May/June - Pitt County Schools

Exceptional Children K-2
May/ June
Revised Curriculum Guide 2013
Big Ideas: Patterns
Essential Vocabulary
ELA – Communicate Conventionally, Understand Question Words
Math – Measurement of Length
Science – Characteristics of Living and Non-Living, Characteristics of Animals
Social Studies – Roles of Authority Figures; Home, School, Community
Learning Targets
What do students need to be able to know / do?
ELA: verb, noun, where, what, why,
who, when, how
Math: short, long, more, less,
measure, length, add
Science: living, non-living, organism,
plant, animal, person, body parts,
alike, different
Social Studies: rules, responsibilities,
school, home, community, authority
Assessment and Data
Students will demonstrate the understanding of patterns across the curriculum.
Common Core
Communicate conventionally:
K.1 Demonstrate
understandings of standard
English grammar usage when
a. Use frequently occurring
nouns and verbs.
b. Understand question words
(interrogatives) (e.g., who,
what, where, when, why, how).
c. Link two or more words
Common Core
Measureable attributes of
K.1. Compare the length of
two objects using direct
K.2. Use appropriate
vocabulary to describe
differences in length (e.g.,
longer/ shorter).
Essential Standards
Understanding the difference
between living and nonliving
EX.K.L.1.1 Identify animate
(moving) and inanimate
EX.K.L.1.2 Identify plant vs.
EX.K.L.1.3 Categorize things
as plant, animal, person, or
Social Studies
Essential Standards
Understand the expectations of
group participation:
EX.K.C&G.1.2 Follow simple
classroom expectations (e.g.
keep hands and feet to self,
stay in your place, do your
Understand basic economic
EX.1.E.1.1 Identify the job
Exceptional Children K-2
May/ June
Revised Curriculum Guide 2013
together in own
Measurement of length:
1.1 Describe length of an
object (long/short, big/small).
1.2 Directly compare two
objects with a measurable
attribute in common, to see
which object has “more
of”/“less of” the attribute.
Communicate conventionally:
1.1. Demonstrate
understandings of standard
English grammar usage when
a. Write* 14 or more upperMeasure using nonstandard
case letters of the alphabet.
b. Use common nouns.
c. Produce noun + verb or verb
2.1 Use nonstandard units to
+ noun combinations.
compare length of objects.
d. Use question words
Relate addition to length:
(interrogatives) (e.g., who,
2.2 Add the number of same
what, where, when, why, how).
units to determine the length
Communicate conventionally:
of a given object.
2.1 Demonstrate understandings
of standard English grammar
and usage when
a. Write* all upper-case letters
of the alphabet.
b. Write* 14 lower-case letters
of the alphabet.
c. Use common nouns in
singular and plural forms
d. Use personal pronouns.
e. Use common past tense
verbs (e.g., went, ate, did, saw,
Understand characteristics of
responsibilities of people in the
living and non-living things:
EX.1.L.1.1 Classify objects,
people and animals as living or Understand role of people in a
EX.1.L.1.2 Identify major
EX.2.C&G.2.3 Understand roles
external human body parts
of authority figures in the home,
(head, eyes, ears, nose, mouth,
school and community (teacher,
hands, feet, legs, arms).
principal, parents, police officer,
EX.1.L.2.1 Identify one’s own
environment when transitioning
from place to place (e.g.
school, home, outside).
Understand characteristics of
EX.2.L.2.2 Identify living
organisms (animals, people,
plants) found in various
Understand characteristics of
EX.2.L.1.1 Identify physical
characteristics (head, tail, eyes,
ears, nose, mouth, legs, paws,
beak, feathers, fur) in a variety
of animals.
EX.2.L.1.2 Compare a variety
of animals to determine how
Exceptional Children K-2
May/ June
Revised Curriculum Guide 2013
they are alike and different (i.e.,
dog—bark, four legs, tail; cat—
meow, four legs, tail; soft/hard,
UDL Suggestions
See google document: UDL Suggestions 2013-2014
Resources & Materials
See google document: Curriculum Essentials
Information and Technology Essential Standards (ITES):
Sources of Information:
K.SI.1 Classify useful sources of information. 1.SI.1 Recall useful sources of information. 2.SI.1 Categorize sources of information as appropriate or
Informational Text:
K.IN.1, 1.IN.1 Understand the difference between text read for enjoyment and text read for information.
Technology as a Tool:
K.TT.1, 1.TT.1, 2.TT.1 Use technology tools and skills to reinforce classroom concepts and activities.
Research Process:
K.RP.1 Understand the importance of good questions in conducting research. 1.RP.1 Remember the steps of a simple
(or simplified) research process.
Safety and Ethical Issues:
K.SE.1 Remember safety and ethical issues related to the responsible use of information and technology resources.
1.SE.1, 2.SE.1 Understand safety and ethical issues related to the responsible use of information and technology resources.