Historic Preservation Commission (HPC)

Historic Preservation Commission (HPC)
Boston, Georgia
Meeting Minutes
June 10, 2014 - Approved
The meeting was convened and called to order at 6:50 pm by Chairman Sandi Shaw. Present: Sandi Shaw, Nancy
Hoffman, Anne Faulkner, and Laura Hooks. A quorum was established.
Order of Business:
A motion was made by Nancy Hoffman and seconded by Laura Hooks to approve the minutes of the May meeting. The
motion was approved. No petitions or correspondence have been received.
Boston Historical Materials: Sandi requested that Nancy Hoffman follow up on the search for the National Historic
Register maps of Boston and indicated that Danny Groover has offered to search the City Hall vault for the maps.
Landmarks of Thomasville has a copy of the maps and said that Boston also should have a copy. If not, Atlanta has a
copy and could provide one for us.
Oral History of Boston: Laura Hooks suggested that we include "The Families of Boston" in addition to the oral histories
being collected. She explained that while we are capturing the experiences and memories of people growing up in
Boston, it is a perfect time to collect genealogy and photographs regarding the families who have lived here since Boston
was established. In the oral history interviews we can typically discover when the family came to Boston, and this would
be a step further to ask if we can make copies of some of their family photos. Our hopes are that we might be able to
capture pictures of homes that no longer exist in addition to photos of prior residents. Nancy Hoffman suggested we
might collect the names of the founding families, and further discussion centered around sources for collecting this
information such as the cemetery, census, Sanborne maps, historical newspapers with articles and ads for businesses in
Boston, and the plat map framed at City Hall. Nancy also mentioned that the Agriroma has the office of a doctor from
Boston in their museum.
Planning and Zoning report: Sandi Shaw reported that the Zoning Commission had a public hearing regarding live/work
units in the back of some of our historic commercial buildings in the North 100 block. The only person that appeared at
the public hearing was Ann McCrickard, and she had some very good suggestions regarding parking. Some amendments
were set up for that. At the Council meeting last night Richard Hutchinson expressed his desire to have all of the
buildings included in the whole downtown district. The City Council approved the live/work units in this block of the
historic district and asked the Zoning Commission to look into expanding the area to address Richard Hutchinson's
concerns. Richard also had a concern about privacy issues and the need for privacy fences surrounding the residential
areas. After considerable discussion, Sandi Shaw made a motion that we let the City Council know we have discussed
how to handle rear entrances and their privacy concerns and we are recommending a uniform sign that says "Residential
Private Entrance" to be provided by the City. Nancy Hoffman seconded the motion, and it was approved.
Old Business
Preservation of the Old Town Hall. Sandi Shaw met with Ed Dice, Danny Groover, and Vance Hurst on Monday at the
Town Hall building. Ed was wrapping up the brick work and the talk centered around the side window, the upper front
oval area and removing the black paint on the bricks. At that meeting, Ed suggested that he be allowed to fill in the oval
section on the front parapet, he also said he could replace the bricks that had been painted black. Earlier in the project
Charles Olsen had suggested that the oval not be filled in but now that the project was nearing completion several people
had commented that the work looked unfinished at the top. Ed finished the planned brick work in 4 weeks instead of 5
and reduced our bill to $20,000 instead of $25,000. His bid did not include sealing the building at a cost $3,000. He
estimated that the final bill will be right about the final bid. Nancy moved and Laura seconded a motion to have Ed finish
these two projects; motion passed..
Danny Groover proposed to Sandi at the meeting in Monday that the city take over the responsibility for the roof, and that
would make the funds set aside for the roof available for other repairs. Laura Hooks moved that we accept the City of
Boston's offer, as explained by Mayor Danny Groover, with the understanding that we would like to see City Council
minutes where that has been approved. Nancy Hoffman seconded; motion passed,
The Police Chief indicated that the side window is valuable to him and did not want it bricked up. Laura Hooks moved
that the HPC provide a security camera for the Old Town Hall to protect the police officers inside and provide more
visibility outside in exchange for bricking up the side window; and that Ed Dice be authorized to brick up the side
window. Nancy Hoffman seconded the motion, and the motion was approved.
Adoption of Standards for the Historic Preservation District. Nancy Hoffman has been unable to reach Tom D'Isepo
to see if the HPC had adopted standards
House on Main Street and Jackson. No report.
Moving Historic Home on Main and Washington Streets. Sandi indicated that she had an agreement from Charles Olson
and Brandon Godwin that they would come on a Wednesday or Friday to view the house. When Sandi has a firm date
from the home owner, Mrs. Welch, she will contact HPC members along with the architect.
Tax Sale of Blighted Homes. No report.
Abandoned Home on Green Street. The abandoned home on Green Street belongs to the heirs of Daniel Garfield and
was put on the tax sale. Sandi Shaw was able to buy the building with the approval of the grandson of Daniel Garfield,
Raymond Hill, who was at the tax sale. He said that his father died when he was four, and his grandfather raised him in
the house on Green Street. His family is very fond of the house; there were 11 children raised in the home. The house
was built in the 1920's, and the family has pictures of the home through the years. The family was unaware of the tax bill
and did not want the house to be taken out of the family. However, they would like the home to be a welcome center for
City's Condemnation Powers. No report
New Business
Planning for the Interior Restoration of Old Town Hall. Sandi is going to get with Bobby Wilder on his proposal of the
window repair and then see where we stand with the budget before planning the interior restoration.
Meeting adjourned at 7:50.