
Restless Earth
What you need to know
Specification content
Distribution of plates, contrasts
between oceanic and continental
You should be able to…
Label the structure of the earth (crust, mantle, inner core and
outer core).
Know where convection currents are found and how they help
move tectonic plates.
Explain the difference between oceanic and continental plates –
an annotated diagram would work well. Think about density,
weight and age.
Location and formation of:
- Fold mountains
- Ocean trenches
- Composite volcanoes
- Shield volcanoes
Describe which type of plate margin each landform occurs at
(constructive, destructive, conservative or collision).
a) Ways in which they are used:
- Farming
- Hydro Electric Power
- Forestry
- Tourism (winter and summer)
b) How people have adapted to living
in fold mountains and the:
- limited communications
- steep relief
- poor soils
Name your fold mountains case study: ___________
Explain how each landform is formed.
Use annotated diagrams to help you with this.
Give specific examples of how the mountains are used.
Give one or two examples for each bullet point opposite. E.g:
Chamonix is a winter tourist resort and Garda is a summer
tourist resort.
Give specific examples of how people have adapted to living in
fold mountains.
Give an example for each bullet point opposite. E.g:
Limited communications makes transport difficult SO
the Brenner and St Bernard rail tunnels have replaced
the old routes over the high passes.
Steep relief SO cable cars used to bring milk to the
Poor soils on the slopes SO they use the valley floor to
grow crops in the summer and use the slopes for
grazing cattle.
Characteristics of different types of
Describe the differences between shield and composite
volcanoes (e.g. types of lava).
Monitoring and predicting volcanic
Describe the six ways volcanoes can be monitored:
Refer back to your class work where you assessed the accuracy
of each technique and its danger to the scientists involved.
a) Causes
b) Primary effects
c) Secondary effects
d) Positive impacts
e) Negative impacts
f) Immediate responses
g) Long term responses
Characteristics of a supervolcano.
Name of your volcano case study: _____________
Give one or two specific examples for each of the bullet points
opposite. For example:
57 people died.
Damages came to $1.1 billion
It now attracts up to 3 million tourists a year.
Describe the difference between a ‘normal’ volcano and a
supervolcano. Look at your class work and find the table which
compares scale, amount of material erupted and shape.
Draw three diagrams to show how a supervolcano is formed.
The likely impacts of a supervolcanic
Refer to your newspaper articles that included:
- an introduction (what, where, maps, previous eruptions
- local effects
- national effects
- international effects
- global effects
Use the above links if you want further information about
Location and causes of earthquakes.
Explain why an earthquake’s magnitude (strength) varies
depending on which plate margin it is on. See table in your book.
The features of earthquakes
Define focus, epicentre and shockwaves. See diagram in your
The measurement of earthquakes
Explain what the Richter Scale measures and be able to give
some examples (e.g. 1 = …….. 6 = ……… 10 = …….)
Explain what the Mercalli Scale measures and be able to give
some examples (e.g. I = …….. VI = ……. XII = …….)
The need to predict, protect and
Define prediction, protection and preparation.
Show you understand that prediction is not possible at the
Experts know approximately where (along which plate margin)
they are likely to happen but struggle to establish when.
The Japanese believe in prediction using foreshocks and earth
tremors as indicators but these do not give enough time to
evacuate an area.
The Chinese evacuated Haicheng City in 1975 partly due to the
strange unexplained behaviour of animals. Days later a 7.3
Richter scale earthquake struck. It was estimated that 150 000
people would have died if they had not been evacuated.
Give examples of protection (e.g. houses and building
modifications and emergency earthquake kits).
Give examples of preparation (e.g. drills, evacuation plans etc)
rich part of the world)
a) Causes
b) Primary effects
c) Secondary effects
d) Immediate responses
e) Long term responses (predict,
protect, prepare)
poorer part of the world)
a) Causes
b) Primary effects
c) Secondary effects
d) Immediate responses
e) Long term responses (predict,
protect, prepare)
Primary effects
Secondary effects
Immediate responses
Long term responses (predict,
protect, prepare)
Name of earthquake (rich) case study: ____________
Give one or two specific examples for each of the bullet points
You will need to be able to compare these with the ‘poor’
earthquake case study below.
Name of earthquake (poor) case study: ____________
Give one or two specific examples for each of the bullet points
You will need to be able to compare these with the ‘rich’
earthquake case study above. For example:
The primary effects of the earthquake in a richer area
were……..BUT/HOWEVER/WHEREAS the primary effects of
the earthquake in a poorer area were…….
Name of tsunami case study: _________________
Give two or three specific examples for each of the bullet
points opposite.