APRIL 2012 VESTRY MEETING: SUMMARY OF MINUTES Present: Fr. Ron, John, Jim, Ted, Manny, Desmond, Donna, Bob, and Carol The meeting opened at 7:05 with prayer. Minutes: The minutes for the March meeting were reviewed. On a motion by Jim and a second by John the minutes were approved unanimously. Financial Report: Carol presented the financial report for March. Carol noted the following: The quarterly sewer bill that covered the end of last year was paid in March; the Evangelism Commission expense of $298.85 was for the Palm Sunday gift for children and this amount will show a reimbursement from the Rector’s Discretionary account in April; the Worship Commission expense is for the stencil purchased for the parish hall; and the Service Commission fund sent $259 to Hosanna Industries which was $159 from the congregation collection and $100 from the service budget. Carol noted that the state taxes will now be paid quarterly rather than monthly and local taxes are now being taken from her paycheck as per the change in the law for 2012. Carol also noted that we are now under a new phone contract which eliminated the second telephone line that was used for the fax machine and the cost of the monthly bill will be reduced by about $30 each month. There will also be a credit of $30 for 6 months on the phone bill for signing a new contract. The finance report was accepted on a motion by Jim and a second by Desmond and all were in favor of approving the March finance report. Worship: Fr. Ron discussed possible plans for Pentecost which will be Memorial Day weekend. John reported that there is a kneeler at the Communion Rail that needs to be repaired. Carol is to place an announcement in the bulletin to see if there is anyone able to make the needed repairs. John will remove the kneeler and place it in the church office. Fr. Ron reported that the choir is going strong despite sound system issues. Fr. Ron is to speak with Dave Alchier about the issues. Evangelism: Fr. Ron reported that although Palm Sunday was successful we didn’t see a lot of potential new members. There were only 3 Bibles that were not given out on Palm Sunday and all the children seemed very happy to receive the Bible. Fr. Ron mentioned that there are some new people that are attending regularly and some who have committed to joining. There were some former members in attendance on Easter and Fr. Ron has sent them a note. Mission/Outreach: Desmond reported that 6 people have signed up for the World Vision trip so far and that the eye glass donations are slow to come in. Desmond and Fr. Ron informed the vestry that we are sending $100 to Wake Forest Students helping in Honduras based on a request made by Patti Navilliat who knows somebody going on this mission trip. Fellowship: Donna reported that the Lenten Suppers and the Bishop’s reception were well attended and went well. Donna spoke about May Mart on May 19th and the sign up sheet was passed through the vestry for volunteers. Donna noted that the unsold books will be donated by Carol to Anchor Point Ministries for their book sale. There will be a fellowship meeting next Tuesday, April 17th at 7:15pm. Pentecost will be a celebration and musicians will be honored at this time. Christian Ed: Manny reported that Richard and Jim had the Sunday school class working on the class rooms for the Spring cleaning day. Manny said that the Seder Meal was a great idea and it was well attended by the kids. Manny noted that the classes are interested in communicating with our World Vision sponsored child. Carol will give Manny some details about how to begin the communication. Fr. Ron mentioned there will be a Sunday school teacher meeting soon to discuss the last day of classes. Rector: Fr. Ron reported that St. David’s moved to an empty Catholic Church and that Fox Chapel has changed their name but will remain in their building. Fox Chapel is in a different situation than we are. Ron discussed the election process for the new Bishop for the Episcopal Church. Fr. Ron noted that we might want to look into negotiating a long term lease if we decide to complete major repair work on the roof. Fr. Ron mentioned that the Lytles sold their house and they may need some help with moving in May. Senior Warden: John thanked everyone for the Bishop’s award received on Sunday. John reported on the people he visits on a monthly basis. Junion Warden: Jim reported that the Spring cleaning went well and almost everything on the list is complete. Jim purchased locks for the shed that will open both locks. Jim noted that he is loaning a tractor to the church to help with the big job of mowing the property. John made a motion to thank Jim for the loan of the tractor while our tractor is malfunctioning. This motion was seconded by Desmond and all were in favor. Bob and John are still working on the best way to handle repairs to the sign on Route 8. Bob reported that new benches will cost $100-$400 depending on what style we would like. Ted mentioned that the flower barrels have been planted and two additional barrels will be planted in May. Ted also noted that the trash receptacle is broken. Carol is to contact Vogel for a replacement. Bob is continuing to obtain estimates on the repair/replacement of the roof. Calendar review: Carol pointed out the additions to the calendar—World Vision on 4-26, Carol’s vacations in May, July and August, Fr. Ron’s vacation in July and August and the Baptism for the Mehlhoff family on 9-30. The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 after prayer.