WG-08-2011-03-18-Min - Dicom

Meeting Agenda
RSNA Headquarters – 820 Jorie Blvd., Oak Brook, IL
Members Present
Represented by
American College of Radiology
Charles Kahn
AGFA Healthcare
George Dobrean
Kinson Ho
Paul Seifert
College of American Pathologists
Jim MacDonald
Jeffrey Karp
Corelab Partners
David Clunie
European Society of Radiology
Peter Mildenberger
GE Healthcare
Harry Solomon
McKesson Medical Imaging Group
David Heaney
Philips Healthcare
Ellie Avraham
Chris Carr
Siemens Healthcare
Helmut Koenig
Jean-Charles Dron
Others Present
Associated with
Gerald Cameron
Medical College of Wisconsin
John Madden
Duke University
Presiding Officers:
Charles Kahn
Harry Solomon
Working Group Eight - SR
of the DICOM Standards Committee
1. Introductions and agenda review: C. Kahn opened the meeting at 8:35 a.m. CDT and
welcomed all participants. Members identified themselves and their employers. C.
Kahn reviewed an outline of the agenda. Roll call and review of the voting roster
confirmed that quorum was attained.
2. Reviewed draft of IHE Radiology Managing Radiology Report Templates white
a. Published to ftp site: ftp://d9workgrps@medical.nema.org/MEDICAL/Private/Dicom/WORKGRPS/Wg08/2011
b. Curt Langlotz and Kevin O’Donnell are leading development of the white paper
as a step toward an IHE Profile that will define standard methods for publishing
templates and using them in report creation.
c. The draft provides a general outline of the necessary features and components
of a report template, including sections, elements and fields and their respective
d. Describes basic use cases for authoring and using templates.
e. Designates that some elements may get data from sources other than reading
f. IHE Radiology Technical Committee will discuss and refined the white paper
draft at its meeting next week. Discussions are scheduled for Tuesday afternoon
and Wednesday morning.
3. Reviewed Harry Solomon's first draft of DICOM supplement to describe methods
for creating templates and using them to generate structured CDA outputs
a. Designates professional societies as authors of templates to achieve best
practices. Possibly broader reference to include other authors.
b. Specifies use of Green CDA, emerging standard that allows creation of templates
based on use cases without extensive knowledge of details of CDA
c. Specifies that reporting system behavior is out of scope
d. Header information, such as study UIDs, patient IDs and physician IDs, are not
included in RSNA input templates. Assumes that reporting systems will get this
information through interaction with other clinical systems rather than by input
from the clinician
e. Document sections are the basic components of reports
f. Section headings are common to all RSNA-developed templates, but the content
of each section is specific to each template
g. How do you modularize and make components available across reports?
h. General clinical terms are coded using LOINC or SNOMED; radiology-specific
terms use RadLex
i. Narrative text needs to generated from the coded entries so that it is not ignored
by interpreting systems
Working Group Eight - SR
of the DICOM Standards Committee
C. Kahn, H. Solomon and group reviewed draft supplement, referencing DICOM
Part 16 (ftp://medical.nema.org/medical/dicom/2009/09_16pu.pdf) and selected
XML/RelaxNG templates from the RSNA Template Library
(http://reportingwiki.rsna.org/index.php?title=Templates) as resources.
k. Action Item: H. Solomon made changes to draft supplement document and
recorded open issues. He will distribute updated draft document via WG-08 email
l. Action Item: H. Solomon and C. Kahn will continue to refine supplement draft
and present new drafts to committee for review.
4. Exhibit presenting user interface for RelaxNG templates planned for RSNA 2011
by C. Kahn and G. Cameron.
5. Meeting Materials: Draft supplement and related documents are available at
6. Next Meetings:
a. April 29, 9-11am CDT
b. May 27, 9-11am CDT
c. June 17, 9-11am CDT
d. Face-to-face meeting will be schedule in July in conjunction with IHE Radiology
Reported by
Chris Carr, Secretary
April 6, 2011
Reviewed by counsel
April 8, 2011
Working Group Eight - SR
of the DICOM Standards Committee