San Luis Obispo High School Spanish 1A Señora Tracey Nelms Weeks: Objectives: Weeks #1-#2 Introduce yourself to others Greet people at different times Textbook: of the day Realidades 1 Respond to classroom “Para Empezar” directions Pages 1-12 Begin using numbers 0-1,000 Cultural connection: traditional Latin American children’s poems Week #3 Apply vocab to talk about things in the classroom Text p. 12-23 Utilize Spanish alphabet to spell words Ask and answer questions about the months of the year, days of the week, and weather Cultural connection: The Aztec Calendar Week #4 Recall previously studied vocab. Unit 1A Express what you like and Text p. 24-40 don’t like Ask others what they like to do Identify verbs in the infinitive form and negative statements Express agreement or disagreement Understand cultural perspectives about favorite activities of some teenagers Week #5 Compose an oral presentation about your activities, likes, Units 1A/1B dislikes Text p. 41-55 Read, listen to, and understand information about personality traits Apply adjectives to describe people Understand cultural perspectives on friendships Choose adjectives to describe people Week #6 Understand cultural perspectives on friendships Unit 1B Examine word order and Text p. 56-71 placement of adjectives Compare definite and indefinite articles Assessments/Homework/Projects Friday: vocab,verb,poem quiz TAREA(Homework): Parent signature on course syllabus, memorize vocab, practice poem, workbook p1-6. Project: Begin presentations of conversations in pairs. Friday: “ Para Empezar”chapter exam Tarea: Memorize and practice pronunciation of new vocab, poem, workbook p.7-12 Project: Present conversations in pairs Friday: vocab/verb/poem quiz Tarea: Memorize new vocab and poem, workbook p.13-20 Project: Graphic organizer “Me Gusta/No Me Gusta” likes and dislikes, text p. 33 Friday: vocab/verb/grammar quiz Tarea: Memorize new vocab/verbs and poem, workbook p.21-26 Project: Prepare presentation: a letter describing yourself, name, age, likes, dislikes, personality… Friday: Unit 1 Exam Tarea: Memorize vocab/verbs/poem, Workbook p. 27-30 Projects: Un Poema Diamante text p. 59, and a letter describing Week #7 Unit 2A Text p. 72-87 Week #8 Units 2A/2B Text p. 88-105 Cultural connection: explore facts about the Caribbean Describe/compare school schedules/subjects Learn to use subject pronouns Conjugate AR,ER, IR ending verbs Discover courses students take in Spanish speaking countries Demonstrate an understanding of cultural practices concerning sports Compose a note to a friend utilizing conjugated verbs Practice pronunciation of soft/hard “C” Cultural connections: Costa Rica & Mexico yourself Friday:vocab/verb/poem quiz Tarea: Memorize vocab/verbs/poem, workbook p. 31-36 Project: Graphic organizer “Mi Horario”, school schedule Friday: vocab/verb/grammar quiz Tarea: Memorize vocab/verbs/poem, Workbook p. 37-42 Project: “Mi Clase Favorita” (text p. 93 and 117) describe school schedule and favorite class Week #9 Unit 2B Text p. 106-121 Week #10 Unit 3A Text p. 122-140 Describe a classroom Indicate where things are located using the verb:ESTAR Listen write, and speak using plural nouns correctly Practice pronunciation of soft/hard “G” Read a narrative about UNICEF Learn about cultural differences in school Talk about foods and beverages for breakfast, lunch, and dinner Listen, write, and speak conjugating present tense AR/ER/IR verbs Talk about likes and dislikes using “me gustan, me encantan” Interpret/invent a restaurant menu, and be able to order food Friday: Unit 2 Exam Tarea: Prepare for exam, workbook p.43-48 Project: Complete and present “Mi Clase Favorita” Maintain a conversation about what you like, including food preferences Cultural connection: Fruits native to the Americas (licuado ideas) Review the Food Pyramid in Spanish, and determine healthy choices Understand significance of “El Dia De Los Muertos”, Nov. 1( Day Of The Dead) Tarea: Memorize new vocab/verbs/poem, Workbook p. 55-60 Project: “Que debes comer y hacer para mantener la salud” describe healthy food/activity choices Identify the correct pronunciation of the letters H/J and L/LL Apply the use of plural adjectives Review use of verbs SER/ESTAR Cultural Connection: Health care in South America Friday: vocab/verb/poem quiz Tarea: Review trimester vocab/verbs/grammar for final, workbook p. 61-66 Project: Complete “Que debes comer y hacer para mantener la salud” Prepare for trimester final utilizing “Libritos” (notebooks) to review vocab, verbs and grammar Practice pronunciation and memorize final presentation Tarea: Review for final, memorize final presentation, bring food item(fruit,veg.,milk, yoghurt,juice) for “Licuados” fruit smoothies. Friday: vocab/verb/poem quiz Tarea: Memorize new vocab/poem, workbook p. 49-54 Project: Create a menu and explain it to classmates Week #11 Unit 3A/3B Text p. 141-155 Week #12 Unit 3B Text p. 156-169 Week#13 Review, Presentations, Final “Que Debes comer y hacer para mantener la salud” San Luis Obispo High School Spanish 1B Sra. Tracey Nelms : Week: #1 Objectives: Review of Spanish 1A Pronunciation Textbook: Alphabet/numbers Realidades 1 Verbs Unit 4A Cognates Pages 170 Cultural connection: Latin 181 American rhymes/tongue twisters “trabalenguas” Week #2 Read, listen, discuss locations in the community Discuss leisure activities Unit 4A Learn to use the verb ir Pages 182 Tell where to go, give 194 directions Week #3 Unit 4B Pages 196207 Week #4 Unit 4B Pages 208218 Week #5 Talk about activities outside of school, invitations Tell when an event happens Use verb ir+a+infinitive verb to explain what you are going to do in the future Discover Spanish words hat are borrowed from English Utilize the irregular verb jugar Recognize specialized sports vocab Create/write an invitation Describe families Discuss celebrations Assessments/Homework/Projec Friday vocab/verb quiz Homework “Tarea”: Parent signature on course syllabus, brin spiral notebook “Librito” to class memorize vocab, practice tongue twister Project: Prepare “Un Estudiante Nuevo” Text p.191 Friday: Unit 4A quiz, tongue twister “trabalengua” #1 Homework “Tarea”: Memorize new vocab/verb/trabalengua, Workbook pages 67-75 due. Project: Present “Un Estudiante Nuevo” Friday vocab/verb quiz Homework “Tarea”: Memorize new vocab/verb/tongue twister . Project: Prepare “Una Invitación” Text p.215 Unit 4 exam and trabalengua quiz #2 Homework “Tarea”: Memorize new vocab/verb/trabalengua Workbook pages 76-84 due. Project: Present “Una Invitación” Friday vocab/verb quiz Homework “Tarea”: Memorize Unit 5A Pages 220236 Week #6 Unit 5A/5B Pages 237253 Week #7 Unit 5B Pages 254268 Week #8 Unit 6A Pages 270294 Week #9 Unit 6B Pages 296318 Week #10 Unit 7A Pages 320- Express possession: mi, tu,nuestro,vuestro, su new vocab/verb/trabalengua, Project: Prepare “Mi Familia” Te p241 Review when to use the verb tener Practice ordering a meal Explore culrural perspectives on celebrations Ask and tell ages Trabalengua quiz #3 Tarea: Memorize new vocab/verb/trabalengua Project: Present “Mi Familia” Describe people and foods Learn to use the verb venir Compare the uses of the verbs ser and estar Employ adjectives ending in isimo Unit 5 exam Tarea: Memorize vocab/verb/trabalengua, Workbook pages 85-102 due Project: Write a paragraph “Mi Restaurante Favorito” Text p.265 Describe bedroom items Make comparisons: mejor,peor, mayor, menor Analyze stem-changing verbs: poder and dormir Friday vocab/verb/trabalengua quiz #4 Tarea: Memorize new vocab/verb/trabalengua. Project: Prepare “Se Vende Casa Apartamento” Text p.315 Identify rooms in a house Create a list of household chores Utilize affirmative Tu commands:habla,lee,escri be, pon,haz Use the present progressive tense: estar+ando/iendo Describe clothes,Shopping, and prices Point out specific items Unit 6 exam Tarea: Memorize new vocab verb/trabalengua. Workbook pages 103-120 due. Project: Present “Se Vende Casa Apartamento” Friday vocab/verb/trabalengua quiz#5 Tarea: Memorize new vocab/verb/trabalengua 342 Week #11 Unit 7B Pages 344370 Weeks #1213 Review, Presentations, & Final utilizing demonstrative adjectives: este,estos,ese,esos Employ stem-changing verbs:pensar,querer,prefe rir Recall what happened in the past utilizing preterite verbs Select which direct object pronoun to use:lo,la,los,las Ask and explain about choosing a gift Explore specialty stores that end in –eria; joyeria, panaderia, totilleria, carniceria… Prepare for trimester final : Review vocab, grammar, verbs. Project: Prepare “Un Regalo” Tex p.367 Friday vocab/verb quiz Tarea: Memorize new vocab/verb Workbook pages 121-138 due. Project: Practice “Un Regalo” Trimester Final, and Presentation Tarea: Review Libritos, Realidades 1online, and Practice workbook for final Present “Un Regalo”