Knights of Columbus 2013 Oregon State Convention May 3-5, 2013 Pendleton, OR Celebrating 100 years of the Knights in Pendleton Dear Brother Knights, The Pendleton Council #1673 is please to invite you to the Oregon State Knights of Columbus Annual State Convention to be held May 3rd through May 5th in Pendleton, Oregon. The members of the council look forward to providing you a great experience. We have been working diligently to make the 2013 Convention a time to remember. Make plans now to join us in Pendleton and Celebrate 100 years of the Knights in Pendleton. There are a lot of individuals making every effort to make your stay in Pendleton a time to relax, enjoy good food, good friends and good times. We hope that you take advantage of all of the shopping, entertainment and historical sites that Pendleton has to offer during your time here. Enclosed you will find the following information regarding the 2013 State Convention; Convention Registration Information and forms Convention Schedule of Events Convention Dining Menus Ladies Activities Hotel Information Program Book Advertising information Make plans now to attend…whether it is for one day or for three, it will be a time to remember! You can complete the registration form included in this packet or visit the 2013 State Convention website at to download a copy of the forms. Please take time to register for the convention and order your event tickets prior to the April 5th deadline. Convention registration does not reserve you a room. You must make your own hotel reservations. We ask that you and/or your council consider purchasing an advertisement in the 2013 Convention Program Book. The enclosed form outlines ad pricings, sizes and deadlines. In Closing, I want to thank you in advance for your registration and look forward to seeing you in Pendleton in May. Vitat Jesus, Chris Moore 2013 Convention Chairman Knights of Columbus 2013 Oregon State Convention May 3-5, 2013 Pendleton, OR Celebrating 100 years of the Knights in Pendleton Convention Registration Information Brother Knights, To register for the 2013 Oregon State Convention, obtain a copy of the 2013 Registration Form by downloading & printing the form from, fill out the form and mail it along with your payment for tickets to the address provided on the form. There is not guarantee that tickets for the Convention Banquet, Ladies Activities will be available at check-in…so please order early! You are responsible for making hotel accommodations. The Convention hotel information including the quoted group rate were mailed to your Grand Knight and are available on the Convention website. When you check-in at the Convention, you will receive your convention packet and tickets. The Convention registration check-in will be held at the Red Lion in the Yakima room as follows; 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. – Friday May 3rd 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. – Saturday, May 4th We look forward to seeing you in Pendleton as we Celebrate 100 years of the Knights in Pendleton! Vivat Jesus, Chris Moore 2013 Convention Chair Knights of Columbus 2013 Oregon State Convention May 3-5, 2013 Pendleton, OR Registration, Meal & Activity Ticket Form Please PRINT Clearly Last Name:___________________________ First Name:____________________________________ Address: _____________________________ City, State, Zip:________________________________ Home Phone # (___)____________________ Wife’s Name (if attending):_______________________ Council #:________________ Council Name:______________________________________________ Name(s) of Guest:___________________________________________________________________ REGISTRANT’S CONVENTION STATUS (Please check one only) Guest, State Past State Dep. State Officer State Director State Chairman --- Title____________________________ District Deputy – Dist.#_______ Delegate Alternate Member non-delegate Insurance Rep ACTIVITIY TICKETS Deadline for Activity tickets at the following prices is April 5th, 2013. Registrations postmarked after April 5th, 2013 will be charged an additional 10%. (All tickets must be purchased in advance.) Number Cost/ Total Attending Person Cost Friday Afternoon Luncheon at St. Mary’s Hall (Ladies and Guests Welcome) _________ x 8.00 ________ Friday Night Dinner – Western Ho-down: Choice: How many_____ Beef____ Salmon_____ Vegetarian_____.......... _________ x 20.00 ________ Saturday Breakfast at St. Mary’s Hall: (Ladies and Guests Welcome)……….. _________ x 7.00 ________ Saturday Men’s Box Lunch (Red Lion Convention Hall) …………………………….. _________ x _???____ ________ Saturday Night Banquet (Red Lion Convention Hall ) Choice: How many_____ Beef____ Salmon_____ Vegetarian_____.......... _________ x 30.00 ________ Sunday Breakfast at St. Mary’s Hall (Ladies and Guests Welcome) …………… _________ x _7.00___ ________ Friday afternoon Ladies tour of the Pendleton Woolen Mills……………………. _________ x free___ ________ Saturday morning Ladies tour of the Pendleton Underground …………………. _________ x _15.00__ ________ Saturday: Ladies luncheon at St. Mary’s Hall (Basement)………………………….. _________ X _ 8.00___ ________ Saturday afternoon Ladies trip to Tamastslikt Heritage Center………………….. _________ X _ 8.00___ ________ ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...Grand Total:________ *For Registrations mailed after April 5th, 2013, please add 10% of the above total: ** Due to scheduling and commitments made based on registrations received, we can offer no refunds** PAYMENT INFORMATION: Send check and this completed form to: Make checks payable to: Knights of Columbus Attn: Bob Adelman – KC 2013 Convention 4416 SW Perkins Ave. Pendleton, OR 97801 ***Registration Deadline is April 20th 2013*** Make Hotel Reservations directly with Red Lion: 304 SE Nye Ave., Pendleton, OR 97801 1-800-Red Lion or 1 800-733-5466 Direct: Ph# (541) 276-6111/ Fax: (541) 278-4835 Room Rates: ?????? Single King or ????? for Two Queen Knights of Columbus 2013 Oregon State Convention May 3-5, 2013 Pendleton, OR Celebrating 100 years of the Knights in Pendleton Convention Dining Menus Friday Evening May 3rd: Theme: Western Ho-down (Western) 5:00 p.m. gaming and music begins 6:00 p.m. dinner is served Location: Let’er Buck (inside the Pendleton Round-up grounds) 1114 SW Court Ave., Pendleton, OR $$20.00 per person Choice of Tri-tip, baked salmon or Vegetarian, whipped mashed potatoes, Asparagus, rolls and dessert. *Live Fiddlers **Gaming tables ***Door Prizes ****Entertainment Convention Banquet Saturday Evening May 4th, 6:30 p.m. Red Lion Convention Hall The Convention Banquet will be a plated and served meal. Menu items: $30.00 Knights of Columbus 2013 Oregon State Convention May 3-5, 2013 Pendleton, OR Celebrating 100 years of the Knights in Pendleton Ladies Activities Friday Afternoon Ladies Program: The Pendleton Woolen Mills has earned a reputation with the greatest mills around the world. In 1909 the first Indian Trade Blanket rolled off the loom at the mill in Pendleton and they’ve been producing blankets ever since. Take a tour of the world famous Pendleton Woolen Mills to experience the production of some of the world’s finest wool blankets. Saturday morning Ladies Program: Come experience the famous historical Underground Tours of Pendleton. “Join us for a lively look into Pendleton’s infamous and entertaining past. No town has a more colorful history! Find out why Pendleton was known as the entertainment capital of Eastern Oregon.” Follow your guide underground to the Shamrock Card Room, Hop Sing’s (Chinese Laundry) the Empire Ice Cream Parlor, and through the tunnels beneath the sidewalks to the Empire meat Market. *The tour traverses over uneven ground, down and up staircases, and in some cases, is dimly lit. Please consider wearing sensible walking shoes and plan accordingly. 90 minute guided tour. Saturday afternoon Ladies Program: The three Plateau Tribes invite you to experience Tamastslikt Cultural Institute. The Cayuse, Umatilla and the Walla Walla Tribes offer a unique perspective on the history and vision of their homelands. Local, regional, and national history is interpreted through the voices, collective memories, objects, and images of their people through state of the art exhibits and interactive displays. Saturday afternoon alternative program: For those of you looking for more social time to catch up with old friends and who are opting not to participate in the afternoon tour of Tamastslikt, the Catholic Daughters would like to invite you to participate in a Bunco Social. This easy dice game allows you to talk and play. It will be held after the Luncheon in the Hall of St. Mary’s Church. This will not require a sign up or any additional cost. Knights of Columbus 2013 Oregon State Convention May 3-5, 2013 Pendleton, OR Celebrating 100 years of the Knights in Pendleton Convention Hotel Knights of Columbus 2013 Oregon State Convention May 3-5, 2013 Pendleton, OR Celebrating 100 years of the Knights in Pendleton Advertising Contract Advertisers Information: Name:______________________________ Address: ____________________________ ___________________________________ Phone: _____________________________ Email: _____________________________ Contact: ___________________________ Form of Payment: Cash Check Artwork Furnishes Yes No Signature of Advertiser: ___________________________________ Program Book Ad Prices & Sizes: (Please mark desired ad size below) Full Page (8” x 10 ½”) …………………………$100.00 Half Page (8” x 5 ¼”) …………..………………$50.00 Quarter page (4” x 5 ¼”)………………………..$25.00 Knights of Columbus Representative: _______________________________________ Attach an example of finished ad along with any camera-ready artwork (if possible). Artwork can also be emailed to ?????? and must be receive by April 5th 2013. Ads will be printed in Black and white. All ads are subject to approval and receipt of payment and artwork. A PDF proof copy of the ad layout will be emailed to the address provided. Special Instructions:________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Knights of Columbus 2013 State Convention – Program Advertisement Receipt Ad Size Purchased: Make checks payable to K of C 2013 Convention Full Page (8” x 10 ½”)……..$100.00 Memo: 2013 Convention ad Half Page (8” x 5 ¼”)……….$ .50.00 Send Payment to: Quarter Page (4” x 5 ¼”)…$ 25.00 Knights of Columbus Attn: Bob Adelman – KC 2013 Convention 4416 SW Perkins Ave. Pendleton, OR 97801