F R E N C H 102 INTRODUCTION TO FRENCH II Spring Quarter 2010 Instructor: Dr. Joanne Schmidt Office: Office phone: Language Lab: Office hours: DDH/B-117 654-2317 DDH/E-102 Mondays & Wednesdays 1:30 – 3:00pm jschmidt@csub.edu E-mail: Classroom: DDH/TBA Class meetings: M/W/F 10:55am-12:15pm Website: http://www.csub.edu/~jschmidt Language Lab Phone: 654-6028 Admin.Assist.: Diana Torres Dept. Office: DDH/B-115 Dept. Phone: 654-2359 PROGRAMME March April May 29 2 5 7 9 12 14 16 19 Introduction; Leçon 12 May Leçon 12; Workbook due, (L12), SAM, pp. 125-132, *See Note below. Leçon 13 Leçon 13; Wkbk due, (L13), SAM, pp.137-145 FURLOUGH DAY(FD); Quiz 1: Take Home Leçon 14 Leçon 14; Wkbk due, (L14), SAM, pp.147-153 Leçon 15 Leçon 15; Wkbk due, (L15), SAM, pp.155-162 21 Quiz 2: Film 23 26 FURLOUGH DAY; Leçon 16 Leçon 16; Wkbk due (L16), SAM, pp.167-174 28 30 Leçon 17 Leçon 17 Wkbk due (L17), SAM, pp.175-182 Quiz 3; Film 3 June 5 7 10 12 14 17 Leçon 18 FD;Leçon 18; Wkbk due, (L18) SAM, pp. 183-190 Leçon 19 Leçon 19; Wkbk due, (L19) SAM, pp. 205-213 Quiz 4; Film Leçon 20 19 Leçon 20; Wkbk due (L20) SAM, pp.215-222 21 Leçon 21 24 Leçon 21; Wkbk due (L21) SAM, pp.223-230 Quiz 5; Film FURLOUGH DAY; Leçon 22 Leçon 22; Wkbk due (L22) SAM, pp.235-242; Quiz 6: Take Home 26 28 2 4 7 FD; Drop off Quiz 6 at Dr. Schmidt’s office DDH/B117 Contract Day; Révision FINAL EXAM: To Be Announced *Note: 1)Workbook work (Le français écrit) and (Le français parlé) assignment pages begin on page 125 and end on page 242 in Student Activities Manual (SAM). Vie Pratique and Review Pages 195-204 are not required. (Credit for late SAM assignments will not be given. Students must follow syllabus deadline for SAM Workbook. This work is graded for 25% of final grade. 2 2) Students are required to read through all of the pages in the textbook of each Leçon (Lesson) covered in French 102 as they would in any university class at CSUB to prepare for class. Also, all students will be matched up with 1 in-class cooperative learning partner by Dr. Schmidt to complete the communicative activities throughout the textbook lessons during the entire quarter. Students are expected to be cooperative with each other and to keep on task with their partners as they work through the communicative activities in oral French. Rude, disruptive or disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated in French 102. CSUB’s policy on “Classroom Conduct” will be enforced by Dr. Schmidt. 3) On the following furlough days: April 9, April 23, May 7, May 28, and June 4, students are responsible for completing assignments that are required as listed on the syllabus. TEXTBOOKS: Contacts (Eighth Edition) by Valette and Valette Contacts – Student Activities Manual by Valette and Valette Contacts – (1) In-text Audio CDs and (2) SAM Lab Audio CDs Textbooks must be brought to class for each class day. There are 2 types of exercises due for each of the 10 lessons in CONTACTS: written SAM workbook exercises (without using CDs) and SAM audio workbook exercises (using SAM CDs). Both of these types of exercises for Lessons 12-22 will be collected before or after each class according to the due dates on the syllabus. SAM labwork CDs are required each week. The equivalent of two to three hours of language lab are required each week. You may complete your SAM labwork at home if you do not wish to work in the language lab on campus. PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT YOUR WORKBOOK WRITTEN EXERCISES AND WORKBOOK WRITTEN AUDIO-BASED EXERCISES WITH SOME BLANK ANSWER LINES OR BOXES, ETC. ON EXERCISES THAT YOU FAILED TO COMPLETE. POINTS WILL BE TAKEN OFF FOR ANY ANSWERS THAT ARE LEFT BLANK. The Language lab is located in DDH/E-102. Because of CSUB budget cuts which began in as of Fall ’07, the operating hours of the Language Lab are very limited. Class attendance is mandatory. If a student must miss one class only during the quarter, please inform Dr. Schmidt of that date, in advance, so that there will be no points taken off the student’s participation grade. In the case of illness, students must provide a doctor’s letter for an absence that is medical, or an employer’s letter for an absence that is work-related. A student's grade will depend on the following factors: Quizzes Classroom participation Written workbook exercises, & labwork exercises Final exam 25% 25% 25% 25% *Contract Day: On June 4, Dr. Schmidt will offer a special reward option contract concerning the final examination to all students who have maintained an A and B average in all of their French 102 coursework including quizzes, workbook exercises, and classroom participation. Students who qualify for this option will receive their overall coursework average of A or B as their final grade for the course. Those students would be exempt from the final exam and must sign a contract that Dr. Schmidt will draw up for them to sign. ALL STUDENTS WITH GRADES OF “C” AND BELOW WHO DO NOT QUALIFY FOR THAT SPECIAL REWARD, ARE 3 REQUIRED TO TAKE THE FINAL EXAM FOR FRENCH 102. IN FACT, TAKING THE FINAL EXAM, WHICH WILL BE OPEN BOOK, OFTEN IMPROVES A STUDENT’S CHANCES OF EARNING A HIGHER GRADE IN THE COURSE. PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES AND BEEPERS WHILE ATTENDING CLASS AND IF WORKING IN THE LANGUAGE LAB. NO TEXT MESSAGING IS ALLOWED DURING CLASS OR WHILE WORKING IN THE LANGUAGE LAB. THANK YOU. MERCI BIEN. BASIC CLASSROOM MANNERS AND ETIQUETTE ARE EXPECTED OF FRENCH 102 STUDENTS. FOR EXAMPLE, STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO EXCUSE THEMSELVES, (“EXCUSE ME, DR. SCHMIDT.”), WHEN COMING TO CLASS LATE. IN ADDITION, STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO NOTIFY DR. SCHMIDT, IF THEY EXPECT TO LEAVE CLASS EARLY. IT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR FOR A STUDENT TO LEAVE THE CLASSROOM WITHOUT PRIOR NOTIFICATION. IF A STUDENT MUST LEAVE THE CLASSROOM UNEXPECTEDLY, “EXCUSE ME, DR. SCHMIDT.”, IS THE PROPER AND MANNERLY WAY TO EXIT THE CLASSROOM. THANK YOU. MERCI MILLE FOIS. A student's grade will depend on the following factors: Quizzes Oral presentations Compositions Classroom participation & lab work Final exam 25% 10% 10% 25% 30% THERE WILL BE NO MID-TERM EXAMINATION. A student's mid-term grade will be determined on the basis of quizzes, participation and the first oral presentation. NO STUDENT MAY CHANGE THE SCHEDULED DATE AND TIME OF HIS OR HER QUIZZES, ORAL PRESENTATIONS, COMPOSITIONS OR FINAL EXAM. UNEXCUSED ABSENCES ARE NOT PERMITTED. SUCH ABSENCES WILL RESULT IN A DROP IN THE FINAL GRADE OF TEN (10) POINTS. MORE THAN THREE (3) LATES TO CLASS WILL RESULT IN A DROP IN THE FINAL COURSE GRADE OF FIVE (5) POINTS. GRADING PROCEDURE: The grading system in all French courses is identical to the one described in the CSUB General Catalog of 2009-2010 on page 71. Students will be given letter grades on all their tests - both written and oral; on their written assignments, such as compositions; and on their final exams. The letter grades given will be as follows: A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, F INTEGRITY OF SCHOLARSHIP AND GRADES/ACADEMIC DISHONESTY The CSUB rules regarding the integrity of scholarship will be strictly enforced. For your information, the rules, as they appear on page 80 of the 2007-2009 Catalog are as follows: The principles of truth and honesty are recognized as fundamental to a community of teachers and scholars. The University expects that both faculty and students will honor these principles and in so doing protect the validity of University grades. This means that all academic work will be done by the student to whom it is assigned, without unauthorized aid of any kind. Instructors, for their part, will exercise care in the planning and supervision of academic work so that honest effort will be positively encouraged. 4 Plagiarism, the practice of taking ideas and writings from another and offering them as one's own, is a form of cheating and is unacceptable. It may consist of handing in someone else's work, copying a composition, using ideas, paragraphs, sentences, or phrases written by another or using ideas, data, and statistics compiled by another. This includes rearrangement of phrases from the original into a new pattern. When using ideas, interpretations, or material written or compiled by another, acknowledgement of indebtedness to the original author or source must be made by the use of quotation marks, footnotes or similar references. A student may not submit a paper (or two papers which are substantially the same) for credit in two different courses unless a prior agreement to accept such work has been made between the instructors involved. If any instance of academic dishonesty is discovered by an instructor, it is the instructor's responsibility to give a failing grade to the student for the course. In every case, the instructor should notify in writing the Dean of Students and the dean of the school in which the student is enrolled of the circumstances of the case. In all cases of academic dishonesty, the first offense will result in the student's receiving an "F" in the course and the second offense will result in termination of the student's enrollment at the University. A student may appeal any sanction employed by the instructor and the University based upon an allegation of academic dishonesty by initiating grievance procedures within no more than fifteen (15) school days (academic year) after notification of the grade is mailed or personally given to the student. Procedures are available in the School deans' offices.