ON HORIZONTAL VIBROFLUIDIZATION OF SILICA NANOPARTICELS Wei Zhang School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, the University of Sydney, NSW, 2006, Australia Email: zhangwei811017@hotmail.com Abstract An experimental study was performed to investigate the process of vibration-assisted nanoparticles fluidization. Fluidization characteristics were assessed by observing pressure drop, bed expansion and bed collapse behavior at vibration frequencies between 0 Hz and 34 Hz, for silica nanoparticles with particle densities between 25.25 kg/ m 3 and 38.29 kg/ m 3 , primary size between 7 and 16 nm. Two modes of nanoparticle fluidization behavior were observed: i. Agglomerate particulate fluidization (APF), which is smooth, occurs with extremely high bed expansion, practically no observable bubbles ii. Agglomerate bubbling fluidization (ABF) which results in limited bed expansion with large bubbles rising quickly through the bed. The transition between particle and bubbling modes occurred at different vibration intensities for each type of particle, however in all cases, smooth agglomerate particulate fluidization was observed at vibrational frequencies greater than 16.7 Hz. This is much lower than previous studies of assisted nanoparticle fluidization, and suggest that vibration assisted fluidization is a viable technology for the large scale processing (e.g. reacting, dispersing, or coating) of nanomaterials. Keywords: agglomerates, nanoparticles, vibration, fluidization, silica