University of Portland School of Engineering 5000 N. Willamette Blvd. Portland, OR 97203-5798 Phone 503 943 7314 Fax 503 943 7316 Theory of Operations Team Golden Mantle: CMOS 8-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converter Contributors: Aaron Krizek Travis Tompkins Scott Ostrow Approvals Name Date Dr. Sig Lillevik – Instructor Dr. Joe Hoffbeck – Primary Advisor Mr. Howard Voorheis UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING TEAM GOLDEN MANTLE . . . . . Revision History . . Rev. Date Author . 0.9 02/04/05 .A. Krizek, T. Tompkins, S. Ostrow THEORY OF OPERATIONS PROJECT GOLDEN MANTLE UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND REV. 0.9 SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING PAGE II Reason for Changes Rough Draft TEAM GOLDEN MANTLE . . . . . Table of Contents . . Summary....................................................................................................................... 1 . . Introduction .................................................................................................................. 2 THEORY OF OPERATIONS PROJECT GOLDEN MANTLE REV. 0.9 PAGE III Background .................................................................................................................. 3 Technologies ...........................................................................................................................................3 CMOS ...............................................................................................................................................3 MOSIS ..............................................................................................................................................3 B2Logic v.3.0.15 ...............................................................................................................................3 Tanner's L-Edit (UNIX and Windows) .............................................................................................3 B2Logic to L-Edit Translator (BLT) ..................................................................................................3 Architecture .................................................................................................................. 5 Design Overview.......................................................................................................... 7 System Block Diagram............................................................................................................................7 MOSIS Chip Design ................................................................................................................................7 Macro Model Design ...............................................................................................................................9 Wire Wrap Enclosure Implementation ...................................................................................................9 Signal Path ........................................................................................................................................... 10 Input Jack ............................................................................................................................... 10 AC/DC Select ......................................................................................................................... 10 Pre-Amp Block ....................................................................................................................... 11 Sample and Hold Block ......................................................................................................... 12 Comparator ............................................................................................................................ 13 Bidirectional Counter Block ................................................................................................... 13 DAC Block (Internal and External) ........................................................................................ 13 Timing Diagram..........................................................................................................14 Conclusions ...............................................................................................................16 UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING TEAM GOLDEN MANTLE . . . . List of Figures. . . of BLT system.............................................................................................4 Figure 1. Software architecture . . Block Diagram.................................................................................................5 Figure 2. System Functional THEORY OF OPERATIONS PROJECT GOLDEN MANTLE REV. 0.9 PAGE IV Figure 3. Digital Output Using Tracking Architecture ...................................................................................6 Figure 4. System Component Diagram ........................................................................................................7 Figure 5. CMOS Integrated Circuit Physical Layout .....................................................................................8 Figure 6. Detail of Wire Wrap Socket ......................................................................................................... 10 Figure 7. 1st Stage Frequency Response ................................................................................................. 11 Figure 8. 2nd Stage Frequency Response ................................................................................................ 12 Figure 9. Functional Diagram of Sample and Hold Block ......................................................................... 12 Figure 10. DAC Voltage Mode Block Diagram .......................................................................................... 14 Figure 11. Count-up Sequence Timing Diagram....................................................................................... 15 Figure 12. B2Logic Timing Simulation Circuit ............................................................................................ 15 UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING TEAM GOLDEN MANTLE . . . . List of Tables . . . Parameters......................................................................................................8 Table 1. CMOS Technology . . Table 2. Macro Model Components ..............................................................................................................9 THEORY OF OPERATIONS PROJECT GOLDEN MANTLE REV. 0.9 UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING PAGE V TEAM GOLDEN MANTLE THEORY OF OPERATIONS PROJECT GOLDEN MANTLE Chapter 1 . . . . . . . . . REV. 0.9 PAGE 1 Summary This document outlines the theory of operation for Project Golden Mantle which is to continuously convert an analog input signal into an 8-bit digital output signal. This will be accomplished through the use of a tracking ADC architecture which uses a feedback loop to continuously “track” the analog input by stepping the digital 256-bit output up or down, one bit at a time. The complete design includes both digital and analog components, with a semi-custom CMOS chip as its keystone. For demonstration purposes, the overall goal is to take a microphone signal, convert it into a digital signal, and then convert it back into an analog signal for speaker broadcast and signal verification. UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING TEAM GOLDEN MANTLE THEORY OF OPERATIONS PROJECT GOLDEN MANTLE Chapter 2 . . . . . . . . . REV. 0.9 PAGE 2 Introduction The purpose of the Theory of Operations document is to provide a technical description of the design for the 8-bit Analog to Digital Converter. It will serve as a reference for maintenance and support as well as a starting point for future designs. Team Golden Mantle is responsible for all aspects of the project including its design, implementation, and documentation. This document is intended for any university faculty, student, or other party interested in learning more about Project Golden Mantle and the technical aspects of its design. The rest of this document includes the following chapters: Background- a brief description of information relevant to the project that will help further the reader’s understanding of the project. Architecture- explains the tracking architecture of the 8-bit analog to digital design. Design Overview- explains the functionality of the design through layout, functionality, and state diagrams. Conclusion- provides an overview of this document highlighting significant points of the project and any conclusions derived from this document. UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING TEAM GOLDEN MANTLE THEORY OF OPERATIONS PROJECT GOLDEN MANTLE Chapter 3 . . . . . . . . . REV. 0.9 PAGE 3 Background Technologies Below are descriptions of the different technologies used in the project’s design. CMOS In CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor) technology, both N-type and P-type transistors are used to realize logic functions. Today, CMOS technology is the dominant semiconductor technology for microprocessors, memories and application specific integrated circuits (ASICs). The main advantage of CMOS over NMOS and bipolar technology is the much smaller power dissipation. Unlike NMOS or bipolar circuits, a CMOS circuit has almost no static power dissipation. Power is only dissipated when the circuit actually switches. This properly allows the integration of many more CMOS gates on an IC than in NMOS or bipolar technology, resulting in much better performance. MOSIS MOSIS is a low-cost prototyping and small-volume production service for VLSI circuit development. Since 1981, MOSIS has fabricated more than 50,000 circuit designs for commercial firms, government agencies, and research and educational institutions around the world. Project Golden Mantle has access to MOSIS chip technologies through a grant offered to the Engineering Dept at the University of Portland. B2Logic v.3.0.15 B2Logic software allows a user to build a model circuit and test it by probing signals at various points. As the simulation progresses, the signal values change on the probes in the circuit, as well as in a timing diagram and in a spreadsheet. You can change the input values by clicking directly on the inputs in the circuit. Information regarding the layout of the circuit is written to a netlist text file. Tanner's L-Edit (UNIX and Windows) L-Edit offers layout editing, verification, and place & route in one powerful suite of tools, so designers can quickly and easily maneuver through the entire design flow. The .tpr file that L-Edit uses is merely a reformatted version of the netlist text file, which represents the circuit. B2Logic to L-Edit Translator (BLT) UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING TEAM GOLDEN MANTLE . . . . Figure 1. Software architecture of BLT system. . . After a circuit is successfully designed and simulated in B Logic, one can save the circuit as a . .EDIF netlist file. This file uses an industry standard for text format. The netlist file is then input into . BLT through a command prompt, where it is parsed and reformatted into the proper .tpr file format. . that L-Edit uses to automatically place and route the CMOS Chip. This is the format THEORY OF OPERATIONS PROJECT GOLDEN MANTLE REV. 0.9 PAGE 4 2 UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING TEAM GOLDEN MANTLE THEORY OF OPERATIONS PROJECT GOLDEN MANTLE Chapter 4 . . . . . . . . . REV. 0.9 PAGE 5 Architecture The circuit will be realized using the tracking ADC architecture. This architecture was chosen due to known high performance in areas of speed and resolution. Also, a primary goal in this project is to integrate most of the digital components on-chip. The necessary analog components will be implemented off-chip. The tracking architecture utilizes a negative feedback loop to control the direction of an up/down counter (see Figure 2. System Functional Block Diagram). The output of the up/down counter is a binary number representing the analog voltage value of the input signal at successive points in time. The counter is continuously clocked, and the up/down control line is driven by the output of a comparator. When the analog input signal exceeds the DAC output the counter goes into the "count up" mode, resulting in an increase in the value of the binary output number. When the DAC output exceeds the analog input, the counter switches into the "count down" mode. Thus, the DAC output counts in the proper direction to track the value of the analog voltage input signal. A sample output and tracking of an analog signal is presented in Figure 3: Digital Output Using Tracking Architecture. A more detailed account of signal characteristics at various stages of the circuit will be provided in the Signal Path section. Figure 2. System Functional Block Diagram UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING TEAM GOLDEN MANTLE THEORY OF OPERATIONS PROJECT GOLDEN MANTLE . . . . . . . . . REV. 0.9 PAGE 6 Figure 3. Reconstructed Analog Output Using Digital Tracking Architecture UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING TEAM GOLDEN MANTLE THEORY OF OPERATIONS PROJECT GOLDEN MANTLE Chapter 5 . . . . . . . . . REV. 0.9 PAGE 7 Design Overview System Block Diagram See “Updated Circuit Layout” (Visio file) attached with email. Plan on adding pin numbers and unit numbers to file by next revision. 100k AD790JN-ND LF398N-ND 74F269SPC-ND Comparator AD557JN-ND U/D Counter 25k 800pf + Sample and Hold Amp (Unity Gain) 1k U/D Reset D/A Converter B1 Reset 8 B8 2.5 Vdc 296-1391-5-ND 10mf - Carry out 296-1391-5-ND 1k B8 - + GND ENB ENB Enable Enable 1k Vin Vout (Analog Output) Vout Vref 296-1391-5-ND 1k B1 74F269SPC-ND + -2.5 Vdc *All units equipped with decoupling capacitors **Digi-Key parts listed in RED Continuous Binary Output Up Counter + 1k Reset U/D B1 Reset B8 CTX139-ND 1 MHz 296-1507-5-ND 8-bit Latch A Q1 H Q8 8 Qout (Latched Binary Output) Carry out ON CHIP COMPONENTS BACK-UP PARTS SHOWN ENB ENB Enable Enable Figure 4. System Component Diagram (OUTDATED) MOSIS Chip Design The CMOS Chips was designed in two stages: logical design and physical layout. The logical design stage was accomplished using B2Logic simulation software. The functionality of the CMOS circuit was specified at the gate level in B2Logic. The translation from the working logic level schematic to physical layout was accomplished using the BLT automated translation program. The BLT program exports a device identification and wiring netlist which is used by the L-EDIT® automated place-and-route algorithm to produce the on-chip physical material layout. The CMOS chip will be fabricated by MOSIS fabrication services. Fabrication will use the AMI Semiconductor 1.5 micron ABN Process and the layers types shown in Table 1. UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING TEAM GOLDEN MANTLE . . . . . . . Feature . Technology/Lambda . THEORY OF OPERATIONS PROJECT GOLDEN MANTLE Substrate Type Layout Size Bonding Pads Packaging Die Thickness (+/- .5 mil) Layers REV. 0.9 PAGE 8 Table 1. CMOS Technology Parameters Value SCNA Lambda = 0.8 micron Epi 2200 x 2200 microns 40 DIP 40 pin 10 Mils 250 microns N_WELL, ACTIVE, POLY, N_PLUS_SELECT, P_PLUS_SELECT, CONTACT, METAL1, VIA, METAL2, GLASS, PADS. Table 1. CMOS Technology Parameters provides detailed fabrication information about the characteristics of the specific process utilized by MOSIS in fabrication. Figure 5. CMOS Integrated Circuit Physical Layout Figure 5 shows the physical layout of the CMOS integrated circuit generated by L-EDIT using the netlist extracted from BLT translation program as described in chapter 3. UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING TEAM GOLDEN MANTLE . . . . . Macro Model Design . . The macro model . circuit will be developed as a back-up to the MOSIS integrated circuit. The macro . model will contain identical functionality as the CMOS IC, but will be THEORY OF OPERATIONS PROJECT GOLDEN MANTLE REV. 0.9 PAGE 9 constructed using commercially available integrated circuits. The macro model of the CMOS integrated circuit will be implemented on a “daughter board” that will allow easy interchangeability between the macro model with the CMOS IC on the prototype board. Table 2 lists the integrated circuits used to implement the CMOS IC circuit. Table 2. Macro Model Components Unit Name Quantity Part Number 8-Bit Bidirectional Binary Counter 2 74F269 Quad Latch 2 74LS75 The macro model “daughter board” will interface with the system prototype board via a DIP 40 pin wire wrap socket. The prototype board will have a DIP 40 pin socket that can accept an identical 40-pin socket from the detached board containing either the macro model components or the CMOS IC. This will eliminate the need for re-wiring on the prototype board, and allow cross-connects to be made between the CMOS IC and the 40pin socket directly on the detached board to accommodate manufacturer specified pin-out configuration. Wire Wrap Enclosure Implementation The system prototype will be realized using a wire wrap process. Wire wrap is a technique for component assembly that provides reliable pin connections and has the flexibility not found in a PCB system. Due to the likelihood that errors will exist in the prototype assembly it is necessary to allow for re-routing and additional components to be added to the circuit, a necessity unavailable with a PCB. The wire wrap assembly requires the use of IC sockets that accept DIP packages from the top and connect the pins to conducting metal posts that are inserted through the perforated non-conducting board. Connections between pins are made by wrapping the metal posts with 30-gage insulted wire that has been stripped to allow contact. The conducting posts have square edges that pierce any oxide layer present on the wire through the force of the wrapping tool (electric or hand powered), ensuring adequate metal-to-metal contact. Figure 6. Detail of Wire Wrap Socket shows the detail dimensions of a typical wire wrap socket described above. UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING TEAM GOLDEN MANTLE THEORY OF OPERATIONS PROJECT GOLDEN MANTLE . . . . . . . . . REV. 0.9 PAGE 10 Figure 6. Detail of Wire Wrap Socket The wire wrap assembly lacks noise immunity as compared to a PCB, but exceeds the noise immunity typical of bread board assemblies with virtually equal flexibility. Particular concerns with wire wrap assembly include continuity of wire traces, integrity of post/wire connections, selection of adequate gage wire, and proper power and ground bus connections. Wire connections between pins will generally be made with 30-gage insulated wire. Power and Ground busses will utilize 18-gage un-insulted wire to allow adequate power and current flow. Signal Path This section will outline the characteristics of signals at various nodes in the overall circuit. The analysis will follow the logical flow of a signal from the input through to the output focusing on nodes between individual integrated circuit parts. Input Jack The system will accept an input signal by way of a panel mounted 2.5mm audio jack. As stated in the functional specification the signal can range from 0-2Khz in frequency, and 1100mV peak amplitude. AC/DC Select In order to input a DC signal the AC/DC selector switch must be set to DC which bypasses the filtering and amplification circuitry. If the selector switch is set to DC, the input signal (ranging from 0-5V) will be applied directly to the input of the sample and hold amplifier. UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING TEAM GOLDEN MANTLE . . . . Pre-Amp Block . . In the case of.a small signal AC input the selector switch must be set to AC which directs the input signal . to the input of the filtering and amplification block. The filtering and amplification block, known collectively as the pre-amp block, is implemented with . operational amplifiers (op amps) and discrete resistors, capacitors, and a potentiometer. THEORY OF OPERATIONS PROJECT GOLDEN MANTLE REV. 0.9 PAGE 11 The pre-amp block includes a gain adjustment knob in order to amplify the input signal amplitude to fill the entire 0-5V range. Variable gain is accomplished by adjustment of the potentiometer shown in Figure 4. Desired operation is only accomplished when the gain is tuned so the signal applied to the sample and hold amplifier occupies the full 0-5V spectrum. The pre-amp block filters the input signal to a maximum frequency component of 2Khz. Figure 7 displays the frequency response of the first stage of the pre-amp block. Stage 1 provides fixed amplification and frequency filtering. A gain of Vout/Vin = 100 and a pass band of 25-2000 Hz are fixed in this stage. Figure 7. 1st Stage Frequency Response Figure 8 displays an example of the stage 2 frequency response. This stage provides variable gain controlled by the 100K potentiometer shown in the block diagram Figure 4. In the frequency response in Figure 6. UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING TEAM GOLDEN MANTLE THEORY OF OPERATIONS PROJECT GOLDEN MANTLE . . . . . . . . . REV. 0.9 PAGE 12 Figure 8. 2nd Stage Frequency Response Stage 2 amplifies the signal from stage 1 to fill the entire 0-5V amplitude range. Stage 3 introduces a DC offset of 2.5V in a unity gain configuration which centers the AC signal about the virtual 2.5V ground. Sample and Hold Block The sample and hold amplifier (S/H) function is implemented using an LF398 Monolithic Sample and Hold circuit manufactured by National Semiconductor (Error! Reference source not found.). The use of the S/H circuit ensures that the digital output of the counter block (CMOS or macro model) is given sufficient time to settle upon the desired accurate 8-bit binary number corresponding to the value of the analog input signal. The S/H will momentarily latch (sample) and the analog input signal every 256 clock cycles and assert (hold) that value to the input of the comparator. Figure 9. Functional Diagram of Sample and Hold Block UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING TEAM GOLDEN MANTLE . . . . Comparator. . AD790 manufactured by Analog Devices, is an essential component to The comparator, . the feedback .loop utilized in the circuit. The output of the comparator controls the direction of counting in the bidirectional counter blocks. The comparator accepts two analog . signals as primary inputs, and asserts a digital logic high or low based upon the magnitude THEORY OF OPERATIONS PROJECT GOLDEN MANTLE REV. 0.9 PAGE 13 of the signals. The comparator accepts analog signal inputs from the S/H block, and from the internal DAC output of the counter block. The S/H output is applied to the +input terminal, while the DAC output is applied to the – input terminal. The DAC output is the reconstructed analog value of the instantaneous digital output. The output of the internal DAC is defined by the following relationship: Vo = VI(D/256) Where: Vo = analog output voltage VI = fixed input reference voltage D = digital input code converted to decimal Therefore, if the value asserted by the S/H block is greater than the DAC feedback value Vo the comparator will instruct the bidirectional counter block to “count-up” until the instantaneous digital output equals the asserted S/H block input. Conversely, if the value asserted by the S/H block is less than the DAC feedback value Vo the comparator will instruct the bidirectional counter block to “count-down” until the signals reach equilibrium. Bidirectional Counter Block The bidirectional counter block, referred to as U/D counter, is controlled by the output of the comparator. The U/D counter accepts a single logic high or low digital input signal from the output of the comparator. The output of the U/D counter is an 8-bit binary number. The digital outputs are connected to the internal DAC input and an 8-bit latch array. The U/D counter block includes two 8-bit bidirectional counters and an 8-bit latch. One 8-bit counter will be operated as a divide-by-256 function as the clock signal driving the sample and hold block, and on-chip latch array. Due to the size of discrete components required to realize these functions this block will be implemented on the CMOS integrated circuit. As a safeguard against an error in design or faulty manufacturing the U/D counter block will also be implemented using macro components. In fact, the system prototype will be fully functional as detailed in the functional specification before the CMOS integrated circuit is released for prototype integration. DAC Block (Internal and External) The DAC is implemented using a commercially available integrated circuit. The part is an 8-bit multiplying DAC TLC7524C manufactured by Texas Instruments. Although the default output mode if current the TLC7524C operates in “voltage mode” in the configuration seen in Figure 10: UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING TEAM GOLDEN MANTLE THEORY OF OPERATIONS PROJECT GOLDEN MANTLE . . . . . . . . . REV. 0.9 PAGE 14 Figure 10. DAC Voltage Mode Block Diagram The output of the internal DAC is defined by the following relationship: Vo = VI(D/256) Where: Vo = analog output voltage VI = fixed input reference voltage D = digital input code converted to decimal Timing Diagram The circuit was simulated using B2Logic software to produce a timing diagram of a typical sequence of operation. The sequence chosen was a “count-up” to 4 hex from a clean reset start-up. The sample and hold (S/H) and comparator (COMP) components seen in Figure 12 simulate the functionality of the analog components to be used in the prototype. The CMOS chip in the simulation in the same design sent for MOSIS fabrication. Figure 11 shows a timing diagram of a “count-up” sequence. Prior to the rising edge of the first clock the reset input is assert low to set the system to a known state. Next, the input was asserted to 4 hex. A short time later the comparator output (Comparator) asserts logic high to instruct the U/D counter block to begin counting up. The clock output (Unlatch Out) increases by 1 every rising edge of the clock as long as the comparator output is asserted high. When Unlatch Out reaches the value of the input signal Comparator toggles to low. The U/D block continues to toggle between binary state 4 and state 5 until a new input signal is asserted. The Unlatched Out value is grabbed by the latch array after 256 rising edges of the system clock pass. UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING TEAM GOLDEN MANTLE THEORY OF OPERATIONS PROJECT GOLDEN MANTLE . . . . . . . . . REV. 0.9 PAGE 15 Figure 11. Count-up Sequence Timing Diagram Figure 12 is the circuit used to generate the timing diagram. An octal buffer with propagation delay equal to the S/H delay (“S/H”) was used to simulate the S/H block. A digital 8-bit comparator (“COMP”) was constructed to simulate the analog comparator with propagation delay set to match the AD790 specified value. The logic schematic used by BLT to generate the physical layout of the CMOS integrated circuit was inserted as a user defined part and labeled as “CMOS”. Due to the unknown value of the propagation delay through the CMOS circuit, delays for simulation purposes were set to typical. Figure 12. B2Logic Timing Simulation Circuit UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING TEAM GOLDEN MANTLE THEORY OF OPERATIONS PROJECT GOLDEN MANTLE Chapter 6 . . . . . . . . . REV. 0.9 PAGE 16 Conclusions This document provides operation specifications for the 8-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) that will be implemented in this project. A tracking ADC architecture was used to achieve this, as discussed in the Background section. Implementation, material, and physical specifications were also discussed in this section. A keystone component in the design is the semi-custom CMOS chip, to be manufactured by the MOSIS® Corporation. Our demonstration goal is to successfully convert and reconstruct an audio signal to be amplified and broadcast to the audience. UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING TEAM GOLDEN MANTLE