Albemarle County Public Schools

Albemarle County Public Schools
Curriculum Unit Framework
Unit Title:
Grade Level:
Discipline/Topic Area(s):
Unit Designer(s):
Interdisciplinary Concept
Which concept(s) will this
unit be organized around?
Time Frame:
Enduring Understanding(s): What overarching understandings are
derived from the relationships between organizing concepts?
(These can be found in County curriculum documents)
Unit Summary
Essential Understandings
What ideas and concepts, will
students be able to explain,
interpret, manipulate or apply in
new situations?
Essential Knowledge
What information and facts will
students be able to recall or
Essential Skills
What skills will students
Essential Questions: What essential questions will drive inquiry and understanding within this unit?
Assessment: What formative assessment(s) will guide us in knowing how the students are progressing
toward mastery? What summative assessment(s)/project(s) will inform us that students have mastered
the essential understandings, skills, and knowledge? What life-long learner standards and habilts of mind
do our assessments promote?
Next steps (e.g. Resources, research, lesson ideas, etc.): What lesson designs will allow my students
to progress towards mastery of the essential understandings, knowledge, and skills? What resources will
I need to implement my lesson designs?