Impact of composting-induced decomposition on microbial indicator status of spent broiler litter under sub-tropical environment Nafiisa SOBRATEE, University of Mauritius Extended abstract In Mauritius, animal waste-related environmental problems, particularly regarding the poultry sub-sector have been exacerbated by the organisational structure of the industry, notably its high degree of vertical integration and the rise of contract farming (Shane, 1998; Rajkumar and Driver, 2003). In line with the industrial ecology concept, clean practices that allow degradation, transformation and re-use of livestock waste need to be researched and applied to prevent environmental and sanitation hazards. In this context, the main interest with composting as waste management option lies in its capacity to both lead to stabilization of the exogenous organic matter and its potential for sanitization. Mohee et al. (2008) investigated a 110-day systematic composting study for the presence of Salmonella and the survival of total coliforms (TC), faecal coliforms (FC), Escherichia coli (EC) and faecal enterococci (FE) in three experimental windrows consisting of SBL/bagasse mixture in a close-sided roofed facility. The spent broiler litter utilized originated from a pen of 2000 birds originating from a commercial facility comprising of 40,000 birds. At establishment (Day 1) windrows were 1.2–1.3 m long, approximately 0.7 m wide at the base, and approximately 0.6 m high. Each windrow consisted of 240 kg broiler litter, 200 kg bagasse mixed with 250 L water. All bacterial enumerations (threetube MPN method) were performed selectively using the procedures for International Standards Organisation (ISO) methods: ISO 9308 (1990), ISO 4831 (1991), ISO 7251 (1993), ISO 7899-1 (1984)). The Fischer’s Least Significant Difference method was used to compare pairs of treatment means which was taken to be time of composting. At a further level, Sobratee et al. (2008) discussed the design of empirical equations that best describe the behaviour of the faecal bacterial indicators and two decomposition parameters as a function of composting time. The Levenburg-Marquardt algorithm was used to fit nonlinear mathematical models to TC, FC, EC, FE, organic-C and volatile solids reduction, VSRed, by the least squares procedure. The order of rate equations was also identified. The temperature dependency of degradation rate applicable for composting temperatures was also investigated. Three equations derived by Haug (1980), Mohee (1998) and Nielsen and Berthelsen (2002) were also compared in this respect. Additionally, Sobratee et al. (in press) developed an exposure assessment based on the Source– Pathway–Receptor approach to investigate the theoretical arithmetic mean exposure of root crops to enteric bacterial indicators at point of harvest by simple event tree analysis and thereby to comprehensively quantify exposure scenarios of E. coli from the β-Poisson model. Log10 reductions of −6.98, −8.03, −8.18 and −5.96 occurred in TC, FC, E. coli and FE concentrations respectively. As expected, FE exhibited resistance to high temperature compared to E. coli especially for the first 21 days. Temperature histories revealed hygienisation attainment. Differences in mean, representing benchmark stages of composting, were highly significant (P < 0.05) for all pathogen indicators. VSRed (%) validated effective system progress. The rate equations showed that TC, FC and EC reductions were expressed by second-order decay kinetics, while FE reduction followed first-order decay and hence, was inactivated at a slower rate. Temperature elevation, organic-C and VSRed dynamics provided an accurate understanding of composting-induced decomposition of the broiler litter. Temperature dependency of the stabilisation rate was verified by applying empirically derived rate equations. Decomposition rate according to the equation of Haug (1980) showed a definite tendency to increase rapidly with temperature elevation whereas those of Mohee (1998) and Nielsen and Berthelsen (2002) emphasized on the reduction in decomposition rate beyond 55oC. The structured model proposed by Nielsen and Berthelsen (2002), based on the application of theoretical assumptions about enzyme catalysis and high activation energy-induced spontaneous deactivation, has specifically indicated system progress rate and under which time/temperature it can be optimized hence, revealing the relevance of such results for practical purposes in the technical management of composting facilities. The main implication therefore resides in the ability to plan the process runs for spent broiler litter composting in Mauritius in such a way to maximize on both the attainment of stability, through efficient control of degradation thermodynamics, and hygienisation compliance. TC, FC, E. coli and FE levels on root crops were reduced to very remote fractions of 0.01826, 0.00046, 0.000132 and 0.000013 kg-1 respectively. The predicted E. coli counts on root crops at point of harvest provided a basis for estimating the exposure potential by the β-Poisson model. Probability of exposure was 0.782 for raw SBL mix compared to 1.40 × 10-11 with composting. It can be concluded that there is a definite advantage in optimally composting SBL mix before land application since the composting process effectively confers an escalating dilution effect of the enterobacteria. References 1. Haug, R.T. (1980) Compost Engineering: Principles and Practice. Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor Science. MI, USA. 2. ISO 4831 (1991) Microbiology – General guidance for enumeration of coliforms – most probable number technique. International Standards Organization. Switzerland. 3. ISO 7251(1993) Microbiology–General guidance for enumeration of presumptive Escherichia coli – most probable number technique. International Standards Organization. Switzerland. 4. ISO 7899-1(1984) Water quality–detection and enumerating of faecal streptococci Part1: Method by enrichment in a liquid medium (most probable number technique). International Standards Organization. Switzerland. 5. ISO9308(1990) Water quality–detection and enumeration of coliform organisms, thermotolerant coliform organisms and Presumptive Escherichia coli – Part 2: Multiple tube (most probable number) method. International Standards Organization. Switzerland. 6. Mohee, R. (1998) Composting potential of bagasse and broiler litter and process simulation using a dynamic model. PhD Thesis, University of Mauritius. Réduit, Mauritius. 7. Mohee, R., Driver, M.F.B., Sobratee, N., (2008) Transformation of spent broiler litter from exogenous matter to compost in a sub-tropical context. Bioresource Technology, 99: 128-136. 8. Nielsen, H. and Berthelsen, L. (2002) A model for temperature dependency of thermophilic composting process rate. Compost Science & Utilization. 10: 249-257. 9. Rajkumar, B. and Driver, M.F.B. (2003) The poultry sub-sector in Mauritius. FANRPAN Policy Brief No. 2. Available on the Internet at: Accessed on 08.08.08. 10. Shane, S. (1998) Mauritius: industry profile. Poultry International. 37(14), 56-62. 11. Sobratee, N., Mohee, R., Driver, M.F.B., Mudhoo, A. (2008) Survival kinetics of fecal bacterial indicators in spent broiler-litter composting. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 104(1): 204-214. 12. Sobratee, N., Mohee, R., Driver, M.F.B., (in press) Quantitative exposure of root crops to indicator enterobacteria from composted spent broiler litter under sub-tropical environment. Bioresource Technology, doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2008.06.035.