Minutes - Libraries of Middlesex Automation Consortium

(Document #09-20)
Monroe Township Public Library
March 27, 2009
Ingrid Bruck –Long Branch
May Lein Ho – Middlesex Public
Irene Goldberg - Monroe
Robert Belvin - New Brunswick
Joe DaRold – Plainfield
Mary Faith Chmiel – Spotswood
Chris Carbone – South Brunswick
Lewis Ostar – Middlesex Community College
Eileen M. Palmer
The meeting was called to order at 11:55am by President Mary Faith Chmiel.
APPROVAL THE AGENDA: (Document#09-14)
Bob Belvin moved to approve the March Agenda. Chris Carbone seconded the motion.
The Board approved unanimously.
Corrections were made to the March Minutes. On page 1 under Treasurer’s Report,. Line
3 Correction: “owed over 90 days had paid” and Line 7 Correction: “keeping certain
expenditures down”. Irene Goldberg moved to approve the corrected minutes of the
February 26, 2009 Board Meeting. Bob Belvin seconded the motion. The Board approved
TREASURER'S REPORT: (Document#09-16)
Treasurer Bob Belvin reported that expenditures are proceeding as anticipated. Eileen
Palmer noted that this month is the first time that LMxAC net income has been negative,
but we anticipated would happen due to the provision in the LMxAC Budget to off set the
cost of member assessment by a LMxAC contribution of $50,000 payment from the
Reserve Fund towards 2009-20210 Budget Proposal. Eileen explained that she developed
a procedure to bring in library receivables: Phone call at 60 days overdue and Letter at 90
days overdue. Expenditures are on track. Software maintenance went a little over. $40
received for Mural Bookmarks. The Treasurer’s Report was moved by Treasurer Bob
Belvin and filed for audit.
BILL LIST: (Document#09-17)
Irene Goldberg moved to approve the Bill List. Chris Carbone seconded the motion. The
Board approved unanimously.
DIRECTOR’S REPORT: (Document#09-18)
Eileen Palmer reported work has begun on the 2010 budget proposal. She is greatly
concerned about the statewide financial crisis and the impact it might have on member
libraries in financial distress in the coming year. Eileen stated she will continue to
monitor financial trends and fiscal challenges experienced by member libraries. These
factors will be taken into consideration when developing next year’s budget proposal.
The Finance Committee is scheduled to meet in April or May to work on the 2010
Budget Proposal.
Eileen reported that the Technology Committee produced a good report based on the
technology survey findings. The report cautions that the Access New Jersey contract with
Verizon is set to expire in 2010 and includes a recommendation to set up a Technology
Help Desk to improve service and demonstrate staff productivity.
Eileen Palmer reported that there would be an EBSCO Host demo for a less expensive
search portal product than 360 Search. LMxAC spend 18,000/Year to help subsidize 360
Search, available to all member libraries but used predominantly by Middlesex
Community College. MCC depends on 360 Search but the publics have little use for the
product. We will continue to evaluate to see if we should eliminate offering 360 Search to
President Mary Faith Chmiel appointed members of the Nominating Committee: Mary
Faith Chmiel, Bob Belvin, and Chris Carbone. Three board positions are open. Terms of
office are up for Mary Faith Chmiel, Bob Belvin, and Mei Lein Ho. Bylaws designate
filling Bob Belvin’s position from alphabetical list of member libraries; the next library
on the list would be North Brunswick (Cheryl McBride). Mei Lein Ho filled the
unexpired term of Margie Cyr of Old Bridge; Margie’s term is now up.
Eileen Palmer requested that May and June Meeting dates be combined. Irene Goldberg
moved to approve the new Board Meeting Dates: Bob Belvin seconded the motion.
There is no meeting in May. May & June Board Meetings will be combined. The Board
Meeting will be held after the LMxAC Membership Meeting on June 19. The Board
approved unanimously.
Board Members received a copy of NJLA Policy Committee’s sheet on “2007-2010
Budgets for Statewide Library Programs” (does not include state library operations). Year
to year comparisons pickup the budget decreases instituted mid-year as well. In four
years, cumulated decreases have resulted: State Aid -17%, Network Aid -10%, Virtual
Aid -10%, NJKI -65%, Total Statewide Programs -23%
Email reply received from Peggy Cadigan, State Library Consultant, explaining that the
state library does not endorse Bookswim but has observed a growing trend in the use of
books-by-mail programs by people that fit the profile of core public library users. The
State Library wants to know if libraries in the state would be interested in books-by-mail
types of programs, such as that underway in South Jersey.
Bob Belvin moved to adjourn. Joe DaRold seconded the motion. The board approved
unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 12:25pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ingrid Bruck, Secretary