Exam 1 Study guide - Bakersfield College

A Todd Jones 6-06
Interpersonal Communication
Interpersonal Communication
Exam 1 study guide
(Looking out, Looking in)
Self Concept defined p. 46
Identity management
Changing your self concept 67-68
Perceived self p. 72
Improving Self esteem
Reference group p. 54
The three part process of perception
Self fulfilling prophecy p. 64
Social Attraction – Task Attraction
Self esteem defined p. 47
Social attraction model – Personal qualities
Self concept 59
Social attraction model – physical attraction of
High self esteem 58
the other
Culture and identity 61
Social attraction model - Interpersonal
Social exchange theory
Perception check p. 115-116
Verbal Abuse
Empathy p. 118
What makes a good Theory
Androgyny p.109
Intercultural definitions hand out
Stereotypes p. 96
Perception process (three steps) p. 93-99
(Especially Enculturation vs. Acculturation, and
Perception checking 115-116
Intercultural communication defined
Perception and first impression 114
Receptive Friendship
Experiencing reality 93
Reciprocal friendship
Friendship vs. romantic relationships
Four components of emotions 132-134
Phonological Rules – Language
Syntactic Rules– Language
Emotional wheel p. 135
Semantic Rules– Language
Debilitative feelings (where they come from)
p. 153
Pragmatic Rules– Language
Fallacies 154-155
A good theory is one that
Expression of emotion 148
Social exchange theory
Facilitative feelings 150
Perception defined
Stimulation theory
Value Communication theory
Emotional contagion p. 143
Climate and emotional expressiveness 139
Causing feelings 148
“Transactional Communication Model” 11
Emotional states 133
Maslow’s needs p. 9
Content and relational messages 27
Chapter 5
Both Communication models 10
linguistic determinism 201
Transactional view of communication p. 11
Convergence 182
Impersonal vs. interpersonal relationships p
Emotive Language & words p. 185
The Language of responsibility 188
High & low context cultures p. 199
Relational dimension of a message 27
Metacommunication p. 30
Linguistic Relativism 202-203
Dyad 19
Equivocal language Pg 172
Cognitive Complexity” 35
Pragmatic rules defined Pg.177
Self-monitoring 38-39
powerful speech mannerism 183
A sense of who we are 8
“We” language 182
Competent communicators 34-36
Divergence language 182
Stop communicating 17
Language of Responsibility p. 187
Reasons for communicating p. 193
Meanings and words people use 172
A Todd Jones 6-06
Interpersonal Communication
*Also, make sure you study the class notes