Media and Adolescents Theories of media influence Uses of media in adolescence Media and adolescent socialization Possible negative effects. Examples… • • • • TV and aggressiveness TV depictions of sex, gender roles, etc. Internet and computer games Advertising Effects of media on adolescents are profound The typical American adolescent: Music -- 4 hours/day TV -- 2 hours/day 87% are online (Other influences: movies, magazines, ?) Tracing those effects is complex Theories of Media Influence • Cultivation Theory – e.g., watching TV gradually shapes (cultivates) a person’s worldview so it becomes like the worldview depicted on TV • Social Learning Theory – people are more likely to imitate behavior they see frequently modeled [in the media] when that behavior is rewarded Theories of Media Influence • Uses and Gratification A’s not seen as passive recipients of media Instead, people (including A’s) are active media consumers • What sort of uses do A’s have in mind when they listen to a CD, etc? • What satisfactions do they get from the media they choose? Uses of Media Student presentation and class homework regarding room media 1.Entertainment 2. Identity Formation 3. High Sensation 4. Coping (e.g., “It helps me relax and de-stress”) 5. Youth Culture Identification The Media Practice Model Identity motivates choice of media products Apply and incorporate the content into identity Interpretation and evaluation of the media products Music and Adolescents Music everywhere (e.g, MTV, MP3, IPods, etc.). 4 hrs/day – impact? Why so profoundly important to A’s? Homework on “adolescent music” – also, have your preferences changed since you were an adolescent? How and why? The Web…. Internet Benefits ??? Internet Drawbacks ??? Promote social isolation (displacement effect) Media and Aggressiveness 1960-1990 saw a rise in both violent crime and violent television programming Most of the research on the issue is correlational, which leaves the question… Does watching violence on TV cause adolescents to become more aggressive, or are adolescents who are more aggressive simply more likely to enjoy watching violence on TV?