Birthright, the seed of civilization

Definition: Hard seed, (1) seed that does not
germinate under normal circumstances
(2) seed that only germinates under unusual
conditions such as earthquake, flood, fire or
extreme weather
by Clifton Middleton
Universal Birthright the Prime Agreement
A Wealth Tax and Economic Sustainability
The New Homestead Act,
Path to a Sustainable Future
A New Economic Foundation,
Renewable Energy and the Social Contract
Phylogenics, An Introduction to Organic
The Water Crisis, A Practical Solution
Iraqi and Economic Justice, A Practical Solution
Economic Stability in Afghanistan, A Practical
Interview with TimeDonkey
Hard Seed
Clifton Middleton
Universal Birthright
The seed of civilization
We agree that ….
Universal Birthright is the entitlement due by
the sole virtue of birth. The Universal Birthright
of every child born on the earth is to have a fair
share of the land and resources of the planet.
This is an Earth Claim made by the authority of
agreement and the simple foundation of
equality. We all have an equal right and claim
to the earth and the fullness thereof. We are
the same and equal.
This birthright is shared and individual. All
resources under the earth, water, oil, metals,
minerals and treasures are the collective trust
and stewardship of all mankind and are to be
divided justly for the good of all. Anything
grown or created above ground is for the
administration of those who did it, without limit.
Birthright has shared rights and responsibilities
alongside the individual sovereignty of land
This view of universal birthright has been the
dream of all oppressed people of every
persuasion, race and belief. Universal
Birthright is fundamental to the idea that all
men and women were created equal and a
simple moral expression of what equality
means. A fair and equal share of the
collectively held resources enables the survival
of adequate self government. The collected
resources of history are the wealth of nations.
Wealth or Prosperity? Choose One
Wealth is the accumulation of resources. All
resources come from the earth, everything we
have comes from the extracted or harvested
bounty of the planet thru the endless labor of
people everywhere. That labor and those
resources are collected by our commercial
system, moved around, sold and the gain
becomes wealth, gathered and stored up
blood, sweat and time.
Most accumulated wealth is currently held by a
very few, principalities, powers, corporations,
governments, cartels, institutions and other
organizations It is being wasted by a system
dedicated to making the earth a den of
competing, thief merchants and the people
consumer drunk slaves.
The Apocalypse or opening of the idea of
universal birthright is the social uncovering of
the end of one way and the beginning concept
of another. So we can realistically think about
starting civilization afresh with a new beginning
based on a simple agreement, easily
comprehended by children around the world
and capable of turning the course of history.
The power of Agreement, the Power of One
Universal Birthright is an agreement that the
people of the Earth can make and by making,
found a new beginning, a renewed moral and
social foundation, built on equality and
common survival. This is authority based on
conscious, free agreement and not on the
power of the sword. When we agree, we
become free and freely unite and together
become stronger and more capable of
sustaining life and creating a truly prosperous
future. Whatsoever we agree to in our hearts
will manifest in the outer world.
The agreement and support of the People is
the beginning and end of all social authority.
All political and social elements must respond
to the needs of the whole and defend the
sustained rights of the people. This makes
possible timely and large scale economic and
social change using the prime authority of
agreement, across all levels of life.
Universal Birthright means we all have a share
of these this resource we call the Earth. How
could such an idea work? Where is all of the
accumulated wealth of the past? What can we
do today? How fast can we make this
The Social and Economic
Theory of Wealth Tax
A Wealth Tax is a tax on the accumulated
wealth of an individual, company or
organization. This includes real estate, stocks,
bonds and others instruments of accumulation.
This differs from income or capital gains taxes
and applies typically to wealth accumulated
over a time period. The purpose of the wealth
tax is to eliminate poverty by the scheduled
restoring of economic, social and agricultural
This is a proposal for a one time tax rate of
10% on all accumulate wealth over
$10,000,000. Calculations indicate that this
would result in a one time fund of
approximately $168,000,000,000,000 or 168
trillion. The economic implications depend
upon what exactly would be done with that
much capital and what the cascading effects
on the national and world economy would
yield. In other words, how the resources would
be used is open and makes possible a.
complete restructuring of human civilization.
Wealth is like compost, it does no good in a
pile and brings forth a bounty when spread
The New Homestead Act
Path to a Sustainable Future
The purpose of the New Homestead Act is
three fold; one, to establish a sustainable,
organic based food production and distribution
system based on renewable methods. Two,
facilitate the acquisition, distribution and
sustainable development of long term, family
farm ownership. And, three, the development
and large scale deployment of alternative
energy systems including the transition to a
hydrogen based energy source.
How all of these goals may be advanced is
illustrated best by example, Let us start with
one, a One Thousand Acre tract of land.
Today, this land is being farmed using
Agribusiness practices of corporate, industrial,
petroleum based farming that treats the land
as a giant container for ultra large scale
hydroponic production using the common
water table as the last waste container for toxic
runoff. The labor for these giant farms is the
modern day equivalent of slavery, low pay, so
called illegal immigrants or anyone willing to
work in the most hazardous environment
around for little pay. So this modern
Agribusiness model is expensive, ecologically
devastating, dependent upon foreign oil,
socially sterile and morally reprehensible.
Corporate Agribusiness ownership and control
of farm land essential for the survival of all
people is unsustainable and undesirable at all
practical levels.
Garden Village: An Alternative Example
We start with the same 1000 acres and divide
it up into 200, 5 acre garden groves. These
small farms will be farmed by the folks who live
on the land and share resources. A central
community complex will provide equipment
used in processing and packaging of village
grown produce. These Garden Villages are
designed to be energy and food producers,
sustainable without degrading the environment.
Potential Benefits of Wealth Tax
The primary benefit of the wealth tax is in
economic stimulation. The multiplier effect of
spending that much money would be to grow
the national economy by up to 500%.
Payment and release of all debt, public and
private, now at 16 trillion dollars
New Homestead Act
Establish sustainable food production system
Large scale platform for alternative and
sustainable fuel system deployment.
And others, this is the time for all good ideas to
A New Economic Foundation,
Renewable Energy and the Social Contract
We have an opportunity to create a new
economic foundation based on renewable
natural resources, yielding thousands of green
jobs, producing a sustainable replacement for
oil and the restoration of social consent and
confidence in the body politic. All of that and
more made manifest by a stroke of the pen,
simply by properly classifying hemp as the
medicine and beneficial resource that over
100,000,000 Americans already know it is.
Hemp, cannabis is good.
The social benefit of a rational hemp policy
would be to restore social consent and
confidence in the body politic. Currently, over
100,000,000 Americans have used marijuana
and have decided that it is a good thing, not
dangerous and should be free, not used to ruin
peoples lives by arrest, confiscation and
disenfranchisement. Thinking people do their
own research and many times conclude that
the laws against marijuana are arbitrary,
unjust, wrong and that the only people who
support them are either uninformed or their
jobs depend upon the mandatory acceptance
of marijuana prohibition. This is the true silent
majority, citizens who think that the marijuana
laws are irrational and are afraid of persecution
and discrimination if they express their
opinions publicly.
Industrial hemp production could provide a
domestic and renewable source of fuel, fiber
and jobs. Hemp can be grown, produced and
processed all across the land by thousands of
urban farmers using land, lots, parks and
public lands lying fallow and unused. These
green jobs are about the growing, harvesting
and processing of locally grown organics for
food and fuel and could constitute the bedrock
of a truly independent economy, intrinsically
secure, renewable and stable, sustainable and
most importantly doable.
The benefits of a rational hemp policy are
financial, social and moral.
The economic impact of is three fold; first is the
creation of Jobs based on a sustainable, clean
source of fuel, fiber and medicine, estimated at
over One Trillion dollars. Good jobs that
produce energy and tax revenue that is
The second is the savings to taxpayers by
eliminating the money spent on law
enforcement, the courts and prisons, estimated
at over 8 billion a year. The third is the cost to
individuals and families who are criminalized
by a system that encourages law enforcement
to arrest people, fine them, confiscate their
property, and disenfranchise them from the
vote, healthcare, professional licenses and
credit. This cost is measured in the billions of
dollars. All totaled the war on marijuana and
the lost opportunities to develop hemp;
combined with the needless suffering of those
persecuted is over 2 Trillion dollars a year.
The moral benefit is simple; the truth will set us
We need to decriminalize marijuana and repel
the effects of the 1937 Marijuana Tax Act to
restore the production, development and use of
the most sustainable, renewable natural
resource recorded in history. Hemp production
can replace the use of oil as a fuel quickly,
efficiently and at low cost. Hemp is a
renewable crop that can be grown on land not
used for food, improving the land and providing
a carbon neutral source of fuel. Hemp
production and processing will create jobs all
across the land while providing a local and
domestic source of energy.
The use of marijuana for medical purposes is
the oldest and most universally documented
use of any substance in medical history. 13
states have decided that marijuana is a
beneficial plant and it is time allow and
encourage the use and investigation of medical
marijuana and industrial hemp.
Hemp production was the economic foundation
of colonial America because it was readily
grown and used for over 25,000 different
purposes; Hemp was grown for sails, rope, oil
for lamps, clothing and high quality paper. The
Declaration of Independence was drafted on
hemp paper by Thomas Jefferson, an advocate
of hemp for commerce, medicine and
recreation. George Washington was one of the
largest hemp growers in the colonies and the
renewable income produced by this plant
sustained our first president and his family
before, during and after the revolution. It is fair
to say that the spirit to be free and independent
was made possible by the ability of our fore
fathers to be economically independent and
free. Hemp production was the backbone of
liberty, freedom and economic independence
for colonial America and could once again be
the keystone of a renewable, sustainable and
yes, Independent economy.
General Theory of Phylogenic
The General Theory of Phylogenic
Transfiguration is a fundamental description of
how the multiple species of plants, animals,
microbes, viruses and yet to be named life
forms interact as a unified, data driven,
interactable biosystem. A simple example of
how “let your food be your medicine” can work
from the perspective of Phylogenics.
The use of urine in growing bioactive food
Urine has been used for thousands of years to
naturally fertilize gardens growing the entire
spectrum of vegetables, greens and herbs. The
value of urine as a totally organic source of
nitrogen, potassium and phosphate has been
known and documented by scientist and
farmers alike the world over.
The use of urine as territorial markers by
animals great and small is common knowledge
and has been documented to contain much
more information than just, “hey I was here or
this is my spot”. Information about an animal’s
health, state of fertility, potential genetic
interest and other information necessary for
Urine has been used for medical purposes for
thousands of years and is still considered
What has not been known and understood is
the role one’s urine could play in the growth
and cultivation of food and herbs with unique
bioactive properties and nutrients, designed
specifically for an individual person, based in
part on biological, metabolic and systemic
information, contained in the individual’s urine
and absorbed, processed and used by the
plants to produce food tailored for one person.
This food would contain all of the normal
nutrients, in just the right proportions in
addition to special biologics customized to
counteract imbalances detected in the urine
key. Urine contains all of the data, in just the
right format, to trigger the whole ecosystem to
produce the appropriate resources to grow,
restore and change. In plain words everyone
must grow their own food to have the access to
the primordial fountain of youth.
This concept implies the existence of a
systemic, biological feed back system that is
the basis of healing, growing and a bold step
beyond evolution itself. Mankind is part of a
larger, interlinked world that includes diverse
forms of life acting in concert, according to
information and directions formulated by our
thought and transmitted by our way of life. Selfhealing thru the death rebirth cycle of creation;
initiated and maintained by conscious thought
is a paradigm shift with more real, potential life
enhancing power than all of the accumulated
achievements of science and industry
combined even if multiplied by the collective
promises of all the visionaries, mystics,
dreamers, poets, prophets here to for, all of
that falls short of the reality of life, eternal
health … all part of the plan …
There ain’t nothing like the real thing …..
The Water Crisis, A Practical Solution
The Water crisis is the most serious problem
humanity has ever faced. Water pollution has
infused the entire food chain with neurotoxins,
poisons and pharmaceuticals, all of which
damage the health and survivability of man and
planet. The cause is our modern, water based
sewer system. We flush all of our disposables
down the drain, into the sewer system where
more chemicals are added and then finally
pumped back into our water system. Water
based sewer systems are the prime polluters
and our use of them has proved to be full of
unintended and unanticipated horrors. The use
of water based sewer system wastes and
contaminates the entire water supply with
pollutants and nutrients that if captured and
recycled, could provide sufficient agricultural
nutrients to ensure a sustainable food supply.
One practical solution to the water shortage is
to replace our centralized water based sewer
system with on site, waterless toilets and
recycle grey water. Grey water is the water
from the kitchen and shower and can be
recycled, on site and reused for landscaping.
This will reduce our demand on the water
source by 80 percent while simultaneously
creating a sustainable, renewable, agricultural
resource, namely, organic nitrogen.
No Mix toilets collect urine and feces in
separate places, the toilet bowl has two drains,
one, in the front for the urine and one in the
back for the feces. The feces are dry
composted and the urine is processed for
agricultural purposes. Separating toilets
protect the water supply and provide a
renewable, safe, low cost source of nitrogen,
enough to greatly reduce our dependence on
foreign natural gas and oil. The important key
is to separate the valuable, nitrogen rich urine,
human urine is 18% organic nitrogen, at the
source, before it is mixed with feces and before
it is flushed into the water supply.
The economic potential of capturing human
urine is stunning. Human urine is 18% organic
nitrogen and has been used in agriculture for
thousands of years. Sweden, Germany,
Holland and many other countries have been
using and processing human urine for
agricultural purposes and to protect the
environment from water based sewer systems.
Human urine is the only renewable,
sustainable and economically feasible source
of nitrogen available to humanity and it is free.
What is the economic value of human urine?
Here is how it works, the value of comparative
petroleum derived fertilizer with the same 18%
nitrogen content is approximately $10.00 a
gallon and requires a massive polluting
industry that is not renewable. The average
person produces 2 liters of urine a day or
roughly $5.00 worth of organic nitrogen. A city
like Miami flushes down the drain 10 to 20
million dollars worth of nitrogen a day and
spends another fortune to do it. Integrated
Recycling is the future of our economy and
could replace taxation in funding community
services. The cities will become fertilizer
factories and urban and suburban farming and
food production could provide a sustainable,
local food supply. Schools and churches could
be nurseries and local gardening centers, hubs
of city and urban agriculture and recycling.
This could be a sustainable, local system that
is a renewable doable foundation for local
economies. Local food production is the basis
of all economies and the missing component in
modern cities.
This kind of integrated recycling is highly
profitable and turns three life threatening
problems, water shortage, water pollution and
imported oil into one sustainable,
environmentally positive and economically
beneficial solution.
Water based sewer systems unnecessarily
wastes and pollutes our most valuable
resource, clean water. There is only one water
supply for the entire earth. We share this
single resource with 6.5 billion other humans
and with all living organisms. Water should be
regarded as our most important natural
resource and shared birthright. Water is the
first thing mankind must agree to share
according to the highest collective principle.
Water is the tie that binds us together, for
better or for worse.
Water is the blood of the earth and a true
sacrament, something we all share, something
that is absolutely necessary for life. We should
not pollute the water supply with chemicals,
insecticides or human disposables that can
and should be recycled to insure a healthy and
sustainable future.
Modern, water based sewer systems could be
the worst idea mankind has ever adopted.
Common sense informs us not to defecate in
the drinking water but that is exactly what we
currently do in every city of the land. We do it
without thinking. That is the problem. We are
not thinking right. It is possible, conceivable,
that the water crisis could be THE reason
people begin to think of ourselves as truly
united with everyone else on the planet, known
and unknown, united in our fears, hopes and
desires. 6.5 billion Separate destinies have
become one destiny for us all …
Iraqi and Economic Justice, A Practical
The underlying cause of Iraqi national tension
and doubt concerns the distribution of oil
revenues. The people want a fair share and
are suspicious of both foreign designs and the
fairness of their own leadership. Consensus
on who should be in charge of the oil money is
difficult because the Sunni do not trust the Shia
to give them a fair deal and vice versa.
One practical solution is the creation of a
Citizen’s Bank that would be the depository for
all petroleum revenues. Every citizen in Iraqi
would have an account established solely by
birth. All of the net oil revenue would be divided
up by the number of citizens and deposited
directly into their individual accounts. The one
exception would be mothers with children.
Mothers would receive their children’s share
until they reach the age of majority to insure
the safety and well being of the most
vulnerable and needy citizens . The Iraqi
people can then decide to do with the oil
monies as they deem right and appropriate.
This is fair and provides for the growth of a
truly free and independent people, free and
empowered. The people of Iraqi would
welcome this simple solution and the
leadership of the various factions would have
to agree; equal rights could work.
Civil, peaceful and social integration is much
easier when the distrust of economic injustice
has been addressed and can no longer be
used as a motive to manipulate public opinion.
Justice proceeds peace and these times must
dictate events.
Economic Stability in Afghanistan: A
Practical Solution
Sustainable economic opportunity is essential
in Afghanistan to build political stability. The
largest current source of revenue for the
Afghan farmer is the cultivation of poppies for
heroin production. The illegal nature of poppy
production requires that the farmers pay for the
protection of various militias, war lords and
power brokers to ‘allow’ them to grow poppies.
The product is then sold to the same agents
that are protecting them from government
intervention. At the end of the day the farmer
gets very little but has no other practical option.
The solution is to replace poppy production
with industrial hemp production and have the
new government guarantee the price, market
and processing of the raw hemp. The farmer
would end up with more revenue from the legal
openly grown hemp than he currently does
from growing poppies. This eliminates a
problem crop and the illegal cash that it
generates and replaces it with a sustainable,
high value crop that can be used to create
energy, fiber, oils, medicines and many other
essential products. All of that with the added
benefit of freeing millions of farmers from
dependence on armed protection.
31 countries currently cultivate hemp for
industrial and medical use to provide for a
growing demand for this renewable resource
including Canada, China and France.
The case for Hemp is this, the short growing
period, hardiness and drought tolerance of
hemp, combined with the already existing
cultural knowledge and experience of the
Afghan farmers make the substitutional
process ‘Poppies for Hemp’ a plausible and
possible agricultural strategy with predictable
social, economic and political results,
prosperity and peace.
It is time to rethink the value of Hemp for the
same reason we suspended the Marijuana
Tax Act during World War II, we needed hemp
then to defend freedom and we could use it
again to establish economic sustainability for
some of the most vulnerable and freedom
loving people on the earth.
If our foreign policy is to win the minds and
hearts of an oppressed and distrustful people
try starting with and honest opportunity.
Interview with Time Donkey (crm)
ComPost: What is Home Grown Greens all
about?CRM: Home Grown Greens is a
business model to serve small, family farms,
market growers and agricultural communities.
We provide a reliable, predictable market for
small and diverse growers; we provide crop
production supplies, services, information,
training and financial support for home based
agriculture and production. At the end of the
day, Home Grown Greens is a brand, a brand
that means home grown, home made, to the
highest of standards by people who live where
they work and receive a fair, sustainable and
just reward for their labors. We aggregate the
production of many small growers and
distribute that produce directly to the end
users, family, folks, and restaurants as a
weekly share along the lines of a CSA model
or a weekly share scheme. The basic idea is to
provide the grower with 2/3 of the end price
and distribution gets 1/3 for the gathering,
boxing and delivery side. The distribution is
community supported and the network of
weekly customers is a strong foundation that is
easily expanded to include home made
products. Once we reach the point where we
are delivering 1000 boxes a week, at 25$ a
box, it is easier to see how the trusted
relationship can expand to include, eggs, meat,
processed organics, tools, plants, clothes, etc.
The key is the core CSA group, the
guaranteed, prepaid, faithful, understanding,
tolerant, supportive and receptive market. And,
finally, HGG is a model, a replicable model of
an alternative food production and distribution
system that is ecologically, environmentally
and economically more efficient than AgraBiz.
ComPost: That sounds like a lot. AgraBiz’s
main claim is that without their genetically
modified seed, chemical fertilizers and
giant distribution system, the world would
starve. Do you really think small gardeners
can compete?
CRM: AgraBiz does provide food for the world
but the people do not know the true cost of that
food nor the health risks it brings. The AgraBiz
distribution system requires huge amounts of
oil and energy, Oil for transportation, oil for
fertilizer, and massive amounts of energy for
refrigeration. The entire food system is
dependent upon cheap oil. In essence our
modern food distribution system makes us
vulnerable and at the mercy of unsustainable
supplies. As the price of oil goes up, so do food
costs. Unsustainable.
Secondly, the effect of modern AgraBiz has
been to pollute the water tables, contaminate
the food supply with deadly insecticides,
pesticides, fungicides, fertilizers, growth
hormones and genetic species that threaten to
destroy natural, open pollinated nature itself.
Add some of that up and it looks like we better
have another way of feeding ourselves before
it is too late.
On the production side, small is better, much
better and more efficient. The organic,
sustainable small garden is the most energy
efficient, productive, reliable way to grow.
When you factor in the benefits of working at
home, the quality of life and the financial
independence, then small and manageable
looks good.
During the Second World War, folks in their
backyards and in community victory gardens
grew most of the food eaten at home. It is only
in the last 50 years that the people have not
fed themselves, in the last 50 years the
population has moved the farms and small
communities and into cities where they work as
many jobs as they can and have neither the
time nor space to grow much of anything. We
call it industrialization, concentrating the people
in cities to provide workers for industry. Now,
the jobs are gone overseas and the people are
left without any way to survive, they are
trapped in the city. Other people grow their
food, bring it to them, prepare it, cook it, serve
it and then haul away the plastic containers it
all came in. The idea of moving many of those
city/suburban folks, as many as would want to
back to the farm where they can provide a
solid, sustainable life for themselves and their
families is attainable and provides a solution
for unemployment, health care, retirement
prospects and provides an alternate to welfare
and other entitlement programs by offering the
willing an independent business, life
opportunity. Home Grown Greens is a nation of
simple, humble folk who want to live, work and
prosper at home. Members are endowed
stewards of a timeless tradition, the touching of
the garden with their mind and being. Try it and
ComPost: Why should people want to farm?
CRM: To survive and to survive more
abundantly. The daily life of a gardener/farmer
is one of endless activities all done to
strengthen and prolong their own and their
loved one’s foundation and life. The cycles and
rejuvenating power of nature is on tap for those
who touch this calling with their minds, hearts
and bodies. Your daily movements,
spontaneous responses to new, popped up
problems or chores is like tai chi, an at
oneness with your own food chain with your
care. Only those who grow to live can access
the network of a living creation and open their
own portal to the mind of creation. It is a
transfiguring experience and a terrible
revelation to begin comprehending the how
and why of life and death, the mind/matter
connection between our thoughts and this all
powerful god can be indisputably
demonstrated, in this manner: go into your
garden at night and while there imagine that
you had a special pair of glasses that could
see the connections between the various forms
of life; and that each of these connections was
represented as a thin line of light. What would
you see, the first time you put on those
glasses? You would be blinded by the light;
there are literally millions of connections,
interactions and envivo biochemical reactions.
The connections are real and life on this planet
depends upon them. Modern, industrial city
based living cuts most of the population off
from the biocology humanity depends upon,
simply put, The Earth, the cradle of all life. The
long-term health benefits of a natural farm life
cannot be purchased or administered by a
doctor. The future of mankind is organic, living
things and how we can interact with them is the
highest of technologies, health and
rejuvenation, long and amazing lives all based
on a sustainable, natural way of dwelling and
living on this earth.
This is all working towards the mission of refarming, rediscovering and restoring the nation
to agricultural sustainability and the people
back to the garden where they can move
forward from a solid foundation. This is not a
going back to the old times, the new farm
model is smaller, smarter and focused on local
consumption of produce, greens, herbs, fruit,
grains, products and services and will make
use direct marketing and sales organizations
such as CSAs, COOPs and buying clubs. Each
of these little family farms is a name in the
book of gardens, the sum of which is like unto
the mythical Garden of Eden.
ComPost: What happened to the family
CRM: What happened to the family farm? The
family farm and the resulting, highly self
sufficient, sustainable system of food
production that we had in rural Americana, all
came from a source, namely, the farm Family.
So what happened to the farm family is the
answer to what happened to the family farm.
The farm families created all of family farms for
very good reasons, to first feed and shelter
themselves; then thru hard work and nature’s
bounty prosper. Every family’s goal was to
build a foundation for their children to continue.
The family unit was able to grow and provide a
decent living while feeding the ever expanding
urban, city dwellers. 80% of the grains and
products grown were grown to feed livestock.
Cattle, horses, pigs, chickens, sheep and
assorted other meat sources. The care and
feeding of all that livestock was a 24-hour a
day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year, without
any let up. It required an entire family just to
feed the stock. So at the beginning of the
Second World War, we had a sustainable food
production system that required on site living
… you had to be there to really know what I
mean. The clear unity of purpose was
necessary and what we did was not a job, it
was how we lived. There were few jobs. The
farm life was efficient because it allowed
everyone to contribute in their own category,
kids could help, older folks, everyone had a set
of chores to do, that is the way we lived. The
morality and ethic of working together was
imprinted before we learned to speak. The
sense of the earth is more easily recognized in
young children and when immersed in that
power and the ways of the cycles, as farm
children often are and I was, the bonding is for
life. This is how it works. My father would take
me out into the field while he worked, when he
plowed, I watched and he would plow. We had
a Farmall M that pulled a 3-14 plow thru the
blackest clay loam you ever saw. The smell of
it is the smell of anything possible, full of
earthworms, bugs, centipedes and little critters
of diverse descriptions. My dad would come
over, bend down and start to breakup and dig
around in the tilth, commenting on this and
that, show me how the seed sprouts, how
many days and how the earth was really made
up of lots of living things all working together.
The basis of all faiths is in the seed and the
surety of life on the grow.
The family farm was the center of life, food,
shelter, income, retirement home, home to
cousin’s who had gotten in trouble, sustenance
and meaning for old bachelors and old maids.
It was all that and more. Farm life used to be
the one thing open to anyone, no matter how
poor; and there were a lot of poor folk farming
as share croppers or renters. You see there is
a great difference between those that own their
land and those that work the land for the
landlord. The typical deal was 50/50, the
farmer does all the work, pays for the
equipment and other improvements. The cost
of seed and stock was split and at the end of
the year the share cropper and the land owner
would split-up any profit, 50/50. 50% of the net
profit from a 160 acre farm, in Iowa, was
enough to support a family but not much more.
When the AgraBiz attack began the first to fall
were the sharecroppers who did not have the
capital to buy new and bigger machinery and
more land to take advantage of new
technology. The Haves and the Have Nots.
The source of poverty is injustice, inequality of
land ownership. This Injustice has created two
classes, the haves and the have nots. All of
human history is a saga of how far the haves
will go to maintain their advantage of power
and land control. Slavery, indentured servitude
and in our day and age, a job are the tools that
wealth has used to stay listed in the whos who
of importance and power.
ComPost: What is wealth?
CRM: Wealth is the accumulation of resources
and is the root cause of poverty. For wealth to
accumulate it must come from somewhere and
the “somewhere” it comes from is the people. It
is the labor of the people that is gathered,
deposited and used to induce others to work
for tokens. The plan works because the people
do not have any way of surviving unless they
are part of the token based economic system.
That is about to change. Wealth should be
looked at like compost, it does no good sitting
around. When wealth is released it becomes
prosperity and generates real increase.
Definition: Hard seed, (1) seed that does not
germinate under normal circumstances
(2) seed that only germinates under unusual
conditions such as earthquake, flood, fire or
extreme weather conditions.
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