Study Guide Chapter 19 Facials

Study Guide Chapter 19 Facials
Lesson Plan Test
1. An enzyme peel in which a cream is applied to the skin before
steaming and forms a hardened crust that is then massaged or
rolled off the skin is called:
2. What is used on oily or acne-prone skin to loosen clogged pores
to treat and prevent the excessive buildup of dead cells that can
cause acne lesions?
3. Water-based emulsions that are absorbed quickly without
leaving any residue on the skin surface are called:
4. What is used to hydrate and condition the skin during the night
when normal tissue repair is taking place?
5. Masks that contain special crystals of gypsum that harden when
mixed with cold water immediately before application are:
6. Masks that have been found beneficial in reducing the
production of sebum are:
7. Masks that are melted at a little more than body temperature
before application is:
8. Intensive, highly concentrated extracts in a water or oil base and
sealed in a glass container are referred to as?
9. What is used to achieve good slip during a massage?
10. Clay preparations used to stimulate circulation and temporarily
contract the pores of the skin are?
11. Skin that has an overabundance of sebum is considered to be?
12. The negative pole is the active electrode of the galvanic current
when negative reactions are desired on the face such as forcing
negative ions into the skin, opening follicles or?
13. Aromatherapy refers to the therapeutic use of?
14. Use of the wrists and outer edges of hands in fast, light, firm,
flexible motions against the skin in alternate succession is called?
15. A detergent-type foaming cleanser with a neutral or slightly
acidic pH that varies in strength and texture is known as?
16. A light-textured, oil-based emulsion used primarily to dissolve
makeup and soil quickly is called?
17. What can be used to hold in place certain mask ingredients that
ten to run?
18. Which type of tonic lotion is designed for use on oily or acneprone skin?
19. Skin that may have either oily and normal areas or normal and
dry areas is known as?
20. A water-based emulsion that can be used twice daily on normal
and combination skin for the purpose of removing makeup and soil
is known as?
21. Agents that soften or smooth the skin surface are called?
22. One of the most recent advances in mechanical exfoliation is
know as?
23. Fresheners, tonics, and astringents are all used to remove
excess cleansers and residue left behind by face was cleansers are
24. Skin that is usually in good condition and has an adequate
supply of sebum and moisture is considered to be?
25. The term that refers to the peeling and shedding of the horny
(outer) layer of skin is called?
26. Cosmetology services are generally limited to the scalp, face,
neck, shoulders, upper chest, back, feet, lower legs and ?
27. Which type of tonic lotion has the lowest alcohol content and is
beneficial for dry skin, mature skin, and for sensitive skin
28. Skin that is lacking in oil and often dehydrated is considered to
29. All facial treatments should begin with what step?
30. The condition that causes skin to feel dry and flaky because of
an insufficient amount of water in the body is?
31. The manual or mechanical manipulation of the body by various
movements to increase metabolism and circulation, promote
absorption and relieve pain is?
32. In addition to a firm, sure touch and strong, flexible hands,
quality massage requires?
33. Maintaining the health of the facial skin by using correct
cleansing methods, increasing circulation, relaxing the nerves, and
activating the skin glands and metabolism through massage is
known as ___________ facial treatments.
34. Steam the face mildly with warm, moist towels or with a facial
steamer in order to?
35. Every muscle and nerve has a ______ point which is the point
over the muscle where pressure or stimulation will cause
contraction of the muscle.
36. The ______ movement involves pressing and twisting the
tissues with a fast back and forth movement.
37. A form of petrissage in which the tissue is grasped, gently
lifted and spread out is called?
38. _______ is a vigorous movement in which your hands are
placed in a little distance apart on both sides of the client’s arm or
leg. While working downward, a twisting motion is applied
against the bones in the opposite direction.
39. What is achieved through light but firm, slow rhythmic
movements, or very slow, light hand vibrations over the motor
points for a short time?
40. What is applied after the massage cream is removed?
41. Cleansing cream is removed for the skin with tissues, moist
cotton pads, facial sponges or ___?
42. A shaking movement accomplished by rapid muscular
contractions in the cosmetologist’s arms, while the balls of the
fingertips are pressed firmly on the point of application is known
43. A light, continuous movement applied with fingers and palms
in a slow, rhythmic manner without pressure is called?
44. When the skin is grasped between the fingers and palms and
tissues are lifted from the underlying structures and squeezed,
rolled or pinched with light, firm pressure, it is called?
45. The most stimulating form of massage that is performed by
tapping, slapping or hacking movements is called?
46. The fixed attachment of one end of the muscle to a bone or
tissue is called the?
47. A form of petrissage, used mainly for massaging the arms is
known as?
48. The direction of massage movements should always be?
49. Another name for chemical exfoliation procedure is?
50. Infrared lamp exposure during or after facial manipulations is
given for ______?