Proctored Testing in the Course

MAT 152 Statistical Methods I Internet Course Instructor: Dr. Claude Moore
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Proctored Testing in the Course – Spring 2015
Proctored Exam: There will be one proctored exam that covers Chapters 3 and 5-10. This exam will be
administered at the Cape Fear CC downtown campus on Thursday, March 5th from 2-4 PM in S-606. You
need an outside proctor only if you live more than 50 miles from the downtown campus or have extenuating
circumstances that prevent you from taking the exam at the scheduled time on campus. If you are local, you
should plan on taking the proctored test during the scheduled session.
If you meet the qualifications for having an outside proctor, you must get the site and the individual proctoring
the exam approved by your instructor. You must submit the appropriate information by 11:30 a.m. on
February 12, 2015.
Be prepared to present a photo ID to take the test. Bring a calculator with fresh batteries, and at least two
pencils (no pens). Bring the pull-out formula sheet from your textbook. Access the formula sheet at Do not bring your textbook.
Finding a Proctor to take the test off campus:
1. Find a Proctor
An acceptable proctor is someone with no conflict of interest in standards of honesty. Relatives, spouses,
friends, neighbors, and co-workers are not acceptable proctors.
Some examples of acceptable proctors are:
• A local college or community college testing center
• A faculty member or administrator of an accredited community college, college, or university.
• An administrator of human resources or personnel department at place of employment.
• A full-time community college or college librarian.
2. Submit Proctor Information as indicated below by the date listed above, to
Include the following information:
Student Name__________________________________________ Student Phone _____________________
Student CFCC Email address ______________________________ Course Number &Section ____________
Proctor Name ________________________________________ Proctor phone number _________________
Proctor Company/school Name ______________________________________________________________
Proctor Email Address______________________________________________________________________
Proctor Mailing Address ____________________________________________________________________
Proctor Fax Number ________________________________
Proctor Position at above company/school ______________________________________________________
Relationship to Student _____________________________________________________________________
Date scheduled with proctor for midterm exam __________________________________________________
(NO more than four days before or one day after the scheduled date.)
MAT 152 Statistical Methods I Internet Course Instructor: Dr. Claude Moore
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3. Proctor Acceptance
If the proctor is acceptable, the instructor will send an email of confirmation to both the student and the proctor.
The confirmation to the proctor will provide important guidelines for administering the proctored exam and
contact information if either of you have any questions. If your choice of proctor is not accepted, a reason will
be given, and you will be given a deadline for finding an alternate proctor.
4. Information to Supply to the Proctor.
Give Proctor Your Exam Schedule.
You should provide your proctor with your exam schedule for the semester so the proctor can schedule his/her
time to accommodate your testing needs. It is the student's responsibility to schedule a day in advance with the
proctor, to notify the instructor of that date/time, and to insure that the proctor has received the exam.
Exam is Sent to Proctor
Exams will be emailed to the proctors prior to the exam dates to the email address listed on the proctor
application form. Students must insure that the fax number and email address are accurate.
Proctor Administers Exam to You
You and your proctor should schedule a date to take the exam at the proctor's location. If you do not show a
picture ID, you will not be allowed to take the exam. If your proctor is not available for a test, you should
contact your instructor or set up another proctor (following all of the proctor approval steps). The proctor and
student must abide by the exam guidelines (time limit, closed notes, closed book, etc.) required by the
instructor. The instructor's guidelines and due date are provided with each exam.
Proctor Returns Exam
The proctor is responsible for returning the exam by email. Instructions for returning the exam, including the
email address, will be provided to the proctor with the exam. We request that proctors keep a copy of the exam
until they receive a confirmation from the instructor that a legible copy has been received.
Proctor Guidelines
Proctors are not authorized to hand over originals or copies of exams to students before or after the actual
proctored exam session. Proctors are to collect all materials (exam and papers) from the student at the end of
the testing time period or earlier if the student finishes.
5. Instructor's Policy on Academic Dishonesty
Any act of improperly representing another person’s work as one's own is an act of academic dishonesty. This
includes the use of information and materials not authorized by the instructor during an exam. It also includes
misrepresentation of the proctor’s identity and affiliation (i.e., using a friend or family member as a proctor).