Chapter 29 Review

Chapter 29 Review – Geography and Early History of Western Europe
Vocabulary: write the correct vocabulary word next to its definition
1. ______________________ member of the group of common people in ancient Rome
2. ______________________ wealthy landowner in ancient Rome, member of the group
that controlled the government
3. ______________________ peasant in feudal society who was tied to the land of a lord, and
traded service for protection
4. ______________________ one of the seven sacred rites administered by the Roman
Catholic Church
5. ______________________ hilltop fortress in ancient Greece
6. ______________________ question and answer technique to teach students to examine
their beliefs
7. ______________________ an estate granted by the monarch to a powerful lord, who owed
loyalty and military service in exchange
8. ______________________ small, privileged upper class that ran the government in ancient
9. _______________________ a mounted warrior who was a vassal of a feudal lord
10. _______________________ written document guaranteeing certain rights to townspeople
in the middle ages
11. _______________________ in medieval Europe, a self-sufficient community consisting of a
village and surrounding lands administered by a feudal lord
12. _______________________ in medieval Europe, a lesser lord who was granted estates by a
powerful lord, to whom he owed loyalty and service
13. _______________________ participation in government by citizens without elected
Short Answer
14. What type of landform is Europe?
15. Three ways the seas have been important to Europe:
16. What is the name of the larger landmass that Europe is part of?
17. What type of government did Athens have?
18. What type of government did Rome have? Describe it.
19. What was the first two hundred years of the Roman Empire called?
20. What does Pax Romana mean?
21. What are three ideas of the Roman system of justice still in use today in America?
22. Define feudalism:
23. Why were the crusades fought?
24. Draw a chart depicting the makeup of Feudal Society in Europe. (see pg 651)
25. What percentage of the population was made up of nobles?
26. What is another name for the bubonic plague?
27. What were the symptoms of the plague?
28. How was bubonic plague spread?