Loretto Nursery Class Infection Prevention and Control Policy Loretto Nursery Class Infection Prevention and Control Policy Updated November 2013 Loretto Nursery Class Infection Prevention and Control Policy Our childcare setting is kept clean and as safe as possible for the children in our care. Loretto Nursery Class has agreed to adopt the guidance in the attached document, Infection Prevention and Control in Childcare Settings (Day Care and Childminding Settings) March 2011, published by Health Protection Scotland, NHS National Services Scotland. This document can also be found online at http://www.documents.hps.scot.nhs.uk/hai/infectioncontrol/guidelines/infection-prevention-control-childcare.pdf Table of amendments to version March 2011 as at 12 October 2011 Pages Glossary and when referred to throughout document Amendment Where disinfectant is mentioned in the document the approved disinfectant type is a Chlorine releasing agent (e.g bleach) unless otherwise stated. 9. Section 5.3, Table 2 For nappy changing the PPE should be Disposable aprons and non-plastic gloves. Important Contact Numbers Contact number for our Health Protection Team: 0131 465 5420 or 0131 536 1000 (out of hours) Contact number for our Environmental Health Officer: Contact Number for our Care Inspectorate Officer: 0131 653 4100 or 0845 600 8335 Staff All of our staff have read this guidance and agree to keep it. All of our food handlers have received training in handling food. Staff Trained in Infection Control Staff Trained in First Aid Staff Trained in Food Handling Mrs C Gill Mrs C Gill Mrs J Gaunt Mrs J Gaunt Mrs J Gaunt Appendices Appendix 1: Communicable Diseases, Means of Spread and Recommended Exclusion Periods Appendix 2: Education Cleaning Standards Sheet Loretto Nursery Class Infection Prevention and Control Policy Updated November 2013 Appendix 1: Communicable Diseases, Means of Spread and Recommended Exclusion Periods Taken from Guidance for Head Teachers of Nursery Schools and Classes, March 2001 Disease/Organism AIDS/HIV Infections Campylobacter Chickenpox Means of Spread Contact with infected blood or bodily fluids Food borne, contact with Infected animals or human faeces Direct contact, airborne droplets Colds Cod Sores Respiratory contact with secretions Direct contact with lesions Conjunctivitis Cryptosporidiosis Contact with discharge Faecal-oral; water borne; contact with animals Intimate contact with Infected fluids, e.g. saliva or urine Often food or water borne or from poor Until clinically recovered and diarrhoea has ceased for 48 hygiene. Some viruses may be air borne hours. If the cause is known, please refer to the information on that disease for further advice. Faecal-oral, food borne Until clinically recovered and diarrhoea has cease for 48 hours. Groups A B C & D* should have 2 negative stool samples at a minimum of 24 hour intervals. Cytomegalovirus Diarrhoea Dysentery (Bacillary) E.Coli 0157 (VTEC) Faecal oral, food borne Infected person None Recommended Period of Absence Contacts None Until clinically recovered and diarrhoea has cease for 48 None hours Unit vesicles (spots) are dry (approx.7 days normally). None if no symptoms are present Pregnant women should consult their GP if they have been exposed. If symptoms are severe, e.g. fever None None (unless their is a secondary bacterial infection such None as impetigo) During acute stage None Until clinically recovered and diarrhoea has ceased for 48 None hours None None None: if the cause is known please refer to the information on that disease for further advice. Guidance will be given by the Consultant in Public Health Medicine regarding exclusion of children who are not showing symptoms. Adults who are not showing symptoms need not be excluded. Until clinically recovered and diarrhoea has ceased for 48 Until 2 consecutive negative stool hours. Groups A, B, C and D* should have 2 negative stool samples at 24 hours are obtained for samples at a minimum of 24 hours intervals. groups A ,B, C & D*. Loretto Nursery Class Infection Prevention and Control Policy Updated November 2013 Fifth Disease (also known as parvovirus B19, slapped cheek syndrome) Food Poisoning Gastroenteritis German Measles (Rubella) Giardiasis Glandular Fever (infectious mononucleosis) Head Lice Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Hepatitis C Impetigo Influenza Measles Meningococcal Infections Mumps Airborne: droplets, contact with secretions Until clinically recovered. Pregnant women and people None with haemolytic anaemia should avoid contact with known cases. Pregnant women should consult their GP if they suspect they have been exposed. Food borne Until clinically recovered and diarrhoea has ceased for 48 None hours. Food borne. Person to person for some Until clinically recovered and diarrhoea has ceased for 48 None. If the cause is known please bacteria. Airborne for some viruses. hours. If the cause is known, please refer to the refer to the information on that information on that disease for further advice. disease for further advice. Respiratory droplets or contact with 4 days after the onset of the characteristic rash. Pregnant None secretions. women should consult their GP if they have been exposed. Water borne. Faecal-oral. Until clinically recovered and diarrhoea has ceased for 48 None hours. Close contact with secretions from nose Until clinically recovered. None and mouth Direct head to heard contact Faecal oral. Water borne. Contact with infected blood or other bodily fluids. Contact with infected blood or other bodily fluids. Contact with lesions Air borne droplets, contact with respiratory secretions Air borne droplets, direct contact with respiratory secretions Air borne droplets, direct contact with respiratory secretions Droplet, direct contact with saliva. Until treated Until clinically recovered, and until 7 days after onset of jaundice. Until clinically recovered. None if no symptoms are present. None if clinically well. Until clinically recovered. None Until lesions heal. Until clinically recovered None None 4 days from the onset of the rash. None Until clinically recovered. None None Until clinically recovered but not less than 7 days from the None onset of symptoms. Loretto Nursery Class Infection Prevention and Control Policy Updated November 2013 Poliomyelitis Ringworm Salmonella Scabies Shigella sonnei flexneri, boydii and dysenteriae (bacillary dysentery) Shingles Threadworm Toxocariasis Toxoplasmosis Tuberculosis (primary) Tuberculosis (pulmonary) Faecal-oral, close contact with respiratory As advised by the Consultant in Public Health Medicine secretions Direct contact with lesions and Until 48 hours after treatment has started. contaminated articles Faecal-oral route, food borne Until clinically recovered and diarrhoea ceased for 48 hours. Groups A & B* should be excluded until they have 2 negative stools at a minimum of 24 hour intervals. Guidance should be obtained from the Consultant in Public Health Medicine regarding cases in food handling staff. Direct skin to skin contact Until treated Faecal-oral, food borne and water borne Until clinically recovered and diarrhoea has ceased for 48 hours. Groups A, B, C & D* will be assessed by the Consultant in Public Health Medicine. Direct contact with lesions None if lesions can be covered, otherwise 7 days after onset. Faecal-oral No exclusion but should be treated promptly Ingestion of infective eggs None from soil or sand boxes. Not transmissible from person to person. Exposure from soil, sand boxes, cat litter, None eating rare meat. Not transmissible from person to person Not usually infectious None Airborne droplet After consultation with the appropriate medical authorities, the Consultant in Public Health Medicine will notify the Department that the person can return to school/work None Families should be checked. None if no symptoms are present. Until treated. None None No exclusion but household contacts should be treated promptly None None None As advised by the Consultant in Public Health Medicine Loretto Nursery Class Infection Prevention and Control Policy Updated November 2013 Typhoid Paratyphoid Fever (enteric fever) Viral Gastroenteritis Vomiting Warts Whooping cough (pertussis) Faecal/urine-oral, food borne Until clinically recovered and diarrhoea ceased for 48 hours. Groups A, B and D* should have 3 negative stool specimens at weekly intervals, and group C has 6 negative stool specimens at 2 week intervals. Faecal-oral, food borne, Until clinically recovered and diarrhoea has ceased for 48 airborne droplets hours. Often food or water borne or from poor Until clinically recovered and vomiting has ceased for 48 hygiene. Some viruses may be airborne. hours. If the cause is known, please refer to the information on that disease for further advice. Direct contact with warts. Plantar warts None, if lesions are well covered. Verrucae should may be transmitted via pools or showers therefore be covered whilst the child is swimming, Airborne droplets, direct contact with Until clinically recovered, and 21 days from onset of respiratory secretions. cough. Groups A, B, C and D* should have 3 negative stool specimens at a minimum of 48 hour intervals. None None. If the cause is known, please refer to the information on that disease for further advice. None None *GROUP A: Any person with poor personal hygiene, or where there are unsatisfactory toilet, hand washing or hand-drying facilities at home, work or school *GROUP B: Pre-school children *GROUP C: People whose work involves preparing or serving unwrapped foods which will not be heated. *GROUP D: Staff who have direct contact with highly susceptible people or people in whom a gastrointestinal infection would have particularly serious consequences Loretto Nursery Class Infection Prevention and Control Policy Updated November 2013 Appendix 2: Education Cleaning Standards Sheet Education Cleaning - Present Task Outline Main Entrance, Ground Floor, Corridors, Stairs to 1st Floor Upper Corridors & Stairs All Classrooms P3-P7 & Secondary (Excl.Art, Tech & H.E.) Offices, Cloakrooms, Staffrooms, Libraries, Nurseries, P1P2, Arts, H.E., Dining Rooms, Tea Stations, Pupil Common Rms Gyms, Halls Lecture Theatres All Workshops, Ceramic, Woodwork, Metalwork,Stor es & kilns Toilets, Washrooms, Showers, Changing Rooms, Medical Clinics Special Care & Creches 1 Remove Litter to disposal point Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily 2 Damp Wipe bins Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily N/A N/A Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Weekly Weekly Daily Weekly Weekly Daily Daily Daily Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly Daily Daily (2) Daily Weekly Alt. Days (4) Daily (5) Weekly Daily Daily Daily Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly N/A Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly (6) Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly Daily (2) Weekly 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Wash & Rinse sinks & surrounds & restock Damp Wipe & Polish both sides of glass doors Damp Wipe & Polish door furniture Damp Wipe furniture, fixtures & fittings Polish wood furniture Suction Clean soft furnishings Damp Wipe skirtings, pipes & radiators 10 Suction Clean matwells Weekly N/A N/A Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly 11 Damp Wipe & Polish Weekly Weekly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Daily Weekly Loretto Nursery Class Infection Prevention and Control Policy Updated November 2013 Education Cleaning - Present Task Outline 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Notes: High Level Dusting Damp Wipe all wall surfaces, shower curtains, W.C.'s, urinals, baths, fonts, etc. Suction Clean carpets & mats Mop Sweep or Suction Clean hard floors Damp Mop hard floors (safety & quarry tiles) Spray Clean or Damp Mop hard floors Buff hard floors after damp mopping Machine Scrub or Deck Scrub safety or quarry tiles 1. Workshops & Ceramic Rooms Only 4. Bookcases & Filing Cabinets Weekly Offices, Cloakrooms, Staffrooms, Libraries, Nurseries, P1P2, Arts, H.E., Dining Rooms, Tea Stations, Pupil Common Rms Gyms, Halls Lecture Theatres All Workshops, Ceramic, Woodwork, Metalwork,Stor es & kilns Toilets, Washrooms, Showers, Changing Rooms, Medical Clinics Special Care & Creches Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly N/A N/A N/A N/A Daily N/A Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Alt. Days Alt. Days Daily Alt. Days Daily Daily Daily Daily Alt. Days Alt. Days Daily Alt. Days Daily Daily Daily Daily Alt. Days Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly (1) Weekly Weekly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Weekly Weekly Main Entrance, Ground Floor, Corridors, Stairs to 1st Floor Upper Corridors & Stairs All Classrooms P3-P7 & Secondary (Excl.Art, Tech & H.E.) Monthly Monthly Monthly N/A N/A Daily 2. Skirtings & Door Frames - Weekly 3. Door Closures & I.D. Plates & Frames - Weekly 5. Include H.E. Fridges & Cookers 6. Monthly - in Pupil Common Room Loretto Nursery Class Infection Prevention and Control Policy Updated November 2013