Syllabus - California State University, Bakersfield

“Caring and Reflective Professionals for a Democratic Society”
EDSP 501
Fall Quarter, 2007
Advanced Study of Teaching Special Populations
Yeunjoo Lee (
E-Mail Address:
Office Hours:
(661) 654-6478 (Office)
(661) 654-3029 (fax)
3-5 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays
3 to 4 pm on Wednesdays
Required Text:
Hallahan, D.P, & Kauffman, J.M (2006). Exceptional Learners: Introduction to Special
Education w/ Casebooks (10th ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Required Software:
College LiveText Edu Solutions Order from Runner Bookstore
661.654.2273 $89.00 ($112.00) + $6.95 shipping (shipped to student in 2-3 days) or online
directly from
School of Education Mission:
The mission of the School of Education at California State University, Bakersfield is to
strengthen the foundations of democracy and equal educational opportunity through quality
programs, which prepare committed education professionals and counselors in the context of a
linguistically and culturally pluralistic society.
School of Education Goals:
The following goals provide a direction for implementing the philosophy of educating the whole
1. To formulate a comprehensive view of human growth and development, a global
knowledge of self and others, and an empathy and sensitivity to multiple realities of a
changing environment.
2. To develop a commitment and responsibility to democratic and social values through
professional collaboration, educational leadership, and collegial partnerships.
3. To promote critical inquiry through research and practice in order to improve teaching,
learning and communication.
4. To broaden knowledge and skill bases in terms of pedagogical multicultural principles
conducive for effective curriculum delivery and instruction in diverse settings.
5. To utilize and integrate various current multimedia resources and technological tools to
enhance teaching and learning in the ever-changing society.
6. To apply multiple methods of assessment with a special focus on critical reflection and
self-analysis for continual professional development and on-going program evaluation.
Candidate Dispositions
Candidates preparing to work in schools as teachers or other professional school personnel know
and demonstrate the content, pedagogical, and professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions
necessary to help all students learn.
Professional Collaboration: Candidates will participate in action-oriented collaboration
that will enable them to learn from others and provide leadership in partnerships with all
Reflective Practitioner: Candidates are reflective, life long learners who apply problem
solving and critical thinking strategies and the respectful appreciation of differing points
of view.
Ethical Professional: Candidates’ actions are based on accepted professional standards of
conduct and reflect insight and awareness with respect to diverse perspectives, opinions,
obligations and ethical responsibilities of the profession.
Student/Client Centered: Candidates, throughout their programs, will prioritize the needs
of the students/clients they serve by maintaining trusting relationships built upon caring,
nurturing (respective) and meaningful interactions.
Professional Leader: Candidates, throughout their programs, will be strong, determined,
professional leaders with a clear instructional focus using effective communication skills
and a willingness to take risks to ensure the advancement, safety, and welfare of all
students in our communities.
Professional Competence: Candidates will maintain high programmatic outcomes that
reflect research-based practices, principles of learning differentiation, and standards
based instruction.
Course Description:
This course provides an advanced study of professional, legal, ethical and historical practices along with
current issues and trends related to providing meaningful learning opportunities for teaching special
populations including students with disabilities and those who are gifted and talented. The course will
include discussion and analysis of laws, procedural safeguards, and regulations pertaining to the
eligibility determination and education of exceptional individuals. It will also address the ethics and
values of the professional educator as a reflective decision maker in teaching special populations. Special
educational services and issues will be discussed such as the principle of the least restrictive environment
(LRE), inclusion, transition and the historical sequence legislation, P L 94-142, IDEA, ADA and Section
504. In addition, this course provides an overview of the educational, psychological, and behavioral
characteristics and needs of exceptional learners and their families as well as best practices used in
teaching students with special needs in inclusive education settings. This course is required to clear the
fifth year mainstreaming component for multiple subjects and single subject credential candidates.
(Prerequisite course for multiple and single subject credential candidates: EDSP 301: Teaching
Exceptional Learners in Inclusive Settings or equivalent course)
Recommended Readings:
Brynes, MA. (2004). Taking sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in Special
Education. Guilford, Conn: Mcgraw-Hill/Dushkin.
California Special Educational Programs: A Composite of Laws (25th Ed., 2003).
Turnbull, R., Turnbull, A., Shank, M., Smith, S., & Leal.D. (2006). Exceptional lives: Special
Education in Today’s Schools (5th ed.).Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Merrill/Prentice Hall.
Yell, M. L. (2005). The Law and Special Education (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, N.J.:
Merrill/Prentice Hall.
EDSP 501 Course Objectives/Competencies (Matching CCTC Standards):
In order to make explicit how this course attempts to address the education of the whole person, the
following objectives are coded to the domains (in the second parentheses) to which they pertain: C =
cognitive; A = affective; S = social and P = psychomotor. Some classes may not include all four domains.
References to CCTC Program Standards are noted in the first set of parentheses.
Upon successful complete of the course, the candidate will be able to:
1. Demonstrate knowledge of relevant and current laws, practices, and procedural safeguards, and
regulations pertaining to California public education, including individuals with disabilities and
their parents and care providers (10, 22, 23, 24, 25 m/m, 26, 27) (C)
2. Examine the ethics and values of the professional educator and his/her own role as a reflective
decision-making professional (10, 11) (S)
3. Examine/identify historical, legal, social, political, and economic perspectives regarding the role
of general and special education in society (10)(C, S);
4. Define key assessment concepts and terminology and identify the steps in the assessment process
and the roles that parents, students, and professionals play on the multidisciplinary team (17,
22)(C, S)
5. Describe and analyze assessment procedures that are non-discriminatory with respect to diversity
in culture, language, and ethnicity (17, 22)(C)
6. Explore IEP development through analysis of completed IEP documents and create an IEP
document based on provided information (11, 23, 26)(C, S)
7. Distinguish the learning and behavioral characteristics of learners with various types of special
needs to determine their supportive program and developmental needs in order to achieve
maximum independence (25 m/m, 26, 27)(C, S,)
8. Appreciate, respect and value students and persons from diverse cultural and linguistic
backgrounds and use instructional strategies and practices that are effective in supporting them
9. Examine current research on effective teaching practices and curricula and the application of
those practices to include diverse student groups in core curriculum and the social network of the
school site (12, 25 m/s, 26) (A, C, S).
EDSP 501 is also designed to prepare teachers to work effectively with students with disabilities in the
general education classroom. Credential candidates who satisfactorily complete this course will fulfill
requirements of Standard 20 for the Fifth Year of Study Program in Multiple Subjects or Single Subject.
Standard 20: Advanced Study of Teaching Special Populations
In advanced course work, each candidate builds on the knowledge, skills and strategies acquired during
preliminary preparation for teaching students with disabilities, students in the general education
classroom who are at risk and students who are gifted and talented. Each candidate knows the statutory
provisions of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), subsequent changes in the act, and
any new, relevant statutory requirements. Each candidate demonstrates the ability to create a positive,
inclusive climate for individualized, specialized instruction and assessment of students with special needs
and/or abilities. Each candidate demonstrates the use of instructional strategies to provide students with
disabilities appropriate learning opportunities to master grade level State-adopted academic content
standards for students at high performance levels. Each candidate demonstrates the ability to establish
cooperative and collaborative relationships with community and school professionals significant to the
education of students with disabilities and with students’ care givers, as well as with community and
school professionals significant to the education of students who are gifted and talented.
California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (2003) Standards of Quality on Effectiveness
for Professional Teacher Preparation Programs. Sacramento, CA: Author
Additional course objectives under Standard 20 include the following:
Upon completion of this course, each candidate will be able to demonstrate:
a. Knowledge of processes for identifying and referring students for special education services, and the
legal and ethical obligation of general education teachers to participate in the Individualized Education
Plan (IEP process, including attending IEP meetings, collaborating and cooperating with special
education teachers and the student’s parents, and implementing the plan’s goals and objectives as they
pertain to mainstreaming in the general education classroom.
b. Knowledge of student growth and development, and the use of positive behavioral support strategies
based on a functional analysis of student behaviors and related factors.
c. Knowledge of strategies to ensure that students with disabilities, as well as gifted and talented
students, are integrated into the social fabric of the classroom.
d. Comprehensive ability and skill in the identification and use of resources such as personnel,
equipment, instructional materials, teaching strategies, assistive technologies, and supplies available
within the school and the local community for assessing and educating students with individual needs in
the general education classroom.
e. Collaboration with others such as care givers, special education teachers, and support persons for the
transition of the special education student to the least restrictive environment, whether it be to the next
grade, school, or post-school environment.
Recognition and assessment of the strengths of students with disabilities and of students who are
gifted and talented, as well as their social and academic needs, and how to plan instructional and/or social
activities to further develop these strengths.
In short, candidates are strongly encouraged to reflect upon and use the standards listed above as a guide
as they acquire information and skills from the course to define and develop their teaching practices to
address the needs of all learners in their teaching assignments, including those with exceptionalities. The
standards include:
Engaging and Supporting all Students in Learning
Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning
Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
Assessing Student Learning
Developing as a Professional Educator
General Information:
General Information:
1. Assignments are due at midnight on the assigned due date. Assignments submitted after
the beginning of class will be automatically lose 10% of its assigned credit. No
assignments will be accepted one week after the assigned due dates.
2. If you have an emergency on the day of a test you will be allowed to make up that test on
a compromised day with the instructor.
3. All assignments are to be type-written and double spaced. Use a basic font, no larger
than 12. Handwritten papers will not be accepted.
4. Be aware that I do not assign extra work. You will receive the grade you have earned. I
do not assign bonus points, nor do I give you credit for how hard you try.
5. Students are expected to do all work assignments without unauthorized assistance and not
to give unauthorized assistance. Cheating is not limited to examination situations alone,
but arises whenever students attempt to gain an unearned academic advantage, i.e.
submission of the same, or essentially the same paper or assignment for credit in two
different courses without receiving approval. Plagiarism consists of the misuse of
published or unpublished works of another by claiming them as one’s own. It may consist
of handing in someone else’s work, copying or purchasing a composition, using ideas,
paragraphs, sentences, or phrases written by another, or using data and/or statistics
compiled by another without giving citation (See p.80-81of the 2005-2007 catalog).
Violation to these policies may result in a failing grade or other consequences stated in
the CSUB Catalog.
6. Students who choose to violate the standards of ethical conduct will be dealt with as
outlined in p.47 in CSUB Class Schedule. See the instructor if you need a copy of this
The instructor will make reasonable accommodations for students who have a
documented problem that interferes with successfully completing this course. It is your
responsibility to request accommodation before assignments are due. Main Campus
Students: To request academic accommodations due to a disability, please contact the
Office of Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) as soon as possible. Their office is
located in SA 140, and they may be reached at 661-654-3360 (voice), or 661-654-6288
(TDD). If you have an accommodations letter from the SSD Office documenting that you
have a disability, please present the letter to me during my office hours as soon as
possible so we can discuss the specific accommodations that you might need in this class.
Course Requirements: All candidates are expected to meet the following course requirements
that include: (1) completion of course assignments, (2) posting of signature assignment to
LiveText electronic portfolio (3) participation in a CHAT session and the practice pre-session,
and (4) demonstration of satisfactory performance on examinations and quizzes.
1. Self-introduction (25 pts):
 Post the introduction of yourself in the “Introduction” in the DISCUSSION area.
 Include
o Your name.
Experience with students with disabilities.
Current work place.
Reason you are taking the class (major, clearing credential, elective hours, etc.)
One unique thing about yourself.
2. Your choice among three assignments (100 pts):
Select one of the three assignments in Appendix A. Each report should be double-spaced, in 12point font, and run about 3-4 pages in length. Appendix A is located at the end of the syllabus.
3. Special Education Classroom Observation Report (150 pts):
In order to broaden and intensify your knowledge of current practices, trends and issues in
teaching exceptional learners, special and gifted and talented education, you are asked to visit
one of the many classrooms or programs that work with exceptional children, adolescents or
young adults. This can include visiting a public or private school special education classroom or
program (elementary, middle, or secondary) that serves students with exceptionalities including
inclusion classrooms, resource and special day classrooms or programs that serve students who
are gifted and talented education (GATE).
Report is to be 4-5 pages written using a narrative format and should address as well as
include the following subtopics as well as a reflective portion:
o Introduction (Discuss date, time, school and setting of observation, grade
level(s), number of students)
o Physical Organization
o Curriculum Content and Instructional Materials
o Instructional Methods or Strategies
o Behavior Management Strategies
o Reflection
“Reflection” is a very important component in this report. Consider the following
questions when you write your reflection: Does it reflect the best practices discussed in
the textbook? How? Was the instructor/instruction effective? What would you do
differently if you were the teacher? Support your opinion with literature (e.g., textbooks).
Observations must be of at least one hour or one class period in duration.
Provide constructive feedback on the lesson or teaching styles in the report.
Please remember that this observation is for your learning purposes. Try to learn
something and report what you have learned. You are not there to criticize the teacher.
You should appreciate the opportunity for this observation and appreciate that they gave
you the permission to observe their classes.
When you are writing your report, please use the subtopics listed above as headings
in the body of your paper.
A scoring rubric will be provided via LiveText. Additional information on this is listed
If you encounter any difficulties in arranging to observe a class, please contact the
instructor immediately.
*Important Note: Additionally, the above Classroom Observation Report has been designated
as the Signature Assignment for EDSP 501. This will require the posting of this assignment to
an electronic portfolio system (LiveText), the required software purchase mentioned earlier in
this syllabus after required textbook. Additional information regarding LiveText will be made
available on the WebCT Homepage for EDSP 501. It is important that you read this!
5. Three exams (100 pts each):
Test questions will be multiple choices, true/false, short answer and/or long answer. Each test is
valued 100 points, and you will have 2 hours to complete each test. The test items will generally
be from textbook, therefore, it is critical to read the textbook before taking the test.
You can take the test from 5:00 am to midnight on each assigned day. If you cannot take
the test on the assigned date or the time period, contact the instructor.
Test Number
Test 1
Test 2
Test 3
Oct. 1
Oct. 22
Nov. 16
Assigned Chapters
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
6,7, 8, 9, 10
11, 12, 13, 14, 15
6. Participation in a CHAT session (50 pts):
 Share what you did and what you learned from Assignment #2 with your classmates.
 Participate in a practice CHAT session on and then participate in a 45-minute CHAT session
on one of the following dates:
 Inform the instructor by of the date you will participate in a CHAT session.
 The instructor will provide the list of your group members and will choose a moderator for
each group.
 More information regarding the practice CHAT and the regular CHAT will be available in
the Course Notes on the homepage.
Self Introduction
Choice of Assignments
Classroom Observation
Test 1
Test 2
Test 3
CHAT participation
Grading Scale:
A = 94% (or higher)
B+ = 87-89%
B- = 80-82%
C = 73-76%
D = 69-60%
Individual Point Value
Due Date
Sept. 17
Oct. 15
Oct. 28
Oct. 1
Oct. 22
Nov. 16
Assigned date
My Grade
59% or below
Journals for Supplemental Reading on Specific Topical Areas (Recommended):
American Journal on Mental Retardation
Behavioral Disorders
Behavior Therapy
Education and Training of the Mentally
Exceptional Children
Focus on Exceptional Children
Journal of Autism and Developmental
Journal of Early Intervention
Journal of Learning Disabilities
Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders
Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness
The Exceptional parent
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
Journal of Disability Policy Studies
Journal for the Education of the Gifted
Journal of Special Education
The Journal of the Association for Persons
with Severe Handicaps
Learning Disabilities Quarterly
Mental Retardation
Research in Developmental Disabilities
Teacher Education and Special Education
Topics in Early Childhood Special Education
Learning Disabilities Research and Practice
Remedial and Special Education
Preventing School Failure
Teaching Exceptional Children
Internet Sites of Interest:
Council for Exceptional Children
ERIC Clearinghouse
Federal Resource Center for Special Education
Gifted and Talented Resources
Association for Children with Learning Disabilities
California Department of Education (Spec. Ed.)
Tentative Class Schedule
Week 1
Sept. 10-16
Week 2
Sept. 17-23
Week 6
Oct. 15-21
Chapter 1
Exceptionality and special education
Chapter 2 and 3
Current trends and issues.
Multicultural and bilingual aspects of special education.
Chapter 4 and 5
Parents and families
Learners with mental retardation.
Chapter 6 and 7
Learners with learning disabilities.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Chapter 8 and 9
Learners with emotional or behavioral disorders.
Learners with communication disorders
Chapter 10
Learners with who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Week 7
Oct. 22-28
Chapter 11
Learners with blindness or low vision.
Week 3
Sept. 24-30
Week 4
Oct. 1-7
Week 5
Oct. 8-14
Test #1
Choice of
Test #2
Week 8
Oct. 29-Nov. 4
Week 9
Nov. 5-11
Week 10
Nov. 12-18
Chapter 12 and 13
Learners with Autism spectrum disorders.
Learners with low incidence, multiple, and severe.
Chapter 14
Learners with physical disabilities and other health
Chapter 15
Learners with special gifts and talents.
Report Due
Test #3
Appendix A
Choice of Assignments
1. Collaboration Activity Report:
This assignment choice is recommended for credential candidates currently working in an
educational or teaching setting that serves students with exceptionalities. For this
assignment, a candidate is expected to engage in Collaboration Problem Solving. This may
involve Cooperative Planning and Problem-Solving, Collaborative teaming, Co-teaching,
Cooperative teaching or Complimentary Instruction and Consulting. The collaborative problem
solving activity a candidate chooses to pursue and complete should involve a general or special
education teacher, other colleagues or parents in working with students with exceptionalities.
 For this assignment the candidate will need to complete a report that includes the
following in narrative form using headings:
 Describe the goal of the activity or define the problem
 List the date(s), time(s) and places of the collaboration activity and the team
 Provide a description of the activity to be pursued or how specific information about
the problem was gathered.
 Explain the design of the activity or the problem solving process used.
 Identify and summarize alternative activities or problem solutions considered and the
possible consequences for each solution.
 Rate each activity or each solution.
 Describe how the best activity or solution to the problem was selected.
 Describe the level or degree of satisfaction with the chosen activity or solution and
how it was determined between the parties.
 Detail the activity plan or plan of action.
 Describe the monitoring/evaluation system and specify the criteria for success.
 Summarize how you would improve the collaborative activity or collaborative
problem solving to make it more effective.
2. Community Facility or Agency Observation and Report:
Similar to the special education classroom/program visit and observation, this assignment is also
intended to broaden and intensify your knowledge of exceptional persons and current issues and
trends surrounding the inclusion and involvement of special populations in our community.
Should you select to complete this assignment, you are asked make arrangements to visit and
observe one of the many community facilities or agencies in the area that serve exceptional
individuals and/or their families. This includes pre-school programs for young children with
disabilities, job training programs, vocational rehabilitation services, sheltered workshops,
supported and/or competitive employment sites, group homes, and advanced placement
programs for students who are gifted and talented.
Identify a public or private agency in the community which addresses the needs of those
with exceptional needs (e.g., Regional Center, Desert Haven, California Children’s
Services, group home, etc.).
Contact the facility or agency to make arrangements to tour the facility and interview a
staff member. The observation should last a minimum of 45-60 minutes.
After the observation, compose a 3-4 page, double-spaced, paginated typed paper, written
report addressing the information below in paragraph form. Your report is qualitative in
nature and should provide rich narrative detail. Avoid outlines, bullets, and lists.
Name of agency or facility and the date and time of your visit.
Location of the agency
Names of contact person(s) and title(s)
Description of the population served (range of ages, types of needs, levels of support
Philosophy of the agency/organization
Brief description of the facility/physical set up
Funding source of the agency/organization including annual operating costs
Services provided (e.g. training for independent living, career and employment skills,
financial & consumer skills, social & family living skills, citizenship & legal skills,
Health & Wellness skills, community involvement, and leisure and recreation skills)
Number and types of personnel hired by the agency or business and the type or
amount of training needed and the licenses or certificates required
Instructional behaviors, special equipment and materials used
Description of interaction between staff and clients (cite specific examples).
Positive and negative aspects of the agency observed
Overall reaction of the agency and its services, including the current issues
implications for your future practice as an educator
3. Simulation/Affective Experience Report:
While the text and class online discussions will inform and expand your understanding, reading
and listening, like watching television, is a passive mode of learning. Active direct experience, if
the folk sayings are true, is still the best teacher. The Simulation/Affective Experience expects
that you will try to experience emotionally, physically and socially one of the exceptionalities we
are studying for a 4-6 hour period.
The following are experiences that other students have tried. If any are of interest, you can
replicate them, or you can try something of your own invention.
Mental Retardation – (1) Engage in prolonged interaction with people more knowledgeable and
sophisticated than yourself, e.g., attend a conference of specialists in an unfamiliar field or sit in
on an advanced math or physics course. (2) Have a friend or a classmate, or tell people yourself,
that you have a low IQ and/or you were retained in school several years and still don’t read or
write very well.
Learning Disabilities – (1) When listening during interactions, wait for an appropriate moment
and ask the person you’re talking with to explain what he/she is talking about because you don’t
understand the words being used. (2) Pass notes to people that contain numerous letter reversals,
capitalization, punctuation, and spelling errors. (3) Read a book written in an unfamiliar
language. (4) Listen to and attempt to transcribe a recorded speech played at the wrong speed.
Gifted, Creative & Talented - (1) Participate in a prolonged problem solving effort with people
who are your intellectual inferiors. (2) Have a friend or classmate, or tell people yourself, that
you have a significantly above average IQ, and that you skipped several grades in public school
and that your favorite recreation activity is reading 3 to 4 books a week.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder – (1) When listening to a conversation interrupt
frequently and add information that is not relevant to the topic. (2) Ask someone how to do
something or ask for directions. As they respond to your request, mimic what the say. When the
person is finished ask them to repeat “one more time.” Tell the person you need to hear it more
than one time because you can’t remember what he/she said. (3) When visiting a friend, ask to
watch TV but keep pushing the remote every 2-3minutes. When you get to the next channel, ask
your friend what was on the previous channel. (4) Continuously overreact to negative and
positive experiences.
Conduct Disorders: Maladjusted and Delinquent - (1) Dress as a “homie,” “Punk,” or
“pachuca” and see how people react. Tell people you can get them good appliances, electronic
equipment and auto parts at half-price—imply they are stolen goods.
Communication Disorder – (1) Don’t talk for an extended period of time. (2) Carry a card
saying, “I cannot speak.” (3) Stutter, whisper, effect hoarseness or some other speech or
language disorder (e.g. delayed speech in which you speak like a much younger person).
Hearing Impairment – (1) Impair your hearing using ear plugs. (2) Watch various TV programs
with the sound off. (3) Try #1 and wear a hearing aid or bandages over your ears. (4) Go
shopping or out to eat with a friend and pretend you are deaf. Observe people’s reactions.
Vision Impairment – (1) Wear sleep shades (available at most drugstores) while performing
various activities. (2) Use a travel cane or sighted companion. (3) Listen to various TV programs
with the picture scrambled. (4) Try completing your daily activities (bathing, dressing, cooking,
cleaning, going for walks, etc.) while wearing sleep shades or keeping your eyes closed. (5) With
a sighted companion, take assisted walks in familiar and unfamiliar locations.
Multiple Disabilities – (1) Any combinations of the above; try Deaf/Blind.
Physical and Health Impairments – (1) For a period of time, don’t move without the use of a
wheelchair, crutches, cane or braces, visit a mall or grocery store. (2) Immobilize your dominant
hand and arm. (3) Conduct a phone survey of apartments to find out the availability of
wheelchair accessible units identifying cost and location to public transportation.
Whatever you decide to do, it should be a new experience. Don’t recount something you have
done before. You can get into your Simulation/Affective Experience far deeper with reflections.
Try to go beyond superficialities. Generally it will take you some time (two to three hours) just
to adjust to the novelty of your situation, and your perceptions may change thereafter. The most
common distraction will be your awareness that this is a temporary condition and that it can be
“turned off” at anytime. Remember that you are expected to engage in the experience for a
minimum of 4-6 hours. You may choose to do this experience in blocks of time. Also important,
do not do anything that will harm you or others in any way! For example, don’t drive with your
vision impaired. In short, don’t hurt yourself or others while engaging in the experience.
Your 3-4 page report should include:
a. What you did (give the reader a description of how you limited or impaired your normal
b. Where (try various settings)
c. Length of the experience (may be done in 2-3 shorter intervals)
d. Your internal feelings (i.e., new appreciations, beliefs or sentiment) and what you learned
about yourself and others*
e. The reactions of others*
f. New Insights (i.e., recognition or awareness) regarding the issues facing people with
exceptionalities and the issues facing our community in providing opportunities and
access for all of our citizens*
g. How the experience related to your readings (be specific) and prior attitudes
h. How the experience could have been improved
*Most important with a combined worth up to 60% of the assignment.
Appendix B
Excepts taken from the CSU Bakersfield Campus Catalog 2005-2007
Academic Integrity - The principles of truth and integrity are recognized as fundamental to a
community of teachers and scholars. The University expects that both faculty and students will
honor these principles and in so doing will protect the integrity of all academic work and student
grades. Students are expected to do all work assigned to them without unauthorized assistance
and without giving unauthorized assistance. Faculty has the responsibility of exercising care in
the planning and supervision of academic work so that honest effort will be encouraged and
positively reinforced.
There are certain forms of conduct that violate the university’s policy of academic integrity.
ACADEMIC DISHONESTY (CHEATING) is a broad category of actions that use fraud and
deception to improve a grade or obtain course credit. Academic dishonesty (cheating) is not
limited to examination situations alone, but arises whenever students attempt to gain an unearned
academic advantage. PLAGIARISM is a specific form of academic dishonesty (cheating) which
consists of the misuse of published or unpublished works of another by claiming them as one’s
own. Plagiarism may consist of handing in someone else’s work, copying or purchasing a
composition, using ideas, paragraphs, sentences, phrases or words written by another, or using
data and/or statistics compiled by another without giving appropriate citation. Another example
of academic dishonesty (cheating) is the SUBMISSION OF THE SAME, or essentially the same,
PAPER or other assignment for credit in two different courses without receiving prior approval.
When a faculty member discovers a violation of the university’s policy of academic integrity, the
faculty member is required to notify the university’s Coordinator of Student Discipline and
Judicial Affairs of the alleged violation, including the name(s) of the student(s) suspected, the
class in which the alleged violation occurred, the circumstances of the alleged violation, and the
evidence (including witnesses) supporting the allegation. The faculty member shall also
formally notify the student(s) suspected of violating the university’s policy of academic integrity,
the department chair, and the school dean. The Coordinator for Student Discipline and Judicial
Affairs shall conduct an investigation, confer with the faculty member, student(s), and any
witnesses identified, and review all evidence submitted by the faculty member and student(s).
Normally, the Coordinator for Student Discipline and Judicial Affairs shall make a settlement
agreement with the student for his/her first violation of academic integrity with the following
 Grade penalty determined by the course instructor; and
 Disciplinary probation for a specified period of time.
If a second violation of academic integrity occurs, the student may be suspended from CSUB for
a specific period of time.
Civility and Respectful Conduct - The classroom is essential for the achievement of academic
freedom, the pursuit of truth, and the development of students. Because of its importance,
students are expected to exhibit respect for the views of others, the professionalism of the
instructor, and the goals of academic freedom whenever they are in the classroom.
Faculty are obligated to recognize and respect student diversity, ideas, perceptions, and opinion.
At the same time, faculty have a fundamental responsibility to maintain the integrity of the
learning environment. When confronted by unreasonable disruption in the classroom, faculty are
expected to initiate actions to correct such conditions. Such actions may result in disciplinary
action ranging from removal from the classroom to formal disciplinary sanctions, including
probation, suspension, or expulsion.