Year Seven Homeworks

Year Seven Homework
Romans: Due the last lesson before December 15, 2008
In this homework, you must try to answer the question, ‘How would you feel if you
were invaded by the Romans?’ Imagine you are a child living in England prior to the
Roman invasion. The Romans invade England when you are young and you live
through a lot of the changes that they bring with them. You have to decide if life was
better or worse after the Roman invasion and create a diary entry about these changes.
This diary entry must explain the feelings/sentiments you think someone living in
England at that time would feel. Remember to talk about all the developments the
Romans brought with them. Here are some examples you can use:
- Development of sewers
- Development of Roman villas, baths, roads, etc
- The manner in which they conquered areas
- The entertainment they brought
- Enslaving of the locals
This diary must have at least five entries and cover a time period of at least five years.
Battle of Hastings: Due
In this homework, you need to answer ‘How was the Battle of Hastings viewed by
either side?’ You need to study the events of the Battle of Hastings and then decide if
you will be an Anglo-Saxon or Norman reporter. Once you decide this you must
create a script of a newsreel about the events leading up to and including the Battle of
Hastings. You must give a biased view of the events to match the side you are
If Anglo Saxon, you must consider these events:
The death of Edward
The different claimants to the throne – disregard Harrald Hardrada and
William of Normandy’s claims and promote Harold Godwinson’s claim
The Battle of Stanford Bridge
The Battle of Hastings and Harold’s death
If Norman, you must consider:
The death of Edward
The Different claimants to the throne – disregard Harrald Hardrada and Harold
Godwinson’s claims and promote William of Normandy’s claim
The preparation for battle
The Battle of Hastings and William’s tactics to victory.
THINK: How would these events be viewed by a Norman or Anglo-Saxon?
The newsreel must be written like a script and include interviews with characters
who would have been around at that time - for example, Edward, soldiers, the
different claimants to the throne, etc. Students must report on the emotions that
would have been felt by those they interview and the general public.
William gaining control: Due
In this homework you are to answer the question, ‘How did life in Britain change
after William’s invasion?’ You can choose to be either a peasant, noble or knight
at the time of William’s invasion. You must then write a series of diary entries
about the changes William has made to life in Britain, how it has personally
affected you and how you feel about these changes. Changes that were made by
William which you need to consider in your response are:
- the feudal system
- foreign barons
- new castles being built
- Domesday book
- changes to the church
- etc
There must be at least 6 diary entries covering a time period of at least five years,
the first year being 1067.
In this homework you are to create a castle for William of Normandy. You are
trying to become William’s official castle architect. You must create a castle
which has good defences and means of attacking as well as provide a secure area
for the people who live around the castle to hide. It must also have the living
quarters, chapel and stables that castles normally have. You must research what
castles included in them as well as their attacking and defending methods.
Finally, you need to make a model of this castle, but remember it must be able to
fit through the door of the classroom! You can use anything to hand to make this
castle – including loo role! You will then have to give a presentation about your
castle and try to convince William that you should be his official Castle architect.
You may use any means to do your presentation, including PowerPoint.
Thomas Beckett: Due
In this homework you are to answer the question, ‘How did the death of Thomas
Beckett affect how people felt about the church and the monarchy?’ You are to create
a story about a person who was a strong supporter of the church who was strongly
affected by Thomas Beckett’s death. The story must be based on facts and include
information about how he/she felt about the Church before Beckett’s death and also
when Beckett died. You need to consider these questions when writing your story.
What role did the Church have in his/her everyday life?
How would he/she feel on hearing about Beckett’s death?
Would he/she have doubts about the Church after hearing about his death?
Would he/she be unsure about Henry II and his running of the country?
Would he/she be worried about what was going to happen to the country now?
Would he/she understand why Beckett had died?
Would he/she forgive Henry II?
Would he/she talk to those around her?
Do you think his/her feelings would be felt by others as well?
What would he/she want to happen after Beckett’s death?
King John: Due
In this homework you need to answer the question, ‘What is the truth about the
legend, Robin Hood?’ You must create an A4 booklet about the life of Robin Hood.
You need to consider the following questions when creating your booklet.
- Why is he famous?
- What is he supposed to have done?
- What is his life history?
- Was he a real person?
- Why do people like to learn about him?
You can include any other information you may find about him and pictures are more
than welcome.
Medieval World: Due
In this homework you need to answer the question, ‘Was this a good time to be
alive?’ You must create a paper answering this question. It should be at least 2 sides
of A4 paper. You need to research certain aspects of medieval life and then decide if
it was a good time to be alive or not. Use evidence to support your point of view.
Some aspects of medieval life that you may want to consider in your response are:
- The Black Death
- The work guilds
- Town life
- Village life
- The Peasants’ Revolt
- The building of monasteries
- Etc