Sociology 1 Castelli Due Tuesday, Feb. 9 Overview In addition to entertaining us, movies offer detailed portrayals of human social behavior. Your task in this assignment is to analyze -from a social-psychological perspective -- the behaviors and events depicted in one of the films listed below. You are not being asked to critique the film in terms of its value as a work of art or as entertainment. Rather, you should think carefully about the human actions and events portrayed in the film. Assignment Choose one of the films listed below. Most should be available at any video rental store. View the film you choose at least once. (Two viewings may offer an advantage). Then, after reviewing your notes and readings, identify 2 different social-psychological principles that appear to be operating in the events or individuals depicted in the film . For each principle that you identify: (a) Provide a clip to show in class. You may assume that we will have internet access, or you can bring in a DVD (or even a VHS tape), or you may create the entire presentation on DVD to show in class. (b) describe in detail the social-psychological principle you believe is relevant. Your job here is to demonstrate that you understand the principle or theory, and that you can describe it in your own words. You don’t need to do library research for this – using your text or your lecture notes as resources is fine. You need you to show us that you have a good understanding of the concept/principle. It’s best if you are specific about the principles you discuss. For example, don’t just indicate that your scene illustrates helping, or conformity, or persuasion, or aggression. Instead, indicate what specific theory, or principle or aspect of helping/conformity/persuasion/aggression, etc. that your scene illustrates. (c) Elaborate on how the selected scene illustrates the principle you have identified. It’s also ok to write about how a scene might fails to follow predictions derived from the social-psychological principle or theory. It's very important that you do more than simply say something like “this scene illustrates conformity." You must be specific on precisely how and in what form the scene illustrates conformity, or how it fails to support what you learned about conformity in the class. Remember, you must identify 2 DIFFERENT SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES that are relevant to your film. Your verbal description should be given in your own words and, to the extent that you can, not read off a paper. You will also hand in a written summary of your presentation for grading purposes. Here’s how I will assign points: Has relevant video clips and we can successfully watch it on the due date--No technical glitches unless they are on the school’s end --(5 points) Principle 1: Scene description (2 points), principle description (3 points), how scene maps onto principle (5 points); Principle 2: Scene description (2 points), principle description (3 points), how scene maps onto principle (5 points); Movies Illustrating Social Psychological Phenomenon: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Issues dealing with prejudice, discrimination, attitudes, attitude change, person perception, self, social influence, helping behavior, empirical methods, parenting styles commentary, competition Lord of the Rings Issues dealing with attitudes, violence, deception, compliance, obedience, person perception, self, altruism, interpersonal attraction, personal relationships, helping behavior, aggression Chocolat Issues dealing with prejudice, discrimination, attitudes, compliance, conformity, obedience, attitude change, person perception, self, social influence, interpersonal attraction, personal relationships, helping behavior One-hour Photo Issues dealing with social construct theory, discrimination, attitudes, violence, deception, attitude change, person perception, self, social influence, interpersonal attraction, personal relationships, aggression Priscilla, Queen of the Desert Issues dealing with prejudice, gender, discrimination, attitudes, conformity, attitude change, person perception, self, social influence, personal relationships, social facilitation Footloose Issues dealing with prejudice, discrimination, attitudes, obedience, attitude change, person perception, self, social influence, interpersonal attraction, personal relationships The Breakfast Club Issues dealing with prejudice, discrimination, attitudes, violence, compliance, conformity, obedience, attitude change, person perception, self, social influence, interpersonal attraction, personal relationships, helping behavior, social facilitation Titanic Issues dealing with prejudice, discrimination, attitudes, compliance, conformity, obedience, attitude change, person perception, self, social influence, interpersonal attraction, personal relationships, helping behavior, competition The Cell Issues dealing with attitudes, violence, deception, person perception, self, social influence, personal relationships, aggression What about Bob Issues dealing with prejudice, discrimination, attitudes, violence, deception, compliance, conformity, obedience, attitude change, person perception, self, social influence, personal relationships, helping behavior Pulp Fiction Issues dealing with attitudes, violence, obedience, person perception, self, aggression Braveheart Issues dealing with prejudice, discrimination, attitudes, violence, compliance, conformity, obedience, person perception, self, personal relationships, helping behavior, aggression Forrest Gump Issues dealing with optimism, discrimination, attitudes, deception, compliance, obedience, attitude change, person perception, self, interpersonal attraction, personal relationships, helping behavior Goodfellas Issues dealing with prejudice, attitudes, violence, deception, compliance, conformity, obedience, attitude change, person perception, self, social influence, interpersonal attraction, personal relationships, helping behavior, aggression Saving Private Ryan Issues dealing with prejudice, gender, discrimination, attitudes, violence, deception, compliance, conformity, obedience, attitude change, person perception, self, social influence, interpersonal attraction, personal relationships, helping behavior, aggression Schindler’s List Issues dealing with prejudice, gender, discrimination, attitudes, violence, deception, compliance, conformity, obedience, attitude change, person perception, self, social influence, interpersonal attraction, personal relationships, helping behavior, aggression Beauty and the Beast Issues dealing with prejudice, gender, discrimination, attitudes, violence, deception, compliance, conformity, obedience, attitude change, person perception, self, social influence, interpersonal attraction, personal relationships, helping behavior, aggression The Shawshank Redemption Issues dealing with prejudice, gender, discrimination, attitudes, violence, deception, compliance, conformity, obedience, attitude change, person perception, self, social influence, interpersonal attraction, personal relationships, helping behavior, aggression Fear Issues dealing with prejudice, gender, discrimination, attitudes, violence, deception, compliance, conformity, obedience, attitude change, person perception, self, social influence, interpersonal attraction, personal relationships, helping behavior, aggression Clueless Issues dealing with prejudice, gender, discrimination, attitudes, violence, deception, compliance, conformity, obedience, attitude change, person perception, self, social influence, interpersonal attraction, personal relationships, helping behavior, aggression Dumb and Dumber Issues dealing with prejudice, gender, discrimination, attitudes, violence, deception, compliance, conformity, obedience, attitude change, person perception, self, social influence, interpersonal attraction, personal relationships, helping behavior, aggression Silence of the Lambs Issues dealing with prejudice, gender, discrimination, attitudes, violence, deception, compliance, conformity, obedience, attitude change, person perception, self, social influence, interpersonal attraction, personal relationships, helping behavior, aggression The Fugitive Issues dealing with prejudice, gender, discrimination, attitudes, violence, deception, compliance, conformity, obedience, attitude change, person perception, self, social influence, interpersonal attraction, personal relationships, helping behavior, aggression Toy Story Issues dealing with prejudice, gender, discrimination, attitudes, violence, deception, compliance, conformity, obedience, attitude change, person perception, self, social influence, interpersonal attraction, personal relationships, helping behavior, aggression Monsters Inc. Issues dealing with prejudice, gender, discrimination, attitudes, violence, deception, compliance, conformity, obedience, attitude change, person perception, self, social influence, interpersonal attraction, personal relationships, helping behavior, aggression Single White Female Issues dealing with prejudice, gender, discrimination, attitudes, violence, deception, compliance, conformity, obedience, attitude change, person perception, self, social influence, interpersonal attraction, personal relationships, helping behavior, aggression Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead Issues dealing with prejudice, gender, discrimination, attitudes, violence, deception, compliance, conformity, obedience, attitude change, person perception, self, social influence, interpersonal attraction, personal relationships, helping behavior, aggression The Temp Issues dealing with prejudice, gender, discrimination, attitudes, violence, deception, compliance, conformity, obedience, attitude change, person perception, self, social influence, interpersonal attraction, personal relationships, helping behavior, aggression Matrix Issues dealing with prejudice, gender, discrimination, attitudes, violence, deception, compliance, conformity, obedience, attitude change, person perception, self, social influence, interpersonal attraction, personal relationships, helping behavior, aggression The Unforgiven Issues dealing with prejudice, gender, discrimination, attitudes, violence, deception, compliance, conformity, obedience, attitude change, person perception, self, social influence, interpersonal attraction, personal relationships, helping behavior, aggression Chicken Run Issues dealing with prejudice, gender, discrimination, attitudes, violence, deception, compliance, conformity, obedience, attitude change, person perception, self, social influence, interpersonal attraction, personal relationships, helping behavior, aggression Wallace & Grommit: Close Shave Issues dealing with prejudice, gender, discrimination, attitudes, violence, deception, compliance, conformity, obedience, attitude change, person perception, self, social influence, interpersonal attraction, personal relationships, helping behavior, aggression Shrek Issues dealing with prejudice, gender, discrimination, attitudes, violence, deception, compliance, conformity, obedience, attitude change, person perception, self, social influence, interpersonal attraction, personal relationships, helping behavior, aggression Being John Malkovich Examines person perception, self, attitudes, attitude change, interpersonal attraction, personal relationships, gender Summer of Sam Deals with person perception, prejudice, social influence, aggression Boys Don’t Cry Issues dealing with prejudice, gender, discrimination, attitudes, attitude change, person perception, self, social influence, interpersonal attraction, personal relationships, helping behavior, aggression Pretty Woman Addresses person perception, attitude change, interpersonal attraction, personal relationships, gender, helping behavior, aggression American Beauty Deals with social cognition, person perception, self, attitude change, interpersonal attraction, personal relationships, aggression Philadelphia Examines social cognition, person perception, self, attitude change, prejudice, personal relationships, aggression The Abyss Deals with social cognition, self, attitudes, social influence, personal relationships, group behavior, helping behavior, aggression Fight Club Addresses person perception, attitudes, social influence, group behavior, aggression Shaft (old one) Issues with person perception, attitudes, prejudice, aggression, helping behavior Eat, Drink, Man, Woman Examines social cognition, person perception, self, attitudes, personal relationships Cast Away Issues dealing with social cognition, self, attitudes and attitude change Remember the Titans Addresses social cognition, person perception, attitude change, prejudice, interpersonal attraction, group behavior Quiz Show Examines social cognition, person perception, attitudes and attitude change Twelve Angry Men Issues with social cognition, person perception, attitudes, prejudice, social influence, group behavior, aggression, helping behavior The Joy Luck Club Addresses social cognition, person perception, self, attitudes, and personal relationships The Boiler Room Examines attitudes and attitude change, aggression, social influence, group behavior Overboard Genderstereotypes Other possible movies: Sweet Home Alabama Knockaround Guys To Kill a Mockingbird Fried Green Tomatoes Vanilla Sky Training Day Dead Poet’s Society The Wedding Planner Adaptation (2002) Before Sunset (2004) Casablanca (1942) Closer (2004) Do the Right Thing (1989) ET (1982) Finding Neverland (2004) The Godfather (1972) Heavenly Creatures (1994) I ♥ Huckabees (2004) The Incredibles (2004) The Joy Luck Club (1993) The Laramie Project (2002) Lone Star (1996) Napoleon Dynamite (2004) Needful Things (1993) Philadelphia (1993) Ray (2004) Sense and Sensibility (1995) Sideways (2004) A Simple Plan (1998) Something’s Gotta Give (2003) Spellbound (Hitchcock, (1945) Trading Places (1983) Unforgiven (1992) The United States of Leland (2003) Vera Drake (2004) A Very Long Engagement (2004) Victor/Victoria (1982) Working Girl (1988) Donnie Brasco