Preview your Textbook! Group Members Names: ___________________________________________________________ (D) Table of Contents: The table of contents can help you find out what type of information is in your book. Use your table of contents to answer the following questions: 1. 2. 3. On what pages are the Table of Contents? ___________ Which unit covers the topic of genetics? _____________ What chapter contains the work of ‘Gregor Mendel’? ________ Important info is also given at the start of each chapter to highlight the main ideas of the chapter. Answer the following questions by looking at the start of specific chapters. 4. 5. 6. Which insect is the picture at the start of the chapter on Arthropods? ________ At the start of chapter 1 in the ‘Guide for Reading’ what is the ‘Key concept’ ____________ What is the ‘Reading Strategy at the start of Chapter 2? Important vocabulary words are in bold type and defined in the text of the chapter. According to the chapter on ‘Genetic Engineering,’ what are the definitions of the following 2 words? Selective breeding __________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hybridization - _____________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Each chapter in the book is also organized to help you find out quickly what info each section cover. This is done by using larger type and different colors to highlight the main topic of each section and each of the supporting ideas or subtopics in the section. Use these to answer the following: 7. 8. What is the section heading for chapter 1 section 2? _____________ In what color are the section headings written? _____________ Glossary and Index: are located at the back of the book 9. According to the glossary, what is the definition of cell: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. According to the index, what page or pages will you find info on the subject of ‘DNA fingerprinting?’ __________________ Pictures, captions, graphs, charts and illustrations are also important places to look when trying to find out important information in a textbook. Use these to answer the following questions: 11. What animal is in the picture on page 739? _____________________ 12. There are 4 different blood types. On what page in the chapter on ‘Human Heredity’ would you find this chart? ________ 13. According to the chart, what are the 4 different blood types? Look through your book. Each person should find one chapter that looks the most interesting to them? 14. Below, each person from your group should list a topic from this chapter that interest them the most. a. _______________ b. _______________ c. _______________ d. _______________ e. _______________