Module 5: Theme4 Lithosphere – Key Idea 2 Oceanic Lithosphere Knowledge: The ocean crust has a layered structure; seismic layers 1,2 and 3. Ophiolites and ocean drilling provide evidence for the origin and composition of the oceanic crust and upper mantle. Rates and directions of seafloor spreading may be calculated from the dating of ocean crust and the patterns of ocean magnetic anomalies caused by field reversals: use of radiometric dating and ocean drilling to date magnetic anomalies. Oceanic lithosphere cools by conduction as it moves away from a spreading centre, leading to a thickening of oceanic lithosphere with age. Oceanic lithosphere is resorbed into the mantle by sinking in subduction zones within oceans and at active continental margin; island arc and cordilleran magmatism; marginal ocean basins and back arc spreading. Ocean basin evolution can be traced from continental rifts through narrow seas to mature ocean basins; the J Tuzo Wilson cycle – ocean growth and destruction as a periodic event; age and location of the oldest ocean floor. Skills: Interpretation of evidence from ophiolites and drilling for the presence of a layered structure to the oceanic crust. Investigation of an ophiolite complex. Interpretation of magnetic anomaly profiles and maps. Interpretation of ocean floor age distribution maps. Calculation of seafloor spreading rates from magnetic anomaly and mantle plume (hot spot) data. Use of plumes to show direction of plate movement. Interpretation of heat flow variations across the ocean floor. The ocean floor Topographic profile 1 Module 5: Theme4 Lithosphere – Key Idea 2 The floor of the oceans is not flat, it has a topography characterised by a number of features. Exercise 1 Each of the following terms were introduced in year 12, try to write a definition of description of each: Abyssal plain ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. Continental shelf ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. Continental slope ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. Trench ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. Seamount ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. Guyot ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. Continental rise ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. Exercise 2 2 Module 5: Theme4 Lithosphere – Key Idea 2 Sketch a topographic profile across the floor of an ocean basin. Your sketch should show each of the features listed in exercise 1. On the left side of your sketch you should show an passive continental margin, and the right side should be an active continental margin. Evidence Typically the oceans have a depth of 4 – 5 km. At this depth there are very few submersibles capable of withstanding the enormous pressures. Evidence for the behaviour and structure of the seafloor comes from drilling, dredging and geophysical techniques such as seismic reflection profiling, magnetic and thermal studies. Exercise 3 The profile you drew in exercise 2 would have two major thermal anomalies, one positive, the other negative. Locate and explain these anomalies: Positive anomaly: Location = ………………………………………………………………………….. Reason = ……………………………………………………………………………. Negative anomaly: Location = ………………………………………………………………………….. Reason = ……………………………………………………………………………. The oceanic crust Seismic reflection profiling This technique uses artificially produced shock waves to find different layers by reflecting off them, rather like light reflecting from a mirror. This method has shown that there are three distinct layers within the oceanic crust, called layers 1, 2 and 3. 3 Module 5: Theme4 Lithosphere – Key Idea 2 The structure of the oceanic crust Layer 1 is the uppermost part of the oceanic crust. It is composed of sediment and its thickness varies, although as a general rule, the thickness increases with distance from the ridge. Thickness of the sediment depends upon distance from the continent, the amount of transport by deep currents and in certain parts of the ocean, (where organic material is the main type of sediment) food supply and ocean depth. There may be submarine fans, built up from the sediment deposited by major rivers entering the ocean basin. Near the equator there are thick accumulations of sediment due to the high productivity in those regions. Layer 2 is between 1 and 1.5 km thick. Seismic wave speeds and drilling show that this layer is made of basic igneous rock. The upper part is composed of basaltic pillow lava which formed when magma cooled rapidly on contact with sea water. Below the pillow lavas is a complex built up from many dolerite dykes side by side. Layer 2 is highly fractured allowing seawater to percolate into the crust. Exercise 4 Compare basalt and dolerite. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. What is a dyke? ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. Describe the internal structure of a basalt pillow. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. Exercise 5 Explain how hydrothermal circulation through the ocean crust produces black smokers. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4 Module 5: Theme4 Lithosphere – Key Idea 2 Layer 3 is about 5 km thick on average and composed of basic igneous rock. The upper part is gabbro, this gradually changes to a sequence of cumulates; olivine-rich gabbro and peridotite. Exercise 6 Explain what cumulates are. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. Ophiolites Ophiolite sequences In certain parts of the world, there are sequences of rocks which show a characteristic series of layers. The top layer is a sedimentary rock called chert. This is a rock rich in silica which formed from the accumulation of the shells of tiny marine organisms. Below this there is a layer of pillow basalt, then a sheet of dykes, gabbro and then cumulates. The lowest part of the sequence is a rock called serpentinite. This is an ultrabasic rock which has undergone some degree of alteration and metamorphism, producing an assemblage of metamorphic minerals including serpentine and chlorite. 5 Module 5: Theme4 Lithosphere – Key Idea 2 Examples of ophiolite sequences The most famous example of an ophiolite sequence is found in the Troodos Mountains in Cyprus. This was studied in detail during the 1960’s and it provided evidence for the structure of the oceanic crust and hence for plate tectonics. Other famous examples include the Lizard peninsula in Cornwall and the Mona complex in Anglesey. Comparison of ophiolite sequences and what we know of ocean crust Subduction zone processes Types of subduction zone As you already know, if two plates collide (at a convergent plate margin) one of them may be forced down into the mantle. This process is called subduction. Exercise 7 Using Japan and the Andes in South America as examples, sketch two types of destructive plate boundaries. Japan-type 6 Module 5: Theme4 Lithosphere – Key Idea 2 Andean-type Benioff zones As the plate descends, earthquakes occur along its length. These earthquakes are common at shallow depths, near the surface and decrease in number down to a depth of about 300 km. Between 300 and 450 km there are few earthquakes but below 450 km there are many more. The deepest earthquake foci occur at about 670 km. The earthquakes occur for a number of reasons. The shallow earthquakes near the surface are caused by normal faults in the subducting oceanic lithosphere. As the plate is subducted, it is forced to bend, so the upper part is put under tension, this causes the normal faulting. Another reason why shallow earthquakes occur is due to the process of “underthrusting”, where the subducting plate is pushed below the overriding plate. Earthquakes at greater depths may occur due to compression. As the plate is subducted it seems to encounter resistance, so the rocks are put under compression, causing faulting and earthquakes. Other subduction zones seem to show that these deeper earthquakes are caused by tension, as if the end of the subducting plate is pulling on the rest of it, causing it to break up. Finally, some earthquakes, particularly the deepest ones, may be caused by mineral transformations. As the rocks descend, they encounter different pressure and temperature conditions under which the minerals become unstable. For example, the mineral serpentine loses its water at depths between 100 and 300 km, this causes a volume change and resulting in seismic waves. Other mineral transformations include olivine changing to spinel (at about 400km) and spinel changing to perovskite at about 670 km. Magma production Subduction zones produce andesitic magma. This is probably due to partial melting of the overlying asthenosphere, triggered by the presence of water brought in by the subducting plate. (The subducted plate becomes mixed into the mantle, this is called resorption). This magma rises, eventually producing volcanoes at the surface. In the case of a Japan-type subduction zone, these volcanoes form a chain of volcanic islands called an island arc, parallel to the trench. Below these volcanoes there are large plutons intruded into the crust. In an Andean-type margin, the magma produced is also andesitic. This rises through the continental crust, intruding it and producing volcanoes at the surface. The edge of the 7 Module 5: Theme4 Lithosphere – Key Idea 2 continental crust is crumpled to form a mountain chain parallel with the edge of the continent. This is called a cordillera. Accretionary prisms As subduction occurs, some of the sediment is scraped off onto the continent in a series of slices, called accretionary wedges. These build up to form an accretionary prism. Oceanic Ridges Oceanic ridges occur at divergent plate margins. It is an undersea mountain range, rising 2 to 3 km above the ocean floor. In the centre of the ridge is a rift valley, produced by tension. The ridge is characterised by high heat flow and shallow seismic activity (to a depth of 20 km.) The ridge is offset by transform faults. Transform faults occur because of the curved shape of the plate boundary. The rigid behaviour of the rocks do not allow the boundary to be curved, so instead it breaks up into a series of segments divided up by transform faults (like a series of right-angle bends). Magma production As the plates move apart at the rate of a few cm per year, the mantle material underneath rises and eventually partially melts. The partial melting of the dry peridotite produces a magma of basaltic composition. Magma reaching the surface in the rift valley forms pillow basalt. Possible causes of plate movement There are three possible causes for plate movement. Exercise 8 Describe the following processes: Convection ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8 Module 5: Theme4 Lithosphere – Key Idea 2 Ridge push ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. Slab pull ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. Age – thickness – depth As the oceanic crust moves away from the ridge, the site of its formation, it cools. This causes it to contract and so the depth of the ocean increases away from the ridge, until it reaches equilibrium at the abyssal plain. The thickness of the crust increases, however, because as time goes on, more and more sediment accumulates, increasing the thickness of seismic layer 1. Oceanic Basins Roll-back The point at which the subducting slab bends is called the hinge point. The old oceanic crust is cold and dense, so when it is subducted, it descends readily. In fact the speed at which the slab descends may be greater than the speed the plate is moving (slab pull effect). This makes the hinge point shift backwards, this is called rollback. Roll-back has an effect on the overriding plate – it stretches it. The result is that the continental crust becomes extended and a basin is formed, called a back arc basin. 9 Module 5: Theme4 Lithosphere – Key Idea 2 Back-arc basins and fore-arc (marginal) basins The collision of two plates creates a lot of bending and stretching of the lithosphere. The back arc basin is formed because the continental crust becomes stretched, creating normal faults . It is possible for the stretching to pull the continent apart to make a new ocean. The leading edge of the overriding plate is also flexed to make a fore-arc (marginal) basin. The J Tuzo-Wilson Cycle Plate tectonics represents a cyclic process. New crust is created at the ocean ridges and old crust is destroyed at the subduction zones. The Tuzo-Wilson cycle describes this idea. Very simply, the cycle is: stretching to form a new basin new oceanic crust forms to make ocean wider subdiction occurs, ocean closes up. 10 Module 5: Theme4 Lithosphere – Key Idea 2 Exercise 9 These are steps in the Tuzo-Wilson cycle. For each step draw a cartoon to represent the processes described. Step 1 A piece of continental lithosphere is stretched. It undergoes extension, causing normal faulting, a rift valley is formed. Volcanoes occur in the rift valley due to magma generation. Give an example. …………………………………… What type of magma is produced? …………………………………… 11 Module 5: Theme4 Lithosphere – Key Idea 2 Step 2 The continental lithosphere continues to stretch, more faults form allowing the central block of the rift valley to drop further. The surface falls below sea level and sea water invades forming a shallow sea. Give an example. ………………………………….. What characteristic igneous features form on the sea bed? ……………………………. Step 3 The sea widens as more basaltic oceanic crust is formed. The edges of the ocean are both passive continental margins. Give an example. …………………………………… Step 4 A fracture occurs in the oceanic lithosphere (on the right of your picture). A subduction zone forms as one plate (the left one) is pushed down into the mantle. The plate is resorbed and partial melting occurs to produce an island arc. 12 Module 5: Theme4 Lithosphere – Key Idea 2 Step 5 Spreading ceases at the ridge and another subduction zone forms, (this time at the left of your picture). This is an Andean-type active continental margin. Step 6 Eventually the two continents are brought back together as the ocean closes up. 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