Table S2 The total number of species observed per field type and species group in five European countries (regional diversity). AE, fields with agri-environment schemes; C, conventionally managed fields. Species numbers in italic indicate significant differences in local diversity (mean total number of species per field) between fields with agri-environment schemes and conventionally managed fields. Plants Bees Orthoptera Spiders Birds1 Country AE C AE C AE C AE C AE C Germany 106 83 31 13 7 5 44 45 4 3 Spain 264 245 49 47 13 14 92 62 20 20 Switzerland 223 159 43 30 18 10 81 81 2 0 The Netherlands 116 111 4 4 2 3 21 24 8 8 The United Kingdom 183 158 20 21 7 8 68 62 26 21 1The number of species with territories on focal field.