Humanities – Significant events of the past – The Battle of Hastings 1066 and life in a medieval castle. To use common words and phrases relating to the passing of time. To ask and answer questions, choosing and using parts of stories and others sources to show that they know and understand key features of events. To find out about the Battle of Hastings and its place in our history. To find out what life was like in a Medieval Castle. Art Literacy Non-chronological reportsDragons. Extended story by a significant author. To create a textile project. To look at different styles of textile art. To further develop their observational skills. French History of France/castles Role Play Castle Numeracy Calculating, measuring and understanding shape Securing number facts, relationships and calculating Science Forces – To know that ICTWe are time travellers: Animating History 1. to the Battle of Hastings. – Linked e-safety – how to stay safe when using the internet. P.E. (Tuesday, Thursday and Friday) Athletics: To learn skills in running, jumping, throwing and catching. To take part in competitive sport activities. To be physically active for a sustain period of time. R.E. Awe and Wonder – the Season of Summer Special buildings. The Battle of Hastings and Life in a Medieval Castle Spring 2, 2015 Year 2 Music: Reflect, Rewind and Replay Study of a famous Composer: Mozart D.T Textiles – linked to art. Cooking and Nutrition: To explore Medieval food and drink. To cook a range of different foods using produce from the school garden. To learn about health and hygiene in the kitchen. Sometimes pushes and pulls change the shapes of objects Pushes or pulls can make things speed up or slow down or change direction. Pushes and pulls are examples of forces. To ask questions and decide how they might find answers to them. To use simple scientific language to communicate ideas and describe phenomena. PSHME: SEAL: Changes Emotional Health and Well-being Team building & social skills