Rose-Hulman InterVarsity Christian Fellowship Leadership Application

Rose-Hulman InterVarsity Christian Fellowship Leadership Application
Return an electronic or paper copy to Nathan Shumway by February 17th, 2013
(11:59 PM)
(CM 5047,, or your small group leader)
Residence/Room #
Phone (ext)
Box #
As a prospective leader in InterVarsity, you are preparing for serious spiritual
responsibilities. You will be expected to exemplify Christ-like character (1 Peter 5:1-6;
1 Timothy 4:12), to maintain sound doctrine (2 Timothy 1:13-14), and to actively
engage in proclaiming Christ’s Word (2 Timothy 4:2, 5). Scripture sets forth a high
standard for Christian leaders. Please study the following passages before continuing: 1
Timothy 3:1-13, Titus 1:6-9, Hebrews 13:7, 17.
On a separate sheet of paper which you will not turn in, please make some notes about
the characteristics of Christian leaders that appear in the 7 scripture passages mentioned
above. Spend some significant time in prayer asking God to help you evaluate yourself,
in light of these scriptures, as you fill out the rest of this application.
In your response to any of the following questions, please use the back of the page as
Briefly relate when and how you came to believe and follow Christ as Savior and Lord,
and what this commitment means to you:
Briefly describe the pattern of your personal quiet times:
Briefly describe the pattern of your prayer life and other ways you meet with the Lord:
Briefly describe your pattern of involvement with InterVarsity. What other campus
mission groups are you are part of?
Please describe the pattern of your church life. Where do you regularly attend church
while at school? How long have you been involved with this church? In what ways are
you involved in this church?
Have you had the opportunity to disciple someone or be discipled in your walk with
Christ? Please explain.
What has 2+ prayer looked like for you at Rose? What has it looked like for our
InterVarsity Chapter?
What other organizations and activities are you presently involved in? Will they conflict
with your responsibilities as a leader in InterVarsity? Please explain:
Briefly describe your current academic situation (e.g. current G.P.A., homework/study
habits, etc.). Do you think being on leadership with InterVarsity will affect your
academic success? If so, how?
Chapter Focus Week is a one-week-long planning and training camp for the next school
year for InterVarsity members and leaders. This will take place during late August This
week is a priority for anyone in leadership and is required for small group leaders who
have not been through Small Group Leader’s Training. Do you foresee any reason why
you would not be able to attend Chapter Focus Week? If so, why?
What do you see as your greatest strengths that will help you in leadership in
What are some of your weaknesses that you think will make leadership harder for you?
What leadership position(s) do you feel called to or best qualified for? What are your
major goals for your area of leadership, and how can God use you to accomplish those
goals if you are selected for leadership? (See the respective job descriptions for a
description of possible leadership positions)
How do these goals (your vision) encompass the purpose statement of InterVarsity? (see
page 4). Please explain.
Please include the names of three involved InterVarsity members who can speak to your
qualifications for this leadership role:
I personally understand, agree with, and actively live out the statement of purpose and
doctrinal basis contained in this application. If chosen to be a chapter leader, I will
commit to honoring God in my position through discipline and dedication, attending
Chapter Focus Week, Large Group meetings, Small Group meetings, leadership
meetings, and Daily Prayer meetings, to the best of my ability.
Contact List
If you have questions about leadership roles, desire counsel, or have other questions, please contact
someone on this list:
LG Coordinator
Ministry Coordinator
Outreach Coordinator
Greek Coordinator
Nathan Shumway
Nick Heshelman
Wilson Kurian
Katrina Yoder
Dan D’Avello
Brian Kodalen
Please email Nathan Shumway at if you have any question
at all.
Statement of Agreement for Chapter Leaders
Purpose Statement:
In response to God's grace, love, and truth:
The purpose of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA is to establish and advance at
colleges and universities witnessing communities of students and faculty who follow
Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord: growing in love for God, God's Word, God's people of
every ethnicity and culture, and God's purposes in the world.
Doctrinal Basis:
We believe in: The only true God, the almighty Creator of all things,
existing eternally in three persons—
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—full of love and glory.
The unique divine inspiration,
entire trustworthiness
and authority of the Bible.
The value and dignity of all people:
created in God's image to live in love and holiness,
but alienated from God and each other because of our sin and guilt,
and justly subject to God’s wrath.
Jesus Christ, fully human and fully divine,
who lived as a perfect example,
who assumed the judgment due sinners by dying in our place,
and who was bodily raised from the dead and ascended as Savior and Lord.
Justification by God's grace to all who repent
and put their faith in Jesus Christ alone for salvation.
The indwelling presence and transforming power of the Holy Spirit,
who gives to all believers a new life and a new calling to obedient service.
The unity of all believers in Jesus Christ,
manifest in worshiping and witnessing churches
making disciples throughout the world.
The victorious reign and future personal return of Jesus Christ,
who will judge all people with justice and mercy,
giving over the unrepentant to eternal condemnation
but receiving the redeemed into eternal life.
To God be glory forever.
Leadership Team
The leadership team is the head leadership for the entire chapter. The following is a descriptive list of the
typical roles within the leadership team. Not every position will be filled every year – the structure of the
leadership team depends on both the chapter’s current needs and the gifts of the applicants. [Note:
‘leadership team’ is a simply a name to distinguish the head leadership (who are required to attend the
weekly leadership meeting) from the other necessary leadership positions. Every person who has a role in
InterVarsity is a leader of his/her area]
Promotes chapter vision and prays fervently for the chapter. Shepherds and leads the leadership team
during the weekly leadership team meetings and at the annual Chapter Focus Week. As the name implies,
the overseer generally supervises and is ultimately responsible for all chapter events and activities.
Large Group Coordinator
This person is the face of the Rose-Hulman Intervarsity Chapter, who must be energetic, outgoing, and
enthusiastic about the Chapter vision, and various events and activities that the chapter participates in (i.e.
Summit, Fall Conference, BLT, Missions Week, ect.). Responsible for contacting speakers, gathering
announcements, and communicating with others involved with Large Group (worship team leader, video
and sound volunteers). Runs or delegates all components of Large Group, from announcements to
community builders. The Large Group Coordinator is responsible for organizing a team of individuals to
assist in planning and delegating responsibilities for weekly Large Group meetings. This person has their
own vision for Large Group meetings, and is not simply bound or constricted to what has been done before.
Ministry Coordinator
Selects (along with the leadership team and Staff Worker), meets with, supervises, supports, and
encourages Small Group leaders in a specific area of campus. The main purpose of the Ministry
Coordinator is to facilitate dynamic small groups with his/her area. The minimum is small groups, but there
is no maximum. Shepherds small group leaders during a regular meeting. Experience leading a small
group is almost essential to being an effective Ministry Coordinator, although that is not the only required
skill. This person owns a vision for his/her area and has the motivation and skills to be a dynamic leader,
allowing God to oversee the growth in the particular area.
NSO/Outreach/GIG Coordinator
Helps the chapter become a witnessing community. This may include planning (and recruits others to carry
out) chapter outreach events such as coffee houses, InterAction Cafés, panel discussions, outreach concerts,
etc., helping individual members improve their personal witness through training and discipleship, and
encouraging chapter members to lead GIGs (Groups Investigating God). This person holds the leadership
team accountable for personal evangelism and should be actively sharing Christ with friends. This person
also supervises, supports, and encourages GIG leaders, and encourages individual outreach events in the
dorms. New Student Outreach (NSO) in the fall is a priority for this position. Overall, the person should
help the chapter become a friendly and inviting place for seekers to find God.
Greek Coordinator
Facilitates and encourages growth in ministries in Greek organizations. This person meets with and
disciples leaders from the various organizations to encourage and equip them for effective ministry. This
person seeks to make InterVarsity an environment in which Greeks are both welcomed and encouraged.
Should help facilitate the men’s and women’s Greek Discipleship Groups. Be informed of and in prayer
for Greeks regularly.
Other Leadership/Stewardship Roles
The following roles, though very important to the chapter, do not necessitate weekly attendance at the
leadership team meetings. Attendance at the weekly meetings will be necessary from time to time, but not
continuously. Information that they need will mostly be given to them by the coordinator from the
leadership responsible for that role. Note that one person can hold multiple roles within the chapter.
Please do not feel that you have to fill one of the positions listed to be a chapter leader. If you feel called to
a position that isn’t listed, please describe it. We want you to be in the best position to help the RoseHulman community grow in love for God and for people using the gifts and talents He has given you.
Prayer Coordinator
This person is responsible for organizing and providing leadership and direction to daily prayer meetings
and concerts of prayer. He/she is also responsible for organizing prayer support for outreach events. This
person chooses and oversees the daily prayer meeting leaders.
Communications and Publicity Coordinator
Responsible for the communication of announcements and info to the entire chapter. Oversees contact with
the Clatters Coordinator and the Website team. Also responsible for publicizing (and heading up any
publicity teams for) IVCF and IVCF-sponsored campus events. New Student Outreach (our fall outreach
to freshman) and InterAction Cafés are two such important events. Generally, this person makes sure that
the entire campus knows what Intervarsity is doing at Rose-Hulman.
Worship Coordinator
Facilitates and encourages worship within the chapter. Assumes responsibility for worship at Large Group
each week. Leads and develops worship team(s). May also lead an action group whose members are the
worship team itself. Must be able to attend most Large Group meetings.
Activities Coordinator
Plans and coordinates cool weekly activities (usually on weekends). Plans out activities in advance, buys
food, organizes money (i.e. for a concert), etc. This position is important in helping to advance chapter
unity and camaraderie.
Maintains the InterVarsity library as well as purchases new books for it. Plugs books that relate to the
current Large Group topic. Helps people to find resources that they need in their Christian walk (for
example: if someone came to the librarian needing a recommendation for a book on servanthood, the
librarian could point him/her to some possible book choices).
Service Coordinator.
Organizes service activities for the chapter and keeps social justice on the minds of those involved in
Intervarsity. Partners with other service organizations as an outreach service event.
Financial Coordinator/Treasurer.
Organizes a budget for the year and keeps the chapter in line with its finances. Reports directly to the
overseer. Must by a person of integrity and have strong organizational skills.
Small Group Leader.
Leads a small group of fellow students in studying God’s word in a weekly Bible study. A Small Group
Leader is responsible for organizing the weekly study as well as planning quarterly “care” (providing food
for the whole dorm, etc) and “share” (outreach, such as Q&A sessions, etc) events. Most Small Group
Leaders will lead their study with a co-leader.