The decade of the 1920s – the Roaring Twenties – was a decade of:


The Roaring Twenties

The decade of the 1920s – the Roaring Twenties – was a decade of:

_______________ _______________

_______________ _______________

_______________ _______________

_______________ _______________

 new _______________ for _______________

 a time of _______________ and _______________.

As the decade began America was weary from the _______________ of _______________.

Americans were tired of _______________ wanting to avoid future _______________


President Wilson did not win enough support for the _______________ of _______________ and it failed to be ratified and as a result America dropped out of the _______________of


In the 1920 campaign Republican presidential candidate Warren G. Harding promised a

_______________ to _______________.

_______________ meant America would _______________ itself from the _______________ and focus on the problems at home – just what Americans wanted.


In addition to a change in governmental attitudes Americans also faced an enormous social change because of a series of laws known as _______________.

The XVIII Amendment to the Constitution banned the production, distribution and sale of

_______________ _______________.

_______________ was the end result of years of lobbying by the _______________


Members of the _______________ _______________ argued that _______________ while legal was a detriment to society.

The _______________ _______________ members thought _______________ would help the poor by enabling them to save the money they would normally waste on liquor.

_______________ crusaders also felt _______________ would protect the young from

_______________ and other problems associated with _______________.

Businessmen agreed with the _______________ _______________ feeling worker productivity would increase.


The Roaring Twenties

_______________ was a _______________.

Illegal bars were known as _______________ _______________.

To enter a _______________ _______________ patron were required to know a


_______________ was the illegal manufacture of alcohol and it became a source of income to many including _______________ _______________.

Rival _______________ controlled the flow of liquor and fought each other for control of the


As crime increased it became obvious Prohibition was not working – no law was so openly

_______________ by the _______________ _______________.

Prohibition was _______________ in 1933.


After World War I, as _______________ _______________ _______________, American slipped into an _______________ _______________.

Both Harding and Coolidge believed the future of America lay in _______________


Coolidge believed business would take care of itself with _______________ or

_______________ _______________ _______________.

The 1920s marked the first time more Americans lived in _______________ than in

_______________ areas.


Basic necessities such as _______________ _______________, _______________

_______________ and _______________ were becoming increasingly available.

People bathed more thanks to _______________ and _______________ _______________


Gas stoves decreased the amount of _______________ _______________ and

_______________ in the home.

_______________ _______________, _______________ and _______________

_______________ became available.


The Roaring Twenties

The _______________ initiated a new era in _______________.

In the 1920s _______________ became available to a wider section of the population in the US because of a new idea in manufacturing – _______________ _______________.

In addition to increasing American _______________ the _______________ was a key factor in the growth of _______________.

The middle and upper class moved out of the _______________ and into the _______________ because the city was now just a short drive away.


Women first participated on a national level in the _______________ election.

The National Women’s Party tried to gain approval for the _______________ _______________


_______________ women benefited most from the new freedoms women enjoyed in the 1920s.

Many young women began questioning the restrictive ideals of women’s roles in society wanting the same _______________ _______________ that men enjoyed.

These young women were called _______________ and had a distinctive look that included

_______________ (_______________)_______________, the use of _______________ and wearing more _______________ _______________.

Flappers went to _______________ _______________, _______________ and

_______________ men in public.

Conservatives were outraged by what they perceived as the flappers _______________


In Utah legislatures banned skirts that were higher than _______________ above the


Flappers looked to _______________ and _______________ to get ideas about the latest fashions.


The 1920s marked the immergence of a _______________ _______________ culture fueled by

_______________, _______________ and _______________.

The most popular _______________ of the era was the _______________ which had roots in the

_______________-_______________ culture.


The Roaring Twenties

White youth was drawn to the Charleston by its wild, _______________ _______________ and its _______________ _______________ _______________.

The fast tempo of the Charleston made the _______________ _______________ worn by flappers mandatory.

Men frequently wore wide legged pants called _______________ _______________.

A group of writers who were discontented with life in post war _______________ fled to


These writers wrote novels whose themes included _______________ and _______________ felt by many Americans after World War I.

One of the writers, Gertrude Stein, dubbed the group the _______________ _______________: they struggle to find _______________ in what they saw as a _______________

_______________ world.


Movies were a reflection of _______________ _______________ but more and more

_______________ and _______________ were being _______________ by the cinema.

The popularity of movies grew even more when _______________ was introduced.

THE JAZZ AGE – 15:10

African-American musicians developed _______________ in New Orleans.


The Harlem Renaissance encompassed _______________, _______________ and


Black writers began to introduce black _______________ and _______________ to the world.

The _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ was the largest black organization in American history and stressed _______________ _______________ and


Marcus Garvey sought to establish an independent black _______________ and planned to lead followers to the creation of the _______________ of _______________.


The Roaring Twenties

The Empire of Africa was to be a new nation on the continent of Africa that would provide

African Americans with the _______________ they were _______________ in the United


NATIVISM – 17:30

Despite the advancement made by blacks in Harlem, _______________ and _______________

_______________ were largely untouched by the prosperity of the decade.

Black _______________ gave up most of their _______________ to the _______________ in exchange for the right to work the _______________.

The 1920s was a decade of intense _______________.

White Americans who believed they had the right to the _______________ were called


Nativism was based largely on _______________.

One of the largest Nativist groups in American was the _______________ _______________


The _______________ was anti-_______________, anti-_______________, anti-

_______________, and anti-_______________.

The _______________ blamed American _______________ for placing _______________ to the _______________ above that of the United States.

The _______________ believed _______________ controlled movies and music and that the

Jews were using them to promote _______________ activities.

By 1923 the KKK controlled _______________ state governments.

During night-time sprees of _______________ the KKK would terrorize or _______________ those they saw as enemies to their way of life.

In 1923 _______________ was placed under _______________ _______________ in an attempt to reduce clan violence.

The United States passed new restrictive _______________ laws three times during the 1920s.

The new restrictive immigration laws were designed to prevent _______________

_______________ from entering America, but there was a _______________ element to the immigrant quota system which favored northern and western Europe where the people were predominately Anglo-Saxon.


The Roaring Twenties

While immigrants from eastern and southern Europe were severely limited, _______________ immigrants were banned.


Part of the reason for this fear of foreigners was anxiety about the rising threat of

_______________ throughout the world.

The fear of communism became known as the _______________ _______________


Americans were fearful that foreign radicals were planning on _______________ the government and _______________ America’s _______________ way of life.

In 1920, at the instruction of the Attorney General, the US rounded up more than 4,000 people among them suspected _______________, _______________ and _______________.


New ideas that challenged _______________ were met with _______________ and


A month after _______________ passed a law forbidding the teaching of _______________ in schools John Scoops presented a lecture in the classroom on _______________

_______________ _______________.

The _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ hired Clarence

Darrow to defend Scopes.

Despite Darrow’s defense the jury sided with the _______________ and found Scopes

_______________ and forced to pay a _______________ fine.


Many of the heroes during the 1920s came from the field of _______________.

Lindbergh’s solo trans-Atlantic flight proved that aviation was a _______________ means of


The _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ turned public opinion against Al Capone.

Al Capone was sent to prison for _______________ _______________ _______________.

Marcus Garvey the leader of the Universal Negro Improvement Association was convicted of

_______________ _______________ and the organization could never recover.


The Roaring Twenties

The _______________ _______________ scandal arose when the Secretary of the Interior leased naval _______________ _______________ to Harry Sinclair of the Mammouth Oil

Company and then continued to take bribes from oil companies and allowed those companies to illegally exploit the government _______________ _______________.

The Teapot Dome scandal became for many a symbol of _______________ in


The lack of any other major scandals during Coolidge’s presidency _______________ many

Americans’ _______________ in government.

Coolidge’s faith in _______________ _______________ ushered in the long period of

_______________ and _______________ that rewarded many in _______________ and

_______________ class society.

Hoover continued the _______________ _______________ hands off policies of his predecessors and economic gains _______________.

THE CRASH – 29:50

By the end of the 1920s America’s wealth rested with an increasingly _______________

_______________ of the population.

The ever widening gap between _______________ and _______________ was beginning to

_______________ the economic boom.

The widening gap coupled with decreasing _______________ _______________ and massive

_______________ _______________ in the Stock Market set the stage for an _______________


When the Market dropped sharply a massive _______________ began and as prices kept falling investors were forced to sell their stocks at a _______________.

The Stock Market Crash in 1929 – known as Black Tuesday – brought the Roaring Twenties to a screeching halt and paved the way for the _______________ _______________ that lasted throughout the next _______________.

