Hagerstown Community College OFFICIAL COURSE SYLLABUS DOCUMENT COURSE: EMS 162 Prehospital Pharmacology Wednesdays 5pm-7:50pm 3 Credits INSTRUCTOR: Devin Buries, NREMT-P CONTACT INFORMATION: Office Phone: (240) 500-2436 E-Mail: dsburies@hagerstowncc.edu Office Hours: Wednesday 4-5pm, or by appointment SEMESTER/YEAR: Spring 2012 Office hours: Wednesdays 4-5pm or by appointment. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course addresses pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and drug calculation and administration. Drugs used in prehospital settings are reviewed according to classification. Total of 45 hours of lecture. Course fee required. Textbook: Core Concepts in Pharmacology, 3rd edtition, by Holland and Adams. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: Demonstrate knowledge of basic pharmacological principles. Correctly calculate drug dosage and administration amounts. Perform safe administration of medications via various routes. Total Hours of Coursework: 45 To earn one academic credit at HCC, students are required to complete a minimum of 37.5 clock hours (45 fifty-minute “academic” hours) of coursework per semester. Those hours of coursework may be completed through a combination of hours within the classroom and hours outside the classroom. Certain courses may require more than the 37.5 minimum hours of coursework per credit. For most classes, students should expect to do at least 2 hours of coursework outside of class for each hour of in-class coursework. COURSE CONTENT OBJECTIVES: At the completion of this course the student should be able to: Explain the importance of pharmacokinetics, absorption, biotransformation, elimination, half-life, accumulation, and pharmacodynamics in terms of the effects of a given drug on the body. Understand the legal and ethical concerns of medication administration in the United States. Demonstrate proper technique in performing intravenous cannulation, as well as oral, sublingual, intramuscular, subcutaneous, and intravenous medication administration. All other objectives as defined by the DOT National Standard Curriculum units 17 and 1-8 ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES: The final grade for the course will be based on four areas. The average for quizzes, exams (including a comprehensive final), and participation/attendance will be determined on a straight point system and weighted with the following scale. The instructor reserves the right to deduct points for assignments turned in late. Quiz and test material can cover any information presented in the assigned readings or in the lecture. Pharmacology Skills Quizzes/ Short Exams Participation/Attendance Final Exam Pass/Fail = 40% = 10% = 50% Grading: A = 90% and above. B = 80-89% C = 70-79% D = 60-69% F = Below 60% *** Per Program Requirements: Students must earn a “C” in every course to progress/graduate from program *** Pharmacology Skills: Students are required to show proficiency in the core paramedic skills for this class, such as IV cannulation, drug dosing, and drug administration. Students must pass all required skill tests in order to pass class. Quizzes: Quizzes may be given at any time during a class period. Participation/Attendance: Participation and attendance will be evaluated each class. Students are expected to do more than just show up. Active participation in class discussion, projects and group work is required for full participation credit. (See attendance policy below.) COURSE POLICIES: Attendance: Paramedic Emergency Service is by its nature a participatory curriculum. Attendance at all lectures, field trips and other activities dealing with this course is required. An attendance record will be kept and participation will be a factor in determining your grade for the course. If for any reason you must miss a class, prior notification of the instructor is required. Preferably this would be direct verbal communication, but at the very least a message must be left on my voice mail, which is time and date stamped, prior to the beginning of class. Without this notification the absence will be considered unexcused. Students who miss class, either excused or unexcused, are responsible for all material, quizzes, and activities covered in that class. Tardiness: A disruption-free environment is necessary for student success. As such, students who are late will be penalized 2% up to a maximum of 10% of their grade as part of attendance portion of the grade. Inclement Weather Policy: The Instructor follows the College’s inclement weather decisions. In other words is the college is open the class will be held. Students may choose not to attend due to weather conditions but must notify the instructor according to the attendance policy. Disclaimer: The instructor reserves the right to modify course content. HONOR CODE: “I promise to uphold the Hagerstown Community College Honor System and to understand all written provisions pertaining to its application. As a member of the college community, I hold the qualities of honesty and integrity in highest regard and will not violate them or tolerate those who do.” PLAGIARISM/ORIGINAL WORK POLICY: Plagiarism involves using another’s work and presenting it as one’s own. This includes using information that is not documented accurately, copying another’s work and presenting it as one’s own. Plagiarism penalties vary according to the instructor, but the minimum penalty is a grade zero on the assignment. Maximum penalties may include expulsion from the college. Class Schedule: A separate document will detail class schedule for the semester. Services for Students with Special Needs: Students who have special needs are encouraged to identify themselves to the Coordinator of Disability Services as early as possible. Reasonable accommodations based on current documentation are provided to qualified students.