GEM 7201 METHODOLOGY IN GEOGRAPHY EDUCATION Course Description: This course will concentrate on the methods of teaching geography, evaluation procedures; construction of examinations and tests career and professional development of a geography teacher, development of teaching materials and the challenges of teaching geography in Ugandan schools. Aim of the course: This course will make Geography education relevant and provide methods of long life learning and teaching to the teachers. Learning out comes: Students will be exposed to a variety of geography teaching methods Students will practice a variety evaluation methods Students will develop positive values of long life learning education for sustainable development and their own professional development Course Content Selecting, organizing and implementing learning experiences Schemes, lesson plans instructional objectives, teaching methods Evaluation of effectiveness in teaching and learning Measuring values, interests, attitudes and skills Types of measuring instruments essays, objective tests, observations with checklists Teaching practical geography. Fieldwork, map work and photograph interpretation; statistics Creating a geographical environment in the school Geography clubs Remote sensing as a source of geography teaching Gender in the geography classroom The geography teacher; teacher competence, career and professional development. The role of a teacher in the community. Examinations Methods of presentation Lecture, demonstrations, peer teaching, research, field work Evaluation Coursework Examinations Pass mark 40% 60%(3hr examination) 60% References Graves.N.J (1982) New Unesco Source Book for Geography Teaching. Hongkong. Longman/UNESCO Periodicals (1) Journal of Geography (ii)Teaching Geography Kagoda A.M(1989)Attitudes commonly used in teaching Geography in selected secondary schools of Uganda. School of Education Makerere University. Feir and Berger R.(Eds((1986)Teaching Geography for a better world. Sidney The Jacaranda Tree Press.