Future Skills Wales Lesson Plans

Future Skills Wales Classroom Materials
This resource pack contains a number of labour market sessions based around the
findings of the Future Skills Wales project, which the Future Skills Wales Unit has
developed in conjunction with Careers Wales. The sessions are designed to be
delivered by careers teachers, careers advisers and college lecturers. The ACCAC
Learning outcomes are identified at the front of each lesson plan and we hope
that you will find these useful. The pack aims to:
 introduce young people to changes in the world of work at a level they
understand and in a way that they find interesting
 develop both the knowledge and the skills needed to research, interpret and
use labour market information when making career decisions
 provide all the information required to enable the lessons to be delivered with
the minimum of additional research and preparation
 be easily integrated into the school/college careers education and guidance
The pack contains:
3 lesson plans, aimed at Key Stages 3 and 4 and post-16 groups
If you would like further information on the Future Skills Wales 2003 Survey, or the
wider Future Skills Wales Research Programme, please refer to the website on
www.futureskillswales.com / www.sgiliaudyfodolcymru.com and send any questions
by e-mailing us under the ‘Contact Us’ section.
Future Skills Wales Lesson Plans
Key Stage 3
To raise pupils’ awareness of work related skills
To raise pupils’ awareness of the school as a place of employment in the community
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this module pupils should:
Be aware of the need for skills in employment
Know which skill employers think are most important
Know the key skills
Have a better understanding of how a school operates as a
place of work
Target group
Pupils at Key Stage 3
KS3 Worksheet, Overhead projector sheets
Talk about school not being just a place for learning but also a place of employment.
It is run in a similar way to many businesses with the head teacher managing the
finances and recruiting and managing a large number of people. Use a local
business or shop as an example of a business and how the school is organised in a
similar way.
Activity 1
 Ask pupils to brainstorm and write a list on the board of all the jobs that people are
employed in a school.
 Or work in groups and write their own list before contributing to the class list.
 Or use the studies in the Future Skills Wales booklet.
Using the worksheet
 Ask pupils to write down as many jobs as possible that take place in school. This
could include some or all of the following depending on the size and type of
institution, teacher, headteacher, secretary/ receptionist, admin assistant, canteen
staff, cook, nurse, first aider, learning support assistant, science/ technology/ IT
technicians, caretaker, ground staff, cleaners
 Explain to the class that there are different types of work: full time, part time,
voluntary work, self employed.
 Can they identify any people in these categories?
 Why are there different types of work?
Activity 2
 Ask the pupils to select 5 of the occupations / jobs and list them on the worksheet
 Discuss with the class what each of the jobs involve, the example of the teacher
gives three of the activities the job requires, but there are many more. The school
may have an advert for a recent job within school.
Activity 3
There is a list of skills that employers are looking when recruiting staff
(Source: Future Skills Wales Survey 2003)
 Discuss with the class exactly what do these skills mean and how are they used
 Ask the pupils to tick any skills they think they already have
Activity 4
Using the list of skills provided
 Write down 3 skills required to be able to do each of the jobs the pupils have
written on their own list on the previous page
Activity 5
All schools are aware of Key Skills. Subject areas have to identify where they are
used in their schemes of work. It is perhaps more evident in KS4 and Post 16 level
but there are still examples in KS3 that can be used.
 Using the list of skills identified by Future Skills Wales, discuss with the class and
then write down the list of Key Skills
Highlight the importance of pupils having an understanding of their own abilities and
how they can improve and develop them
KS3 Work sheet
Activity 1
Identify as many different occupations / jobs that take place in school
Activity 2
 Choose 5 of the occupations / jobs
 Write down 3 activities involved in each job
Job title
Activity 2
What does the job involve?
1 Preparing lessons
2 Marking work
3 Breaktime duties
Activity 4
What skills are required for
the job?
1 Communication skills
2 Organisation
3 Working as a team
Here is a list of some of the skills employers are looking for when recruiting
(Source: Future Skills Wales 2003 Generic Skills Survey)
Activity 3
Do you know what these skills mean? If not ask your teacher
 Tick any of the skills you think you already have
Understanding people /
customer needs
Organise your own learning
and development
Ability to follow instructions
Showing initiative
Problem Solving
Ability to learn
IT skills
Management skills
Adaptability / Flexibility
Working in a team
Activity 4
 Write down 3 skills required to be able to do each of the jobs you have listed (on
the table on the previous page) Use the list for activity 3 as help
Activity 5
There are 6 KEY SKILLS that employers view as being important for everyone. They
are included in the list above. You are already using some of these Key Skills in your
lessons at school.
 Discuss with your teacher
 List the 6 Key Skills
More information about Key Skills can be found in your Progress File work book –
Getting Started
Future Skills Wales Lesson Plan
Key Stage 4
To use their own work related experiences to identify the skills employers require
To raise awareness of their own skills
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this module pupils should:
Be able to research occupational information
Know which skill employers think are most important
Be able to identify their own skills
Realise the importance of Key Skills
Be able to identify the skills that need improving
Target group
Pupils at Key Stage 4
KS4 Worksheet
Future Skills Wales leaflet, FSW Overhead Projector Sheets
Lesson (A) if the activity is being used in preparation for work experience
When pupils are planning their work experience it is very important that they realise
that they may not be placed in their ideal situation. There are always a limited
number of placements in some of the more popular areas of work. Consequently they
need to think about several different placements possibly in different areas of work.
Activity 1
 Brainstorm with the class and write on the board all the jobs pupils can think of
that they may interest them for work experience
 Pupils have to write down 5 areas of work on the worksheet, possibly from the list
on the board but can also use their own ideas
 Using their own knowledge, and information in the careers library, write down 3
activities involved in each job
 Using their own knowledge, information in the careers library and the Future Skills
leaflet, write down 3 skills required by each job
Activity 2
 When the list is complete pupils have to highlight or circle the skills that they
realistically feel they already have
 Pupils then need to underline the skills they realistically feel they need to improve
Activity 3
 From the information the pupils have acquired pupils have to select a job to which
they feel they are suited
Highlight the fact that if they are aware of their abilities and shortcomings, they will be
able to use work experience as an opportunity to improve and develop their skills
Lesson (B) if the activity is being used after the work experience or as a debrief
When pupils have completed their work experience placement, they are often keen
to talk about what they did and this is an ideal situation where the pupils can work in
groups and go round to other pupils and ask about their particular job
Activity 1
Using the worksheet
 Using the worksheet pupils have to talk to other pupils who had different work
placements to themselves and identify the different activities and skills used in
each of the jobs
Activity 2
 When the list is complete pupils have to highlight or circle the skills that they
realistically feel they already have
 Pupils then need to underline the skills they realistically feel they need to improve
Activity 3
 Using the information from talking to other pupils in the class, pupils need to
identify the job they feel is best suited to them (it may not be the placement they
Highlight the fact that during work experience they were able to use some of their
skills but they still need to try to develop and improve them
KS4 Worksheet
All pupils have the opportunity to do work experience during Key Stage 4. This
activity can form part of the preparation for work experience or part of the follow up
Activity 1
 Identify 5 jobs you may consider or have considered for work experience
 Write down 3 activities involved in each job
 Write down 3 skills required to be able to do the job
(Use Future Skills Wales booklet to help identify the skills needed)
Job / Occupation
What activities does the job
What skills does the job
Activity 2
 Highlight or circle the skills YOU feel that have now
 Underline the skills YOU feel that you need to improve
Activity 3
 Write down the job you think are most suited to from the information you have
filled in on your work sheet
Future Skills Wales Lesson Plans
Post-16 Worksheet
Activity 1
 Identify 3 possible sectors of employment where you may look for your future
 Give 2 examples of jobs in each of the sectors chosen
 Is this an area of growth or decline
(Use Future Skills Wales booklet as resource material
Look at the Future Skills Wales OHPs for Sector employment growth)
Sectors of employment
Job title
Is it an area of
growth or decline?
Activity 2
Provide examples of work related activities that you have undertaken both in school
and outside school
Examples of work
related activites
Work experience
Part time work
Work shadowing
Enterprise activity
Industry days
Visits to the workplace
Homework club
Industry sponsored
Visiting speaker from a
business or industry
Identify any involvement
Skills used
Activity 3
 Complete a SWOT analysis of your own skills
 Using the work related activities you have been involved in (Activity 2) to assess
and develop skills which employers regard as important
(Use the Future Skills Wales booklet to identify skills employers are looking
Which skills do you need for your chosen
areas of work?
Evidence of where or when you have used
the skills
Identify what you are poor at
OPPORTUNITIES Identify how you can improve your skills
What may prevent you improving
Future Skills Wales Lesson Plan
Post 16
To use their own work related experiences to identify a possible future career
To raise awareness of their own skills
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this module pupils should:
 Be able to research occupational information
 Have knowledge of different work-related opportunities
 Use work related opportunities to assess and develop skills
which employers regard as important
 Be able to identify their strengths and weaknesses
Target group
Pupils Post 16
Post 16 Worksheet
Future Skills Wales leaflet, Overhead Projector Sheets
Regardless of whether students are planning to go onto Higher Education or find
work they all need to be aware of the opportunities available to them. Using Future
Skills Wales information identify sectors of employment where they may look for
They need to know the job prospects for several years ahead particularly if they are
going to university
Activity 1
 Identify 3 sectors of employment that are of interest to them
 Name 2 jobs in each of the sectors
 Is it an area of growth or decline
Activity 2
 Ask students to identify all the opportunities for work related education they have
received both in and out of school
 Identify any skills used in each activity
Activity 3
 Ask students to complete the SWOT analysis to identify where they need to
improve or make the most of opportunities available to them
Highlight the fact that employers regardless of qualifications are always looking for
prospective employees who have the skills required for the job. It is up to individuals
to make the most of the opportunities available to them, both in and outside school or