CP BIOLOGY POPULATION NOTES CHARACTERISTICS OF POPULATIONS (3) Geographic Distribution = area inhabited by a population, can vary greatly in size Population Density = number of individuals per unit area, can also vary greatly Population Growth = the increase or decrease in size of a population (number of individuals making up population) o affected by three factors number of births (increases population) number of deaths (decreases population) number individuals entering (immigration) or leaving (emigration) o population grows when birthrate greater than death rate o population stays same if birthrate = death rate o population decreases when birthrate is less than death rate o immigration leads to population growth while emigration can lead to population shrinking TYPES OF POPULATION GROWTH Exponential Growth o occurs when population has abundant space and food o individuals in population reproduce at a constant rate o produces graph called J curve o population becomes larger and larger until it approaches an infinitely large size – would occur under ideal conditions with unlimited resources Logistic Growth o more natural population growth o population grows exponential at first, but as resources become less available, then growth slows down or stops o produces graph called S curve o carrying capacity = the largest number of individuals in a population that the environment can support CP BIOLOGY, POPULATION NOTES, page 2 LIMITS TO POPULATION GROWTH Limiting Factors o factors that cause population growth to decrease o examples: competition, predation, parasitism and disease, drought and climate extremes, human disturbances Density-Dependent Factors o depends on the population size o becomes factor only when population reaches a certain size (usually when large and dense) o include: competition, predation, parasitism and disease competition = compete for food, water, space, sunlight, and other essentials of life intraspecific – between members of same species interspecific – between members of different species predation predator-prey relationship one of best-known mechanisms of population control cycles – prey increases population so predator population will begin to increase, because of predation, prey population decreases and so does predator population, with fewer predators, then prey population begins to increase again parasitism and disease – parasites similar to predators, can cause hosts to weaken which can result in disease or death Density-Independent Factors o affect all populations regardless of population size o examples: unusual weather, natural disasters, seasonal cycles, o environmental changes always occurring, populations can adapt to certain amount of change o populations grow or shrink in response to such changes o major upsets in an ecosystem can result in long-term population declines CP BIOLOGY, POPULATION NOTES, page 3 HUMAN POPULATION GROWTH human population has increased over time about 500 years ago, human population began growing more rapidly o agriculture and industry made life easier and safer o world’s food supply – more reliable o goods could be shipped around world o improved sanitation, medicine, and health care dramatically reduced death rate and increased life spans o birthrates remained high demography = study of human populations birthrates, death rates and age structure help predict why some countries have high growth rates while other countries grow more slowly demographic transition = dramatic change in birth and death rates due to modernization o modernization leads to lower death rates due to longevity o birthrates remain high, so population increases rapidly o further modernization results in families having fewer children o birthrate falls, population growth slows o transition complete when birthrate = death rate and population growth stops o has only occurred in a few countries – U.S., Europe, Japan most of world’s population growth contributed to by only 10 countries which include China and India age-structure diagrams = graph showing the numbers of people in different age groups in population current world population projections o 2025 – 7.8 billion people o 2050 – 9 billion+ people