FEATURE OBJECT ATTRIBUTES Attribute: available berthing length Acronym: avlblg Code: ? Camel case: AvailableBerthingLength Attribute type: I Definitions: The length of a berth or dock which is available for use. Minimum value: 0 References: INT 1: M-3: M-4: not specified; not specified; not specified; Indication: Unit: metre (m) Resolution: 1 Example: 112 Remarks: No remarks. 112 metres available berthing length FEATURE OBJECT ATTRIBUTES Attribute: Pilot vessel Acronym: pltvsl Camel case: pilotVessel Attribute type: S Definitions: Description of the pilot vessel. The pilot vessel is a small vessel used by a pilot to go to or from a vessel employing the pilot's services. (adapted from Science and Technology Dictionary) Remarks: No remarks. Code: ? FEATURE OBJECT ATTRIBUTES Attribute: Category of pilot Acronym: catplt Code: ? Camel case: categoryOfPilot Attribute type: E Expected input: ID Meaning 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: pilot deep sea harbour bar river channel lake ice Definitions: pilot: pilot licenced to conduct vessels during approach from sea to a specified place which may be a handover place, an anchorage or alongside deep sea: pilot licenced to conduct vessels over extensive sea areas harbour: pilot who is licenced to conduct vessels from a specified place, such as a handover area or anchorage into a harbour bar: pilot licensed to conduct vessels over a bar to or from a handover with a river pilot (for example as used in USA) river: pilot licensed to conduct vessels from and to specified places, along the course of a river (for example as used in Rio Amazonas and Rio de La Plata) channel: pilot licensed to conduct vessels from and to specified places, along the course of a channel. (for example as used in Rio Amazonas and Rio de La Plata) lake: pilot licensed to conduct vessels from and to specified places on a great lake. (for example as used in the Lago de Maracaibo in Venezuela) ice: pilot trained and licensed to guide vessels through areas covered party or totally by ice (Ice pilots can also be named as ice advisor, ice guide etc.) Remarks: No remarks. FEATURE OBJECT ATTRIBUTES Attribute pilot qualification Acronym: pltqfc Camel case: pilotQualification Attribute type: E Expected input: ID Meaning 1: 2: 3: 4. 5: 6: 7: 8: government pilot pilot approved by government state pilot federal pilot company pilot local pilot citizen with sufficient local knowledge citizen with doubtful local knowledge Definitions: government pilot: A pilot service carried out by government pilots. pilot approved by government: A pilot service carried out by pilots who are approved by government. state pilot: A pilot that is licensed by the State (USA) and/or their respective pilot association, required for all foreign vessels and all American vessels under registery, bound for a port with compulsory State pilotage. A federal licence is not sufficient to pilot such vessels into the port. federal pilot: A pilot who carries a Federal endorsement, offering services to vessels that are not required to obtain compulsory State pilotage. Services are usually contracted for in advance. company pilot: A pilot provided by a commercial company local pilot: A pilot with local knowledge but who does not hold a qualification as a pilot citizen with sufficient local knowledge: A pilot service carried out by a citizen with sufficient local knowledge citizen with doubtful local knowledge: Code: ? A pilot service carried out by a citizen whose local knowledge is uncertain Remarks: No remarks. FEATURE OBJECT ATTRIBUTES Attribute: Category of flag Acronym: catflg Code: ? Camel case: categoryOfFlag Attribute type: E Structure: ID Meaning 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 : : : : : : : : INT 1 M-4 national flag naval ensign merchant ensign police ensign coast guard ensign regional flag supra national flag customs flag Definitions: national flag: naval ensign: merchant ensign: police ensign: coast guard ensign: regional flag: supra national flag: customs flag: Remarks: No remarks. a piece of cloth flown as the symbol or emblem of a country a piece of cloth flown by naval vessels as a symbol or emblem of the country a piece of cloth flown by merchant naval vessels as a symbol or emblem of the country a piece of cloth flown by police vessels as a symbol or emblem of the country a piece of cloth flown by coastguard vessels as a symbol or emblem of the country a piece of cloth flown as the symbol or emblem of the region a piece of cloth flown as the symbol or emblem of an organisation formed by a group of countries a piece of cloth flown as the symbol or emblem of the customs authority of a country FEATURE OBJECT ATTRIBUTES Attribute: ISPS level Acronym: ispslv Camel case: iSPSLevel Attribute type: E Expected input: ID Meaning 1 : ISPS Security level 1 2 : ISPS Security level 2 3 : ISPS Security level 3 Definitions: ISPS Security level 1 The level for which minimum appropriate protective security measures shall be maintained at all times. ISPS Security level 2 The level for which appropriate additional protective security measures shall be maintained for a period of time as a result of heightened risk of a security incident. ISPS Security level 3 The level for which further specific protective security measures shall be maintained for a limited period of time when a security incident is probable or imminent, although it may not be possible to identify the specific target. Remarks: IMO ISPS Code 2003 Edition is the source Code: ? FEATURE OBJECT ATTRIBUTES Attribute: Language information Acronym: lnginf Camel case: languageInformation Attribute type: S Definition: A description of the languages, alphabets and scripts in use. Remarks: No remarks. Code: ? FEATURE OBJECT ATTRIBUTES Attribute: RACON reference number Acronym: racnum C Camel case: raconReferenceNumber all sign Attribute type: S Definition: The national reference of a RACON. References: INT 1: not specified; M-4: not specified; Remarks: Precise format varies by country. Code: ? CALSGN FEATURE OBJECT ATTRIBUTES Attribute: weights and measures used Acronym: wemuse Camel case: weightsAndMeasuresUsed Attribute type: S Definitions: A description of the weights and measures used in the area. Remarks: No remarks. Code: ? FEATURE OBJECT ATTRIBUTES Attribute: Holding quality Acronym: holqua Code: ? Camel case: holdingQuality Attribute type: E Expected input: ID Meaning 1 : good Specified 2 : moderate Specified 3 : poor Specified INT 1 M-4 Not Specified Not Not Specified Not Not Specified Not Definitions: good: moderate: poor : Remarks: No remarks. holding ground which grips the anchor and chain or cable well. average quality of holding ground which grips the anchor and chain or cable in reasonable conditions... holding ground which does not grips the anchor and chain or cable well. FEATURE OBJECT ATTRIBUTES Attribute: Project depth Acronym: prjdep C Camel case: projectDepth all sign Attribute type: F Definition: The design dredging depth of a channel. The project depth may or may not be the goal of maintenance dredging after completion of the channel. For this reason the project depth must not be confused with controlling depth. References: INT 1: not specified; M-4: not specified; Indication: Unit: Resolution: defined in the DUNI subfield of the DSPM record or in the DUNITS attribute of the M_UNIT meta object class, e.g. metre (m) 0.1 m or 0.1 fm or 0.1 ft Format: xxxx.x Example: 50.5 for a project depth of 50.5 ft, fm or m. Remarks: Federal Project Depth: The design dredging depth of a channel constructed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; the project depth may or may not be the goal of maintenance dredging after completion of the channel. For this reason federal project depth must not be confused with controlling depth. Code: ? FEATURE OBJECT ATTRIBUTES Attribute: Period between dredging Acronym: prddrg Code: ? Camel case: periodBetweenDredging Call sign Attribute type: I Definition: Number of days between scheduled dredging. References: INT 1: not specified; M-4: not specified; Remarks: No remarks. FEATURE OBJECT ATTRIBUTES Attribute: Siltation Rate Acronym: siltat Camel case: siltationRate Attribute type: S Definition: A description of the rate at which the depth in an area decreases. Refrences: Remarks: No remarks. Code: ?