History 1311: History of Civilization I Syllabus, Spring 2011 Dr. Shana Worthen Please contact me via ssworthen@ualr.edu You MUST put the name of the class in the subject line. Office hours: via Blackboard Chat interface, by appointment http://sworthen.owlfish.com Syllabus Index Course Description Schedule Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4, Week 5 Week 6, Week 7, Week 8, Week 9, Week 10 Week 11, Week 12, Week 13, Week 14, Week 15 Textbook Assignments and Grading Participation Guidelines Policies Course Description History of World Civilization I is a survey of world history from the earliest records of humankind through approximately 1600 CE. It is designed to familiarize students with political, social, economic, religious, intellectual, and artistic histories of the world, among other types of history. Students will become familiar with major places, dates, individuals, regimes, and movements in the period covered. In addition to providing an overview of world history, this course will deal with the historical use of dates; maps, and basic geographic familiarity with historically significant locations, especially rivers and other bodies of water; and introduce students to working with primary sources. Schedule In addition to the readings assigned on this syllabus, supplemental readings and notes may be added to these. All supplemental material for a week will be posted to the course website by the end of the previous week at the absolute latest. In addition to the following work, students must check the course announcements board on a regular basis in case of any necessary changes. A normal course week ends on Monday at midnight. Each week's discussion contributions are due by this time to count toward that week's discussion grade. Week 1: The First Civilizations Assigned Readings Essential World History, "A Note to Students about Languages and the Dating of Time" and "Studying from Primary Source Material". pp. xxx-xxxv. Essential World History, Ch. 1 "The First Civilizations: The Peoples of Western Asia and Egypt." "Working with dates" - file provided in "Supplemental Readings" folder. "How not to plagiarize" - file provided in "Supplemental Readings" folder. Work due Introduce yourself on the "Introductions" board Discussion (Discussion will be due on Monday midnight. Reminder: posts only count as separate posts when separated by at least six hours.) Recommended (Optional) Work Ch. 1 Tutorial Quiz and Critical Thinking Exercise on the textbook's supplemental website Review vocabulary and important terms with flashcards, crossword puzzle, and glossary on the textbook's supplemental website Week 2: Ancient India Assigned Reading Essential World History, Ch. 2 "Ancient India." Work due Tuesday-Wednesday - First chance at Pass/Fail Quizzes on dates and plagiarism (see previous week's reading assignments). Friday - Analysis Assignment Warmup Discussion Recommended (Optional) Work Ch. 2 Tutorial Quiz and Critical Thinking Exercises on the textbook's supplemental website Review vocabulary and important terms with flashcards, crossword puzzle, and glossary on the textbook's supplemental website Week 3: China in Antiquity Assigned Reading Essential World History, Ch. 3 "China in Antiquity." Work due Tuesday-Wednesday - Second chance at Pass/Fail Quizzes on dates and plagiarism Friday - Analysis Assignment Discussion Recommended (Optional) Work Ch. 3 Tutorial Quiz and Critical Thinking Exercises on the textbook's supplemental website Review vocabulary and important terms with flashcards, crossword puzzle, and glossary on the textbook's supplemental website Week 4: The Civilization of the Greeks Assigned Reading Essential World History, Ch. 4 "The Civilization of the Greeks." Work due Friday - Analysis Assignment Discussion Recommended (Optional) Work Ch. 4 Tutorial Quiz and Critical Thinking Exercises on the textbook's supplemental website Review vocabulary and important terms with flashcards, crossword puzzle, and glossary on the textbook's supplemental website Week 5: The First World Civilizations Assigned Reading Essential World History, Ch. 5 "The First World Civilizations." Work due Discussion Recommended (Optional) Work Ch. 5 Tutorial Quiz and Critical Thinking Exercises on the textbook's supplemental website Review vocabulary and important terms with flashcards, crossword puzzle, and glossary on the textbook's supplemental website Week 6: The Americas Assigned Reading Essential World History, Ch. 6 "The Americas." Work due *** Midterm #1 (Tuesday-Wednesday)*** Friday - Analysis Assignment Discussion Recommended (Optional) Work Field Trip: Toltec Mounds Archeological State Park in Scott. (Note: The Toltecs had nothing to do with them.) Ch. 6 Tutorial Quiz and Critical Thinking Exercises on the textbook's supplemental website Review vocabulary and important terms with flashcards, crossword puzzle, and glossary on the textbook's supplemental website Week 7: Ferment in the Middle East: The Rise of Islam Assigned Reading Essential World History, Ch. 7 "Ferment in the Middle East: The Rise of Islam." Work due Friday - Analysis Assignment Discussion Recommended (Optional) Work Ch. 7 Tutorial Quiz and Critical Thinking Exercises on the textbook's supplemental website Review vocabulary and important terms with flashcards, crossword puzzle, and glossary on the textbook's supplemental website Week 8: Early Civilizations in Africa Assigned Reading Essential World History, Ch. 8 "Early Civilizations in Africa." Work due Friday - Analysis Assignment Discussion Recommended (Optional) Work Ch. 8 Tutorial Quiz and Critical Thinking Exercises on the textbook's supplemental website Review vocabulary and important terms with flashcards, crossword puzzle, and glossary on the textbook's supplemental website Week 9: The Expansion of Civilization in Southern Asia Assigned Reading Essential World History, Ch. 9 "The Expansion of Civilization in Southern Asia." Work due Friday - Analysis Assignment Discussion for Week 9 will be due on the Monday after Spring Break. Recommended (Optional) Work Ch. 9 Tutorial Quiz and Critical Thinking Exercises on the textbook's supplemental website Review vocabulary and important terms with flashcards, crossword puzzle, and glossary on the textbook's supplemental website *** SPRING BREAK *** Week 10: The Flowering of Traditional China Assigned Reading Essential World History, Ch. 10 "The Flowering of Traditional China." Work due Discussion (Note that the Week 10 discussion board will be available for participation early, from the beginning spring break.) Recommended (Optional) Work Ch. 10 Tutorial Quiz and Critical Thinking Exercises on the textbook's supplemental website Review vocabulary and important terms with flashcards, crossword puzzle, and glossary on the textbook's supplemental website Week 11: The East Asian Rimlands Assigned Reading Essential World History, Ch. 11 "The East Asian Rimlands: Early Japan, Korea, and Vietnam." Work due *** Midterm #2 (Tuesday-Wednesday) *** Friday - Analysis Assignment Discussion Recommended (Optional) Work Ch. 11 Tutorial Quiz on the textbook's supplemental website Review vocabulary and important terms with flashcards, crossword puzzle, and glossary on the textbook's supplemental website Week 12: The Making of Europe Assigned Reading Essential World History, Ch. 12 "The Making of Europe" Work due Friday - Analysis Assignment Discussion Recommended (Optional) Work Ch. 12 Tutorial Quiz and Critical Thinking Exercises on the textbook's supplemental website Review vocabulary and important terms with flashcards, crossword puzzle, and glossary on the textbook's supplemental website Week 13: The Byzantine Empire and Crisis and Recovery in the West Assigned Reading Essential World History, Ch. 13 "The Byzantine Empire and Crisis and Recovery in the West" Work due Friday - Analysis Assignment Discussion Recommended (Optional) Work Ch. 13 Tutorial Quiz and Critical Thinking Exercises on the textbook's supplemental website Review vocabulary and important terms with flashcards, crossword puzzle, and glossary on the textbook's supplemental website Week 14: New Encounters: The Creation of a World Market Assigned Reading Essential World History, Ch. 14 "New Encounters: The Creation of a World Market" Work due Friday - Analysis Assignment Discussion Recommended (Optional) Work Ch. 14 Tutorial Quiz and Critical Thinking Exercises on the textbook's supplemental website Review vocabulary and important terms with flashcards, crossword puzzle, and glossary on the textbook's supplemental website Week 15: Europe Transformed: Reform and State Building Assigned Reading Essential World History, Ch. 15 "Europe Transformed: Reform and State Building" Work due Friday - Analysis Assignment Discussion due by the end of Monday, December 9 th. Recommended (Optional) Work Ch. 15 Tutorial Quiz on the textbook's supplemental website Review vocabulary and important terms with flashcards, crossword puzzle, and glossary on the textbook's supplemental website All work, including late assignments, must be submitted by the end of the last day of classes, Monday December 9th. *** Final: Available during the first full four days of the final exam period. *** Assigned Textbook The following textbook is required for this course, and is available for sale from the UALR bookstore: Duiker and Spielvogel. The Essential World History. 4th/6th edition. (Cengage 2011). ISBN 0495902276. All other readings and course materials will be provided in the class or through the textbook's companion website. Assignments and Grading Weekly discussion participation 2% per week x 15 weeks Analysis assignments 2.5% per assignment x 8 assignments (Best 8 out of 10) Pass/Fail Quizzes 2.5% x 2 Midterm #1 Midterm #2 Final 30% 20% 5% 15% 15% 15% Grades are calculated on the following scale: A = 90-100% B = 80-89% C = 70-79% D = 60-69% F = 0-59% Late work: No late work will be accepted. For Analysis Assignments, your lowest 2 out of 11 possible assignment grades will be omitted from final grade calculations, so you can miss two or three of them without penalizing your overall grade. Discussion is a participation grade which is why it cannot be made up either. You will have two chances to pass the pass/fail quizzes. Participation will be based on participation in class discussion boards. Students must make a total of at least two substantive comments each week in response to these questions and each other's questions. You are not eligible for 90% or more unless you include at least one specific citation in your posts during that week. I will check in to these boards regularly to check in on and add to the discussions. See below for further information on what constitutes adequate participation in the discussion boards. The analysis assignments will consist of a 200-500 word analysis of an assigned primary source. This may be a text (translated into English) or an image. Always keep copies of your analysis assignments until you receive your grade for the assignment, just in case any files are lost or corrupted. The exams will be submitted via the Blackboard Assessment interface. Each will consist of a combination of multiple choice questions, short answer questions, and an essay. Each exam will be available for two days. You may take it at any point during that time. For the purposes of deadlines, each week of the course ends at midnight on Monday. All work due that week must be submitted by then, unless another date is specified in the syllabus or an extension is given for that week on the Announcements board. In addition to assigned readings and graded assignments, you are responsible for vocabulary and any supplemental readings assigned over the course of the semester. You must be polite and considerate to your fellow students. Give constructive replies to others' comments. All your work for the course is logged. There will not be any extra credit assignments. Weekly Work The student is responsible for the following for each week of the course: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Reading the assigned textbook chapter(s). Reading course announcements, if any. Participating by posting at least twice in the discussion topics and questions set for that week. (At least six hours must pass between posts in order to count as different posts. You are not eligible for 90% or higher unless you include at least one specific citation in your posts during that week.) Write and submit the analysis assignment (most weeks) Take quiz or exam, if relevant for that week. For the purposes of deadlines, each week of the course ends at midnight on Monday. All work due that week must be submitted by then, unless another date is specified in the syllabus. Note the recommendation each week to go through material provided on the textbook's supplemental website. Participation Guidelines and Grading Criteria for Discussions Discussion Boards are like Chat Rooms, but not real-time. They are the core of this course. It is important that you follow the discussions carefully and participate regularly in them. Full credit can only be given to people who clearly are reading all the other posts and responding to the other people in the class. Fulfilling the bare minimum requirements for discussion will earn a C. Weekly Discussion closes at Monday at midnight. Late comments are welcome (as you will know the material better the longer you discuss it) but they will not count towards the week's grade. Discussions are graded on a 100 percentage point scale, which will be converted in 2 points for grade calculations. Students must participate fully in each discussion for full credit (75% and above) Students must have logged in and contributed to the discussion boards at least two separate occasions (separated by at least 6 hours) during the week for full credit. Example: You log in at 8 am on Tuesday and 10 a.m. on Tuesday. This will not get you full credit, since the times are separted by fewer than six hours. If you contributed on Tuesday and Wednesday, or two times on Thursday separated by at least 6 hours, you'd get at least 75% for the week, as long as your answers were substantial. Full credit will be given only to comments that are relatively free from grammar and spelling errors (type them in a word processing program, spell-check, cut and paste) and written for your fellow students - that means that they should not be free-form ramblings or filled with colloquial language. They don't have to be formal, but try to make them in the same tone as you would use in class. You may use smiley faces, etc. to indicate tone. Answers taken directly from the textbook will not receive full credit. Be careful to avoid plagiarism in your answers. Answers that give specific examples will generally receive more credit. Thoughtful discussion is the key. The point is to show that you are internalizing and digesting the information from readings and class, and then applying and relating that information to particular questions or comments. "I agree" and other such comments, don't count as comments, but they do count for something, if you explain why. Be aware that I will be logging in several times a week myself and adding new comments and questions! Minimum requirement for 65% - make at least one substantive post on two separate occasions. Minimum requirement for 75% - make at least two substantive posts on two separate occasions Minimum requirement for 85% - make at least three substantive posts on three separate occasions and comment on a variety of threads. You are not eligible for 90% or more unless you include at least one specific reference in your posts during that week. Including at least on specific citation will also give more points regardless of how many times a student posts in that week. A specific reference is one which leads to a specific piece of information: a book reference with specific page number(s) or a full, specific URL. Using specific references on a regular basis will also help you avoid plagiarizing. To get above the minimum, and anything above 85%, comments must also demonstrate that you are thinking about temporal and geographic context, as well as taking into considerations social, power, gender, political, etc., relationships and events that might come into play. Grading will get tougher as the semester goes on and people become more used to the discussion board. Communication Policy Please use use regular email (i.e. ssworthen@ualr.edu) to correspond with me the course. You MUST include the name of the class in your subject line, or I will not respond (i.e HCiv, History of Civ, HIST 1311). I aim to respond to student email within 36 hours, not counting weekends. As I am usually six timezones ahead of Little Rock, this may sometimes mean that I will not see email sent on Friday until Monday morning. Students with Disabilities It is the policy of the University of Arkansas at Little Rock to create inclusive learning environments. If there are aspects of the instruction or design of this course that result in barriers to your inclusion or to accurate assessment of achievement-such as time-limited exams, inaccessible web content, or the use of non-captioned videos-please notify the instructor as soon as possible. Students are also welcome to contact the Disability Resource Center, telephone 501-569-3143 (v/tty). For more information, visit the DRC website at http://ualr.edu/disability/. History Department Assessment Policy The policy of the History Department is to engage students in the process of assessing courses in the department's curriculum. Department faculty and the UALR administration use assessment data to monitor how well students are learning both historical content and the skills of essay writing. At several points during the semester you may be asked to participate in this process by writing a brief essay in class or your instructor might submit one or more of your examinations for review by other members of the department. All assessment activities are conducted on an anonymous basis and any evaluations will be kept in strict confidence. When you are asked to participate in this process please do your best. Direct any questions regarding assessment to your instructor or the department chairperson. History Department Learning Objectives Core Courses 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Students will demonstrate a knowledge of historical information such as names, dates and chronologies, events, terms, and concepts. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the diversity and complexity of the historical context that shapes human experience. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the inter-relatedness of historical events as expressed in such concepts as continuity and change, causation, interdependence of cultures, and the interaction between differing groups and societies. Students will organize and articulate their ideas through an essay that presents a thesis relevant to the question. Students will support their ideas with historical evidence and will reach conclusions based on that evidence. Cheating and Plagiarism Cheating and plagiarism are serious offenses and will be treated as such. ("Plagiarism" means "to adopt and reproduce as one's own, to appropriate to one's use, and incorporate in one's own work without acknowledgment the ideas of others or passages from their writings and works." See Section VI, Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities and Behavior, Student Handbook, p. 39. Copying directly from the textbook or an encyclopedia article without quotation marks or an identifying citation, for example, constitutes plagiarism.) Anyone who engages in such activities will receive no credit for that assignment and may in addition be turned over to the Academic Integrity and Grievance Committee for University disciplinary action, which may include separation from the University. See http://www.ualr.edu/copyright/ for more information. Copyright Notice Syllabus copyright Shana Worthen, 2011. with the exception of participation guidelines, which are copyright Julie Hofmann, 2006, with some revisions.