HGD Homework (Reading Quiz) Ch 9

HGD HW Ch 9 2013
Complete each statement using the word bank and submit on canvas.
1. According to Erik Erikson’s theory, the primary crisis that faces adolescents is ________.
2. The self-absorption that marks the teenage search for identity is referred to as adolescent _______.
3. The portion of one’s self that focuses on heritage and group culture is referred to as one’s _____
4. ________ tends to become more differentiated as children become adolescents, and develop the
ability to evaluate themselves in many different domains.
5. Adolescent males tend to describe their first sexual partner as ________.
6. Adolescent females tend to describe their first sexual partner as ________.
7. HIV, or human ________ virus, is the culprit that leads to acquired ________ syndrome, or AIDS.
*Hint: Both blanks have the same answer
8. ________ is a sexually transmitted disease that is caused by bacteria, and causes a chancre at the site
of the infection. Around 4,000 cases are reported in 15- to 24-year olds annually in the United States.
9. ________, the second phase of Donald Super’s theory of career development, involves learning
more about specific lines of work and beginning training for those occupations.
10. The phase of Donald Super’s theory of career development that would most likely be seen as a
person leaves college in their twenties is ________.
11. According to ________, there are six different career personality types, and people will be happiest
and most productive when their own personality matches the job that they do.
12. Edward is a construction worker. He likes the back-breaking work that he does, enjoys working up a
good sweat, and loves working with his hands. According to the personality-type theory of career
development, Edward has a(n) ________ personality type.
13. According to Holland, a person who likes applying their verbal or quantitative skills to structured,
well-defined tasks that have been assigned to them as a(n) ________ personality type.
14. According to your textbook, adolescents who work more than ____ to ____ hours a week during the
school year have a greater chance of struggling with depression, anxiety, or low self-esteem.
15. Approximately one-third of adolescents experiment with ________ during their teenage years.
16. An individual with irrational and pervasive feelings of sadness is said to be suffering from
17. Some adolescents may feel depressed because they have lower levels of certain ________, and as a
result find it difficult to experience joy, happiness, and other pleasurable emotions.
18. Adolescent-________ antisocial behavior refers to relatively minor criminal acts that are carried out
by teenagers who are not considered to be antisocial themselves.
19. Marvin started by stealing toys and candy from his classmates’ backpacks when he was 7. When he
was 13 he stole a car to go for a joy ride. When he was 17 he was found guilty of setting fire to the
school he attended because he was angry about being given detention by the principal. Marvin is
demonstrating ________ persistent antisocial behavior.
20. In 2004, after a 17-year-old adolescent was sentenced to death in the United States, the American
Psychological Association filed an “amicus curae,” or ________, brief objecting to this outcome.
Word Bank
15; 20
a casual date
cigarette smoking
friend of the court
identity vs. role confusion
John Holland
someone they love