9th Grade Computer Applications Syllabus

Credit Recovery Class Syllabus
Stephanie Le Sieur
Arthur A. Benjamin Health Professions High School
Email: Stephanie-lesieur@scusd.edu
Phone: (916) 264-3262
Course description: This course is an opportunity for students to make up credits for one or more courses
that they may have failed the first time they took it. It uses online, computer based coursework. The
course(s) selected will be determined by the student’s transcript and their counselor.
Instructors: Each course has an Aventa Instructor that the student communicates with through email,
online meetings and by phone if necessary. The Aventa Instructor will be responsible for academic materials
and evaluations. As the classroom teacher Ms. L will serve as an academic mentor role. She will be
responsible for course management and attendance. She will take attendance daily, meet with each student
individually to discuss the student’s progress.
Grading: The student’s grade for each course attempted will be a combination of the online course total
grade and amount of work attempted. The course grade will be determined by the online teacher. The online
teacher will assign a percentage for all work completed when the student finishes the course. A grade will
be assigned from the following scales:
For all classes:
A= 90-100% B= 80-89%
C= 70-79%
D= 65-69%
F= 0-64%
Course End Dates: Since the courses are self-paced the end date for each student will be different. All
course work for each semester must be completed the end of each semester. If a student finishes a course
prior to the due date, with the approval of the instructors, the student may end the course and begin another.
Citizenship/Conduct grades:
A grade of S (satisfactory) or U (unsatisfactory) will reflect classroom behavior, attendance records and
personal attitude.
Office hours:
Ms. L will be available by appointment only.
Pass Policy:
 Each student will receive 3 bathroom passes for the class. They are used as emergency passes
only. If a student forgets their passes or uses all of them, students will take a tardy.
Rules and Expectations:
All school wide rules will be enforced in this class. Please refer to the student handbooks for these rules.
In addition to the school-wide rules there are a set of classroom and lab rules that will be enforced in Ms.
L’s computer classes. Students will be expected to follow these procedures at all times. This will ensure that
equipment is in working condition and available to all students at all times. These are classroom rules and
may have different consequences than the school-wide rules.
Students will show respect at all times for staff and fellow students.
Students are not allowed to eat or drink in class.
Students will stay inside the classroom and out of the doorway at all times.
Students may sharpen pencils or get supplies at any time as long as it does not disrupt the class.
There will be no excused tardies without a pass from a staff member. You will not be allowed to go back
to get a pass, so make sure you have one when you come to class.
 The following activities are not allowed in the computer lab:
File or music downloads, games (including demos), installation of any software programs, music CDs,
email, chat rooms, internet use not related to a school assignment.
 The use of flash drives or other outside storage devices (CD, DVD, memory cards etc.) is prohibited.
 Intentional damage or defacing of school equipment will result in immediate disciplinary consequences
and possible monetary reparations.
 Failure to follow lab procedures will result in academic and citizenship grade reduction, detention and/or
referral to an Administrator.
 Students caught cheating or copying on a test or assignment will receive a grade of 0% for that
assignment or test.
 Students may be released early (before noon) due to computer issues or completion of a class. Students
will bring home a note from Ms. L stating why student has been released. A phone call home with
accompany the note as well.
 Students who miss more than 3 classes will be dropped. Attending class late (3 times) will equal 1
absent day.
 First offense: Teacher warning.
 Second offense: Referral
 Third offense: Dropped from the class
Additional policies and procedures may apply. Students and parents will be notified by the instructor as to
changes and additions.
Students are encouraged to work on their coursework at home if they have a computer with internet
access available. All tests must be taken in class under a teacher’s supervision.
Grades, assignments and announcements will be available to parents and students through their Aventa
Learning account. Parents wishing to see their student’s progress need to provide contact information with
email so an online account can be set up. See the student information sheet
Ms. L can be contacted through email or phone as listed at the top of this syllabus. Parents and students are
encouraged to contact Ms. L as soon as an issue or question arises.
Please sign and return this sheet. Keep the top two sheets for your reference
at home during the course of the semester.
By signing below I acknowledge that I have read and understand the above information and policies
and agree to follow all school and classroom rules and policies.
Student Name / Signature
Parent Name / Signature