Medieval Feminist Collective: Constitution - Ohio Union

Constitution of the Medieval Feminist Collective, 2007-2008
Article I: Name, Purpose, and Non-Discrimination Policy
Section 1: Name
Medieval Feminist Collective (MFC)
Section 2: Purpose
The purpose of the Medieval Feminist Collective is to inspire an interest in medieval feminist
scholarship among graduate students. Through discussions, reading groups, presentations, and
occasional invited faculty speakers and graduate student presenters from other universities, we
aim to educate and professionalize graduate students interested in medieval feminist studies. Part
of our purpose is also to help prepare our own members for important conference presentations
through practice run-throughs. We have elected to participate in Vagantes 2008, an
interdisciplinary medieval conference which is being held at Ohio State University.
Section 3: Non-Discrimination Policy
The Medieval Feminist Collective shall not discriminate against any individuals for reasons of
age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual
orientation, or veteran status.
Article II: Membership: Qualifications and Categories of Membership
Members and leaders shall be actively enrolled as students within The Ohio State University.
Eligible members will be those currently enrolled students expressing an interest in medieval
feminist studies. Non-students are encouraged to join in a non-voting, associate or honorary
Article III: Organization Leadership: Titles, Terms of Office, Type of Selection, and Duties
of Officers
Section 1: Titles
The Medieval Feminist Collective shall have three leaders, a President, Vice-President, and
Section 2: Terms of Office
The term of office for each leader shall be one academic year, at which point the leaders will be
eligible for renewal in their current positions by election of the student members.
Section 3: Type of Selection
The leaders will be elected through ballot-voting by current active members of the organization.
At the end of each term, the current leaders will also be eligible for renewal in their leadership
positions. Should any officer choose to step down during the year, a vote of all active members
will take place to replace this officer.
Section 4: Duties of Officers
President: The President shall organize meeting times and places for the active members of the
organization, and shall ensure that all requirements for the organization’s renewal each year are
met. The President shall run meetings and approve all programming and budget requests.
Vice-President: The Vice-President will serve as a co-leader of the organization and work with
the President to approve programming and budget requests. Should the President be unable to
attend a meeting, the Vice-President will run the meeting.
Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be in charge of all monetary funds of the Medieval Feminist
Collective, and shall files requests for programming funds for the MFC’s quarterly programming
Article IV: Advisors or Advisory Board: Qualifications and Duties
Section 1: Advisor Qualifications
The advisor of the MFC must be a full-time faculty member of Ohio State, and should be
interested in furthering the goals of the organization.
Section 2: Advisor Duties
The advisor of the MFC should act with the best interest of the organization in mind, and will be
asked to approve programming requests for the organization. The advisor may be asked to attend
meetings, and possibly to assist with certain programs as a knowledgeable faculty member who
can provide insight into the professional academic world.
Article V: Meetings of the MFC: Required Meetings and Frequency
There will be at least two mandatory meetings per academic quarter for active members of the
organization, excluding summer quarter. During quarters in which special programming is
planned, meetings may be more frequent. Members are expected to attend all programming
Article VI: Method of Amending Constitution: Proposals, Notice, and Voting
Proposed amendments should be in writing, should not be acted upon but read in the general
meeting in which they are proposed, should be read again at two subsequent general meetings
and the general meeting in which the votes will be taken, and should either require a two-third or
three-quarter majority of voting members (a quorum being present) or a majority or two-thirds of
the entire voting membership of the organization, present or not. The constitution should not be
amended easily or frequently.
Article VII: Method of Dissolution of Organization
The MFC shall only be dissolved through the unanimous agreement of all active members.
Should the MFC proceed to dissolution, any organization or programming debts that have been
incurred with be paid by the membership. Should any organization assets exist, these assets will
be used to pay any outstanding organization balances, and any remaining assets will be returned
to the source(s) from which they were received.