Project title: Bedding plants: the use of spectral filters to regulate plant growth Project Number: PC 150 Project Leader: Dr Simon Pearson Location: University of Reading, Whiteknights, Reading RG6 6AS Project Co-ordinator: Mr Stuart Coutts, Nightingale Cottage, Felhampton, Church Stretton, Shropshire SY6 6RJ Date commenced: 1 April 1998 Date Completed: 31 December 1998 Final report: April 2000 Keywords: Spectral filters, bedding plants, cladding materials, far-red light, UV-light, infra-red radiation, Solatrol ®, Luminance THB ®, Visqueen Anti botrytis film, XL Super Green Whilst reports issued under the auspices of the HDC are prepared from the best available information, neither the authors nor the HDC can accept any responsibility for inaccuracy or liability for loss, damage or injury from the application of any concept or procedure discussed. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior permission from the HDC. © 2000 Horticultural Development Council The results and conclusions in this report are based a series of experiments. The conditions under which the studies were carried out and the results have been reported with detail and accuracy. However, because of the biological nature of the work it must be borne in mind that different circumstances and conditions could produce different results. Therefore, care must be taken with the interpretation of the results especially if they are used as the basis for commercial product recommendations. © 2000 Horticultural Development Council CONTENTS Page PRACTICAL SECTION FOR GROWERS 1 EXPERIMENTAL SECTION Introduction Materials And Methods Results 6 6 7 9 CONCLUSIONS 24 REFERENCES 24 © 2000 Horticultural Development Council PRACTICAL SECTION FOR GROWERS Background and Objectives There has been a great deal of recent interest in the use of spectral filters for the production of a range of protected crops. This interest has been a consequence of a number of significant advances in the production of plastic cladding materials, in particular the ability to manufacture materials which absorb discrete wavebands of light. This new technology exploits many years of fundamental research into how plants measure light quality for ecological gain in a natural environment. For example, plants are known to detect the presence of neighbours by monitoring the ratio of red (660nm) and far red light (700 to 800nm). As red light is absorbed heavily by leaves and far red light is transmitted, plants in competitive environments with lots of neighbours, will be irradiated with relatively high levels of far red radiation compared to red (the latter absorbed by competitors leaves). This proportionately high level of far red light is converted by the plant into a message to grow taller and gain more light. The absorption of far red light by spectral filters removes this signal the plants do not elongate thus providing a potential commercial method of growth control. Filtering of ultra-violet radiation also has commercial potential, since this is thought to regulate the activity of a number of commercially important pests and diseases. For example, a number of studies have shown that Botrytis is reduced in ultra-violet deficient environments. Work in Israel also suggests that thrips, aphids and white fly can be partially controlled under ultraviolet filters, since these insects use light at these wavebands for sight. Other materials are also being developed to control the level of heat inside greenhouses. These absorb infra-red radiation, which if removed beyond 700nm should have no overall effect on photosynthesis. Although spectral filters appear to have potential application, initial studies suggest that responses are species dependent. Some species respond well, others not at all; potential side effects also need to be assessed. Therefore, in the latest HDC funded work at Reading we have examined the potential of spectral filters for bedding plant production. The potential of five films to regulate the growth of bedding plants was assessed. A light diffusing heat control film (Visqueen Luminance THB ®) A heat control (red absorbing) film (XL Super Green ® or ‘Greek Green’) A fluorescent UV absorbing / blue emitting anti-botrytis film (Visqueen Anti-Botrytis film) A commercial control (Visqueen UVI/EVA) A far red absorbing material (a prototype Visqueen Far red filter) © 2000 Horticultural Development Council 1 Summary of results Light Transmission The diffusing heat control material (Luminance THB) absorbed most of the infra-red radiation. The XL Super Green heat control material absorbed some infra-red radiation but also a significant proportion of the red waveband, reducing the overall PAR (photosynthetically active radiation) transmission by 20%. The Visqueen anti-botrytis material was highly effective in removing ultra-violet light. The far red absorbing material, produced by Visqueen, removed 80% of the far red wave-band at 730nm, though notably this was a lower dose than previous batches of materials we have examined. Plant Growth Responses Crops of bedding plants were produced under these materials, including petunia, pansy, marigold, dianthus, fuchsia, lobelia, geranium, lobelia, alyssum and begonia. In most species, the responses found were typical of those expected with far red filters; a reduction in plant height and an increase in branching. Other responses noted included an increase in leaf greenness and a slight delay in flowering (approx. 1 week). Not all species responded to the far red filter. For example, in seed raised geranium plant height was not affected, and the height response with marigold was only marginal. Greatest responses, in terms of height reduction (10 to 25%), were noted with pansy, petunia and dianthus (see Table 1). Poorest height control was noted with the XL Super Green heat control material, where some stretch was observed. This is perhaps not surprising as it partially absorbs light at the red wavebands. © 2000 Horticultural Development Council 2 Table 1 - The effects of different cladding materials on the growth of bedding plants Plant Species Alyssum ‘Snowstorm’ Begonia ‘Olympia Pink’ Dianthus ‘Raspberry Parfait’ Marigold ‘Perfection (yellow)’ Lobelia ‘Fountain Select (mixed)’ Geranium ‘Century Rose’ Impatiens ‘Accent Select (mixed)’ Fuchsia ‘Jungle Bells’ Pansy ‘Turbo Select’ Petunia ‘Express Select (mixed)’ Control Film Far red filter XL Super Green Luminance THB Height (mm) 174 FW (g) 23.0 Height (mm) 151 FW (g) 19.1 Height (mm) 188 FW (g) 17.7 Height (mm) 167 FW (g) 25.0 Visqueen Anti-Botrytis Film (UV) Height FW (mm) (g) 177 21.4 153 90.2 133 89.0 167 84.1 153 97.4 141 89.3 201 30.8 179 27.1 209 25.7 198 28.5 204 30.2 315 80.3 298 72.4 329 68.6 329 85.8 328 81.8 312 41.8 285 39.2 338 37.9 337 42.2 307 39.9 143 79.2 153 85.5 158 82.4 149 88.6 141 84.4 85 17.6 82 16.7 92 16.7 87 18.8 79 16.7 195 27.7 251 37.9 269 38.7 213 34.5 219 33.3 109 14.1 94 13.9 123 13.5 111 14.1 105 15.2 145 21.8 122 18.9 157 10.4 140 20.9 135 19.6 Bold figures and shaded cells indicate shortest height or greatest fresh weight (FW) for each plant species There were interesting effects in terms of overall growth, with some of the greatest plant dry weights being noted under the light diffusing heat-control material (Luminance THB, see Table 1). This is not surprising as in theory diffuse light should be converted more efficiently into dry matter than direct beam radiation. The tunnel also felt cooler to workers inside. Lowest dry weights were noted with the XL Super Green heat control filter, which also had the lowest transmission of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). Pest and Diseases In terms of the level of thrips infestation and Botrytis disease, there were no differences noted between the materials; however, levels were very low and further work is required where controlled numbers of thrips are artificially released into tunnels before the value of spectral filters for insect control can be determined. © 2000 Horticultural Development Council 3 Greenhouse environment Leaf temperatures were also recorded during the experiment. The XL Super Green heat control material was most effective in reducing tissue temperatures, though it also reduced the overall light transmission. The light diffusing heat control Luminance THB material also reduced tissue temperatures but the effect was small with a reduction of 1 to 2oC found. In terms of overall heat reduction, Luminance THB (diffusing material) reduced the infra-red heat load on the tunnel by 20% (as measured by pyranometers). An improved formulation of this material has now been released commercially. Action Points for Growers Growers should be aware of the availability of new types of plastic cladding materials that have the ability to selectively transmit different bands of radiation and thus regulate plant growth and greenhouse temperature. Plastic materials that selectively absorb far red light have the ability to control the growth of plants and alter the branching habit (example, Visqueen Growth Control Film). These materials offer growers the potential to reduce the use of plant growth regulators. Not all plant species can be regulated by growth control (far red absorbing) cladding materials. The most significant reduction in plant height can be expected with pansy, petunia and Dianthus. Some cladding materials can cause stretch in plants. These materials absorb the red band of solar radiation and in these trials caused increased growth of Begonia and Impatiens, (example, XL Super Green Film). UV films may be useful for the control of Botrytis and insect pests in crops. UV films may also influence plant growth, in particular where they transmit a high proportion of blue light. In these trials, the Visqueen Anti-Botrytis Film (UV absorber) reduced plant height in Impatiens and Petunia. Films that reduce infra-red radiation can reduce the heat load in the greenhouse. XL Super Green is effective in reducing air and leaf temperature but also reduces growth as it transmits a lower preparation of the light needed for plant growth (PAR, photosynthetically active radiation). Heat absorbing materials such as Luminance THB can reduce plant temperatures and the light scattering effects of Luminance THB caused increased plant weights in the trial, in particular for Alyssum, Begonia, Geranium and Marigold. Before selecting a cladding material from the new range of spectral filters, check in detail with the manufacturer/supplier about the light transmitting properties of the films. Be aware that different plant species will respond differently or perhaps not at all. Check with the manufacturer/supplier about the longevity of the spectral properties of the filters – do they decline over time and how rapidly? © 2000 Horticultural Development Council 4 Practical and financial benefits Thus, these experiments have shown that far red filters have considerable potential for controlling the growth of bedding plants, with most species responding positively to the material. This may reduce the heavy reliance of bedding plant growers on the use of chemical growth regulators. Further work is now required to optimise material design, including investigations into how much far red has to be removed for the optimal response. Diffusing materials (Luminance type) also seem to have potential in that overall plant growth can be increased, and infra-red load reduced by 20%. © 2000 Horticultural Development Council 5 EXPERIMENTAL SECTION Introduction During the last four years, the University of Reading, in conjunction with Visqueen Ltd and Fordingbridge Ltd (major polyethylene tunnel film and structure manufacturers, respectively), have developed the use of spectral filters to control plant height and heat and plant pathogens, in particular Botrytis, in greenhouses. This work was conducted in a DTI/EPSRC LINK project and included the development, design and specification of the materials, as well as primary testing. Such materials have commercial potential as internal glasshouse screens or as direct cladding materials. Spectral filters selectively filter specific wavebands of light that can elicit certain biological responses. For example, there is considerable evidence which shows that far red light enhances stem elongation and reduces branching. Therefore, removing far red light may help produce higher quality, more compact plants. Such technology has considerable commercial potential to reduce the use of chemical plant growth regulators, thereby protecting the environment, and to design crops with new specification (i.e. unique architectures). Studies carried out on an individual plant basis at Reading University showed that height could be reduced by 15 to 45%, depending on the plant species examined. However, initial experiments were conducted on a small scale with a limited number of species (petunia, pansy, salvia, antirrhinum and chrysanthemum) and the materials need to be tested on a crop scale basis. One potential problem with this technology was that in long day plants such as petunia and pansy, although growth was controlled, far red filtering led to a small delay in flowering (up to 10 days). Further work at Reading University has examined the potential benefits of a new range of heat removing materials for use in greenhouses (Luminance materials). These materials have been developed to filter a high proportion of the incoming infra red (700 to 1800 nm) radiation entering the greenhouse. This forms 50% of the solar heat load incident upon a greenhouse. Removing this heat load may produce better controlled summer environments, increased yields via prolonged carbon dioxide enrichment and reduced water use/loss. Plant quality may also be increased via reductions in thermal stress. However, the potential of these materials has only been examined using simulation energy balance models, and needs to be tested on experimental crops and greenhouses. Luminance also absorbs a high proportion of far red light suggesting it may have some potential as a growth control material, but this needs testing. Work at Reading University and Visqueen Ltd has also lead to the development of a new range of ultra-violet filters, which removes radiation up to 400 nm (glass removes only up to 320 nm). UV light between 320 and 400 nm is known to elicit biological responses, including fungal sporulation. Research at Reading has shown that these UV filters have the potential to reduce disease such as Botrytis by up to 40% (as tested on two semi-commercial primrose crops). Greatest control was achieved on crops grown under Visqueen UV block film. While UV block films offer the potential for reduced disease infection, their effects on plant morphology and flower colour need to be assessed. © 2000 Horticultural Development Council 6 Objectives of the work 1. Test the efficacy of spectral filters on the growth control of bedding plants. Five materials will be tested; the Visqueen far red filter, Luminance THB, Visqueen UV (Anti-Botrytis Film), a green heat control film (XL Super Green) and a commercial control. 2. Test the effects of the materials on plant growth on a wide range (10) of bedding plant crops on a semi-commercial scale. 3. Test the efficacy of Luminance THB to control greenhouse temperatures and reduce heat loads. MATERIALS AND METHODS Plastic Cladding Materials The experiments were conducted in a suite of 10 small experimental and purpose built tunnels at Reading as for the Visqueen/DTI/EPSRC LINK project. The tunnels were 4m x 8m in dimension. The efficacy of five materials were tested; Viqueen Far Red Filter; removes 80% of far red radiation at 730nm Visqueen Luminance THB; removes infra-red radiation A green heat control film (XL Super Green); absorbs some infra-red but also a significant preparation of the red waveband (also called Greek Green) An ultra-violet absorbing material (Visqueen Anti-Botrytis) A commercial control material (Visqueen UVI/EVA) Experimental Design There were two replicate tunnels per treatment, each tunnel sub-divided so that half of the plants were given a night break lighting treatment (4 hours light centred at midnight using tungsten lamps (@ 5 µ mol m-2 s-1). Each half of the greenhouse was screened with black plastic to prevent light spillage. The experiment therefore comprised a two way factorial combination (in a split plot layout) of spectral filters * night break treatment. Plant Varieties Tested Plants were bought in as plugs trays from WJ Findons and Sons and grown on in six packs according to standard commercial practice. The varieties and potting dates are shown in Table 2. © 2000 Horticultural Development Council 7 Table 2. Bedding plant types, cultivars and potting dates as used in the trial Bedding Plant Type Cultivar Potting date Alyssum (Lobularia maritima) Snowstorm 8-5-98 Begonia (Begonia semperflorens) Olympia Pink 12-5-98 Fuchsia (Fuchsia hybrida) Jingle Bells 12-5-98 Geranium (Pelargonium hortorum) Century Rose 13-5-98 Impatiens (Impatiens wallerana) Accent Select (mixed) 9-5-98 Lobelia (Lobelia erinus) Fountain Select (mixed) 11-5-98 Marigold (Tagetes patula) Perfection (yellow) 10-5-98 Petunia (Petunia x hybrida) Express Select (mixed) 11-5-98 Pansy (Viola x wittrockiana) Turbo Select 12-5-98 Dianthus (Dianthus barbatus) Raspberry Parfait 11-5-98 There were either 60 packs per species per treatment, or 60 x 9cm pots for geranium and fuchsia. Of these, and as a side trial, 20 packs were sprayed with Cycocel (1000ppm plus wetter at 1ml per litre) to test whether the quality of plants grown under spectral filters was better than plants grown using PGR's. Plants were grown according to standard commercial practice, spaced pot thick and irrigated as required with a nutrient solution (Sangral 1:1:1) diluted to a conductivity of 1500 µ S, pH 6.4. No significant pest or disease problems occurred in any of the tunnels through-out the experiment. Assessments Final measurements included plant height, leaf number, branch number, time to first flowering and overall quality (assessed through a photographic record). Observations were taken of the incidence of any diseases (such as botrytis) and pests (such as thrips). In all tunnels, the air temperature and solar radiation transmitted was monitored using a DataTaker DT500 logger in conjunction with aspirated PT100 temperature sensors and tube solarimeters. The spectral activity of the materials was monitored through-out the experiment to examine whether the chromophores degraded to any extent. These spectral transmissions, between 350 to 1800nm, were measured on an optical bench using a Bentham Instruments spectroradiometer. © 2000 Horticultural Development Council 8 RESULTS Spectral Transmission of Plastic Cladding Materials Prior to the start of the experiment the spectral transmissions of the five materials was determined (Figure 1). Figure 1. Spectral transmissions of the experimental materials, determined at normal incidence using a Bentham Instruments M300 double monochromator spectroradiometer on an optical bench with a quartz halogen source As expected, the Luminance material transmitted only 40% of the near infra-red radiation between 800 to 1800nm. The prototype far-red absorbing material removed up to 90% of the far red radiation at 735nm. However, this was less than previous batches used at Reading, where the absorption has been equivalent to 97% of incoming far red radiation. The XL Super Green film (Greek Green) absorbed a high proportion of the incoming red (600 to 700nm) and blue (400 to 500nm) radiation. The control material transmitted a high proportion of all incoming wavebands. The Visqueen UV absorbing material absorbed all radiation up to 400nm, but fluoresced it in the region 401 to 450nm. © 2000 Horticultural Development Council 9 Plant Growth Responses Several plant growth and development parameters were studied during the course of the experiment. The results were analysed statistically using analysis of variance and simple linear regression, where necessary. Only significant responses are discussed. Alyssum ‘Snowstorm’ Cladding Material Plant Height (mm) Fresh Weight (g) Control 174 23.0 Luminance THB 167 25.0 Visqueen anti-Botrytis film 177 21.4 XL Super Green 188 17.7 Far red filter 151 19.1 SED (5%) 6.1 1.8 Significance 0.05 0.05 The shortest plants were found with the far red filter treatment, 13% shorter than the control (P<0.05). These responses are consistent with a classical response to red:far red ratio. Greatest plant fresh weight was found under Luminance THB, which was 40% greater than for plants grown under the XL Super Green material (P<0.05). © 2000 Horticultural Development Council 10 Begonia ‘Olympia Pink’ Cladding Material Plant Height (mm) Branch No. Flower No. Fresh Weight (g) Control 141 8.6 12.8 90.3 Luminance THB 153 9.2 14.8 97.4 Visqueen Anti-botrytis film 141 9.0 12.6 89.3 XL Super Green 167 8.6 13.3 84.2 Far red filter 133 9.2 14.3 89.0 SED (5%) 4.5 0.31 0.8 8.1 Significance 0.05 n.s. n.s. 0.05 Plant height was significantly shorter (by 20%) under the far red absorbing filter, compared to the XL Super Green material. However, compared to the control this difference was smaller, with the far red material plants being 6% shorter. These results are consistent with a classical effect of red: far red ratio on height of begonia. In terms of fresh weight, the largest plants were found under Luminance THB, which were 8% greater than the controls. This suggests light scattering can increase plant mass in begonia. Cycocel also significantly affected plant height in begonia, with the treated plants having a mean height of 138mm compared to 161mm for the controls (P<0.01) (Data not shown). © 2000 Horticultural Development Council 11 Dianthus ‘Raspberry Parfait’ Cladding Material Plant Height (mm) Branch No. Flower No. Fresh Weight (g) Control 201 25.1 4.7 30.8 Luminance THB 198 22.7 4.7 28.5 Visqueen Anti-botrytis film 204 22.2 5.1 30.2 XL Super Green 209 20.6 3.8 25.7 Far red filter 179 22.2 4.0 27.1 SED (5%) 2.8 0.74 0.3 1.6 Significance 0.05 n.s. 0.05 n.s. Again the shortest plant height was found under the far red absorbing material, in this instance plants were 10% shorter than the control. For Dianthus there were no significant effects of the materials on fresh weight, but flower number was significantly reduced under the XL Super Green material (flower number was reduced to 3.8 compared to 4.7 with the control (P<0.05)). © 2000 Horticultural Development Council 12 Fuchsia ‘Jingle Bells’ Cladding Material Plant Height (mm) Branch No. Flower No. Fresh Weight (g) Control 195 3.8 8.5 27.7 Luminance THB 213 3.7 10.7 34.5 Visqueen Anti-botrytis Film 219 3.8 11.4 33.3 XL Super Green 269 3.4 13.2 38.7 Far red filter 251 3.6 12.4 37.9 SED(5%) 19.5 0.15 2.1 4.6 Significance n.s. n.s. n.s. n.s. For fuchsia, none of the treatments were found to have any significant effect on the measured parameters. However, this reflects a high degree of plant to plant variability within each treatment. Further work is required with higher levels of replication to determine any likely responses for this species. © 2000 Horticultural Development Council 13 Marigold ‘Perfection’ Cladding Material Plant Height (mm) Branch No. Days to Flower Fresh Weight (g) Control 311 13.5 53 80.3 Luminance THB 329 13.5 53 85.5 Visqueen Anti-Botrytis Film 328 12.8 51 81.8 XL Super Green 329 12.7 54 68.7 Far red filter 298 16.2 54 72.4 SED (5%) 3.4 1.8 1.0 5.0 Significance 0.05 n.s. n.s. 0.05 For marigold, the shortest plant heights were found under the far red absorbing material; 12mm shorter than the control and 20mm shorter than the XL Super Green material (P<0.05). This is again consistent with a small effect of red:far red ratio on the height regulation of marigold. Luminance THB also produced the greatest fresh weight, with a mass 24% greater than the XL Super Green grown plants (P<0.05). © 2000 Horticultural Development Council 14 Impatiens ‘Accent Select’ Cladding Material Plant Height (mm) Branch No. Flower No. Fresh Weight (g) Control 85.2 7.0 2.5 17.6 Luminance THB 88.0 7.2 2.5 18.8 Visqueen Anti-Botrytis Film 78.7 7.0 2.6 16.7 XL Super Green 92.3 7.1 2.4 16.7 Far red filter 82.5 7.1 2.4 16.6 SED (5%) 1.9 0.1 0.16 1.0 Significance 0.05 n.s. n.s. n.s. In this instance, the tallest plants were found under the XL Super Green filter (92.3mm), compared to 85.2mm under the control. However, the control plants were not significantly different from the far red filter (82.5mm), and shortest plants were found under the UV absorber, which also has the highest blue transmission. Given that the XL Super Green material has the lowest blue transmission, the results may suggest that the response seen here may be related to blue light, since highest blue transmission produced shortest plants and vice-versa. However, further work is required to confirm these responses. Filters had no effect on fresh weight, though largest plants were found once again under Luminance THB. © 2000 Horticultural Development Council 15 Geranium ‘Century Rose’ Cladding Material Plant Height (mm) Branch No. Flower No. Fresh Weight (g) Control 143 5.1 29.0 79.2 Luminance THB 149 5.4 31.7 88.6 Visqueen Anti-Botrytis Film 141 5.4 27.8 84.4 XL Super Green 158 4.7 27.7 82.4 Far red filter 153 5.4 28.8 85.5 SED (5%) 7.2 0.3 1.6 1.3 Significance n.s. n.s. n.s. 0.05 For geranium, there were no significant effects of material on overall plant height; however, the tallest and shortest plants were found under the low blue (XL Super Green, 158mm) and high blue transmitting films respectively (UV absorber, 141mm). These results are therefore consistent with the effects of an independent blue photo-receptor response, and further work by the authors has confirmed a direct effect of blue light on the height regulation of geranium. Largest fresh weights were found under the Luminance THB material, where plants were 9g larger than the controls. This species also showed a dramatic response to Cycocel, with sprayed plants having a height of 118mm compared to 180 for the control. This response completely outweighs any effect of light quality for this species. © 2000 Horticultural Development Council 16 Petunia ‘Express Select’ Cladding Material Plant Height (mm) Branch No. Flower No. Fresh Weight (g) Control 145 11.3 3.9 21.8 Luminance THB 140 11.1 3.7 20.9 Visqueen Anti-Botrytis film 135 10.4 3.9 19.6 XL Super Green 157 10.4 3.3 19.0 Far red filter 122 11.5 3.5 18.9 SED (5%) 3.8 0.3 0.3 0.8 Significance 0.05 n.s. n.s. n.s For petunia, the far red absorbing material had a very significant effect on plant height, which was reduced by 16% compared to the control. Tallest heights were found under the XL Super Green material which is again consistent with an overall response to red:far red ratio. Heaviest plant weights were found under the control, though differences were not significant. © 2000 Horticultural Development Council 17 Pansy ‘Turbo Select’ Cladding Material Plant Height (mm) Branch No. Flower No. Fresh Weight (g) Control 109 5.5 4.5 14.1 Luminance THB 111 5.4 4.6 14.1 Visqueen Anti-Botrytis film 105 6.2 4.4 15.2 XL Super Green 123 5.1 4.3 13.5 Far red filter 94 5.5 4.7 13.9 SED (5%) 3.0 0.3 0.3 0.8 Significance 0.05 n.s. n.s. n.s For pansy the shortest plant heights were found under the far red absorbing material, 94mm compared to 123mm under the XL Super Green (red absorbing) material. This confirms previous studies that pansy is responsive to far red light in terms of height regulation. All other parameters were not significantly affected by the materials. © 2000 Horticultural Development Council 18 Lobelia ‘Fountain Select’ Cladding Material Plant Height (mm) Fresh Weight (g) Control 311 41.9 Luminance THB 340 42.0 Visqueen Anti-Botrytis film 307 39.9 Super Green 336 37.1 Far red filter 285 35.8 SED (5%) 10.1 4.0 Significance n.s. n.s None of the materials had any significant effect on the growth of lobelia, though shortest plant height was found under the far red absorbing material. © 2000 Horticultural Development Council 19 The Greenhouse Environment Air temperatures and solar radiation transmissions were measured inside each tunnel. Figure 2 shows air temperatures inside three of the claddings measured on 8 representative days, starting on the 30 May. Figure 2. Air temperatures measured inside the tunnels covered with the XL Super Green, Luminance THB and control materials. © 2000 Horticultural Development Council 20 Figure 3 demonstrates that air temperatures were slightly warmer in the Control tunnels than in the Luminance THB and XL Super Green tunnels. However, for the Luminance THB tunnels the maximum air temperatures were only reduced by approximately 1oC. The coolest temperatures were found inside the XL Super Green tunnel, where maximum temperatures were reduced by 3 to 5oC. However, this was not surprising, since this material also significantly reduced the incoming PAR as well as some of the infra-red radiation. The UV blocking material had more or less identical tunnel temperatures to the control material and the far red blocking material showed a temperature profile between the Luminance THB and XL Super Green material (data not shown). In terms of leaf temperature, the Luminance THB treatment performed slightly better than for air temperature, with a maximum temperature reduction of up to 2OC (see Figure 3). Figure 3. The effects of the tunnel cladding on measured leaf temperature (of geraniums) on 8 August. © 2000 Horticultural Development Council 21 Luminance THB (far-red absorbing) showed a similar temperature profile to the XL Super Green (red absorbing) material. This was perhaps not surprising since one of the key differences between the Luminance THB material and the others is that it scatters radiation amongst the canopy. This should in theory produce a more evenly lit canopy with a more uniform and cooler temperature profile. The scale of the overall temperature reduction for Luminance THB was somewhat disappointing, given that the material was shown by the spectra-radiometer to reduce the incoming infra-red radiation by up to 60%, equating to a total solar radiation transmission reduction of between to 16 to 20%. The relatively small effect of Luminance THB on leaf temperature could be attributed to a number of factors, including the fact that the measurements were made during the summer when the greenhouses were ventilated at high rate (data collected with vents open). In such conditions the high rate of air exchange may have dwarfed any effect of the material on overall air and canopy temperature. Furthermore, the light scattering effect of the material may have actually led to the greenhouse capturing extra radiation, since light at a low angle which would normally pass through both sides of a tunnel may be scattered downwards onto the crop. This is partially supported by data on overall light transmission by the materials (see Figure 4). In the morning, given the orientation of the tunnels, the side of the tunnel faced the sun, but in the afternoon the sun was directly overhead the tunnel. Figure 4 shows that in the morning the light received inside the Control and Luminance THB tunnel were similar, but in the afternoon the Luminance tunnel had a lower transmission. This difference in transmission between the morning and afternoon could be explained by a scattering effect. However, further work is required to verify this, and the data demonstrate, once again, the very complex relationship between greenhouse structure, cladding material and the environment. The data did however confirm that the XL Super Green material had the lowest overall solar radiation transmission. This is consistent with the lower temperatures recorded under this material and with the data from the spectroradiometer. © 2000 Horticultural Development Council 22 minance 800 50 600 Lumina nce 40 Leaf Temperature Solar Radiation (Wm-2) Co ntro l Gre e k Gre e n 400 200 30 20 0 19 21 0 2 5 7 10 12 15 Time 17 20 22 1 3 6 8 ntrol 10 19 Figure 4. The solar radiation received inside the control, Luminance THB and XL Super Green tunnels on 8 August. Data are means of two tunnels. © 2000 Horticultural Development Council 23 CONCLUSIONS This study has shown that different cladding materials can have significant effects on the growth and development of a range of bedding plant species. In general, removing far red light led to reductions in overall plant height and increased quality. However, this generalisation cannot be applied to all species and, for some, responses of height to blue light (or no responses at all) were found. Thus, when selecting a cladding material for a greenhouse careful thought needs to be given to the spectral responses of the plants grown. The Luminance THB film, which scattered light, generally led to the greatest plant fresh weights, with the smallest plant weights under the XL Super Green material. The high fresh weights under Luminance THB suggest that light scattering can be used to increase crop growth, since this has a similar overall PAR transmission to the non-scattering control. The response to the XL Super Green material is not surprising, since this has the lowest overall PAR transmission. Luminance THB also reduced the incoming total solar radiation entering the greenhouse, though effects of the film on greenhouse air temperatures were disappointingly small. There was however a small effect on leaf temperature. The small effects of Luminance THB need further investigation and may reflect the high level of ventilation used in the tunnels throughout the experiment. REFERENCES Smith, H., 1995. Physiological and Ecological function within the phytochrome family. Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. Plant Mol. Biol. 46: 289-315. Van Haeringen, C.S., West, J.R., Davis, F.J., Gilbert, A., Hadley, P., Pearson, S., Wheldon, A.E. and Henbest, R.G.C. 1998. The development of solid spectral filters for the regulation of plant growth. Photochem. and Photobiol. 62: 119-128. © 2000 Horticultural Development Council 24