Document #08-17 LIBRARIES OF MIDDLESEX AUTOMATION CONSORTIUM EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING LMxAC Office February 21, 2008 MINUTES BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Robert Belvin - New Brunswick Mary Faith Chmiel – Spotswood Margie Cyr – Old Bridge Joe DaRold - Plainfield Irene Goldberg - Monroe Lewis Ostar – MCC Anne Roman – Piscataway LMxAC STAFF ABSENT: Eileen M. Palmer LMxAC STAFF PRESENT: Elisa Bash The meeting was called to order at 10:05am by President Anne Roman. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: (Document#08-10) Bob Belvin moved to approve the agenda of the February 21, 2008 LMxAC Executive Board Meeting. Joe DaRold seconded the motion. All members were in favor. The motion carried. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: Margie Cyr moved to approve the minutes of the January 17, 2008 LMxAC Executive Board meeting (Document #08-11). Irene Goldberg seconded the motion. All members were in favor. The motion carried. TREASURER'S REPORT: Lewis Ostar presented the detailed Financial Statements for January 31, 2008(Document#08-12). Lewis noted that there was nothing unusual to report. It was an average month and we are right where were expected to be this time of year on the budget. He spoke briefly about the Investment Committee that is expected to convene on Feb 28 at the Monroe Library. The reports were reviewed and filed for audit. FINANCIAL POSITION STATEMENT Balance as of 1/31/08: Accounts Receivable Checking Cash Management Development Fund Cash Assets Total: Liabilities: Accounts Payable 2/21/08 $ 211,675.37 $ 157,568.50 $ 577,886.06 $ 286,377.39 $ 1,233,507.32 $ 42,689.60 Executive Board Mtg. – February 21, 2008 Page 2 APPROVAL OF BILL LIST: (Document #08-13) Margie Cyr moved to approve the February Bill List. Joe DaRold seconded the motion. All members were in favor. The motion carried. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT: (Document #08-05) The Director’s Report was provided in written form. In addition to the written report, Lewis Ostar noted that the authentication problem with Portal has been resolved. Anne Roman asked Ann Macdonald and Mei He to sit in on the meeting during the discussion of the Director’s report to help answer any questions from Board members especially regarding the topic of 360Search. The Board discussed the slow response time in the afternoons at many of the libraries. Ann noted that LMxAC staff was working with Sirsi to research the problem to help improve the response time. Anne noted that the 360Search is available to everyone but only several libraries that include: Edison; MCC; Monroe; New Brunswick; Piscataway; Plainsboro; and South Brunswick have signed up for individual sites. Some libraries do not feel they have enough databases to utilize this program efficiently. One Board member expressed some concerns with the program’s display and format. OLD BUSINESS: COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Anne Roman moved to support that Board representatives as well as LMxAC Staff representatives visit Library members that do not have representation on any of the committees. Joe DaRold seconded the motion. All members were in favor. The motion carried. STRATEGIC PLAN KICK OFF Anne Roman has asked that Board members be present at the Strategic plan kick off on February 28, 2008 at the Monroe Township Library to show support. NEW BUSINESS: PLAINSBORO INTERLATA CIRCUIT AND VPN ACCESS (Document#02-15) The Board reviewed Eileen‘s recommendation to switch from the Frame Relay Interlata Circuit to VPN access for Plainsboro Library’s connectivity to LMxAC. Margie Cyr moved to support Eileen’s proposal for VPN connection for Plainsboro Library. Lewis Ostar seconded the motion. All members were in favor. The motion carried. OTHER: The Board discussed proposing that the March Executive Board Meeting be moved after the General Membership Meeting. Bob Belvin moved to approve that the March Executive Board Meeting be moved to convene after the General Membership Meeting at Edison Main Library on March 14, 2008. Irene Goldberg seconded the motion. All members were in favor. The motion carried. The Board discussed the Reciprocal Borrowing reports with regard to those libraries that are net lenders and borrowers. Margie noted in reviewing these recent reports, it does reflect that changes have occurred with more members willing to open up their collections. Margie explained when the Circulation/Protocols committee meet and reviewed their individual library’s Holds and Circ maps, many committee members discovered numerous incorrect items that needed to be changed. The Board members would like to see a comparison between the December and February Reciprocal borrowing reports to see the differences since the changes were made to the Circ maps. The Board agreed that a Reciprocal borrowing report should be distributed every six months as well as the Circ Maps reviewed on an annual basis. These reports will help Executive Board Mtg. – February 21, 2008 Page 3 provide Library Director’s with statistical information to help with funding for collection development. COMMUNICATIONS: The communication item included in the packet was a thank you letter from Dale Spindel, Director of Kenilworth Public Library. Dale thanked Eileen for the informative presentation on library confidentiality. ADJOURNMENT: Irene Goldberg moved to adjourn the meeting. Bob Belvin seconded the motion. All members were in favor. The motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:30am. The next meeting is scheduled for March 14, 2008. Respectfully Submitted, Margie Cyr