Child & Adolescent Development Educational Foundations 235-005 Fall 2011 University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh Day/time/location: Mondays 5:15-8:15 pm Clow 243 Instructor: Deborah Bartelt E-mail: Phone: 920-232-1558 Office hours: by appointment Course description: This course is an introduction to the field of infant, child, and adolescent development. The course will focus on core theories of physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development. The class meetings consist of lectures, discussions, and a variety of learning activities. Required reading: Infants, Children, and Adolescents 7th Edition. By Laura E. Beck September 12: September 19: September 26: October 3: October 10: October 17: October 24: October 31: November 7: November 14: November 21: November 28: December 5: December 12: Introduction and Syllabus Chapter 1 Thinking like a developmental psychologist/Library TBD Library/ Chapter 2 Chapter 3 - Birth and Newborn /Visiting speaker Chapter 4-5- Physical Development in Infancy Chapter 6 –Toddlers Chapter 7/8 – Children, cognitive development Chapter 9 – Children Parent/child, cognitive development Chapter 10- I-self and me-self Chapter 11- Developmental issues in school Chapter 12-13 Children attention-deficit hyperactivity/ school age Chapter 14- Adolescents/ Speak Presentations Chapters 15-17 Adolescents/ Speak Presentations/ Review for Final Final Weekly Chapter Responses: A one paragraph review of the details of the reading each week. You will receive 10 points per week per group for the reflection response. Reflections on what was the chapter about? Why is this information meaningful to me? What theories previously studied may apply to information given? What do you agree or disagree with in this chapter? (total point value: 10 points per reflection = 100 pts total toward the final grade) This allows you a couple possible weeks without handing in the reflections but you must keep track of how many you handed in. Individual or Group observations: Students with a partner or individually will present a child observation. The purpose of this assignment is for you to begin to see how the issues, theories, and research we talk about in class relate to real-world issues in developmental psychology. The interaction should be about 45-60 minutes or several brief (10 mins). If you need help finding a child to observe, please contact the instructor early. (Total point value for this presentation/paper will be 200 points) You will be assigned a week which relates to your child and the chapter we are studying that week. An infant with a rattle A toddler telling a story to his/her parent. Children on the playground A child and adult reading a book together A child exploring a museum exhibit A child in a grocery store with a parent You will be required to write a report of your findings. The paper is due the day you present in the class. Your paper should incorporate ideas and theories covered in class and /or the textbook. Be sure to include the following information: a. Breif (one paragraph) description of the event. Who was involved in the interaction? Be sure to include the approximate age of the child. What happened? Where and when did it take place? What did the child do and say? b. What aspects of the child’s development does this interaction illustrate? What does this child’s behavior tell you about his/her development? Remember to incorporate ideas from the text and from the class. c. Relate your observation to at least one theory in developmental psychology. For example compare your observation to Bronfenbrenner’s theory, Chomsky’s theory, Erickson’s, Freud’s theory, Kohlberg’s theory, Piaget’s theory, or Vygotsky’s theory. This should be the focus of the paper. d. How was this child’s behavior different from that of a slightly younger child? How was this child’s behavior different from that of a slightly older child? Speak can be done in a group or individually. This book reflection about an adolescent will be used during the chapters on adolescents. I will divide the groups or individuals into theory groups. The theory groups will include in their paper the correlation of Speak with that theory. We will be having a class discussion with each group speaking about their theory and the book. Describe what part of the book correlates with your theory and why. (Total value of this presentation/paper will be 200 points) Grades: Point system: The class is on a point system. Each activity, project or test is worth a certain number of points. Weekly observations- 10 observation per semester=100 points Group observations - 200 points Speak presentation - 200 points Class presents and participation, attendance- 100 points Quizzes - 50 points each (2) Final – 100 points Course Grading Scale A = 752-800 points 94%-100% A-= 736-751points 92%-93.9% B+= 720-735 points 90%-91.9% B = 672-719points 84%-89% B- = 656-671 points 82%-83.9% C+= 640-655 points 80%-81.9% C = 592-639 points 74%-79.8% C- = 576-591 points 72% - 73.9% D /F not a good choice