Lin Course expectaions


Hyde Park



Grade Math



Course Scope:

This one-year course is designed to focus on four critical areas: 1) connecting ratio and rate to whole number multiplication and division and using concepts of ratio and rate to solve problems; 2) completing understanding of division of fractions and extending the notion of number to the system of rational numbers, which includes negative numbers; 3) writing, interpreting, and using expressions and equations; and 4) developing understanding of statistical thinking. Instructional practices incorporate integration of diversity awareness including appreciation of all cultures and their important contributions to society. The use of manipulatives, mathematical tools, and technology, including calculators and computer software, is an integral part of this course. This course fulfills the mathematics requirement for sixth-grade students at the common core level.

Course Goals:


To develop the Standards for Mathematical Practice. [CCSS]


To understand ratio concepts and use ratio reasoning to solve problems. [CCSS: 6.RP]


To apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division to divide fractions by fractions. [CCSS: 6.NS]


To compute fluently with multi-digit numbers and find common factors and multiples. [CCSS:



To apply and extend previous understanding of numbers to the system of rational numbers. [CCSS:



To apply and extend previous understandings of arithmetic to algebraic expressions. [CCSS: 6.EE]


To reason about and solve one-variable equations and inequalities. [CCSS: 6.EE]


To represent and analyze quantitative relationships between dependent and independent variables.

[CCSS: 6.EE]


To solve real-world and mathematical problems involving area, surface area, and volume. [CCSS:



To develop understanding of statistical variability. [CCSS: 6.SP]


To summarize and describe distributions. [CCSS: 6.SP]


The following is a list of materials required daily in math class:


Notebook paper (loose-leaf college ruled)


Single subject Composition notebook

Section for math assignments in a shared binder

S.S.R. book

Whiteboard markers

 calculator


Make-Up Work:

If a student has an excused absence from class (also includes pre-arranged absences), it is the student’s responsibility to complete any missed assignments (including test, quizzes, project, etc.) within three days of his/her return to school.

Please check with the teacher or Infinite Campus for missed assignments. Any tests or quizzes missed must also be scheduled within 3 days of the student’s return from the excused absence. Students must mark the assignment as “absent” and put it in the designated basket.

Homework/In-Class Assignments/Major Assignments:

Homework will be given Monday – Thursday. Homework is the responsibility of the student and must be attempted and/or completed on time. The purpose of Math homework is to review daily skills and identify areas of difficulty.

Students should spend no more than one hour on math homework. It is expected that all work will be completed neatly and with correct grammar and spelling.


Tests will be given at the end of a major chapter or unit. Quizzes will be given periodically through a unit to check for mastery of the topic. In many cases, notes may be allowed for a quiz, therefore it is highly suggested to keep a class notebook in order of which they are taken.

Retests: If a student is unsatisfied with their performance on a test, they may request to re-take the test. [This option is not available to students who receive an ”F” for academic dishonesty.] To qualify to retake a test, students must have received a 60% or less on the test. Test re-takes will be administered at the teacher’s convenience and available at the teacher’s discretion. This option is not available for semester exams.


The three main qualities comprise citizenship on Hyde Park campus. They are Responsibility, Respect, and Integrity.

RESPONIBILITY: I participate actively in my own learning. I am ready to learn. I follow school rules and the

Panther Principles.

RESPECT: I respect others and myself and the learning process. I respect the learning environment and materials.

INTEGRITY: I am honest with my schoolwork, other, and myself at school. I am helpful in my school community. I take pride in my work and behavior.

Citizenship grades, based on the above qualities, will be given according to the following guidelines:


S utstanding- Always, Almost always atisfactory- Usually

Academic dishonesty:

N eeds improvement-Seldom

U nsatisfactory- Rarely/Never

Academic dishonesty such as cheating on an assignment or plagiarism of a paper or project will result in the reduction of the citizenship grade to a “U. Papers and projects will receive an “F”. Minor infractions will result in a warning and a phone call home explaining the resulting “F” will be made. The citizenship grade will be reduced to an “N”.


Academic integrity is a significant part of middle school and high school academics. Academic dishonesty

(copying, cheating etc) is unacceptable and is punishable by referral to the Dean’s office and immediate parent contact.

Grading scale for this class is as follows:

90-100% A









Quarter grades will be computed using the following weights:

10% Work/Assignments

90% Formal Assessments (ex. written papers, projects, chapter or unit exams and quizzes)

Semester grades : Semester grades are computed using the following weights:

First semester grade is determined by 45% of the 1 st

Quarter grade, 45% of the 2 nd

Quarter grade and 10% of the semester exam.

Second semester grade is determined by 45% of the 3 rd

Quarter grade, 45% of the 4 th

Quarter grade and 10% of the final exam.


Extra credit:

Extra Credit will not be offered.

Late work Policy:

Late work will NOT be accepted.

Infinite Campus: To help you more effectively monitor the progress of your child, the Clark County School District provides a web-based system. This system will provide detailed, real-time information, including: Demographics,

Schedules, Assignments, Assessment Scores, Calendar, Grades, Attendance, Graduation Progress,

Academic Planner, To Do List, Reports, District and School Notices. For more information about Infinite Campus, please visit

Classroom policies and procedures

Students are expected to follow all district policies in addition to the policies implemented at Hyde Park.

Additionally, in our classroom, the following rules need be followed:

* There is NO FOOD or DRINK (except water bottles with lids) in the classroom at ANY time

* Do not speak while the teacher is speaking

* Raise your hand in order to speak

* Do not get out of your seat without permission

* Students are expected to be self sufficient in seeking out missing work and notes and scheduling make-up exams after an excused absence .

Violations of the district, school or classroom policies will result in progressive discipline.

Dress Code

Students are expected to comply with the district enforced dress code policy. In summary, this includes no ripped, torn or cut off pants or jeans, no clothes with offensive logos or slogans, no shoes without soles, no hats, no chains. Shirts must be at least three inches in width at the shoulder (no spaghetti strap shirts or tank tops), bottoms must be long enough that they are longer than the students fingertips when the student’s hands are at his/her side.

Students in violations of the dress code policy will be removed from class and sent to the Dean’s office for dress code violation.

Discipline Policy

Every student has the right to a free public education and if at any time this right is being hindered or denied, due to a disciplinary problem in class, it will result in the following progressive steps being taken:


Verbal warning


Written warning


Call home to parent/guardian


Dean’s Referral

***Serious offenses will result in an immediate Dean’s Referral.

Tardy Policy

Tardy Policy:

Tardy Consequences are as follows:

1st- Verbal warning.

2nd-Tardy Contract

3rd-Parent Contact

4th -RPC-T

5 or more - RPC, In-House Suspension, Suspension, and/or additional discipline

*Students will be considered tardy if they‘re not in assigned seat when the bell rings.

*Random tardy lockouts will occur throughout the school year. Students caught in a tardy lockout will receive an automatic deans’ detention.


Attendance is an essential part of the educational setting and lack thereof can seriously affect a student’s grade. In accordance with the Clark County School District’s attendance policy and the Nevada Administrative code, if a student exceeds the maximum number of unexcused absences in a semester, he/she will not earn credit due to lack of required class time. Absence notes must be received by the attendance office by the 3 rd day following an absence in order to be excused.

Classroom Etiquette

Our classroom will be an environment that engages students in a rigorous, challenging curriculum which results in high levels of achievement. One goal of Hyde Park is to help students to achieve to their full potential toward academic success, and we will support this effort through high expectations and by working collectively and collaboratively with faculty, staff, parents, students and community support system to achieve this educational purpose. Therefore, all teachers will be referred to as Mr. / Mrs. or Sir/ Ma’am and students will be referred to by their name. We will also foster good public speaking and mandate by encouraging students to stand when they are speaking and/or presenting to class.

Food, Drinks, and Restroom Breaks

There is absolutely NO food allowed in the classroom. Students may not have any beverage in class other than a sealable bottle of water.

Restroom breaks should be taken during the 4-minute break between each class period.

Extra help

I am available from 6:40am until school starts. I am also available after school on Wednesday until 2:30 to help students. Students must have their own transportation home. Any students still on campus after 3:30 will have to take the late bus.

Bullying WILL NOT be tolerated:

1. Under NRS 388.122, “bullying” means written, verbal or electronic expressions or physical acts or gestures, or any combination thereof, that are directed at a person or group of persons, or a single severe and willful act or expression that is directed at a person or group of persons, and: a. Have the effect of:

(1) Physically harming a person or damaging the property of a person; or

(2) Placing a person in reasonable fear of physical harm to the person or damage to the property of the person; or b. Interfere with the rights of a person by:

(1) Creating an intimidating or hostile educational environment for the person; or

(2) Substantially interfering with the academic performance of a student or the ability of the person to participate in or benefit from services, activities or privileges provided by a school;

*This is a summary of the legal definition of bullying. Please use the link below to access the full legal definition and for other information on bullying:

Student Acknowledgement of Course Expectations

Course: 6 th Grade Math

Teacher: Mr. Lin

Print Student’s Name: ___________________________________

Student ID #_________________________Period#____________

Date: ________________________________________________

I have read and understand the course expectations that I will follow in class.


Student Signature

Parent Acknowledgement of Course Expectations

Dear Parent/Guardian,

I am your student’s Math teacher for the 2015-2016 school year. Please take a moment to read the course expectations on my website (accessible at

). Please sign and complete this section in order to facilitate a more expedient contact to relay any praise or concerns regarding your student in my class. I will be at school from at least 6:45 am until 2:15 PM daily should you need to contact me feel free to email me or if necessary call the school at 799-4260. I will make every effort to respond to you in a timely manner. Typically email communications are responded to within 24 hours during the work week.

Print Parent(s)/Guardians’ Name:



Home /Main: (______) _______________

Cell: (_____) _______________________

Work: (_____) ______________________

Other: (_____) ______________________

Email: _____________________________

I have read and understand the course expectations for my child’s mathematics class


Parent/Guardian’s Signature
