What`s New in Recognition - International School of Brussels

What's New in Recognition?
In her article published in the May 2005 issue of Trends, Michele Sandlin, Director of the
Office of Admissions at Oregon State University told us that universities and colleges are
coming to a greater understanding of the rigor of the International Baccalaureate Diploma
Programme. She added that, as a result, many institutions are strengthening their
recruitment efforts that target IB Diploma students and are developing more appropriate and
effective IB recognition policies. In addition to these school-based initiatives, many state
and provincial legislatures are encouraging schools and students to take the IB challenge
through governmental incentive and reward programs.
More than 900 colleges and universities have descriptions of their recognition policies on the
IBO website. For details of these policies, please visit the university recognition database.
As the responsibility for maintaining current information rests with the universities
themselves, it is often wise to visit the university website directly, searching for
"international baccalaureate."
Albertson College of Idaho appreciates the rigor and integrity of the IB curriculum.
Therefore, students who have completed the IB diploma with a minimum score of 28 will
receive the following:
1. Sophomore standing (30 units of credit toward graduation upon enrollment).
2. Preferred status for admission.
3. Enhanced opportunity for merit scholarships.
For those who earned the IB Diploma with scores lower than 28, Albertson College of Idaho
credit will be awarded as follows:
27 points: 25 units
26 points: 20 units
25 points: 15 units
24 points: 10 units
Credit toward completion of the Liberal Arts Core will be determined on a course-by-course
For those who have taken IB courses but have not earned the IB Diploma, Albertson College
of Idaho credit will be determined on a course-by-course basis.
At Midwestern State University in Texas prospective students who earn the IB Diploma will
receive unconditional admission status. Scholarships will be offered to these students
through the University scholarship program and on-campus housing is guaranteed.
Middlebury College offers advanced standing to students who have completed the full IB
Diploma with 36 points. Students with fewer than 36 points may receive the equivalent of
two course credits for each higher-level exam passed with a score of 6 or 7. Although no
credit is awarded for standard level exam results, Middlebury recognizes the excellent
preparation gained through the IB Diploma Program.
The University of Wisconsin – Madison has posted a revised policy on the IBO website.
Students who receive the full IB Diploma with minimum of 28 are eligible for additional
credits. Details are available through the Office of Admissions
The University of Central Florida has posted a new policy on which awards up to 30
semester hours of credit to students who complete the IB Diploma and obtain 4, 5, 6, or 7 in
their three higher level subjects. Students who do not complete the full Diploma will
receive 6 semester hours of credit for higher-level examinations results of 5, 6, or 7. Details
of the credit awards, by subject, are outlined on the website.
Miami Uiversity has posted a revised policy on the IBO website. Among other changes,
credit is now awarded for IB Geography.
The University of Southern Indiana (USI) has developed a policy to recognize credit earned
through the IB that becomes effective for new students first enrolled at USI from Summer
2006 onwards. Minimum grades of 5 (good) will be required. Unless otherwise noted, credit
will be granted for both Standards Level (SL) and Higher Level (HL) achievement, and each
course will carry 3 semester hours of college credit. Courses will satisfy University Core
Curriculum requirements. Further information is available from Eric Otto, Director of
Admissions, University of Southern Illinois, 8600 University Boulevard, Evansville, IN 47712,
At Knox College, Galesburg, Illinois, students completing an IB Diploma with a score of 30 or
above will receive one year of credit toward the completion of the Knox degree. Credit will
be granted to Diploma recipients scoring below 30 points, and to students completing only IB
certificates as follows: Credit for two Knox courses will be awarded for each IB Higher Level
examination passed with a score of 4 or above. Standards examinations passed with a score
of 5 or above will receive credit for one Knox course. Up to one year of credit can be
Defiance College in Ohio has made a policy change that offers credit for the full IB Diploma
provides SL credit for Certificates.
A. Students will receive credit for IB exams taken to complete the full IB Diploma. Credit
for the full IB Diploma is awarded as follows:
IB Score
DC Credit
24 hours
21 hours
18 hours
15 hours
12 hours
9 hours
or above
B. Students, who have received IB certificates by taking individual IB courses, may also
receive credit according to the following scores:
· IB score 4 on HL = 3-4 sem. hours
· IB score 6 on HL = 6-8 sem. hours
· IB score 5 on SL = 3-4 sem. hours
Drury University in Springfield Missouri has a revised recognition policy that offers up to 30
credit hours depending upon the scores presented. In addition, Drury offers scholarships to
IB Diploma holders. For further details, please contact Gale Boutrwell, Registrar and Campus
IB Coordinator at gboutwel@drury.edu
A University of California system-wide policy has been developed that awards students
completing the IB Diploma with a score of 30 or above will receive 30 quarter (20 semester)
units total toward the UC undergraduate degree.
The University grants eight quarter (5.3 semester) units for students who receive IB
certificates with scores of 5, 6, or 7 on designated exams. Details of the credit awarded by a
particular campus are available at the the following site:
www.universityofcalifornia.edu/educators/counselors/resources/materials.html where the
PDF document “International Baccalaureate Test Credit” may be downloaded.
Individual campuses should be contacted for information on how subject credit may be
granted for designated exams, which may be considered equivalent to freshman-level
courses in the subject and may be used to satisfy general education or breadth
Please note that the writing requirement may be satisfied in a number of way, one of which
is a score of 6 or higher on the IB Standard Level Examination and a score of 6 or higher in
the IB Higher Level examination. Details of all university graduation requirements may be
found in PDF format among the above mentioned resource materials site.
As states become more intricately involved in the education of its citizens,
many have come to recognize the strength of the IB curriculum and its ability
to prepare its students to be competitive in the world market.
To date, several states have adopted legislation supporting IB diploma
candidates in their universities. The most recent state to do so is Texas, where
Senate Bill 111 was enacted in May 2005. Universities are mandated to grant
at least 24 semester credit hours, or equivalent course credit, in appropriate
subject areas to successful IB diploma candidates. This applies to IB diploma
candidate worldwide.
Additional legislation information is available in the document A Look at
North American Legislation.
At the University of Manitoba, holders of the IB Diploma are acknowledged as holding the
equivalent of Manitoba high school graduation standing for purposes of admission.
Individual IB higher-level courses may be recognized for University credit following the
approval by the appropriate University department and when approved by the faculty
council. A student may receive a maximum of 18 credit hours of University credits for IB
work. A minimum of 5 is required to receive the credit.
The University of Alberta has produced a new brochure directed at IB Diploma students. It
clearly acknowledges its appreciation of the student’s choice to engage intellect, pursue
excellence and hard work, while participating in a wide range of activities. The university
offers, among others, personalized advising, access to special events, scholarships, and
guaranteed residence. Uniquely, it states University of Alberta expectations of IB students:
To demonstrate excellence in both academics and community service
To be the leaders of tomorrow
To continue to develop the international and multicultural perspectives gained
through the IB program that mirror the value of the university
To demonstrate the work ethic and self-discipline necessary to excel at the
Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, is pleased to announce that it has recently updated
its IB admissions and scholarship policy to acknowledge the excellence of IB students.
Offers of admission including guaranteed residence and scholarships can be made on the
basis of predicted IB results early in the admissions cycle. Advanced standing credit is
awarded to applicants achieving grades of 5 or better in their Higher Level courses (or
Subsidiary level Math).
There are an unlimited number of entrance scholarships available, and no application is
required. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of IB results as follows:
39-42 points = $16,000 CAD ($4,000 x four years)
36-38 points = $12,000 CAD ($3,000 x four years)
33-35 points = $10,000 CAD ($2,500 x four years)
31-32 points = $8,000 CAD ($2,000 x four years)
29-30 points = $4,000 CAD ($1,000 x four years)
For further information on Carleton University’s degree programs and admissions, please visit
www.admissions.carleton.ca or email international@carleton.ca
Lakehead University, located in Thunder Bay, Ontario has recently published its first IB
policy, which addresses the IB Diploma holder.
Applicants who have completed an International Baccalaureate Diploma will be considered
for admission provided that the completed diploma includes the subject area requirements
for the chosen program of study. Applicants must possess a total score of 28 in six subjects,
three of which must be at the higher level with no score less than four in any subject.
Applicants presenting the International Baccalaureate Diploma may be considered for
advanced standing credit in some higher level subjects provided a score of 5 or better has
been attained in the higher level subject.
A list of the courses eligible for advanced standing credit consideration is available from the
Office of Admissions and Recruitment. Please visit the website at www.lakeheadu.ca
Recognizing the academic excellence of students enrolled in the IB Diploma Program,
Memorial University of Newfoundland has revised its recognition policy. The new policy
indicates that IB students are now given early offers of final admission prior to completion of
the diploma. As well, students may also be eligible for scholarship consideration. Transfer
credit is granted for advanced placement in a number of IB courses at both standard and
higher levels is offered provided a minimum score of 4 has been achieved. Please visit the
website at www.mun.ca
The King’s University College in Alberta has revised its recognition policy to include
Chemistry Standard Level. Please visit the website at www.kingsu.ab.ca/