SEMAP grid will be performed. For ozone, CMAQ will be used to perform five DDM and five brute force simulations of emissions sensitivities for 8-hour maximum O3 using the 12-km SEMAP grid during the 5-month ozone season. Addition sensitivities may be performed under the direction of the SEMAP Project Coordinator. 4.9 Interactive Database Tool This section describes the products that will be made available through the Interactive Database Tool (IDT). Ambient Data Display 2006-08, 2007-09, and 2008-10 (when available) design values for ozone and PM2.5 for all monitors. o Bar Charts o Table Display measured daily maximum 1-hour ozone values, daily maximum 8-hour ozone values, daily W126 ozone values, daily PM2.5 values (total and by species), quarterly PM2.5 values (total and by species), annual PM2.5 values (total and by species), and visibility (total and by species) for each monitor for years 2006-2010. o Bar Charts o Table Emissions Data Display emissions by pollutant (SO2, NOx, VOCs, NH3, OC, EC, Soils) and source category (EGU, non-EGU point, area sources, on-road mobile, non-road mobile, and fire). Determine for annual and ozone season (summer day). o Spatial Plots o Tables Modeling Results Display modeled daily maximum 1-hour ozone values, daily maximum 8-hour ozone values, daily W126 ozone values, daily PM2.5 values (total and by species), quarterly PM2.5 values (total and by species), and visibility (total and by species) for all days in modeled year (base year or future year). o Spatial Plots (grid cells) o Bar Charts (monitors) o Table (monitors) Capable of showing the differences between the base year and the future year projections on an absolute and relative (percentage) basis. o Spatial Plots (grid cells) o Bar Charts (monitors) o Table (monitors) Display quarterly and annual RRFs for each scenario. o Spatial Plots (grid cells) GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 4-14 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol o Bar Charts (monitors) o Table (monitors) Capable of displaying the in-state and out-of-state impacts of sensitivity (e.g. 30% NOx reduction, IC/BC, anthropogenic/biogenic) and source apportionment runs. o Spatial Plots (grid cells) o Bar Charts (monitors) o Table (monitors) Introduce a metric that accounts for the overall impact of emission reductions over all grid cells over a prescribed area as opposed to a single grid cell associated with a monitor location. (e.g., the sum over all grid cells of ozone reduction in ppb in each grid cell for a specific scenario or sensitivity in county X). o Spatial Plots (grid cells) o Bar Charts (user defined area) o Table (user defined area) Model Performance Capable of displaying model performance statistics and graphics o Spatial Plots (observations overlaid on model results) o Scatter Plots o Time Series Plots o Q-Q Plots o Stacked Bar Charts o Bugle Plots o Soccer Plots o Summary Statistical Tables General All of the above functions should be capable of analyzing the results by monitor, county, nonattainment area, or other group of counties (as defined by the user). All of the above functions should be capable of doing sub-portions of the year (e.g., date1 to date2). Ability to export the data to spreadsheets for additional analysis or processing. Ability to save plots and charts to PC. Ability for user to import their own data sets into the tool. GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 4-15 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol Section 5: Air Quality Model Evaluation Protocol The model evaluation described in this section applies to the 2007 actual CMAQ modeling. All products, including performance statistics and graphics, will be prepared for the 12 km domain only. 5.1 Ambient Air Quality Data We will collect the available surface air quality measurement data, measured atmospheric deposition data, and satellite data for the 2007 SEMAP modeling periods and domains. Particularly, we will collect surface measurement data of air quality from the following sources: EPA database AIRS (including STN, PAMS, SLAMS and Air Toxics networks) and networks CASTNet, IMPROVE and SEARCH, and will collect atmospheric deposition data from the network NADP and NASA’s satellite air quality data from OMI and MODIS. The following sections describe the data that we will collect for this project and the types of evaluation that can be performed with the data. 5.1.1 AIRS AIRS compiles and provides access to datasets from multiple national observational networks/programs including STN, PAMS, SLAMS and Air Toxics. The STN network provides 24-hr (midnight to midnight) measurements of PM2.5 and its composition including trace metals at every 3rd day or every 6th day. The SLAMS network provides hourly measurements of criteria air pollutants including PM2.5, PM10, O3, SO2, NO2, CO etc. The PAMS network measures photochemical smog related species such as O3, NO, NO2, NOy, Total NMOC, and 60 PAMS target VOC compounds in non-attainment areas. The AIRS datasets are spatially dense in populated areas with intensive sampling frequency in the SEMAP states and will be the backbone for model performance evaluation and receptor modeling. In addition the monitoring data from the Air Toxics program provides a critically important role by characterizing HAPs concentrations to support exposure assessments, and can be a supplement for air quality model evaluation and input for receptor modeling. The AMET evaluation tool developed at UNC can take all AIRS datasets in their original AQS engineering format directly. In addition, AIRS includes meteorological data at STN and PAMS sites that can be used for quality assurance of the MCIP files and as an independent evaluation of WRF performance, especially if the meteorological modeling contractor is not using this dataset. 5.1.2 IMPROVE The IMPROVE network was developed to monitor visibility degradation at wildness and remote areas in the nation. IMRPOVE includes measurements of chemical constituents including trace metals of PM2.5 as well as related gaseous species at each site. From these measurements, light extinction values are also calculated and provided. Note that different carbonaceous analysis methods have been used among the major national networks with IMPROVE using TOR and STN using TOT in measuring EC/OC. GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 5-1 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol 5.1.3 CASTNet CASTNet was developed to monitor dry and wet acid deposition. Monitoring site locations are predominantly rural by design to assess the relationship between regional pollution and changes in regional patterns in deposition. CASTNet also includes measurements of rural ozone and the chemical constituents of PM2.5. 5.1.4 NADP NADP provides atmospheric deposition data. The weekly cumulative deposition data will be extracted from CMAQ/CAMx outputs between the hours of data collection and assigned to the measured species. 5.1.5 SEARCH SEARCH provides continuous and speciated PM data in one urban and one rural location in each one of the following four SEMAP states: Alabama, Georgia, Florida and Mississippi. In addition to 24-hr particulate matter mass (fine and coarse) and composition (EC, OC, sulfate, nitrate, ammonium and metals) SEARCH also measures hourly PM mass and ion components (BC, OC, sulfate, nitrate, ammonium) and a wide range of complementary gaseous species (O3, NO, NO2, NOy, HNO3, SO2, CO, CO2). This dataset will be extremely useful to evaluate how well the models reproduce the diurnal variability (which is not possible with the daily averaged data), spatial variability (urban versus rural), and if the secondary PM formation processes were simulated correctly. We can speciate the SEARCH OC data (and OC data from ASACA sites which are operated by Georgia Tech) into individual compounds for use as molecular markers for periods of the February 2007 prescribed burning event and the May-June 2007 FloridaGeorgia wildfire episodes ((Yan, Zheng et al. 2008)). These additional datasets will be very useful for evaluating the model performance in capturing the important Southeastern fire events during 2007. In addition, the HAP and other VOC data collected at the SEARCH sites in the Atlanta, GA metropolitan area are valuable for both model performance evaluation and receptor modeling. 5.1.6 Satellite Data Air quality data collected by satellites provide a powerful supplement to ground-based air quality observations. Where ground-based observations are finite spatial measurements at the earth’s surface, satellite data provide atmospheric measurements on spatial grids that are commensurate with regional air quality modeling grids. Further, satellite data observe three-dimensional columns of pollutants. Satellite air quality data can be processed to match the spatial and vertical resolution of air quality model predictions, providing an observational dataset that is more spatially commensurate than ground-based measurements. We will use satellite observations of gases and particulate matter to provide supplemental evaluation data for diagnosing CMAQ and CAMx model performance. While these data will not be used to replace the ground-based monitoring networks, they will provide an additional dimension of atmospheric measurements to use in the model evaluations as they observe the entire tropospheric column of pollution. In particular satellite data will be useful in the SEMAP project to diagnose the ability of CMAQ and CAMx to simulate the impacts of the southern Georgia wildfire events in May-July 2007, the impacts of dust transport into the region, and other important episodic pollution events. These data are not intended for use in the SIP process, GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 5-2 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol they are only going to be used to lend insight into the skill of the air quality models to simulate air quality in the Southeast. We will acquire ambient air quality data, including satellite data from the OMI instrument on tropospheric NO2 and formaldehyde (HCHO), and aerosol optical depth (AOD) data from the OMI and MODIS instruments. Advanced post-processing tools developed by UNC are available to process the satellite data products, the Level 2 swath, or gridded data (Level 2 and Level 3), from their native lat-long grid to the Lambert conformal conic grid used by CAMx and CMAQ, for a user-specified domain and grid resolution. The UNC satellite data toolkit also consists of an advanced version of AMET that allows statistical comparisons of satellite data against CMAQ for selected sub-domains of the data. CMAQ output is not directly comparable with columnintegrated trace-gas concentrations, e.g., tropospheric column measurements of NO2, and HCHO. We will download the satellite data from the data warehouses (GIOVANNI or VIEWS as appropriate) for the base year 2007, re-grid them to the model grid, and post-process CMAQ and CAMx output for comparison with these data for the specified sub-yearly periods. For detailed information, the surface ambient air quality measurement data that will be used for evaluating model performance and input to receptor models are summarized in Table 5-1. Table 5-1. Surface Air Quality Data available for model performance evaluation and input to receptor models for the Southeast Variable PM10 PM2.5 Sulfate Nitrate Ammonium EC (BC) OC Trace Metals in PM2.5 NO, NO2 and NOy SO2 VOCs, HAPs Total Nitrate (c) Averaging time daily, hourly daily, hourly daily, hourly, weekly daily, hourly daily, hourly, weekly daily, hourly daily, hourly daily hourly hourly, daily, weekly hourly daily, weekly Database/Networks AIRS, IMPROVE, SEARCH AIRS, IMPROVE, SEARCH AIRS, IMPROVE, SEARCH, CASTNet AIRS, IMPROVE, SEARCH AIRS, SEARCH, CASTNet (a) AIRS, IMPROVE, SEARCH AIRS, IMPROVE, SEARCH AIRS, IMPROVE, SEARCH AIRS, SEARCH AIRS, CASTNet, IMPROVE, SEARCH AIRS, SEARCH (b) CASTNet, SEARCH (a) Ammonium data from IMPROVE are estimated from sulfate and nitrate based on complete neutralization of those ions. Independent measurements from CASTNet are more appropriate for model evaluation purposes (b) ARIES program measures HAPs and other VOCs at the SEARCH sites in Atlanta, GA area. (c) CASTNet weekly measurements of PM nitrate and HNO 3 will be evaluated as total nitrate due to issues relating to filter-based methods to collect volatile nitrate species. As existing data, surface measurements from the above specific networks or from EPA AIRS database are already quality-checked and well documented. Use of these existing data will be fully documented with data’s original documentation archived. In addition we will use the provided measuring uncertainty information to further screen the datasets and to decide excluding particular data points. Spatial plots and time series plots will be made for visual check of outliers that seems less reasonable. Additional documentation will be provided when necessary to address the issue of particular data points that seem less reliable than others. Also, descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, frequency distributions, etc.) will be calculated and be used for data presentation and cross comparison and to facilitate peer review. CrossGIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 5-3 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol checking among the networks will be made too if applicable for further assurance of the data reliability. Special cautions will be used to double-check the quality of the acquired satellite data from OMI and MODIS instruments. The cloud cover information will be used in combination of other information to decide uncertainty for each individual data point. This uncertainty information will then be used for screening the final data to be used and be used to weight the reliability of each data point. Descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, frequency distributions, etc.) of the data will be also calculated and compared to the surface measurement, which is considered more reliable. Spatial plots will be made for satellite data and further compared with surface measurements for data screening purpose. All of the above procedures will be documented for quality assurance. 5.2 Evaluation Tools This section describes the software that will be used to conduct the analyses of the meteorology, emissions, and air quality data for the SEMAP project. 5.2.1 Atmospheric Model Evaluation Tool (AMET) The Atmospheric Model Evaluation Tool (AMET) (Appel et al., 2005) is a suite of software designed to facilitate the analysis and evaluation of meteorological and air quality models. AMET matches the model output for particular locations to the corresponding observed values from one or more networks of monitors. These pairings of values (model and observation) are then used to statistically and graphically analyze the model’s performance. More specifically, AMET is currently designed to analyze outputs from the PSU/NCAR Mesoscale Model (MM5), WRF, CMAQ, and MCIP-postprocessed meteorological data (surface only). The basic structure of AMET consists of two fields and two processes. The two fields (scientific topics) are MET and AQ, corresponding to meteorology and air quality data. The two processes (actions) are database population and analysis. Database population refers to the underlying structure of AMET; after the observations and model data are paired in space and time, the pairs are inserted into a database (MySQL). Analysis refers to the statistical evaluation of these pairings and their subsequent plotting. Practically, a user may be interested in using only one of the fields (either MET or AQ), or maybe interested in using both fields. That decision is based on the scope of the study. The three main software components of AMET are MySQL (an open-source database software system), R (a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics), and perl (an open-source cross-platform programming language). 5.2.2 Package for Analysis and Visualization of Environmental (PAVE) data PAVE is a flexible open source application to visualize multivariate gridded environmental datasets. It will be used for the SEMAP project to create 2-d spatial plots of meteorology, emissions, and air quality data. GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 5-4 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol 5.3 Evaluation Procedures 5.3.1 Ozone and precursors (AQS and PAMS). Data Specifications. For each SEMAP and non-SEMAP state, we will create a table of statistics including mean normalized bias, mean normalized gross error, mean observation, mean prediction, ratio of predicted to observed means, mean bias, normalized mean bias, mean fractional bias, mean error, normalized mean error, mean fractional error, and correlation coefficient. All statistics will focus on the grid cell of the monitor, not the array of grid cells near the monitor. Separate summary tables will be created for 1-hour, 8-hour, 1-hour maximum, and 8-hour maximum ozone values using (1) no threshold and (2) a threshold of ≥60 ppb (observed value). In addition, separate summary tables will be created for daily ozone W126 and seasonal ozone W126. By state, monthly values will be calculated for all sites/all days, all sites/one day, and all days/one site. Depending on the availability of observations, these same statistics will be calculated for hourly (1-hour) ozone precursors and related gas-phase oxidants (e.g., CO, HNO3, H2O2, NOx, NOy, VOCs, and VOC species). The individual hourly and daily measured/modeled values used to perform these calculations will be delivered for all states in the 12 km domain in a separate text file for each state. States can then calculate additional statistics appropriate to their nonattainment areas. Approach For each state, we will create monthly scatter plots of observed versus predicted values for 1hour ozone/8-hour maximum ozone values (all values, no threshold) and daily ozone W126 for March 1 through October 31 for all sites/all days, all sites/one day, and all days/one site. For each site, we will create monthly time series plots of observed versus predicted values for 1hour ozone/8-hour maximum ozone values (no threshold) and daily ozone W126 for March1 to October 31 for all days/one site. We will address whether the y-axis scale can be specific to each site so that observed values cover the full range of the axis even if some outlier data points are lost. For each state, we will create monthly Q-Q plots of observed versus predicted values for 1-hour ozone/8-hour maximum ozone values (no threshold) and daily ozone W126 for March 1 to October 31 for all sites/all days. For each state, we will create scatter plots, time series, and Q-Q plots as described above for available hourly (1-hour) ozone precursors and related gas-phase oxidants from AQS and PAMS sites (e.g., CO, HNO3, H2O2, NOx, NOy, VOCs, and VOC species). Daily and monthly average tile plots of monitored and modeled 8-hour maximum ozone values for March 1 through October 31. GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 5-5 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol Diagnostic Evaluation As data are available (from PAMS and possibly SEARCH sites for continuous NOy, VOCs, etc.), we will develop ratios of indicator species to determine if ozone nonattainment areas are NOx- or VOC-limited. For each site, we will provide monthly scatter plots and monthly time series plots for all days. Plots will be accompanied by an interpretation of results (e.g., does the data suggest that areas are NOx- or VOC-limited or transitional?). 5.3.2 Fine Particulate Matter (FRM, STN, CASTNET) For FRM and STN sites, we will provide statistics for each state. For IMPROVE sites, we will provide statistics for all monitors in the 12 km domain, and for three subcategories: coastal states, interior SEMAP states, and neighboring SEMAP states. For the CASTNET, NADP (wet deposition), and SEARCH networks, we will provide statistics for all monitors collectively in the 12 km domain. Approach We will create monthly tables of statistics including mean normalized bias, mean normalized gross error, mean observation, mean prediction, ratio of predicted to observed means, mean bias, normalized mean bias, mean fractional bias, mean error, normalized mean error, mean fractional error, correlation coefficient. We will present separate tables for PM2.5 and speciated components of PM by network and month. The values will be calculated for all sites/all days, all sites/one day, and all days/one site where “all sites” are defined above for each monitoring network. The individual hourly and daily measured/modeled values used to perform these calculations will be delivered for all states in the 12 km domain in a separate text file for each state. States can then calculate additional statistics appropriate to their nonattainment areas. We will create the following plots: monthly scatter plots of observed versus modeled PM2.5 and speciated components of PM2.5, for all sites/all days, all sites/one day, and all days/one site, by state for the FRM and STN networks, and for the 12 km domain for other networks. annual time series plots for PM2.5 and speciated components of PM, for all days/one site. monthly Q-Q plots of observed versus predicted PM2.5 and speciated components of PM for all sites/all days, by state for the FRM and STN networks, and for 12 km domain for other networks. tile plots of monitored and modeled PM2.5 and speciated components of PM, on a daily basis for the FRM, IMPROVE, and STN networks, and on a monthly basis for all networks separately. Soccer and Bugle Plots. We will create the following plots and post to the project website: GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 5-6 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol For all ten SEMAP states together, soccer plots by speciated components of PM2.5 and total PM2.5 for all monitoring networks (CASTNET, IMPROVE, NADP, SEARCH, and STN with, each network having a distinct color or shape), by month with 3 months per plot. For each of the ten SEMAP states, soccer plots for PM2.5 mass for FRM monitors, by month, with all 12 months per plot. For all ten SEMAP states together, bugle plots by speciated components of PM2.5 and total PM2.5 including all monitoring networks, by month with 12 months per plot. For all ten SEMAP states together, bugle plots for all speciated components of PM2.5 on one plot, with separate plots for the IMPROVE network and STN network. For each of the ten SEMAP states, bugle plots for PM2.5 mass for FRM monitors, by month with 12 months per plot. STN and IMPROVE Data. For each STN and IMPROVE site, we will create stacked bar charts of observed versus modeled speciated components of PM2.5 for each monitored day in a month, separate plots for each month. Diagnostic Evaluation EPA Modeling Guidance recommends evaluating “indicator species ratios” to determine if NH4NO3 formation is limited by NH3 or NO3. Because CASTNET data is reliable for total N, but not components of particulate NO3 versus HNO3, and because NH3 measurements are not available in 2007 (with the exception of SEARCH sites), this analysis may not be feasible. Additional alternatives for this evaluation could be sought. 5.3.3 Regional Haze (IMPROVE). For the 12 km domain (21 IMPROVE monitors in SEMAP and neighboring states), we will use the new IMPROVE equation with monthly f(RH) values for both observed and modeled data. Table of Statistics. We will create a table of statistics including mean normalized bias, mean normalized gross error, mean observation, mean prediction, ratio of predicted to observed means, mean bias, normalized mean bias, mean fractional bias, mean error, normalized mean error, mean fractional error, and correlation coefficient. We will present separate tables for total bext and speciated components of bext for 20% worst days/one site and 20% best days/one site. IMPROVE Monitor Data. The individual daily values used to perform these calculations will be included in a single text file for all IMPROVE monitors. We will complete the following tasks: Create scatter plots of observed vs. predicted total bext and speciated components of bext for 20%W days/one site and 20%B days/one site. GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 5-7 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol Create bugle plots for total bext and speciated components of bext, using the average of all IMPROVE sites in the SEMAP 12 km domain and monthly average values (12 month averages for all sites by 6 components). See reference to Boylan and Russell 2006, Atmos. Environ. Create bugle plots for total bext and speciated components of bext, using the IMPROVE sites in the SEMAP 12 km domain and site average values for the 20% worst days by component. (21 site averages for all months by 6 components). Create bugle plots for total bext and speciated components of bext, using IMPROVE sites in the SEMAP 12 km domain and site averages for the 20% best days by component. (21 site averages for all months by 6 components). For the individual IMPROVE sites in the SEMAP states and for 6 neighboring IMPROVE sites, we will create: For each of the 20% worst and 20% best days in 2007 (defined by the new IMPROVE equation), a stacked bar chart for speciated components of PM2.5 (including sea salt) plus coarse mass for observed versus modeled 2007 actual results versus modeled 2007 typical results. 5.3.4 Model Performance Goals. While there are no bright line statistical measures to determine if model performance is acceptable for regulatory application, SEMAP will compare ozone and PM2.5 modeled statistics to some commonly used evaluation criteria. For ozone model performance, the traditional ≤ ±15% and ≤ 35% performance goals (Tesche, 1990) for mean normalized bias (MNB) and mean normalized gross error (MNGE) using hourly predicted and observed ozone pairs with the observed ozone value greater than 60 ppb will be used. For PM2.5, performance statistics of <±30% mean fraction bias and <50% mean fraction error indicate good performance, while performance statistics of <±60% mean fraction bias and <75% mean fraction error indicate average performance (Boylan, 2006). Recommended performance goals and criteria will be used to help identify areas that can be improved upon in future modeling. Exceeding these levels of performance may indicate fundamental concerns with the modeling system. Extended diagnostic evaluation and sensitivity tests should be performed to address extremely poor performance. GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 5-8 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol Section 6: Supplemental Analyses 6.1 Future Attainment Demonstration Analysis Protocol The overall goal of this task is to analyze future year model outputs to compute future year design values to demonstrate modeled attainment of the NAAQS. We will rely on guidance provided by the U.S. EPA (U.S. EPA, 2007) for demonstrating modeled attainment of air quality goals for O3, PM2.5 and regional haze to analyze the CMAQ and CAMx outputs from the future year simulations, where the emphasis is on using model outputs in a relative sense. In this guidance, the attainment test methodology uses model outputs and ambient data to estimate future year concentrations. Specifically, 1. Relative Reduction Factor (RRF) = Model predicted change (as a ratio) from base year to future year 2. Future Year Design Value (DVF) = Base Year Design Value (DVC) X RRF This procedure is fairly straightforward for O3, since there is only one component, and no speciation is involved. However, for PM2.5 and the regional haze reasonable progress, the attainment test needs to use all the PM2.5 species, where the RRFs need to be calculated for each individual PM2.5 speciated component, and total PM2.5 is reconstructed from the sum of all PM2.5 components. This procedure called the Speciated Modeled Attainment Test (SMAT) can be directly applied where speciated PM2.5 information is available. Since FRM monitors are the only ones that can be used to demonstrate attainment, the SMAT process can be applied relatively easily if the FRM monitors have collocated STN monitors. However, speciated information is not available at most FRM locations. Further, the measurements collected at the STN and IMPROVE monitors are not directly comparable to FRM measurements. To give a rough idea of this discrepancy, there are ~1200 FRM monitors in the country, but only ~250 STN and ~165 IMPROVE monitors, and over 75% of the FRM monitors do not have a collocated STN monitor. Figure 6-1 shows a map of the U.S. with the locations of the various monitors. GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 6-1 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol Figure 6-1. Location of various PM2.5 monitors in the U.S. for SMAT. While there is a need to perform interpolation of the STN data to the FRM locations, there are issues with using speciated data from monitoring networks due to issues with sampling methodologies. For example, sampling filters do not retain portions of volatile compounds, such as ammonium nitrate, and therefore lead to negative sampling artifacts. To alleviate this and other issues, SMAT uses the Sulfates, Adjusted Nitrates, Derived Water, Inferred Carbonaceous Mass and estimated aerosol acidity (H+) (SANDWICH) approach developed by Frank (2006). The speciation of SO4, NO3, EC, crustal material and salt are relatively straight forward and the information from the speciated monitors (with the exception of an adjustment for nitrate) are used. For nitrate, the speciated monitor input data is adjusted to account for volatilization. Because volatility is also an issue for monitor measurements for ammonium, ammonium is interpolated using the Degree of Neutralization (DON). DON is defined as DON = NH4,so4 / SO4, where NH4,so4 is ammonium associated with sulfate and SO4 is sulfate. To help with the SANDWICH application and to perform the interpolation of STN data to the FRM locations, we will use the latest version of the U.S. EPA Modeled Attainment Test Software (MATS) (Abt Associates, 2009) with the post-processed CMAQ outputs. The interpolation is done using the Voronoi Neighborhood Averaging (VNA) scheme, which is also used in the BenMAP modeling system used for performing health and economic benefits GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 6-2 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol analyses of the air quality modeling. We will use all FRM monitors with valid data in the modeling domains. We will also repeat these calculations using Excel and compare the results. For each future year modeling scenario (at the two model grid resolutions of 36k and 12k, and for each of CAMx and CMAQ), we will analyze the model outputs using MATS and create various analyses products. We will develop routines to develop visualization outputs of the RRFs and DVFs for O3, PM2.5 and the glide slopes for demonstrating rate of progress for addressing regional haze goals using the best 20% and worst 20% visibility days. The output products for this task are given below. Tile-plots showing daily, monthly, quarterly and annual average changes in key pollutant species (including daily maximum 8h O3, daily average PM2.5 and the speciated components) Tables of Relative Reduction Factors (RRFs) and Future Year Design Values (DVFs) for 8hO3, PM2.5 for all sites in the SEMAP states Graphics showing progress towards goals for regional haze Spatial fields of RRFs and DVFs (which will address the unmonitored area analyses using the gradient adjusted option in SMAT. Comparison of DVFs between 36k and 12k model outputs, and between CMAQ and CAMx. We will post all analyses products on the interactive website that will be developed for this project. We will enable the interface to be queried from the web based upon a specific state or monitor that may be of interest to the SESARM team. GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 6-3 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol Section 7: Data Backup and Archival Protocol 7.1 Georgia Tech We pack our data (typically emissions are zipped, meteorology and air quality data are not) in 1 TB external hard drives and shelve them in a locked faculty office of the Ford Environmental Science and Technology (ES&T) Building in steel bookcases. Each drive is labeled properly and the list of contents is inserted in the package. Electronic copies of the contents are saved on regularly backed-up drives. External drives containing a second copy of critical data (e.g., irreproducible or costly to reproduce data) are stored in steel drawers in a separate locked office on a different wing of the same building. In case of fire, this wing is separated from the wing where the first office is located. 7.2 UNC At the end of each model simulation (MCIP, SMOKE and CAMx), we will archive all model inputs and outputs on the UNC ITS mass storage system and retrieve as necessary later. Every file that is copied to UNC’s MS is copied onto 2 tapes, and one tape is stored off site in a remote location for redundancy. Thus, in the event of one tape failing, there is always a backup option for accurate and timely retrieval of the data. All files copied to MS are also automatically compressed during the archival process. The copy process from the compute servers’ scratch disks to MS and back to the disks is done seamlessly with a simple UNIX ‘cp’ command, thus making the data available in near real-time during the entire process. At the end of SMOKE and MCIP processing, we will also make a copy of the outputs for CMAQ onto external hard drives, make a list of contents on the drive, label them accordingly and ship to GIT for CMAQ modeling. We will maintain a catalog of all data drives that will be created along with their contents on the project website for easy tracking and retrieval if necessary. At the end of each AQ simulation, we will run a series of post-processors to create layer one extractions along with aggregate metrics such as daily average, daily maxima, and these postprocessed AQ outputs will also be copied to an external hard drive and shared with GIT, for model inter-comparisons and QA. We will also create an archive of all model code and run scripts used in the modeling along with all logs that will be generated during the modeling. We will set up an automated way of rsyncing the run directories periodically with the mass storage system for continued archival of the code and scripts. GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 7-1 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol Section 8: Computer Resources Since the modeling activities are shared by both UNC and GIT, we describe below the specific resources that are available at each of these 2 institutions. 8.1 Georgia Tech Computing Resources The computational resources of LAMDA consist of one 8-node cluster (each node has dual 32bit 2.8 GHz Intel Xeon processors with 4 Gigabytes memory); one SunFire X4100 server (dual dual-core 64-bit AMD Opteron processors with 16 Gigabytes memory); two SunFire X4150 servers (each has dual quad-core 64-bit Intel Xeon X5450 processors with 16 Gbytes memory); one Penguin Computing Altus 1704 server (quad AMD Opteron 8431 6-core processors with 32 Gbytes memory); fifteen 2.2 to 3.0 GHz dual-processor Linux workstations (each has 2G-4G memory); and three Sun UltraSPARC-III Unix workstations. The total disk space on these systems is approximately 5 Tera-bytes. A separate data storage facility, consisting of six RAID systems, has the capacity of holding over 20 Terabytes of data. All these systems are supported and secured by the Information Systems Group (ISG), an independent unit of the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Georgia Tech. LAMDA is housed in the Environmental Science and Technology Building, a 287,000-square foot facility devoted only to environmental research. This 5-year old facility brings together, under one roof, researchers from the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, the School of Chemical Engineering, and programs in Environmental Biology, Environmental Chemistry, and Environmental Engineering. The building is located in the main Georgia Tech campus within easy access of other facilities. The ES&T Building is equipped with 1-Gbps Ethernet which forms the backbone of LAMDA’s computational network. Georgia Tech is connected to the outside world through the Internet 2 (I2) network. The following server was ordered, in part using SERDP funds ($6,000) to be used for SEMAP modeling. [1] Relion 2712 Server Qty: 1 Unit Price: $8,255.06 Ext. Price: $8,255.06 Standard Features: - One or Two Intel Xeon 5500 Series ('Nehalem') Processors - QuickPath Interconnect, up to 6.4GT/s (GigaTransfers per second) - Up to 96GB of DDR3 RAM - Up to 12 Hot Swap 3.5" SATA or SAS Hard Drives, optional hardware RAID - Dual Integrated 10/100/Gigabit Ethernet, Dedicated 10/100 Management NIC - Integrated IPMI 2.0 Management Processor - Redundant 2 x 720W Redundant Power Supplies Selected Features: - Relion 2712, Base System GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 8-1 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol - Dual Intel Xeon E5520 Quad Core 2.26GHz 8MB max RAM speed 1066MHz - 6GB, DDR3-1333 ECC (3 x 2GB) - Hardware RAID 0/1/5/6/10/50: Adaptec 5445 w/ 512MB cache and BBU - RAID 6 Volume: 17166 GB (11+1 x 2TB SATA2) - Preload, CentOS, Version 5 - Standard 3-Year Warranty 8.2 UNC Computing Resources In addition to each UNC staff member having his or her own desktop workstation, UNC staff members have access to very high-end computing resources to support a project of this scope. The most important of these is access at no cost on a first-come first-served basis to UNC’s Information Technology Services (ITS) resources for research computing services. This includes an Applications Support Group (ASG) with excellent support for user’s problems and helping with benchmarking, optimizing models on different platforms. However, for some of the work that needs to be performed for the SEMAP project, we have budgeted to purchase dedicated resources (computer blades and scratch disk space to add to the computing cluster, tapes for mass storage, and disk space for dedicated web server) as necessary to ensure timely project deliverables. The most relevant computing resources that ITS maintains and supports, and that are available for this project are: Dell Cluster (topsail) with 4,168 CPUs o Login node : 8 CPUs @ 2.3 GHz Intel EM64T with 2x4M L2 cache (Model E5345/Clovertown), 12 GB memory o Compute nodes : 4,160 CPUs @ 2.3 GHz Intel EM64T with 2x4M L2 cache (Model E5345/Clovertown), 12 GB memory o Shared Disk : (/ifs1) 39 Terabyte IBRIX Parallel File System o Interconnect: Infiniband 4x SDR o Resource management is handled by LSF v.6.2 for serial and parallel batch jobs Linux Beowulf Cluster (Emerald) with a total of 340 processors o o o o o o o o o o o 2 Login Nodes and 168 Compute Nodes 18 Dual-CPU AMD Athlon 1600+ 1.4 GHZ MP nodes (2.0GB memory) 6 Dual-CPU AMD Athlon 1800+ 1.6 GHz MP nodes (2.0 GB memory) 25 Blade Centers, each having Dual-CPU Xeon 2.4 GHz/2.5GB MP nodes 96 Blade Centers, each having Dual-CPU Xeon 2.8 GHz/2.5GB MP nodes 15 Blade Centers, each having Dual-CPU Xeon 3.2 GHz/4.0GB MP nodes 8 Blade Centers, each having Dual-Core Xeon 2.0 GHz/4.0GB MP nodes 2GB DDR RAM on each node (total of 352 GB memory) 20GB EIDE Hard Drive for OS Myrinet Fiber PCI Adapter with 2MB, Myrinet Switch with 64 port enclosure Each master node installed with RAID 5 SCSI Controller connected to 3 76GB hard drives for scratch o Supports Load Sharing Facility (LSF) for serial and parallel batch jobs o Myrinet Switch with 64 port enclosure o OS: Redhat Enterprise Linux (RHEL 3) with XFS filesystem GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 8-2 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol o 20.0 TeraByte RAID array for scratch space Linux Beowulf Cluster (kure) with a total of 480 processors o 2 Login nodes and 62 Compute Nodes o 60 HP Quad-core blade servers each with 64 MB memory o 2 HP Quad-core blade servers each with 192 MB memory o 34.0 TeraByte RAID array for scratch space (Fiber Channel) o 40. 0 TeraByte RAID array for scratch space (SATA disks) o Additional 25.0 TeraByte space on GPFS Mass Storage silo o 175.0 Terabyte capacity using a SAM-FS file system o Provides near-line access for archived data o Access speeds from 19 to 30 MB/sec (much faster than LTOs or DLTs) o StorageTek Powderhorn 9840 tape cartridges of 20GB capacity o Dual backup of all data (redundancy in storage helps in data recovery) Software Resources o Portland Group Fortran Compilers o Intel Fortran Suite of Compilers o Complete Installation of ArcGIS, MATLAB, SPlus, SAS, etc. Additional details of UNC’s ITS hardware and software resources can be found at: http://its.unc.edu/Research/hardware/index.htm. Given the available resources above, we will perform all SMOKE and MCIP runs on the Emerald cluster, and the CAMx runs and all post-processing on the new Kure cluster at UNC. At the time of release of this protocol, the scratch disks on the two clusters are being reconfigured, and will all share the same disks facilitating easy access of the SMOKE outputs for the CMAQ simulations. GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 8-3 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol Section 9: Project Team Roles and Responsibilities Task 1. Project Management Task Leader: T. Odman (Georgia Tech) Other staff: Z. Adelman, S. Arunachalam, J. Eichinger, A. Hanna Task 2. Modeling Protocol Task Leader: S. Arunachalam (UNC) Other staff: Z. Adelman, J. Eichinger, A. Hanna, T. Odman Task 3. Data Acquisition/Dataset Preparation for Modeling and Evaluation Emissions Task Leader: Z. Adelman (UNC) Other staff: B. Baek, T. Odman, Research Assistant Meteorology Task Leader: A. Xiu (UNC) Other staff: K. Talgo Initial and Boundary Conditions Task Leader: S. Arunachalam (UNC) Other staff: E. Adams Ambient Air Quality Data Task Leader: Y. Hu (Georgia Tech) Other staff: N. Davis, T. Odman, U. Shankar, A. Valencia Task 4. Conceptual Description Task Leader: T. Odman (Georgia Tech) Other staff: Research Assistant Task 5. 36 km/12 km Emissions/AQ Annual Actual Base Year Simulations Task Leader: T. Odman (Georgia Tech) Other staff: E. Adams, Z. Adelman, S. Arunachalam, B. Baek, Y. Hu, K. Talgo, A. Valencia, Research Assistant Task 6. Model Configuration Diagnostic Sensitivity Modeling Task Leader: T. Odman (Georgia Tech) Other staff: E. Adams, Z. Adelman, B. Baek, Y. Hu, B. Naess GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 9-1 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol Task 7. Emissions and Air Quality Benchmark Simulations Task Leader: S. Arunachalam (UNC) Other staff: B. Baek, K. Talgo, A. Zubrow Task 8. 36 km/12 km Annual Typical/Future Year Emissions AQ Modeling Task Leader: T. Odman (Georgia Tech) Other staff: E. Adams, Z. Adelman, S. Arunachalam, B. Baek, Y. Hu, K. Talgo, A. Valencia, Research Assistant Task 9. Emission Sensitivity Modeling Task Leader: T. Odman (Georgia Tech) Other staff: Z. Adelman, S. Arunachalam, B. Baek, Y. Hu, A. Valencia, Research Assistant Task 10. Model Performance Evaluation Task Leaders: T. Odman (Georgia Tech) and S. Arunachalam (UNC) Other staff: N. Davis, U. Shankar, A. Valencia, Research Assistant Task 11. Future Year Model Projections Task Leader: S. Arunachalam (UNC) Other staff: N. Davis, T. Odman, A Valencia Task 12. Interactive Database Tool Task Leader: S. McClure (CIRA) Other staff: N. Davis, D. Del Vecchio, J. Huddleston, T. Odman, R. Ross, A. Zubrow Task 13. Receptor Modeling Task Leader: T. Russell (Georgia Tech) Other staff: Y. Hu, T. Odman, Research Assistant Task 14. Development of Technical Web Site Task Leaders: S. McClure (CIRA) and Z. Adelman (UNC) Other staff: J. Huddleston, B. Naess, T. Odman Task 15. Other Tasks as Assigned Task Leader: T. Odman (Georgia Tech) Other staff: TBD, based on types of tasks assigned by SESARM Task 16. Reporting Task Leader: J. Eichinger (UNC) Other staff: Z. Adelman, S. Arunachalam, Y. Hu, T. Odman, T. Russell, U. Shankar, A. Zubrow GIT/UNC/CIRA-SEMAP 004.v3 9-2 April 29, 2011 SEMAP Modeling Protocol Section 10: Documentation This project will generate the following reports: Draft project work plan to SESARM Final project work plan that incorporates SESARM Contract Officer’s comments and follows review of the draft project work plan by SESARM and its participating agencies Draft QAPP to SESARM Final QAPP that incorporates SESARM Contract Officer’s comments and follows review of the draft QAPP by SESARM and its participating agencies An initial version of the emissions and air quality modeling protocol. An interim report with a conceptual description of the O3, PM2.5, and regional haze problem in the SEMAP region will be prepared according to EPA guidance and submitted to the SEMAP TAWG, then finalized in response to their comments Document summarizing the technical transfer protocol and all model utilities and scripts used by the Project Team for the modeling tasks Results of all standard analyses specified in Attachment A of the RFP for (a) O3 and precursors; (b) fine PM, coarse PM, and constituent mass concentrations; and (c) regional haze metrics, as well as other analyses performed Monthly project reports summarizing the work performed on each task, progress on the deliverables, and expected progress during the next month Interim task reports documenting each major task milestone Draft of the final project report Fifteen hard copies of the final project report and a Microsoft Word or PDF version of the report posted to the project website Reports on tasks that use or develop specific data sets will include descriptions of data source(s) and methodologies used in their preparations and any information that might be critical to their use in the project (for examples, data gaps or errors). If possible, the documentation of the data will also include references (reports or publications) that may have further information on the data validity and usability. Copies of all project reports (including monthly reports) will be retained in electronic format through the duration of the project and sent to SESARM for archival as they are generated. The three universities participating in this project have access to advanced computer backup systems. For example, UNC utilizes a 175-terabyte mass-storage silo for data backup and near-line access of archived data. The availability of such a system is critical to keeping large volumes of data available in near real-time during the progress of the project. SESARM stores both financial and programmatic files for the appropriate length of time as determined in SESARM's Federal Assistance Agreements. 10-1 SEMAP Modeling Protocol Appendix A. SEMAP Emissions QA Worksheets These four worksheets are filled out as part of Level 1 of the QA documentation process (see Section Table A-1 is the SMOKE configuration settings worksheet. All configuration options for each SMOKE program are contained in Table A-1. Fill in the configuration settings for each source category in the appropriate columns in the worksheet. Before SMOKE is run for the first time, these configuration settings must be confirmed by the project manager. Additional details about completing and archiving Table A-1 are provided in the body of the protocol in Section Table A-2 is the inventory file recording worksheet. Used for recording SMOKE inventory files, Table A-2 requires the creation/receipt date, data source, file name, number of records, brief file description, and a listing of the variables/file contents for all inventory files used. Additional details about completing and archiving Table A-2 are provided in the body of the protocol in section Table A-3 is the ancillary input file recording worksheet. Used for recording SMOKE ancillary input files, Table A-3 requires the file name, the SMOKE logical name, the creation/receipt date, data source, and a brief description of the file contents. Additional details about completing and archiving Table A-3 are provided in the body of the protocol in section Table A-4 is the binary meteorology input and SMOKE output file recording worksheet. This worksheet requires the file type, creation date and source, file name, location on the RMC file servers, file ID, and any comments about the file. Additional details about completing and archiving Table A-4 are provided in the body of the protocol in section Each worksheet is to be completed in full electronically and then printed for obtaining the various signatures. The completed soft copies of these worksheets will be kept in the centralized emissions QA documentation directory on the RMC compute servers. The completed and signed hard copies will be archived by the QA manager to include in the project final report. A-1 SEMAP Modeling Protocol Table A-1. Configuration settings worksheet for SMOKEv2.7b SMOKE Simulation ID: Checked?* Environment variable Description Setting to use Comments/exceptions Time-independent programs RUN_SMKINVEN Run inventory import program RUN_SPCMAT Run speciation matrix program RUN_GRDMAT Run gridding matrix program RUN_CNTLMAT Run control matrix program Area and point only RUN_ELEVPOINT Run elevated/PinG sources selection Point only RUN_MBSETUP Run on-road mobile setup for MOBILE6 On-road only RUN_NORMBEIS3 Runs normalized emissions program Biogenic only RUN_MET4MOVES Run temperature preprocessing for MOVES On-road only RUN_PREMOBL Run temperature preprocessing On-road only RUN_EMISFAC Run MOBILE6 emission factor generation On-road only RUN_LAYPOINT Run layer fractions program Point only RUN_TEMPORAL Run temporal allocation program RUN_TMPBEIS3 Runs temporal adjustments and speciation RUN_MOVESMRG Run MOVES merging program RUN_SMKMERGE Run merging program Time-dependent programs Biogenic only Quality assurance RUN_SMKREPORT Run for quality assurance reports QA_TYPE Produces particular reports Will run this several times to get different QA reports all Will also probably use custom as well Program-specific controls For Smkinven FILL_ANN_WSEAS Fill annual emissions based on seasonal values Setting HOURLY_TO_DAILY Y reads daily total only from hourly file Point only HOURLY_TO_PROFILE Y converts hourly data to source-specific profiles Point only A-2 A F RD NR M P B SEMAP Modeling Protocol SMOKE Simulation ID: Checked?* Environment variable Description Setting to use Comments/exceptions IMPORT_AVEINV_YN Y for importing annual-average inventories SMK_ARTOPT_YN Y uses area-to-point conversion IMPORT_GRDIOAPI_YN Y for imported pregridded emissions in I/O API format IMPORT_VMTMIX_YN Y imports VMT mix – EMS-95 inputs Mobile only SMK_VMTMIX_FIXFMT Y uses fixed-format VMT Mix file Mobile only RAW_DUP_CHECK Y for errors on duplicate records SMK_NHAPEXCLUDE_YN Y uses NonHAP exclusions file SMKINVEN_FORMULA Formula for calculating an additional pollutant SMK_BASYR_OVERRIDE Override value for base year of all inventories WKDAY_NORMALIZE Y normalizes weekly profiles for weekdays WEST_HSPHERE Y converts all stack coordinates to western hemisphere 0=Laypoint sets elev srcs; 1=use PELVCONFIG UNIFORM_STIME -1 or HHMMSS for uniform start hour for daily emissions days Setting For Cntlmat Set to VOC or ROG For Temporal UNIFORM_TPROF_YN Y makes all temporal profiles uniform ZONE4WM Y uses time zones for start of day/month This assumes that area- and pointsource input formats will be provided as average-weekday emissions and VMT will be provided as averageday VMT. This should be confirmed. Point only POLLUTANT_CONVERSION Y uses ROG-to-TOG file Y renormalizes temporal profiles M P N N N N 0 Default surrogate code RENORM_TPROF NR PMC=PM10-PM2_5 Not used for mobile VMT For Spcmat REACTIVITY_POL RD Point only For Grdmat SMK_DEFAULT_SRGID F Setting For Elevpoint SMK_ELEV_METHOD A A-3 N B SEMAP Modeling Protocol SMOKE Simulation ID: Checked?* Environment variable Description Setting to use Comments/exceptions For Tmpbeis3 BG_CLOUD_TYPE Method used to calculate PAR Biogenic only BIOG_SPRO Speciation profile code to use for biogenics Biogenic only BIOMET_SAME Y uses temperature and rad/cld data in same file Biogenic only BIOSW_YN Y for using seasons file in Tmpbeis3 Biogenic only OUTZONE Output time zone Biogenic only RAD_VAR Name of radiation/cloud variable Biogenic only TMPR_VAR Name of temperature variable Biogenic only PRES_VAR Name of surface pressure variable Biogenic only REP_LAYER_MAX Layer number for reporting high plume rise Point only SMK_SPECELEV_YN Y uses Elevpoint output file to set elevated sources Point only HOUR_PLUMEDATA_YN PHOUR file contains hourly plume data For Laypoint For Met4moves EPI_STDATE Define start dates of MOVES lookup table processing MOVES only EPI_ENDATE Define end dates of MOVES lookup table processing MOVES only TVARNAME Define the name of temperature variable MOVES only AVERAGING_METHOD Define the averaging method (Episode/Monthly/Dayily) MOVES only For Movesmrg MRG_TEMPORAL_YN Y merges with hourly emissions MRG_SPCMAT_YN Y merges with speciation matrix MRG_GRDOUT_YN Y outputs gridded file MRG_REPSTA_YN Y outputs for state totals MRG_REPCNY_YN Y outputs for county totals MODE_RPD Y process MOVES rate-per-distance lookup table MODE_RPV MOVES only MOVES only Y process MOVES rate-per-vehicle lookup table A-4 A F RD NR M P B SEMAP Modeling Protocol SMOKE Simulation ID: Checked?* Environment variable MODE_RPP Description Setting to use Comments/exceptions MOVES only MRG_GRDOUT_UNIT Y process MOVES rate-per-profile lookup table Units of gridded output file moles/s MRG_TOTOUT_UNIT Units of report file tons/day For Smkmerge MRG_TEMPORAL_YN Y merges with hourly emissions MRG_SPCMAT_YN Y merges with speciation matrix MRG_LAYERS_YN Y merges with layer fractions MRG_GRDOUT_YN Y outputs gridded file MRG_REPSTA_YN Y outputs for state totals MRG_REPCNY_YN Y outputs for county totals SMK_ASCIIELEV_YN Y outputs ASCII elevated file MRG_GRDOUT_UNIT Units of gridded output file moles/s MRG_TOTOUT_UNIT Units of report file tons/day MRG_REPORT_TIME Hour in OUTZONE for reporting emissions 230000 MRG_MARKETPEN_YN Apply reactivity controls market penetration Point only Reports will be generated by Smkreport So daily totals will be from 0-23 EDT Apply reactivity controls market penetration AREA_SURROGATE_NUM Number for land-area surrogate Biogenic only Multiple-program controls DAY_SPECIFIC_YN Y imports day-specific inventory EXPLICIT_PLUME_YN Y for special wildfire processing or UAM/REMSAD HOUR_SPECIFIC_YN Y imports hour-specific inventory REPORT_DEFAULTS Y reports default profile application SMK_AVGDAY_YN Y uses average day emissions instead of annual SMK_PING_METHOD 0=no PinG source, 1=use PELVCONFIG file SMK_EMLAYS Number of emissions layers SMK_MAXWARNING Maximum number of warnings in log file SMK_MAXERROR Maximum number of errors in log file OUTZONE Output time zone of emissions Not processing wildfires Setting No PinG sources to be run GMT A-5 A F RD NR M P B SEMAP Modeling Protocol SMOKE Simulation ID: Checked?* Environment variable Description Setting to use Comments/exceptions SMK_DEFAULT_TZONE Time zone to fix if missing COSTCY file VELOC_RECALC Y recalculates velocity from diameter and flow Point only USE_SPEED_PROFILES Y uses speed profiles instead of inventory speeds Mobile only A F RD NR M P Script settings SRCABBR Abbreviation for naming log files Setting QA_TYPE None, all, part1-part4, or custom PROMPTFLAG Never set to Y for batch processing AUTO_DELETE Y deletes SMOKE I/O API output files AUTO_DELETE_LOG Y automatically deletes logs without asking DEBUGMODE Y changes script to use debugger DEBUG_EXE Sets debugger to use when DEBUGMODE = Y NONROAD Y resets area files to nonroad files Episode settings G_STDATE Julian start date G_STTIME Start time (HHMMSS) G_TSTEP Time step (HHMMSS) G_RUNLEN Run length (HHMMSS) Daily files are from 0-23Z, and they need an extra hour! *A=Area; F=Fire, RD=Road dust, NR=Nonroad mobile, M=On-road mobile, P=Point, B = Biogenic We certify that all of the configuration settings listed in the worksheet above for the specified SMOKE simulation have been completed and verified. Production Modeler: QA Manager: Project Manager: __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Signature Signature Signature Date Date A-6 Date B SEMAP Modeling Protocol Table A-2. Inventory file recording worksheet for SMOKEv2.7b (sample entry shown in gray) SMOKE Simulation ID: Date, source 10/29/01, PES # of records File name pt96_wrap_102901a.ida 64,999 Description Species/contents Full 1996 point source inventory; WRAP, Tier1, Tier2 states (1 of 4) CO, NOx, SO2, VOC, NH3, PM10, PM2.5 We certify that the worksheet above lists all of the emissions inventory files used for the specified SMOKE simulation. Production Modeler: QA Manager: Project Manager: __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Signature Signature Signature Date Date A-7 Date SEMAP Modeling Protocol Table A10-3. Ancillary input file recording worksheet for SMOKEv2.7b (sample entry shown in gray) SMOKE Simulation ID: SMOKE logical name AGREF File name amgref.m3.us+mex.txt Creation date, source Date unknown, CEP Description Spatial cross-reference distributed with SMOKEv2.7b We certify that the worksheet above lists all of the ancillary SMOKE input files used for the specified SMOKE simulation. Production Modeler: QA Manager: Project Manager: __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Signature Signature Signature Date Date A-8 Date SEMAP Modeling Protocol Table A-4. Binary meteorology input and SMOKE output file recording worksheet for SMOKEv2.7b (sample entries shown in gray) SMOKE Simulation ID: File type* P Creation date, source 10/31/03, CEPAdelman Met 11/01/01, RMC-Wang File name Location on RMC servers File ID Comments pgts.wrap96h.$jdate.ncf /home/aqm4/edss2/cmaq/data/wrap96h/s moke/output wrap96ptV3 Merged point source file; based off of inventory file wrap96pointV3.022803.ida METCRO2D.wrap96.ncf /home/aqm4/edss2/cmaq/data/met/1996 wrap96 Converted from MM5 to Models-3 with MCIPv2.1 by Zion Wang (RMC) *A=Area, B=Biogenic, M=On-road mobile, P=Point, NR=Non-road mobile, RD=Road dust, WB=Windblown dust, F=Fire, Met=Meteorology, Mrg=Model-ready/merged We certify that all of the meteorology and SMOKE output files listed in the worksheet above have been documented and verified. Production Modeler: QA Manager: Project Manager: __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Signature Signature Signature Date Date A-9 Date SEMAP Modeling Protocol Table A-5. Emissions simulation tracking worksheet (sample entries shown in gray) SMOKE Simulation ID: Pre2002v1 Date 01/02/10 Months Completed Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr…. Source Category: Ar,Mb,MbvPt… Modeler AH QA BH EI Type: Annual, seasonal, monthly, daily Comments Reprocessed to fix a problem with the formatting of the raw inventory file. A-10 SEMAP Modeling Protocol Appendix B. SMOKE Emissions QA Checklist and Log for Warnings and Notes Table B-1 is the emissions QA checklist. Detailed explanations of the features to examine in each QA step in the table are provided in Section and The production modeler checks off and initials each QA step in Table B-1 as it is completed. Comments about the QA step or answers to the questions asked in each QA step can be added to the comments field in the checklist. After completion of the QA checklist, the production modeler will pass it off to the QA manager who will then verify and initial each step. Table B-2 is the gatekeepers QA checklist. Detailed explanations of the features to examine in each QA step in the table are provided in Sections The gatekeeper checks off and initials each QA step in Table B-2 for each source category as it is completed. Table B-3 is the log for recording SMOKE warnings and notes. The purpose of this table is to ensure that the emissions modeling team is aware of all messages reported by SMOKE. The production modeler and QA manager are responsible for filling out Table B-2 and confirming all of the SMOKE messages (see procedure in Section The QA checklists and the log are to be completed in full electronically and then printed. On the checklist only, the last step is to obtain the various signatures. The completed soft copies of the checklist and log will be kept on the RMC compute servers. The completed hard copies will be archived by the QA manager to include in the project final report. B-1 SEMAP Modeling Protocol Table B-1. Step-by-step emissions QA checklist for SMOKEv2.7b; subheadings list the section numbers of the protocol where detailed explanations of each step are provided. PM* QA* QA step Comments Model QA Configuration settings worksheet (Table A-1) Inventory files worksheet (Table A-2) Ancillary input files worksheet (Table A-3) Meteorology/Output files worksheet (Table A-4) Look for unexpected errors, warning, and notes Warnings and notes worksheet (Table B-1) Spatial surrogate/cross-reference checks Temporal profile/cross-reference checks Speciation profile/cross-reference checks Inventory import (Smkinven) Inventory data check Inventory coverage Annual, daily or hourly emissions Smkinven formula Resetting negative formula values Weekday normalization Missing rule fields Inventory records dropped Duplicate sources Missing or negative inventory records B-2 SEMAP Modeling Protocol PM* QA* QA step Comments Bad stack coordinates Missing stack parameters Missing/bad SIC codes Chemical allocation (Spcmat) Pollutant conversion Default profile assignment Bad profile assignment No speciation cross-reference/no default Incorrect NOx speciation Horizontal spatial allocation (Grdmat) Default surrogate Bad surrogate assignment No gridding cross-reference/no default Temporal allocation (Temporal) Output time zone Bad profile assignment No temporal cross-reference/no default Inventory base year inconsistent with start Redundant activity and inventory data Inventory vehicle types not in MOBILE B-3 SEMAP Modeling Protocol PM* QA* QA step Comments Elevated source selection (Elevpoint) Is Elevpoint needed Elevated source selection method PinG source selection method Vertical layer allocation (Laypoint) Hourly plume data method Bad plume values Special source selection file Vertical layer fractions sum to unity Emissions control and growth (Cntlmat) Control type Bad control packets Duplicate control packets Packet/inventory mismatch Bad output years in control packets Control packet years inconsistent with inventory Badly named control packet Pollutant-specific entries skipped MOBILE6 Meteorology variables MOBILE6 environment variables Group type MOBILE6 temperatures B-4 SEMAP Modeling Protocol PM* QA* QA step Comments Freeway ramp modeling MOBILE6 speeds MOVES Preprocessing Meteorology data : Met4moves Met data averaging method/Temperature variables Reference county fuel month Cross reference county MOVES rate-per-distance lookup table MOVES rate-per-vehicle lookup table MOVES rate-per-profile lookup table BEIS3 Meteorology variables Speciation profile code Biogenic season switch Area surrogate number Fire emissions Spatial and temporal locations Layer allocation Fire temporal and chemical profiles Fugitive/windblown dust emissions Merging emissions components (Smkmerge/Mrggrid/Movesmrg) Emissions units Elevated/PinG source selection B-5 SEMAP Modeling Protocol PM* QA* QA step Comments Plume rise method Emissions components Relative magnitude of component emissions files Comparisons to base inventory Types of MOVES lookup tables B-6 SEMAP Modeling Protocol PM* QA* QA step Comments Report generation (Smkreport) Qualitative Analyses Check spatial coverage of emissions Check temporal variability in emissions Check vertical distribution of emissions Create inventory regressions for all source categories Compare SMOKE reports vs. model-ready emissions values Quantitative Analyses Create Emissions regressions Create annual county/state total using daily modelready input files System QA: Software and Data Tracking Run scripts checked into CVS Assigns file checked into CVS SMOKE binary executables checked into CVS SMOKE source code checked into CVS Installation freeze point created Final files in $GE_DAT directory added to CVS Final inventory files added to CVS *The “PM” column is initialed by the production modeler after the QA step has been completed. The “QA” column is initialed by the QA manager after he/she has verified completion of the step. B-7 SEMAP Modeling Protocol We certify that all of the emissions QA steps listed in the checklist above have been completed and verified. Production Modeler: QA Manager: Project Manager: __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Signature Signature Signature Date Date B-8 Date SEMAP Modeling Protocol Table B-2. Gatekeepers emissions QA checklist for SMOKEv2.7b GK* QA step A RD SMOKE Inputs Inventory file formats Emissions inventory sanity checks SMOKE Outputs Create and review total domain hourly plots Create and review total domain daily layer fractions Compare daily domain totals from ASCII to netCDF files *The “GK” column is initialed by the gatekeeper after the QA step has been completed. B-9 NR M P Ag B SEMAP Modeling Protocol Table B-3 . Warnings and notes log for SMOKEv2.7b SMOKE Simulation Name: Modeler: Date: Comments: Program Warnings Notes Smkinven: Grdmat: Spcmat: B-10 SEMAP Modeling Protocol Program Warnings Notes Temporal: Cntlmat: Elevpoint: Emisfac: B-11 SEMAP Modeling Protocol Program Warnings Notes Grwinven: Laypoint: Mbsetup: Met4moves: B-12 SEMAP Modeling Protocol Program Warnings Notes Movesmrg: Mrggrid: Normbeis3: Premobl: B-13 SEMAP Modeling Protocol Program Warnings Notes Rawbio: Smkmerge: Tmpbeis3: Tmpbio: B-14 SEMAP Modeling Protocol Appendix C. References Abt Associates, Inc. (2009) Modeled Attainment Test Software (MATS) User’s Guide prepared for the U.S. EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Bethesda, MD, March 2009. Adelman, Z., Quality Assurance Protocol – WRAP RMC Emissions Modeling with SMOKE, Prepared for the WRAP Modeling Forum by the WRAP RMC, Riverside, CA, 2003. Aneja, V. P., D. R. Nelson, P. A. Roelle, J. T. Walker, and W. Battye, Agricultural ammonia emissions and ammonium concentrations associated with aerosols and precipitation in the southeast United States, J. Geophys. Res., 108(D4), 4152, doi:10.1029/2002JD002271, 2003. Appel, K.W, R.C. Gilliam, N. Davis, A. Zubrow, S.C. Howard, Overview of the atmospheric model evaluation tool (AMET) v1.1 for evaluating meteorological and air quality models, Environmental Modelling & Software, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 28 October 2010, ISSN 1364-8152, DOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2010.09.007. Bey, I., D.J. Jacob, R.M. Yantosca, J.A. Logan, B.D. Field, A.M. Fiore, Q. Li, H. Liu, L.J. Mickley, and M.G. Schultz, 2001. Global modeling of tropospheric chemistry with assimilated meteorology: Model description and evaluation. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 106, No. D19: 23,07323,095. Binkowski, F.S. and S.J. Roselle, 2003, Models-3 Community multiscale air quality (CMAQ) model aerosol component, 1 Model description. 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