HPC Meeting Minutes 051314 - Approved

Historic Preservation Commission (HPC)
Boston, Georgia
Meeting Minutes
May 13, 2014 - Approved
The meeting was convened and called to order at 6:35 pm by Chairman Sandi Shaw. Present: Sandi Shaw, Brandon
Godwin, Nancy Hoffman, Anne Faulkner, and Laura Hooks. A quorum was established.
Order of Business:
A motion was made by Brandon Godwin and seconded by Nancy Hoffman to approve the minutes of the April meeting.
The motion was approved. No petitions or correspondence have been received.
Boston Historical Materials: No report.
Oral History of Boston: No report.
Planning and Zoning report: Sandi Shaw reported that the Zoning Commission discussed live/work units in the back of
some of our historic commercial buildings in the North 100 block. The concern was with parking. If we maxed out units
in the existing buildings, would there be sufficient parking downtown? After looking at the parking needs, it was
determined that there would be a negative impact on parking for the retail businesses. The Public hearings will be held on
the live/work units with an understanding that there couldn't be more than two cars per unit before a final recommendation
is given. They would have to accept parking stickers on their cars and that from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. they were off of Main
Street. The first hearing will be May 29.
Old Business
Preservation of the Old Town Hall. Sandi Shaw shared copies of an additional bid and specs on the roof from Ralph
Davis of Streamline Roofing in Tallahassee. He suggested that we put a heat applied ISO membrane over two inch ISO
insulation and run that up over the parapet and put a metal top over it. He also wants to put a metal hatch up there for
access. He indicated that there are three soft spots on the roof and that he would re-deck it appropriately, bring it up to the
existing level and then put on the membrane. Ralph Davis sent a formal proposal in the amount of $25,000. His
estimation for repair is five weeks. If it is less than five weeks, he will reduce the price; however, if it exceeds five weeks,
the price will remain at $25,000.
Sandi provided a copy the same roof specs to Bobby Wilder of the Construction Management Group who is also bidding
on the roof repairs. He will do the same thing suggested by Ralph Davis, supply 65 mil instead of 60 mil, and carry the
same 20 year warranty for $11,850. However, he suggests that we use the silicone spray that he proposed before with a
50 year materials warranty and a 20 year labor warranty. After seeking an opinion from two architects, they expressed
concern that the silicone spray won't hold up in the South and recommend using the TPO roof.
Mr. Wilder is still interested in doing the window repair on the second floor for $5,900.
Ed Dice is ready to go on the brick repair on May 20. Mr. Dice and Mr. Wilder indicated they could coordinate their
work so as not to interfere with the progress of repairs to the roof and brick walls.
Ann Faulkner moved that we approve starting the brick repair on May 20, seconded by Brandon, and the motion was
After a discussion regarding the large difference in prices and materials comparison, the HPC members expressed concern
regarding the discrepancies on the roofing bids. Sandi agreed to call an architect for an opinion on the variances.
Adoption of Standards for the Historic Preservation District. Sandi Shaw passed out copies of the "Design Guidelines for
Historic Districts" by Nore Winter. The HPC has decided to encourage the town to adopt the National Historic Register's
definition of our historic district.
House on Main Street and Jackson. No report.
Moving Historic Home on Main and Washington Streets. Sandi briefly described a potential placement of the home on
the same site as the Primitive Baptist Church.
Tax Sale of Blighted Homes. No report.
Abandoned Home on Green and 84 and Trailer on Horn Street. Nancy Hoffman reported that the trailer on Horn Street
has been removed. The abandoned home on Green Street is supposed to go into the tax sale.
City's Condemnation Powers. No report
New Business
No new business was discussed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:38.